GOP lies about Obama: CRIES foul when their immoral policies are exposed!

Bush had to start 2 wars to lose Congress, Obama just had to be himself.

yep, and he lost them the most seats under the HISTORIC midterm elections of any president. and that is why we are seeing the left wingers and their Leftwing hate sites RATCHETING up with their smears and dirty politics. we haven't seen anything yet. I just hope the people remember why they voted them out Congress and vote them the REST of the way out of our lives come 2016
with the lowest turn-out in 2+ generations. Get your rw hyperbole straight Stephanie
Obama's accomplishments....
We don’t even need history to show how disastrously wrong all these claims have been, since we are living in the nightmare Barack Obama has overseen: terror groups in control of the largest amount of territory and wealth in history, genocide in Syria, murders of Christians throughout the Middle East, Yemen collapsing, the mullahs in control of at least 5 (and counting) Middle East capitals, refugee crises, Putin reassembling the old Soviet Empire, the fall of which he declared to be the worst event ever to happen in the 20th century, Iraq falling under the control of Iran, Afghanistan soon to become Talibanland -- again. There are clear signs that Barack Obama is determined to be the father of Palestine. How many presidents can boast of having created a new nation? That will be a Lebron James moment on steroids."

He owns all of it.
"American Thinker"? You're funny :p
Obama's accomplishments....
We don’t even need history to show how disastrously wrong all these claims have been, since we are living in the nightmare Barack Obama has overseen: terror groups in control of the largest amount of territory and wealth in history, genocide in Syria, murders of Christians throughout the Middle East, Yemen collapsing, the mullahs in control of at least 5 (and counting) Middle East capitals, refugee crises, Putin reassembling the old Soviet Empire, the fall of which he declared to be the worst event ever to happen in the 20th century, Iraq falling under the control of Iran, Afghanistan soon to become Talibanland -- again. There are clear signs that Barack Obama is determined to be the father of Palestine. How many presidents can boast of having created a new nation? That will be a Lebron James moment on steroids."

He owns all of it.
"American Thinker"? You're funny :p

He is responsible for EVERYTHING in that article, sorry
lol, what the hell would the party (whining Democrats) that champions the killing of ones offspring with ABORTION, know about morality?

You can't get any IMMORAL than that in my book

but here's a waaaa the Gop lies about that poor poor dear leader, Obama... who the people just KICKED his party out of control OVER US by taking away CONGRESS.
You can be worse. Much worse.

Republicans push bill to cut food stamps school lunches - Austin Economy

Get 'em born then fuck 'em. What's left over becomes cannon fodder for new GOP wars.

Nobody has to "lie" about Barack Obama, Deanie! He was never ready to be President. He was a Junior Senator with two years of experience in Washington who got elected on some vague promise of "Hope and Change". You couldn't have found a more unqualified person if you'd tried.

thank you. and thankfully the people finally recognized how IMMORAL he and his party of progressive were and cleaned up their mistake in voting for him and took away Congress from him after only SIX YEARS. thank Goodness
You mean a couple of months. Unlike the nearly 5 years under Bush. So what did Bush do for the country? Can't name anything good? What has the GOP done for the country in the last 30 years? Still can't name anything good?

Funny how you started this string out talking about Barack Obama, Deanie...but the minute it's pointed out to you how bad of a President he's respond by bringing up George W. Bush. What does Bush have to do with Barack Obama's failing Presidency? W. has been back in Crawford, Texas cutting brush on his ranch for the past six years. He hasn't been the person in charge...that's been Barry and it became rather apparent early on that he really didn't have a clue what he was doing.
Nobody has to "lie" about Barack Obama, Deanie! He was never ready to be President. He was a Junior Senator with two years of experience in Washington who got elected on some vague promise of "Hope and Change". You couldn't have found a more unqualified person if you'd tried.

thank you. and thankfully the people finally recognized how IMMORAL he and his party of progressive were and cleaned up their mistake in voting for him and took away Congress from him after only SIX YEARS. thank Goodness
You mean a couple of months. Unlike the nearly 5 years under Bush. So what did Bush do for the country? Can't name anything good? What has the GOP done for the country in the last 30 years? Still can't name anything good?

Funny how you started this string out talking about Barack Obama, Deanie...but the minute it's pointed out to you how bad of a President he's respond by bringing up George W. Bush. What does Bush have to do with Barack Obama's failing Presidency? W. has been back in Crawford, Texas cutting brush on his ranch for the past six years. He hasn't been the person in charge...that's been Barry and it became rather apparent early on that he really didn't have a clue what he was doing.
But you guys didn't prove anything. Unsubstantiated. Just saying Obama is bad doesn't make it so. Bush on the other hand, the evidence is undeniable.
But notice I started off with lots of right wing lies. If Obama were so awful, why not give us those facts instead of the GOP lies I started out with. And you have to admit, everyone of those GOP lies has been used in failed attempts to smear Obama.
November 05, 2014, 12:03 pm
Obama has lost nearly 70 House seats since taking office

By David McCabe


President Obama has lost nearly 70 seats in the House since taking office and more seats in midterm elections than any president since Harry Truman.

