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GOP leaders to skip Selma event

Republicans de facto boycotted this 50 year celebration because they believe this is the way to knock down that 90+percent support that Democrats get from black voters.

That is how brilliant the GOP'ers are.

90% of 15% of the population.

Go ahead and keep them.
Is this relevant to today? Who cares? Blacks cling to the past and won't let the past go. Blacks can't get past racism. Other groups like South Americans , Asians or Europeans (Italians Irish Poles or whatever) got over this years ago. What is the hang-up, African Americans?
Everything the Dems do is designed to increase racial tensions. I would avoid it, too, because people will get nasty if they see non-liberals there. I'm sure race-baiter supreme, Al Sharpton, will be on hand to incite some anger.

Obama couldn't even join an international march against terrorism. Don't bother trying to pick on people for this one.

We all know that Dems voted against equal rights for minorities and all the spinning in the world won't change history. Look it up and then shut up about old Dems being today's Repubs. It isn't true and never will be.

To this day, Dems like to keep blacks in check by luring them under their wing for a permanent life of dependency and pretending to protect them from the achievers. All they have to do is vote for you so you can take power from the people and give it to government. What liberals offer people is the opposite of true freedom, so nothing has changed with Dems. They like people dependent, ignorant and angry and they are damn good at making them that way.

If you respect people, you don't tell them that they cannot succeed without your help in subsidizing them and lowering standards because they are hapless victims who are entitled to reparations. You do that with people you want to control and that is exactly what far left pukes seek to do.

Black people all across America should all be very thankful to have so many white people around, like you, to look out for their interests.
Is this relevant to today? Who cares? Blacks cling to the past and won't let the past go. Blacks can't get past racism. Other groups like South Americans , Asians or Europeans (Italians Irish Poles or whatever) got over this years ago. What is the hang-up, African Americans?

The simple version of history for people who just don't give a shit about history.
Republicans de facto boycotted this 50 year celebration because they believe this is the way to knock down that 90+percent support that Democrats get from black voters.

That is how brilliant the GOP'ers are.

90% of 15% of the population.

Go ahead and keep them.

You should be arguing with your RWnut pals who keep insisting that this year is the year that magically black America votes GOP.

Oh and btw, since you're not an American, what the fuck business is it of yours?
Republicans de facto boycotted this 50 year celebration because they believe this is the way to knock down that 90+percent support that Democrats get from black voters.

That is how brilliant the GOP'ers are.

90% of 15% of the population.

Go ahead and keep them.

You should be arguing with your RWnut pals who keep insisting that this year is the year that magically black America votes GOP.

Oh and btw, since you're not an American, what the fuck business is it of yours?

So um......if I'm not "American" what am I?
In 1961, the population of Dallas County was 57% black, but of the 15,000 blacks old enough to vote, only 130 were registered (fewer than 1%).
The Dems knew that if they could vote their raciest party was doomed.

Conservatives blocked the vote. Still do

Use the correct party who did it - Democrats.
You just refuse to see that Democrats were as racist then as they are now.
Who is the party today who refuse to give poor black children the right to chose a better school ? Dems
Why are you deflecting to Democrats/Republicans when he is talking about Conservatives/Liberals?

Why won't you recognize that it was Southern State Dems who had those racist segregation rules?
I'm not concerned with the changing labels of Democrat and Republican.

Stick with the labels that do not change: Conservative and Liberal.

The Majority of the House and Senate were Conservative and Moderate in the 1960's
The Liberals were a small minority. They took over the Democrat party in the early 1970's.
The country is more divided now
It's not divided among the non-racists who are fine with a Black president.

Meaning you'd vote for Condi.
If she was a Liberal? In a heartbeat.

Ahhhh, so it must be the right "kind" of Black, thank you.
No, it must be the right kind of politician. I don't vote for conservatives, who are against my best interests.

Stop acting stupid.
The country is more divided now
It's not divided among the non-racists who are fine with a Black president.

Meaning you'd vote for Condi.
If she was a Liberal? In a heartbeat.

Ahhhh, so it must be the right "kind" of Black, thank you.
No, it must be the right kind of politician. I don't vote for conservatives, who are against my best interests.

Stop acting stupid.

So you only vote for people who promise to give you free shit.....got it.
The "lost history of the civil-rights movement". Sometimes you have to go to a foreign country to get the story our MSM refuse to disclose to you know-nothing dimocrats 60 years later.

