GOP leader says former Miss America "street walker" and "love child"

So: A very minor party official in a county with only 30K people is now a "GOP leader".

Is he "our guy" now, Derp?

And if this idiot's views are so prevalent in the GOP, explain this from your link:

"Today, I accepted the resignation of Jim Allen as Montgomery County chairman. These types of offensive and inappropriate remarks have no place in our Republican Party," said Jack Dorgan, chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, in a statement posted on the state GOP's Facebook page.​
Let me guess: Dorgan is lying and secretly agrees with Allen.

Because you're exactly stupid enough to claim that.

How many people live in Wasilla Alaska?

Dave always finds a weasel way out as if instead of 30k it would only matter if it was 31k or more. Notice he doesn't condemn what the guy said, he hold his ire for The important stuff like internet posters and Polls
Who the fuck is Jim Allen?

Cause us cons are TOO Dim to click on the LINK provided?

Cause you Obamunists are too fucking stupid to grasp that he is no one - a district canvasing board chairman from a backwater in Illinois.

But demagogues like Rdean claim he is THE national leader and spokesman for the GOP.

Your shit gets old, Herr Goebbels.

Jim Allen is "no one" -- and yet the Tsarnaev brothers, by a random act of violence, become the official spokesmen for all Muslims.

Funny how that works, shifting logical gears. Check your transmission fluid-- it's grinding. You might have a leak. I'd guess you've blown a seal, but we shouldn't talk about your sex life here.
Last edited:
So: A very minor party official in a county with only 30K people is now a "GOP leader".

Is he "our guy" now, Derp?

And if this idiot's views are so prevalent in the GOP, explain this from your link:

"Today, I accepted the resignation of Jim Allen as Montgomery County chairman. These types of offensive and inappropriate remarks have no place in our Republican Party," said Jack Dorgan, chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, in a statement posted on the state GOP's Facebook page.​
Let me guess: Dorgan is lying and secretly agrees with Allen.

Because you're exactly stupid enough to claim that.

How many people live in Wasilla Alaska?

Dave always finds a weasel way out as if instead of 30k it would only matter if it was 31k or more. Notice he doesn't condemn what the guy said, he hold his ire for The important stuff like internet posters and Polls

have you been to Alaska? and what the hell does that have to do with this thread?
So: A very minor party official in a county with only 30K people is now a "GOP leader".

Is he "our guy" now, Derp?

And if this idiot's views are so prevalent in the GOP, explain this from your link:

"Today, I accepted the resignation of Jim Allen as Montgomery County chairman. These types of offensive and inappropriate remarks have no place in our Republican Party," said Jack Dorgan, chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, in a statement posted on the state GOP's Facebook page.​
Let me guess: Dorgan is lying and secretly agrees with Allen.

Because you're exactly stupid enough to claim that.

How many people live in Wasilla Alaska?

Dave always finds a weasel way out as if instead of 30k it would only matter if it was 31k or more. Notice he doesn't condemn what the guy said, he hold his ire for The important stuff like internet posters and Polls
I said the idiot was a racist, you flaming retard.

Are you stupid, a congenital liar, or both?

Meanwhile, if you and Derp want to wallow in your ridiculous fantasy that this bozo is a national GOP leader, go right ahead. I don't mind if you want to look like a moron...and apparently, neither do you.
Who the fuck is Jim Allen?


Rdean and the leftists lie again....

Jim Allen is a deeply racist Illinois Republican Party official who character assassinated a negro. Based on this, we are supposed to believe all Republicans are racists.

You know how bigots will use the example of a Muslim blowing himself up and extrapolate that ferocity to all Muslims?

How does it feel when that kind of confirmation bias is turned on Republicans?

Not very pleasant, is it.
well thats what Dean wants you to believe......because in his guy says it and ALL Republicans believe it......but yet if a Democrat says something stupid and a righty said its the way ALL Democrats are.....Dean would then give us his mantra about Democrats are so diversified the Republicans are 90% know the drill....hell he must have said it at least once in every thread he starts.....
GOP leader steps down after rant on ex-Miss America

Jim Allen referred to Erika Harold, a lawyer and former Miss America, as a "street walker" and "love child" in an e-mail with racial overtones to the conservative website, Republican News Watch.