Democrats have suffered a net loss of at least 69 House seats since 2008, with the possibility that Republicans could pick up even more as the final 2014 midterm races are called.

Senate Democrats have not fared much better, losing a net of at least 13 seats since Obama took office.

Midterm elections have been brutal for congressional Democrats in the Obama era. The party lost at least 77 seats in the midterms in 2010 and 2014, though they gained back eight seats in 2012.

Obama has already surpassed President Dwight Eisenhower’s tally of 66 midterm losses in the House, according to data published by the Rothenberg Political Report. President Franklin Roosevelt and Truman each lost more House seats during their midterm years.

The 2010 midterms account for the bulk of the losses. In the tumultuous period after the passage of ObamaCare, Republicans picked up 63 seats in a wave election that awarded them control of the House.

The president has not always been a drag on congressional Democrats. His victory over Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in 2008 lifted candidates down the ballot, and in 2012 Democrats in the House picked up eight seats as the president defeated Republican nominee Mitt Romney.

On Tuesday, though, House Democrats lost at least 14 seats as the GOP swept to victory in races around the country.

Senate Democrats have lost seven seats so far, and are at risk of having three more slip away.

Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) will face a tough runoff in December that is expected to favor Republican Rep. Bill Cassidy. Sen. Mark Begich (D) has yet to concede against Dan Sullivan as votes continue to be counted in Alaska, and in Virginia, Sen. Mark Warner (D) leads by a thin margin.

The losses in the Senate could surpass those suffered by Eisenhower in his midterms, when he lost 13 seats. Truman lost a net of 17 Senate seats in his midterm elections.

Republicans and their allies chose to focus much of their messaging on Obama this year, betting correctly that his low approval ratings would doom incumbents like Sens. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.), Mark Udall (D-Colo.) and Mark Pryor (D-Ark.).

all of it here: I didn't see a thing about Gerrymandering. lol
Obama has lost nearly 70 House seats since taking office TheHill
don't forget how fast things can turn around. you guys had both houses between 2000 2006 and lost them. but I do suspect with all the gerrymandering it won't be until the 2020s before we take back either house. that's why Hillary 2016 and 2020 are so important
The next presidential election, 24 senate Republicans are up for re election. Many of those states were carried by Obama in 2012. Only 10 Democratic seats are up for the vote.
And in 2014: "President Obama says, while he isn't on ballot this fall, 'these [economic] policies are on the ballot'; 'I have laid out my ideas to create more jobs and grow more wages. A true opposition party should have the courage to lay out theirs' - live video"
The GOP has told so many lies about Obama, it's easy to pick out some of the worst:

Obama isn't American.

Using executive order, Obama rules like a dictator, only he's used it less than Bush and Reagan.

Obama takes too much vacation at 131 in his first four years. Bush took over a thousand and even a 5 week vacation. The longest by a sitting president in several decades. Reagan took nearly 500.

The economy just keeps getting worse and worse under Obama. In fact, Obama's first year was the only year the economy lost more jobs than were created. And we know what caused the Economy to crash. Republicans don't, but the rest of the world does.

Death Panels.

FEMA concentration camps.

$200,000,000.00 a day vacation.

Now, what pisses the Republicans off on the USMB? Posting their policies backed up by their leaders in video, sound and quotes.

Should I go through them again?

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Since there is so much to post, I'll stop there.

Questions? Comments?

Everyone, including all conservatives, know what you have posted is 100% correct. President Obama has actually accomplished all those things that they thought Bush would do. Except Bush and the Republicans accomplished exactly the opposite. They destroyed the economy and ran the debt up to 11 trillion dollars and left a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit.

Conservatives do not take responsibility for their actions. They are like 6 year old children. They burned down the American house and they are STILL trying to put the blame for it on the guy who put the fire out and has rebuilt most of it. President Obama.

You know you've struck the bone when they all resort to name calling. They have nothing else.
Nobody has to "lie" about Barack Obama, Deanie! He was never ready to be President. He was a Junior Senator with two years of experience in Washington who got elected on some vague promise of "Hope and Change". You couldn't have found a more unqualified person if you'd tried.

thank you. and thankfully the people finally recognized how IMMORAL he and his party of progressive were and cleaned up their mistake in voting for him and took away Congress from him after only SIX YEARS. thank Goodness
You mean a couple of months. Unlike the nearly 5 years under Bush. So what did Bush do for the country? Can't name anything good? What has the GOP done for the country in the last 30 years? Still can't name anything good?

Funny how you started this string out talking about Barack Obama, Deanie...but the minute it's pointed out to you how bad of a President he's respond by bringing up George W. Bush. What does Bush have to do with Barack Obama's failing Presidency? W. has been back in Crawford, Texas cutting brush on his ranch for the past six years. He hasn't been the person in charge...that's been Barry and it became rather apparent early on that he really didn't have a clue what he was doing.
But you guys didn't prove anything. Unsubstantiated. Just saying Obama is bad doesn't make it so. Bush on the other hand, the evidence is undeniable.
But notice I started off with lots of right wing lies. If Obama were so awful, why not give us those facts instead of the GOP lies I started out with. And you have to admit, everyone of those GOP lies has been used in failed attempts to smear Obama.