Some Of The Lost History In The Civil Rights Movement

In the mad dash to vilify the Republicans and Conservatives today many have forgotten the fact that it was the Republican Party that was the champion of Civil Rights and freedom for African Americans
Some Of The Lost History In The Civil Rights Movement

By Robert Rohlfing October 1, 2011
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Today we are hearing how Republicans and Conservatives are either the party of racists or that they are racists in general, but history proves a different story. This rhetoric is being pushed by those on the left and is being used as a tool to divide people. The real history is no longer taught to our children and so many adults have fallen prey to this rhetoric without actually doing the research to see if it is actually true.

If you look though the history books that are presented to our children. If you listen to politicians and pundits. If you talk to your neighbors or friends. Most, would not even believe many facts of the lost history in the Civil Rights Movement. This is a travesty of truth, and the people that have been most afflicted by this have been the African American community for not really understanding the truth about the Democrat Party and how they have buried the truth about their past.

Were you aware that even under FDR’s “New Deal” program that was to benefit lower income segments of the population, African Americans were still segregated in Soup Lines and Bread Lines?
In the 26 major civil rights votes after 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 percent of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 percent of the votes.

It was not until Truman used the executive order that the military finally became desegregated. It should also be noted that LBJ was not the great Crusader of Civil Rights. President Johnson made a 360— turn in his civil rights position when he became President, from 1940 to 1960 Johnson voted with the South 78% on civil rights issues. Prior to 1957, Johnson voted with the South 100% on civil rights issues. He also voted against the C.R.A. of 1957 and 1960.

Were you aware that in order to break the racist ways of Southern Democrats, it was Republican President Eisenhower who sponsored both Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act and it was a LBJ lead Senate who fought tooth and nail against them? Ike finally signed a watered down Civil Rights Bill. Yes, let me repeat that, Republican President Dwight Eisenhower sponsored and signed the first Civil Rights Bill. Did you know that? In 1957 President Eisenhower signed the Civil Rights Act of 1957, which was intended to guarantee the voting rights of all African Americans. This was the first Civil Rights legislation to pass since Reconstruction. He also was forced to send Federal troops to Little Rock Arkansas to escort black students entering a formally all white school. Now today all we here in regards to Civil Rights legislation centers around the 1964 C.R.A., but this is leaving out some of the most important parts. Including the fact that LBJ, prior to moving up to the Executive Office, opposed legislation favoring civil rights for African Americans in this country. One should ask, why this is no longer taught in our schools to children?

I apologize for the following language but we have to understand the truth that is not being told any longer. The following quotes are LBJ quotes:

“I’ll have those ni-gg-ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One -

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”—LBJ

You can find this in Ronald Kessler’s “Inside The White House”

Let’s go back to FDR again, many like to hold FDR up as one of the more progressive presidents that helped champion the plight of the poor, one of the first to implement social justice for all. This social justice and equality excluded one of the poorest segments of the population at the time, discrimination in housing, transportation, public accommodations and the armed services went virtually unchecked by the Roosevelt administration. It was not until 20 some years later that a real effort was made to change this, but the efforts to do so may have led to the breakdown of the family unit and created even greater dependency on the government by those in the African American community. What it did, as LBJ pointed out, was insure that African Americans would be compelled to vote Democratic for generations to come by not giving a hand up, but by giving a hand out! He did this through what is called the “Great Society” and the war on poverty. As we know today though, that war has virtually been lost despite the billions thrown into the battle. Today we have some of the highest poverty rates in America, and we have one of the highest amount of citizens dependent on food assistance through programs such as Food Stamps. As a progressive program this has developed into an utter failure, even if it was perceived initially as a compassionate response to some of the ills that faced many in this community. Corruption and waste is rampant, along with abuse and increasing dependency.

In the mad dash to vilify the Republicans and Conservatives today many have forgotten the fact that it was the Republican Party that was the champion of Civil Rights and freedom for African Americans. Today that story goes either untold or when it is told, those that do so are immediately under attack and accused of being a racist. Many today would like you to believe that just because conservatives would rather assist in moving people off the rolls of welfare or any number of assistance programs, we do not care about those that have been conditioned to be dependent on those programs, and that is one of the most fatal mistakes that progressives make. Conservatives understand that people need assistance, but we also understand that it cannot become a lifestyle, that is passed down to generations to come.

Conservatives look at the potential of the individual and not the potential for further votes and power due to the repression of the constituents to rise out of the dependency on Government as LBJ pointed out.

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Robert Rohlfing runs The Drumbeat of Liberty, Liberty and the Preservation of Freedoms

But again...you know-nothing liberals of today just keep repeating lie after lie.

Except you're forgetting the fact that after the 1964 Civil Rights act, Southern Democrats became Republicans. Thanks to Nixon's Southern plan, it made the racists go from blue to red.