Allen had predicted that Davis would defeat Harold, saying she would end up "working for some law firm that needs to meet their quota for minority hires."
Honestly, I don't understand the big deal. This is the Republican Party. They are caught up in these endless racial scandals. Remember, they started the IRS scandal by targeting the NAACP. This passed election, they told us they were targeting African Americans for voter suppression. Read what USMB Republicans say about Obama's wife, children, aunt and half brother. Look at what they say about Trayvon Martin. They can't keep saying it's only a few radicals. Then they point back a hundred years ago or more before the party gained all those conservatives in the middle 60's to pretend they aren't racist in a very lame attempt to take credit for ending slavery.

Stand up and be proud of who you are. Be "real". You are who you are. If you are proud in private, but proud in public.

Oh Rdean...All those racial incidents are just a coincidence. Every single one of them just so happen to come from Repubs. Patterns mean nothing
Reality says you're full of crap.

Left-Wing Knockouts: When Democrats Get Racist | Complex
QUOTE: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy... I mean, that's a storybook, man." [To the New York Observer in February 2007]

DEMOCRAT: Rod Blagojevich
QUOTE: "This guy, he was catapulted in on hope and change, what we hope the guy is. What the fuck? Everything he's saying's on the teleprompter. I'm blacker than Barack Obama. I shined shoes. I grew up in a five-room apartment. My father had a little laundromat in a black community not far from where we lived. I saw it all growing up." [To Esquire in their new issue]

DEMOCRAT: Rev. Al Sharpton
QUOTE: "White folks was in caves while we was building empires... We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it." [In a 1994 speech at Kean College]

DEMOCRAT: Bill Clinton
QUOTE: "A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee..." [Allegedly said to Ted Kennedy during the 2008 campaign]

DEMOCRAT: Diane Watson (State Senator, CA)
QUOTE: "He's married to a white woman. He wants to be white. He wants a colorless society. He has no ethnic pride. He doesn't want to be black." [Said about black conservative Ward Connerly in 1996]

DEMOCRAT: Harry Truman
QUOTE: "I think one man is just as good as another so long as he's not a n*gger or a Chinaman. Uncle Will says that the Lord made a White man from dust, a n*gger from mud, then He threw up what was left and it came down a Chinaman. He does hate Chinese and Japs. So do I. It is race prejudice, I guess. But I am strongly of the opinion Negroes ought to be in Africa, Yellow men in Asia and White men in Europe and America." [In a letter to his wife in 1911]

DEMOCRAT: Gealdine Ferraro
QUOTE: "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman of any color, he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept." [To the Torrance Daily Breeze in March 2008]

DEMOCRAT: Hillary Clinton
QUOTE: "You fucking Jew Bastard." [Allegedly said to Bill Clinton's campaign manager Paul Fray the night Clinton lost the 1974 Arkansas congressional election ]​

But that's okay. You just keep pretending there's no such think as Democrat racism. I'd hate for you to melt down because you started to question your programming.
Unsurprisingly, CC is hard at work pretending this post doesn't exist. :rofl:
GOP leader steps down after rant on ex-Miss America

Jim Allen referred to Erika Harold, a lawyer and former Miss America, as a "street walker" and "love child" in an e-mail with racial overtones to the conservative website, Republican News Watch.

Allen had predicted that Davis would defeat Harold, saying she would end up "working for some law firm that needs to meet their quota for minority hires."
Honestly, I don't understand the big deal. This is the Republican Party. They are caught up in these endless racial scandals. Remember, they started the IRS scandal by targeting the NAACP. This passed election, they told us they were targeting African Americans for voter suppression. Read what USMB Republicans say about Obama's wife, children, aunt and half brother. Look at what they say about Trayvon Martin. They can't keep saying it's only a few radicals. Then they point back a hundred years ago or more before the party gained all those conservatives in the middle 60's to pretend they aren't racist in a very lame attempt to take credit for ending slavery.

Stand up and be proud of who you are. Be "real". You are who you are. If you are proud in private, but proud in public.