Deanie...I'm not "smearing" Barack Obama when I point out that he's been less than effective as's simply the truth. He "led" the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression. Is anyone even pretending that he has a plan to fix the economy and put people back to work at this point? If so I'd love to hear what it is! His foreign policy is in such tatters at this point that he can't point to a success anywhere. Russia is out of control. The Middle East is on fire. Iran is steadily getting closer to a nuke. Radical Islam is on the march like never before. I've never seen such division at home! The man who promised to unite America has instead become the Great Divider! Black/White, Democrat/Republican, Private Sector/Public Sector, Rich/ name a schism and it's worse now than it was when Barry took office.
Now they are whining over SMEARING HIM.

just go through this board and you'll see SMEARS of every and any Republican. man or woman doesn't matter

and what they SMEARED President Bush with and still do. you can only laugh at the childishness of the whine over smearing the man the majority of the PEOPLE disapproves of.
The GOP has told so many lies about Obama, it's easy to pick out some of the worst:

Obama isn't American.

Using executive order, Obama rules like a dictator, only he's used it less than Bush and Reagan.

Obama takes too much vacation at 131 in his first four years. Bush took over a thousand and even a 5 week vacation. The longest by a sitting president in several decades. Reagan took nearly 500.

The economy just keeps getting worse and worse under Obama. In fact, Obama's first year was the only year the economy lost more jobs than were created. And we know what caused the Economy to crash. Republicans don't, but the rest of the world does.

Death Panels.

FEMA concentration camps.

$200,000,000.00 a day vacation.

Now, what pisses the Republicans off on the USMB? Posting their policies backed up by their leaders in video, sound and quotes.

Should I go through them again?

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Since there is so much to post, I'll stop there.

Questions? Comments?

Everyone, including all conservatives, know what you have posted is 100% correct. President Obama has actually accomplished all those things that they thought Bush would do. Except Bush and the Republicans accomplished exactly the opposite. They destroyed the economy and ran the debt up to 11 trillion dollars and left a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit.

Conservatives do not take responsibility for their actions. They are like 6 year old children. They burned down the American house and they are STILL trying to put the blame for it on the guy who put the fire out and has rebuilt most of it. President Obama.

You know you've struck the bone when they all resort to name calling. They have nothing else.

Seriously? What has Barack Obama "rebuilt"? He's done wonders for the 1%'s bottom line with six straight years of QE but for the Middle Class he's been a disaster.

Do me a favor, Isaac...tell me who Barack Obama's Chief Economic Adviser is and what their plan is to grow the economy.

And as you're having to Google who that person is (because I know damn well you've got no clue who they are!) ask yourself how it can possibly be that someone THAT important is a faceless nonentity! The answer to that question is that you don't know who they are because we haven't had a plan to fix the economy since Larry Summers jumped ship after the Obama Stimulus cratered almost five years ago.
the only thing Obama has fixed. is more jobs for Government. that WE GET TO PAY FOR.

Raising taxes on us any which he could find:

and stealing almost a trillion dollars from us and called it. stimulus. that WE THE PEOPLE have no idea where that money WENT TO. but we did get some cute little signs out of it

they call having 93million people out of work FIXING things. I guess that's why the PEOPLE voted out HIS PARTY out of Control of congress after only six years of his reign of terror. they thought everything was hunky dorey thank to that Obama.

just amazing some people will always fall at his feet.
Last edited:
Nobody has to "lie" about Barack Obama, Deanie! He was never ready to be President. He was a Junior Senator with two years of experience in Washington who got elected on some vague promise of "Hope and Change". You couldn't have found a more unqualified person if you'd tried.

thank you. and thankfully the people finally recognized how IMMORAL he and his party of progressive were and cleaned up their mistake in voting for him and took away Congress from him after only SIX YEARS. thank Goodness

No President holds Congress for eight years. So your glee is entirely misplaced.
The GOP has told so many lies about Obama, it's easy to pick out some of the worst:

Obama isn't American.

Using executive order, Obama rules like a dictator, only he's used it less than Bush and Reagan.

Obama takes too much vacation at 131 in his first four years. Bush took over a thousand and even a 5 week vacation. The longest by a sitting president in several decades. Reagan took nearly 500.

The economy just keeps getting worse and worse under Obama. In fact, Obama's first year was the only year the economy lost more jobs than were created. And we know what caused the Economy to crash. Republicans don't, but the rest of the world does.

Death Panels.

FEMA concentration camps.

$200,000,000.00 a day vacation.

Now, what pisses the Republicans off on the USMB? Posting their policies backed up by their leaders in video, sound and quotes.

Should I go through them again?

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Since there is so much to post, I'll stop there.

Questions? Comments?