But yeah the parties are TOTALLY the same today. LOL.

So LBJ was a republican? How about JFK? That nonsense is just that, nonsense

Did I say that? No. The point is the parties changed after the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Well-Educated people know this.
still believe in santa?
Republicans de facto boycotted this 50 year celebration because they believe this is the way to knock down that 90+percent support that Democrats get from black voters.

That is how brilliant the GOP'ers are.

90% of 15% of the population.

Go ahead and keep them.
We will. Along with the 10% of the population that's Gay, and the 20% who are Hispanic.

That's 45% right there. :)
Is this relevant to today? Who cares? Blacks cling to the past and won't let the past go. Blacks can't get past racism. Other groups like South Americans , Asians or Europeans (Italians Irish Poles or whatever) got over this years ago. What is the hang-up, African Americans?

Conservatives blocked the vote. Still do

Use the correct party who did it - Democrats.
You just refuse to see that Democrats were as racist then as they are now.
Who is the party today who refuse to give poor black children the right to chose a better school ? Dems
Why are you deflecting to Democrats/Republicans when he is talking about Conservatives/Liberals?

Why won't you recognize that it was Southern State Dems who had those racist segregation rules?
I'm not concerned with the changing labels of Democrat and Republican.

Stick with the labels that do not change: Conservative and Liberal.

The Majority of the House and Senate were Conservative and Moderate in the 1960's
The Liberals were a small minority. They took over the Democrat party in the early 1970's.

Oh really? So the overwhelming support for the passage of Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty was an exercise in sensible Centrism?

The passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act were example of commonsense Moderate politics?

lol, if you had a brain you'd at least attempt to think before you posted.
Republicans de facto boycotted this 50 year celebration because they believe this is the way to knock down that 90+percent support that Democrats get from black voters.

That is how brilliant the GOP'ers are.

90% of 15% of the population.

Go ahead and keep them.

You should be arguing with your RWnut pals who keep insisting that this year is the year that magically black America votes GOP.

Oh and btw, since you're not an American, what the fuck business is it of yours?

So um......if I'm not "American" what am I?

From another country.
Republicans de facto boycotted this 50 year celebration because they believe this is the way to knock down that 90+percent support that Democrats get from black voters.

That is how brilliant the GOP'ers are.

90% of 15% of the population.

Go ahead and keep them.
We will. Along with the 10% of the population that's Gay, and the 20% who are Hispanic.

That's 45% right there. :)

You should be worried, you didn't think that we would get the Senate last time.
Republicans de facto boycotted this 50 year celebration because they believe this is the way to knock down that 90+percent support that Democrats get from black voters.

That is how brilliant the GOP'ers are.

90% of 15% of the population.

Go ahead and keep them.

You should be arguing with your RWnut pals who keep insisting that this year is the year that magically black America votes GOP.

Oh and btw, since you're not an American, what the fuck business is it of yours?

So um......if I'm not "American" what am I?

From another country.

LOL, really?

Is Omaha another country?

You are an idiot ;)
They honestly should have picked a speaker that wasn't as big a racist as obama. The country is more divided now thanks to his divisive bullshit. He's the opposite of MLK.

Obama is a historic president and gave a great speech

Who would you have rather had?

Anyone else would have been better.
President Obama is the one who tried to stop the D.C. school vouchers. He was forced by the people of D.C. who are for them to reinstate the vouchers.
I don't know why a Black President would be so against a better education for the black children of Washington D. C., when his own children go to a better school.
School vouchers do not equal better education, but nice try!

Statistics show that more are staying in High School & graduating and a go on to College.
Is this relevant to today? Who cares? Blacks cling to the past and won't let the past go. Blacks can't get past racism. Other groups like South Americans , Asians or Europeans (Italians Irish Poles or whatever) got over this years ago. What is the hang-up, African Americans?

The simple version of history for people who just don't give a shit about history.
I usually scroll past MaryL's posts. I don't have time for dopes unless I can get them all riled up, like Rabbi and Liability.
It's not divided among the non-racists who are fine with a Black president.

Meaning you'd vote for Condi.
If she was a Liberal? In a heartbeat.

Ahhhh, so it must be the right "kind" of Black, thank you.
No, it must be the right kind of politician. I don't vote for conservatives, who are against my best interests.

Stop acting stupid.

So you only vote for people who promise to give you free shit.....got it.
Evidently, for some, it's like a kind of bidding war, or auction.

Which candidate will give me the most? Eanie Meanie Miney Mo...

Me, it's just about me.


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