Oh Rdean...All those racial incidents are just a coincidence. Every single one of them just so happen to come from Repubs. Patterns mean nothing

so CC a question for ya.....are ALL Republicans bigots?......
So: A very minor party official in a county with only 30K people is now a "GOP leader".

Is he "our guy" now, Derp?

And if this idiot's views are so prevalent in the GOP, explain this from your link:

"Today, I accepted the resignation of Jim Allen as Montgomery County chairman. These types of offensive and inappropriate remarks have no place in our Republican Party," said Jack Dorgan, chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, in a statement posted on the state GOP's Facebook page.​
Let me guess: Dorgan is lying and secretly agrees with Allen.

Because you're exactly stupid enough to claim that.

How many people live in Wasilla Alaska?

Dave always finds a weasel way out as if instead of 30k it would only matter if it was 31k or more. Notice he doesn't condemn what the guy said, he hold his ire for The important stuff like internet posters and Polls

have you been to Alaska? and what the hell does that have to do with this thread?

Yes. Dave says the population is important. I dunno why...but Wasilla has way less people and she was a leader in the GOP
So: A very minor party official in a county with only 30K people is now a "GOP leader".

Is he "our guy" now, Derp?

And if this idiot's views are so prevalent in the GOP, explain this from your link:

"Today, I accepted the resignation of Jim Allen as Montgomery County chairman. These types of offensive and inappropriate remarks have no place in our Republican Party," said Jack Dorgan, chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, in a statement posted on the state GOP's Facebook page.​
Let me guess: Dorgan is lying and secretly agrees with Allen.

Because you're exactly stupid enough to claim that.

How many people live in Wasilla Alaska?

Dave always finds a weasel way out as if instead of 30k it would only matter if it was 31k or more. Notice he doesn't condemn what the guy said, he hold his ire for The important stuff like internet posters and Polls
I said the idiot was a racist, you flaming retard.

Are you stupid, a congenital liar, or both?

Meanwhile, if you and Derp want to wallow in your ridiculous fantasy that this bozo is a national GOP leader, go right ahead. I don't mind if you want to look like a moron...and apparently, neither do you.

And I said How many people live in Wasilla?
GOP leader steps down after rant on ex-Miss America

Jim Allen referred to Erika Harold, a lawyer and former Miss America, as a "street walker" and "love child" in an e-mail with racial overtones to the conservative website, Republican News Watch.

Allen had predicted that Davis would defeat Harold, saying she would end up "working for some law firm that needs to meet their quota for minority hires."
Honestly, I don't understand the big deal. This is the Republican Party. They are caught up in these endless racial scandals. Remember, they started the IRS scandal by targeting the NAACP. This passed election, they told us they were targeting African Americans for voter suppression. Read what USMB Republicans say about Obama's wife, children, aunt and half brother. Look at what they say about Trayvon Martin. They can't keep saying it's only a few radicals. Then they point back a hundred years ago or more before the party gained all those conservatives in the middle 60's to pretend they aren't racist in a very lame attempt to take credit for ending slavery.

Stand up and be proud of who you are. Be "real". You are who you are. If you are proud in private, but proud in public.

Oh Rdean...All those racial incidents are just a coincidence. Every single one of them just so happen to come from Repubs. Patterns mean nothing

so CC a question for ya.....are ALL Republicans bigots?......

Yeah, now how does it feel?
Jim Allen is "no one" -- and yet the Tsarnaev brothers, by a random act of violence, become the official spokesmen for all Muslims.

I've advised before that you should huff less spray paint.

You never listen to advice...
How many people live in Wasilla Alaska?

Dave always finds a weasel way out as if instead of 30k it would only matter if it was 31k or more. Notice he doesn't condemn what the guy said, he hold his ire for The important stuff like internet posters and Polls

have you been to Alaska? and what the hell does that have to do with this thread?

Yes. Dave says the population is important. I dunno why...but Wasilla has way less people and she was a leader in the GOP
And if she hadn't been governor and a VP candidate, people would have said "Sarah who?"

So, how's the fantasy that this racist bozo is a GOP leader working out for you? Not too good, looks like.

How many people live in Wasilla Alaska?

Dave always finds a weasel way out as if instead of 30k it would only matter if it was 31k or more. Notice he doesn't condemn what the guy said, he hold his ire for The important stuff like internet posters and Polls
I said the idiot was a racist, you flaming retard.