Everyone, including all conservatives, know what you have posted is 100% correct. President Obama has actually accomplished all those things that they thought Bush would do. Except Bush and the Republicans accomplished exactly the opposite. They destroyed the economy and ran the debt up to 11 trillion dollars and left a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit.

Conservatives do not take responsibility for their actions. They are like 6 year old children. They burned down the American house and they are STILL trying to put the blame for it on the guy who put the fire out and has rebuilt most of it. President Obama.

You know you've struck the bone when they all resort to name calling. They have nothing else.

Seriously? What has Barack Obama "rebuilt"? He's done wonders for the 1%'s bottom line with six straight years of QE but for the Middle Class he's been a disaster.

Do me a favor, Isaac...tell me who Barack Obama's Chief Economic Adviser is and what their plan is to grow the economy.

And as you're having to Google who that person is (because I know damn well you've got no clue who they are!) ask yourself how it can possibly be that someone THAT important is a faceless nonentity! The answer to that question is that you don't know who they are because we haven't had a plan to fix the economy since Larry Summers jumped ship after the Obama Stimulus cratered almost five years ago.

Yes, make a list of people you think everyone should know and pass it out. And if they don't answer exactly as you'd like then SEE YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. Please. Who cares. Better yet, you tell us.

The unemployment rate is 5.5%, down from a high of 10.2%. The stock market is 18,000, up from 7950 when Obama took office. The deficit is 480 billion dollars, down from 1.4 trillion when Obama took office.

We've had a slightly less energetic recovery? No shit, it was the worst recession since the Great Depression. What did you think, after a few years everything would be spectacular? I'd suggest you go read up on economics and past recessions and depressions.

I mean it is bizarre. Is he perfect? No, but good lord look where the entire world was in 2009. Conservatives are so blind for their party that they can't even admit to what HAS improved since he took office?

Whatever, if that is how blind your worldview is good for you.

Reality is otherwise.
The GOP has told so many lies about Obama, it's easy to pick out some of the worst:

Obama isn't American.

Using executive order, Obama rules like a dictator, only he's used it less than Bush and Reagan.

Obama takes too much vacation at 131 in his first four years. Bush took over a thousand and even a 5 week vacation. The longest by a sitting president in several decades. Reagan took nearly 500.

The economy just keeps getting worse and worse under Obama. In fact, Obama's first year was the only year the economy lost more jobs than were created. And we know what caused the Economy to crash. Republicans don't, but the rest of the world does.

Death Panels.

FEMA concentration camps.

$200,000,000.00 a day vacation.

Now, what pisses the Republicans off on the USMB? Posting their policies backed up by their leaders in video, sound and quotes.

Should I go through them again?

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Since there is so much to post, I'll stop there.

Questions? Comments?

Everyone, including all conservatives, know what you have posted is 100% correct. President Obama has actually accomplished all those things that they thought Bush would do. Except Bush and the Republicans accomplished exactly the opposite. They destroyed the economy and ran the debt up to 11 trillion dollars and left a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit.

Conservatives do not take responsibility for their actions. They are like 6 year old children. They burned down the American house and they are STILL trying to put the blame for it on the guy who put the fire out and has rebuilt most of it. President Obama.

You know you've struck the bone when they all resort to name calling. They have nothing else.

Seriously? What has Barack Obama "rebuilt"? He's done wonders for the 1%'s bottom line with six straight years of QE but for the Middle Class he's been a disaster.

Do me a favor, Isaac...tell me who Barack Obama's Chief Economic Adviser is and what their plan is to grow the economy.

And as you're having to Google who that person is (because I know damn well you've got no clue who they are!) ask yourself how it can possibly be that someone THAT important is a faceless nonentity! The answer to that question is that you don't know who they are because we haven't had a plan to fix the economy since Larry Summers jumped ship after the Obama Stimulus cratered almost five years ago.

Yes, make a list of people you think everyone should know and pass it out. And if they don't answer exactly as you'd like then SEE YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. Please. Who cares. Better yet, you tell us.

The unemployment rate is 5.5%, down from a high of 10.2%. The stock market is 18,000, up from 7950 when Obama took office. The deficit is 480 billion dollars, down from 1.4 trillion when Obama took office.

We've had a slightly less energetic recovery? No shit, it was the worst recession since the Great Depression. What did you think, after a few years everything would be spectacular? I'd suggest you go read up on economics and past recessions and depressions.

I mean it is bizarre. Is he perfect? No, but good lord look where the entire world was in 2009. Conservatives are so blind for their party that they can't even admit to what HAS improved since he took office?

Whatever, if that is how blind your worldview is good for you.

Reality is otherwise.

The GOP has told so many lies about Obama, it's easy to pick out some of the worst:

Obama isn't American.

Using executive order, Obama rules like a dictator, only he's used it less than Bush and Reagan.

Obama takes too much vacation at 131 in his first four years. Bush took over a thousand and even a 5 week vacation. The longest by a sitting president in several decades. Reagan took nearly 500.

The economy just keeps getting worse and worse under Obama. In fact, Obama's first year was the only year the economy lost more jobs than were created. And we know what caused the Economy to crash. Republicans don't, but the rest of the world does.

