GOP led Benghazi report refutes conspiracy theories

According to a news show tonight pat Caddell says the house report was whitewashed because the chairman Rodgers wife is the CEO of the corp doing Benghazi security for billions. The corruption is everywhere.
Gosh, I am still not clear with what liberals are claiming here.

Please someone tell me. Are they saying it was a spontaneous attack due to a video?


Susan Rice admitted that it was not due to a video and it was not spontaneous, and the fat fuck from the Clinton News Network claimed obama said it was a terror attack from the beginning. Then, the fat fuck from the Clinton News Network admitted she made a mistake, after she interjected with her fat fucking face in the debate.


So where are we? Do liberals now claim it was due to a video? After their god said it was, then said it was not, then said it was again, even though Rice said it was a mistake to claim it was, cause it wasn't.

I have maintained and still maintain all liberals are such fucking miserable fucking losers. Stand for absolutely nothing, other than whatever their democrat socialists tell them to stand for.
It was total incompetence by Obamas State Department run by Hilbat.

They then tried to blame it on a video knowing full well that it was a terrorist attack. An attack that the embassy in Libya had many warnings of.

State didn't up security and they didn't pull our people out.

Total incompetence big time. Incompetence that cost the lives of four good men.

No one got fired. No heads rolled and I doubt any one of those paper pushers gave a damn about those four dead men anymore that the POTUS did.

He jetted off to his Vegas fundraiser the next day like nothing happened. Tells a lot about a guys character or lack thereof.
Gosh, I am still not clear with what liberals are claiming here.

The OP is directing your attention to what is commonly know as the "TRUTH"/ It is no wonder you are not clear on a very simple GOP told truth. Your hatred is invested in lies and keeping lies going. You need not explain that you don't get it.

They then tried to blame it on a video knowing full well that it was a terrorist attack. An attack that the embassy in Libya had many warnings of.

The GOP report explains that all references to a video being blamed were the original opinion of the CIA not anybody at the White House. Susan Rice repeated CIA talking points verbatim. There was never any truth to any of the Benghazi right wing knuckleheads who were wildly dancing on a dead ambassador's grave.
You have to stand in awe on how easy it is to lie to the Morons on the left. Holy shit they are stupid.
Gosh, I am still not clear with what liberals are claiming here.

The OP is directing your attention to what is commonly know as the "TRUTH"/ It is no wonder you are not clear on a very simple GOP told truth. Your hatred is invested in lies and keeping lies going. You need not explain that you don't get it.

They then tried to blame it on a video knowing full well that it was a terrorist attack. An attack that the embassy in Libya had many warnings of.

The GOP report explains that all references to a video being blamed were the original opinion of the CIA not anybody at the White House. Susan Rice repeated CIA talking points verbatim. There was never any truth to any of the Benghazi right wing knuckleheads who were wildly dancing on a dead ambassador's grave.
^ that

I also notice how few to none of the rw ODS sufferers have supplied links to their "yabut" posts :eusa_think:
So ....what do we know?

There was conflicting reports of the cause of the attack
There was no coverup
There was no stand down order

Republicans: What difference does it make?
We know Obama told our military to stand down. Then when they complained he fired nearly every single military leader this country has.

Either you don't keep up with the news or you're an idiot.
Either you're a democrat cum bucket or a POS retarded hand out seeking democrat looser.

Census: White Population Will Lose Majority In U.S. By 2043

Census White Population Will Lose Majority In U.S. By 2043
According to a news show tonight pat Caddell says the house report was whitewashed because the chairman Rodgers wife is the CEO of the corp doing Benghazi security for billions. The corruption is everywhere.
That guy is a Repub who is set to retire and run a Ru$hbo-type radio show too?
Robert Gates Defends Obama Military Response To Benghazi

WASHINGTON -- Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates defended the Obama administration's response to the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack in Benghazi on Sunday, saying he would not have done anything different militarily if he had still been at the Pentagon.

"Frankly had I been in the job at the time, I think my decisions would have been just as theirs were," said Gates on CBS's "Face the Nation," referring to the role of then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin Dempsey.

"We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East -- despite all the turmoil that's going on, with planes on strip alert, troops ready to deploy at a moment's notice. And so getting somebody there in a timely way -- would have been very difficult, if not impossible."

Gates did not single out Hicks by name on Sunday, but he mocked those sorts of suggestions, saying they painted "a cartoonish impression of military capabilities and military forces."