Are you stupid, a congenital liar, or both?

Meanwhile, if you and Derp want to wallow in your ridiculous fantasy that this bozo is a national GOP leader, go right ahead. I don't mind if you want to look like a moron...and apparently, neither do you.

And I said How many people live in Wasilla?
You're really desperate, aren't you?

GOP leader steps down after rant on ex-Miss America

Jim Allen referred to Erika Harold, a lawyer and former Miss America, as a "street walker" and "love child" in an e-mail with racial overtones to the conservative website, Republican News Watch.

Allen had predicted that Davis would defeat Harold, saying she would end up "working for some law firm that needs to meet their quota for minority hires."
Honestly, I don't understand the big deal. This is the Republican Party. They are caught up in these endless racial scandals. Remember, they started the IRS scandal by targeting the NAACP. This passed election, they told us they were targeting African Americans for voter suppression. Read what USMB Republicans say about Obama's wife, children, aunt and half brother. Look at what they say about Trayvon Martin. They can't keep saying it's only a few radicals. Then they point back a hundred years ago or more before the party gained all those conservatives in the middle 60's to pretend they aren't racist in a very lame attempt to take credit for ending slavery.

Stand up and be proud of who you are. Be "real". You are who you are. If you are proud in private, but proud in public.

A county chairman from Illinois is a GOP leader now?
I said the idiot was a racist, you flaming retard.

Are you stupid, a congenital liar, or both?

Meanwhile, if you and Derp want to wallow in your ridiculous fantasy that this bozo is a national GOP leader, go right ahead. I don't mind if you want to look like a moron...and apparently, neither do you.

And I said How many people live in Wasilla?
You're really desperate, aren't you?


You brought up population so How many live in Wasilla Deflector?
Oh Rdean...All those racial incidents are just a coincidence. Every single one of them just so happen to come from Repubs. Patterns mean nothing
Reality says you're full of crap.

Left-Wing Knockouts: When Democrats Get Racist | Complex
QUOTE: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy... I mean, that's a storybook, man." [To the New York Observer in February 2007]

DEMOCRAT: Rod Blagojevich
QUOTE: "This guy, he was catapulted in on hope and change, what we hope the guy is. What the fuck? Everything he's saying's on the teleprompter. I'm blacker than Barack Obama. I shined shoes. I grew up in a five-room apartment. My father had a little laundromat in a black community not far from where we lived. I saw it all growing up." [To Esquire in their new issue]

DEMOCRAT: Rev. Al Sharpton
QUOTE: "White folks was in caves while we was building empires... We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it." [In a 1994 speech at Kean College]

DEMOCRAT: Bill Clinton
QUOTE: "A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee..." [Allegedly said to Ted Kennedy during the 2008 campaign]

DEMOCRAT: Diane Watson (State Senator, CA)
QUOTE: "He's married to a white woman. He wants to be white. He wants a colorless society. He has no ethnic pride. He doesn't want to be black." [Said about black conservative Ward Connerly in 1996]

DEMOCRAT: Harry Truman
QUOTE: "I think one man is just as good as another so long as he's not a n*gger or a Chinaman. Uncle Will says that the Lord made a White man from dust, a n*gger from mud, then He threw up what was left and it came down a Chinaman. He does hate Chinese and Japs. So do I. It is race prejudice, I guess. But I am strongly of the opinion Negroes ought to be in Africa, Yellow men in Asia and White men in Europe and America." [In a letter to his wife in 1911]

DEMOCRAT: Gealdine Ferraro
QUOTE: "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman of any color, he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept." [To the Torrance Daily Breeze in March 2008]

DEMOCRAT: Hillary Clinton
QUOTE: "You fucking Jew Bastard." [Allegedly said to Bill Clinton's campaign manager Paul Fray the night Clinton lost the 1974 Arkansas congressional election ]​

But that's okay. You just keep pretending there's no such think as Democrat racism. I'd hate for you to melt down because you started to question your programming.
Unsurprisingly, CC is hard at work pretending this post doesn't exist. :rofl:
Man, CC is a chickenshit progressive...pardon the redundancy.


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