Death Panels.

FEMA concentration camps.

$200,000,000.00 a day vacation.

Now, what pisses the Republicans off on the USMB? Posting their policies backed up by their leaders in video, sound and quotes.

Should I go through them again?

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Since there is so much to post, I'll stop there.

Questions? Comments?

Everyone, including all conservatives, know what you have posted is 100% correct. President Obama has actually accomplished all those things that they thought Bush would do. Except Bush and the Republicans accomplished exactly the opposite. They destroyed the economy and ran the debt up to 11 trillion dollars and left a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit.

Conservatives do not take responsibility for their actions. They are like 6 year old children. They burned down the American house and they are STILL trying to put the blame for it on the guy who put the fire out and has rebuilt most of it. President Obama.

You know you've struck the bone when they all resort to name calling. They have nothing else.

Seriously? What has Barack Obama "rebuilt"? He's done wonders for the 1%'s bottom line with six straight years of QE but for the Middle Class he's been a disaster.

Do me a favor, Isaac...tell me who Barack Obama's Chief Economic Adviser is and what their plan is to grow the economy.

And as you're having to Google who that person is (because I know damn well you've got no clue who they are!) ask yourself how it can possibly be that someone THAT important is a faceless nonentity! The answer to that question is that you don't know who they are because we haven't had a plan to fix the economy since Larry Summers jumped ship after the Obama Stimulus cratered almost five years ago.

Yes, make a list of people you think everyone should know and pass it out. And if they don't answer exactly as you'd like then SEE YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. Please. Who cares. Better yet, you tell us.

The unemployment rate is 5.5%, down from a high of 10.2%. The stock market is 18,000, up from 7950 when Obama took office. The deficit is 480 billion dollars, down from 1.4 trillion when Obama took office.

We've had a slightly less energetic recovery? No shit, it was the worst recession since the Great Depression. What did you think, after a few years everything would be spectacular? I'd suggest you go read up on economics and past recessions and depressions.

I mean it is bizarre. Is he perfect? No, but good lord look where the entire world was in 2009. Conservatives are so blind for their party that they can't even admit to what HAS improved since he took office?

Whatever, if that is how blind your worldview is good for you.

Reality is otherwise.

You don't have the faintest idea who Obama's Chief Economic Adviser you, Isaac?

There is a REASON why it was the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression and that was because the man in charge of that recovery didn't have a clue about economics.

I would suggest that you go read up on economics. I studied it in college...unlike our present President.
Last edited:
The GOP has told so many lies about Obama, it's easy to pick out some of the worst:

Obama isn't American.

Using executive order, Obama rules like a dictator, only he's used it less than Bush and Reagan.

Obama takes too much vacation at 131 in his first four years. Bush took over a thousand and even a 5 week vacation. The longest by a sitting president in several decades. Reagan took nearly 500.

The economy just keeps getting worse and worse under Obama. In fact, Obama's first year was the only year the economy lost more jobs than were created. And we know what caused the Economy to crash. Republicans don't, but the rest of the world does.

Death Panels.

FEMA concentration camps.

$200,000,000.00 a day vacation.

Now, what pisses the Republicans off on the USMB? Posting their policies backed up by their leaders in video, sound and quotes.

Should I go through them again?

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Since there is so much to post, I'll stop there.

Questions? Comments?

Everyone, including all conservatives, know what you have posted is 100% correct. President Obama has actually accomplished all those things that they thought Bush would do. Except Bush and the Republicans accomplished exactly the opposite. They destroyed the economy and ran the debt up to 11 trillion dollars and left a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit.

Conservatives do not take responsibility for their actions. They are like 6 year old children. They burned down the American house and they are STILL trying to put the blame for it on the guy who put the fire out and has rebuilt most of it. President Obama.

You know you've struck the bone when they all resort to name calling. They have nothing else.

Seriously? What has Barack Obama "rebuilt"? He's done wonders for the 1%'s bottom line with six straight years of QE but for the Middle Class he's been a disaster.

Do me a favor, Isaac...tell me who Barack Obama's Chief Economic Adviser is and what their plan is to grow the economy.

And as you're having to Google who that person is (because I know damn well you've got no clue who they are!) ask yourself how it can possibly be that someone THAT important is a faceless nonentity! The answer to that question is that you don't know who they are because we haven't had a plan to fix the economy since Larry Summers jumped ship after the Obama Stimulus cratered almost five years ago.

Yes, make a list of people you think everyone should know and pass it out. And if they don't answer exactly as you'd like then SEE YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. Please. Who cares. Better yet, you tell us.

The unemployment rate is 5.5%, down from a high of 10.2%. The stock market is 18,000, up from 7950 when Obama took office. The deficit is 480 billion dollars, down from 1.4 trillion when Obama took office.

We've had a slightly less energetic recovery? No shit, it was the worst recession since the Great Depression. What did you think, after a few years everything would be spectacular? I'd suggest you go read up on economics and past recessions and depressions.