"And frankly, I've heard, 'Well, why didn't you just fly a fighter jet over and try and scare 'em with the noise or something?' Well, given the number of surface to air missiles that have disappeared from Qaddafi's arsenals, I would not have approved sending an aircraft, a single aircraft -- over Benghazi under those circumstances," he said.

"And with respect to -- sending in special forces or a small group of people to try and provide help, based on everything I have read, people really didn't know what was going on in Benghazi contemporaneously," Gates added. "And to send some small number of special forces or other troops in without knowing what the environment is, without knowing what the threat is, without having any intelligence in terms of what is actually going on on the ground, I think, would have been very dangerous."

Gates served under both Obama and President George W. Bush as defense secretary.

More: Robert Gates Defends Obama Military Response To Benghazi

Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is a REPUBLICAN who served under Bush and Obama. He knows and understands the reality of Benghazi.
Gates is a POS traitor to this country.

Articles U.S. Military We Could Have Saved Ambassador Stevens
so all the rw nut, ODS sufferers on this forum were wrong? Color me surprised :doubt:
Gosh, I am still not clear with what liberals are claiming here.

The OP is directing your attention to what is commonly know as the "TRUTH"/ It is no wonder you are not clear on a very simple GOP told truth. Your hatred is invested in lies and keeping lies going. You need not explain that you don't get it.

They then tried to blame it on a video knowing full well that it was a terrorist attack. An attack that the embassy in Libya had many warnings of.

The GOP report explains that all references to a video being blamed were the original opinion of the CIA not anybody at the White House. Susan Rice repeated CIA talking points verbatim. There was never any truth to any of the Benghazi right wing knuckleheads who were wildly dancing on a dead ambassador's grave.

Gosh, I am still not clear with what liberals are claiming here.

The OP is directing your attention to what is commonly know as the "TRUTH"/ It is no wonder you are not clear on a very simple GOP told truth. Your hatred is invested in lies and keeping lies going. You need not explain that you don't get it.

They then tried to blame it on a video knowing full well that it was a terrorist attack. An attack that the embassy in Libya had many warnings of.

The GOP report explains that all references to a video being blamed were the original opinion of the CIA not anybody at the White House. Susan Rice repeated CIA talking points verbatim. There was never any truth to any of the Benghazi right wing knuckleheads who were wildly dancing on a dead ambassador's grave.

Kinda funny that the CIA also let the administration know right off the bat that it was a terrorist attack. I remember reading that myself.

It had nothing to do with some claptrap movie some guy made. Hell. No one ever heard of his movie.

It was total imcompetence by the Obama State Department. They had months of warnings and did absofuckinglutely nothing.

Four good men died for nothing.
Gosh, I am still not clear with what liberals are claiming here.

The OP is directing your attention to what is commonly know as the "TRUTH"/ It is no wonder you are not clear on a very simple GOP told truth. Your hatred is invested in lies and keeping lies going. You need not explain that you don't get it.

They then tried to blame it on a video knowing full well that it was a terrorist attack. An attack that the embassy in Libya had many warnings of.

The GOP report explains that all references to a video being blamed were the original opinion of the CIA not anybody at the White House. Susan Rice repeated CIA talking points verbatim. There was never any truth to any of the Benghazi right wing knuckleheads who were wildly dancing on a dead ambassador's grave.
^ that

I also notice how few to none of the rw ODS sufferers have supplied links to their "yabut" posts :eusa_think:

When you're in a cult all fake truths are self-evident.
Republican-led report debunks Benghazi accusations -

The final report, from Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Michigan, and ranking member Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Maryland, concludes there was no intelligence failure prior to the attack, no stand-down order to CIA operatives trying to go assist at the besieged consular building and found conflicting intelligence in the wake of the attack about the motive and cause, which were reflected in early public comments by the administration.

You've been lied to for the last several months Conservatives. You have my condolences.

Republican-led report debunks Benghazi accusations -

The final report, from Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Michigan, and ranking member Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Maryland, concludes there was no intelligence failure prior to the attack, no stand-down order to CIA operatives trying to go assist at the besieged consular building and found conflicting intelligence in the wake of the attack about the motive and cause, which were reflected in early public comments by the administration.

You've been lied to for the last several months Conservatives. You have my condolences.

Gruber said you're stupid now laugh that off
Democrats tried to reason with you and you chose to cut the neck of reason and listen to your conservative mind benders and propagandists.

Dont you feel stupid?


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