I mean it is bizarre. Is he perfect? No, but good lord look where the entire world was in 2009. Conservatives are so blind for their party that they can't even admit to what HAS improved since he took office?

Whatever, if that is how blind your worldview is good for you.

Reality is otherwise.

The GOP has told so many lies about Obama, it's easy to pick out some of the worst:

Obama isn't American.

Using executive order, Obama rules like a dictator, only he's used it less than Bush and Reagan.

Obama takes too much vacation at 131 in his first four years. Bush took over a thousand and even a 5 week vacation. The longest by a sitting president in several decades. Reagan took nearly 500.

The economy just keeps getting worse and worse under Obama. In fact, Obama's first year was the only year the economy lost more jobs than were created. And we know what caused the Economy to crash. Republicans don't, but the rest of the world does.

Death Panels.

FEMA concentration camps.

$200,000,000.00 a day vacation.

Now, what pisses the Republicans off on the USMB? Posting their policies backed up by their leaders in video, sound and quotes.

Should I go through them again?

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Since there is so much to post, I'll stop there.

Questions? Comments?

Everyone, including all conservatives, know what you have posted is 100% correct. President Obama has actually accomplished all those things that they thought Bush would do. Except Bush and the Republicans accomplished exactly the opposite. They destroyed the economy and ran the debt up to 11 trillion dollars and left a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit.

Conservatives do not take responsibility for their actions. They are like 6 year old children. They burned down the American house and they are STILL trying to put the blame for it on the guy who put the fire out and has rebuilt most of it. President Obama.

You know you've struck the bone when they all resort to name calling. They have nothing else.

Seriously? What has Barack Obama "rebuilt"? He's done wonders for the 1%'s bottom line with six straight years of QE but for the Middle Class he's been a disaster.

Do me a favor, Isaac...tell me who Barack Obama's Chief Economic Adviser is and what their plan is to grow the economy.

And as you're having to Google who that person is (because I know damn well you've got no clue who they are!) ask yourself how it can possibly be that someone THAT important is a faceless nonentity! The answer to that question is that you don't know who they are because we haven't had a plan to fix the economy since Larry Summers jumped ship after the Obama Stimulus cratered almost five years ago.

Yes, make a list of people you think everyone should know and pass it out. And if they don't answer exactly as you'd like then SEE YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. Please. Who cares. Better yet, you tell us.

The unemployment rate is 5.5%, down from a high of 10.2%. The stock market is 18,000, up from 7950 when Obama took office. The deficit is 480 billion dollars, down from 1.4 trillion when Obama took office.

We've had a slightly less energetic recovery? No shit, it was the worst recession since the Great Depression. What did you think, after a few years everything would be spectacular? I'd suggest you go read up on economics and past recessions and depressions.

I mean it is bizarre. Is he perfect? No, but good lord look where the entire world was in 2009. Conservatives are so blind for their party that they can't even admit to what HAS improved since he took office?

Whatever, if that is how blind your worldview is good for you.

Reality is otherwise.

You don't have the faintest idea who Obama's Chief Economic Adviser you, Isaac?

There is a REASON why it was the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression and that was because the man in charge of that recovery didn't have a clue about economics.

I would suggest that you go read up on economics. I studied it in college...unlike our present President.

Right, and no president has access to anyone that knows anything more than he does.

Stop already. You hate the guy because he isn't on your 'team', that's all.
The GOP has told so many lies about Obama, it's easy to pick out some of the worst:

Obama isn't American.

Using executive order, Obama rules like a dictator, only he's used it less than Bush and Reagan.

Obama takes too much vacation at 131 in his first four years. Bush took over a thousand and even a 5 week vacation. The longest by a sitting president in several decades. Reagan took nearly 500.

The economy just keeps getting worse and worse under Obama. In fact, Obama's first year was the only year the economy lost more jobs than were created. And we know what caused the Economy to crash. Republicans don't, but the rest of the world does.

Death Panels.

FEMA concentration camps.

$200,000,000.00 a day vacation.

Now, what pisses the Republicans off on the USMB? Posting their policies backed up by their leaders in video, sound and quotes.

Should I go through them again?

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Since there is so much to post, I'll stop there.

Questions? Comments?

Everyone, including all conservatives, know what you have posted is 100% correct. President Obama has actually accomplished all those things that they thought Bush would do. Except Bush and the Republicans accomplished exactly the opposite. They destroyed the economy and ran the debt up to 11 trillion dollars and left a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit.

Conservatives do not take responsibility for their actions. They are like 6 year old children. They burned down the American house and they are STILL trying to put the blame for it on the guy who put the fire out and has rebuilt most of it. President Obama.

You know you've struck the bone when they all resort to name calling. They have nothing else.

Seriously? What has Barack Obama "rebuilt"? He's done wonders for the 1%'s bottom line with six straight years of QE but for the Middle Class he's been a disaster.

Do me a favor, Isaac...tell me who Barack Obama's Chief Economic Adviser is and what their plan is to grow the economy.

And as you're having to Google who that person is (because I know damn well you've got no clue who they are!) ask yourself how it can possibly be that someone THAT important is a faceless nonentity! The answer to that question is that you don't know who they are because we haven't had a plan to fix the economy since Larry Summers jumped ship after the Obama Stimulus cratered almost five years ago.

Yes, make a list of people you think everyone should know and pass it out. And if they don't answer exactly as you'd like then SEE YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. Please. Who cares. Better yet, you tell us.

The unemployment rate is 5.5%, down from a high of 10.2%. The stock market is 18,000, up from 7950 when Obama took office. The deficit is 480 billion dollars, down from 1.4 trillion when Obama took office.

We've had a slightly less energetic recovery? No shit, it was the worst recession since the Great Depression. What did you think, after a few years everything would be spectacular? I'd suggest you go read up on economics and past recessions and depressions.

I mean it is bizarre. Is he perfect? No, but good lord look where the entire world was in 2009. Conservatives are so blind for their party that they can't even admit to what HAS improved since he took office?

Whatever, if that is how blind your worldview is good for you.

Reality is otherwise.

The GOP has told so many lies about Obama, it's easy to pick out some of the worst:

Obama isn't American.

Using executive order, Obama rules like a dictator, only he's used it less than Bush and Reagan.

Obama takes too much vacation at 131 in his first four years. Bush took over a thousand and even a 5 week vacation. The longest by a sitting president in several decades. Reagan took nearly 500.

The economy just keeps getting worse and worse under Obama. In fact, Obama's first year was the only year the economy lost more jobs than were created. And we know what caused the Economy to crash. Republicans don't, but the rest of the world does.

Death Panels.

FEMA concentration camps.

$200,000,000.00 a day vacation.

Now, what pisses the Republicans off on the USMB? Posting their policies backed up by their leaders in video, sound and quotes.

Should I go through them again?

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Since there is so much to post, I'll stop there.

Questions? Comments?

Everyone, including all conservatives, know what you have posted is 100% correct. President Obama has actually accomplished all those things that they thought Bush would do. Except Bush and the Republicans accomplished exactly the opposite. They destroyed the economy and ran the debt up to 11 trillion dollars and left a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit.

Conservatives do not take responsibility for their actions. They are like 6 year old children. They burned down the American house and they are STILL trying to put the blame for it on the guy who put the fire out and has rebuilt most of it. President Obama.

You know you've struck the bone when they all resort to name calling. They have nothing else.

Seriously? What has Barack Obama "rebuilt"? He's done wonders for the 1%'s bottom line with six straight years of QE but for the Middle Class he's been a disaster.

Do me a favor, Isaac...tell me who Barack Obama's Chief Economic Adviser is and what their plan is to grow the economy.

And as you're having to Google who that person is (because I know damn well you've got no clue who they are!) ask yourself how it can possibly be that someone THAT important is a faceless nonentity! The answer to that question is that you don't know who they are because we haven't had a plan to fix the economy since Larry Summers jumped ship after the Obama Stimulus cratered almost five years ago.

Yes, make a list of people you think everyone should know and pass it out. And if they don't answer exactly as you'd like then SEE YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. Please. Who cares. Better yet, you tell us.

The unemployment rate is 5.5%, down from a high of 10.2%. The stock market is 18,000, up from 7950 when Obama took office. The deficit is 480 billion dollars, down from 1.4 trillion when Obama took office.

We've had a slightly less energetic recovery? No shit, it was the worst recession since the Great Depression. What did you think, after a few years everything would be spectacular? I'd suggest you go read up on economics and past recessions and depressions.

I mean it is bizarre. Is he perfect? No, but good lord look where the entire world was in 2009. Conservatives are so blind for their party that they can't even admit to what HAS improved since he took office?

Whatever, if that is how blind your worldview is good for you.

Reality is otherwise.

You don't have the faintest idea who Obama's Chief Economic Adviser you, Isaac?

There is a REASON why it was the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression and that was because the man in charge of that recovery didn't have a clue about economics.

I would suggest that you go read up on economics. I studied it in college...unlike our present President.

Right, and no president has access to anyone that knows anything more than he does.

Stop already. You hate the guy because he isn't on your 'team', that's all.

I don't hate Barack Obama...I simply see him for what he is. Quite frankly, Isaac...I'm still amazed that he was able to defeat Hillary Clinton in 2008. He was remarkable in that he was unremarkable.

And yes...a President does have access to those who know more about things than he does...when Obama first took office he had access to Larry Summers and Christina Romer. What's remarkable is that since Summers left four plus years ago...the Obama White House really hasn't even attempted to put forth a plan to grow the economy. It was basically...oh well, we tried Keynesian economic policy and that didn't let's give the economy lip service and hope it comes back by itself.
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Everyone, including all conservatives, know what you have posted is 100% correct. President Obama has actually accomplished all those things that they thought Bush would do. Except Bush and the Republicans accomplished exactly the opposite. They destroyed the economy and ran the debt up to 11 trillion dollars and left a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit.

Conservatives do not take responsibility for their actions. They are like 6 year old children. They burned down the American house and they are STILL trying to put the blame for it on the guy who put the fire out and has rebuilt most of it. President Obama.

You know you've struck the bone when they all resort to name calling. They have nothing else.

Seriously? What has Barack Obama "rebuilt"? He's done wonders for the 1%'s bottom line with six straight years of QE but for the Middle Class he's been a disaster.

Do me a favor, Isaac...tell me who Barack Obama's Chief Economic Adviser is and what their plan is to grow the economy.

And as you're having to Google who that person is (because I know damn well you've got no clue who they are!) ask yourself how it can possibly be that someone THAT important is a faceless nonentity! The answer to that question is that you don't know who they are because we haven't had a plan to fix the economy since Larry Summers jumped ship after the Obama Stimulus cratered almost five years ago.

Yes, make a list of people you think everyone should know and pass it out. And if they don't answer exactly as you'd like then SEE YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. Please. Who cares. Better yet, you tell us.

The unemployment rate is 5.5%, down from a high of 10.2%. The stock market is 18,000, up from 7950 when Obama took office. The deficit is 480 billion dollars, down from 1.4 trillion when Obama took office.

We've had a slightly less energetic recovery? No shit, it was the worst recession since the Great Depression. What did you think, after a few years everything would be spectacular? I'd suggest you go read up on economics and past recessions and depressions.

I mean it is bizarre. Is he perfect? No, but good lord look where the entire world was in 2009. Conservatives are so blind for their party that they can't even admit to what HAS improved since he took office?

Whatever, if that is how blind your worldview is good for you.

Reality is otherwise.

Everyone, including all conservatives, know what you have posted is 100% correct. President Obama has actually accomplished all those things that they thought Bush would do. Except Bush and the Republicans accomplished exactly the opposite. They destroyed the economy and ran the debt up to 11 trillion dollars and left a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit.

Conservatives do not take responsibility for their actions. They are like 6 year old children. They burned down the American house and they are STILL trying to put the blame for it on the guy who put the fire out and has rebuilt most of it. President Obama.

You know you've struck the bone when they all resort to name calling. They have nothing else.

Seriously? What has Barack Obama "rebuilt"? He's done wonders for the 1%'s bottom line with six straight years of QE but for the Middle Class he's been a disaster.

Do me a favor, Isaac...tell me who Barack Obama's Chief Economic Adviser is and what their plan is to grow the economy.

And as you're having to Google who that person is (because I know damn well you've got no clue who they are!) ask yourself how it can possibly be that someone THAT important is a faceless nonentity! The answer to that question is that you don't know who they are because we haven't had a plan to fix the economy since Larry Summers jumped ship after the Obama Stimulus cratered almost five years ago.

Yes, make a list of people you think everyone should know and pass it out. And if they don't answer exactly as you'd like then SEE YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. Please. Who cares. Better yet, you tell us.

The unemployment rate is 5.5%, down from a high of 10.2%. The stock market is 18,000, up from 7950 when Obama took office. The deficit is 480 billion dollars, down from 1.4 trillion when Obama took office.

We've had a slightly less energetic recovery? No shit, it was the worst recession since the Great Depression. What did you think, after a few years everything would be spectacular? I'd suggest you go read up on economics and past recessions and depressions.

I mean it is bizarre. Is he perfect? No, but good lord look where the entire world was in 2009. Conservatives are so blind for their party that they can't even admit to what HAS improved since he took office?

Whatever, if that is how blind your worldview is good for you.

Reality is otherwise.

You don't have the faintest idea who Obama's Chief Economic Adviser you, Isaac?

There is a REASON why it was the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression and that was because the man in charge of that recovery didn't have a clue about economics.

I would suggest that you go read up on economics. I studied it in college...unlike our present President.

Right, and no president has access to anyone that knows anything more than he does.

Stop already. You hate the guy because he isn't on your 'team', that's all.

I don't hate Barack Obama...I simply see him for what he is. Quite frankly, Isaac...I'm still amazed that he was able to defeat Hillary Clinton in 2008. He was remarkable in that he was unremarkable.

And yes...a President does have access to those who know more about things than he does...when Obama first took office he had access to Larry Summers and Christina Romer. What's remarkable is that since Summers left four plus years ago...the Obama White House really hasn't even attempted to put forth a plan to grow the economy. It was basically...oh well, we tried Keynesian economic policy and that didn't let's give the economy lip service and hope it comes back by itself.

Ok you don't hate him.

The Republicans oppose everything he wants to do, even if they wanted to do it first. What exactly do you think he could have done?

And claiming that you or anyone else had 'the magic formula' for growing the economy faster yada is just speculation and anyone can speculate about anything. I'm not interested in long explanations of 'if only he did this'. The president doesn't have much pull re tax policy, spending,etc... and even if he had a Congress that helped him all there is is speculation on what could have been different.

What is also true is we could be far worse off now as well. All in all things are pretty good now compared to the abyss he was handed to begin his first term.

I will say this, if he had done this TPP while he was still seeking a second term I would not vote for him. Or any Democrat or Republican that supported it either. I'd love a magic wand to remove all of them and start over.

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