GOP lies about Obama: CRIES foul when their immoral policies are exposed!

Everyone, including all conservatives, know what you have posted is 100% correct. President Obama has actually accomplished all those things that they thought Bush would do. Except Bush and the Republicans accomplished exactly the opposite. They destroyed the economy and ran the debt up to 11 trillion dollars and left a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit.

Conservatives do not take responsibility for their actions. They are like 6 year old children. They burned down the American house and they are STILL trying to put the blame for it on the guy who put the fire out and has rebuilt most of it. President Obama.

You know you've struck the bone when they all resort to name calling. They have nothing else.
^ that
when they all resort to name calling
like you are any different....go read your threads and posts again,you might learn something about yourself....

Liberals may call you names but then they go on to refute what you've posted. With facts, studies and links.

You call liberals name because you can't refute what we post, unless it's some right wing blogger pulling his facts out his ass.
Like Breitbart. They work to ruin some innocent victim's life and then high five.

Like the left, media and racists who ruined that poor cop's life in Ferguson?
Is that one of those who shot and killed an unarmed man?
when they all resort to name calling
like you are any different....go read your threads and posts again,you might learn something about yourself....

Liberals may call you names but then they go on to refute what you've posted. With facts, studies and links.

You call liberals name because you can't refute what we post, unless it's some right wing blogger pulling his facts out his ass.
Like Breitbart. They work to ruin some innocent victim's life and then high five.

Like the left, media and racists who ruined that poor cop's life in Ferguson?
Is that one of those who shot and killed an unarmed man?

Please take your loonery and insanity somewhere else. You're too stupid to grasp the simplest of concepts
Everyone, including all conservatives, know what you have posted is 100% correct. President Obama has actually accomplished all those things that they thought Bush would do. Except Bush and the Republicans accomplished exactly the opposite. They destroyed the economy and ran the debt up to 11 trillion dollars and left a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit.

Conservatives do not take responsibility for their actions. They are like 6 year old children. They burned down the American house and they are STILL trying to put the blame for it on the guy who put the fire out and has rebuilt most of it. President Obama.

You know you've struck the bone when they all resort to name calling. They have nothing else.
^ that
when they all resort to name calling
like you are any different....go read your threads and posts again,you might learn something about yourself....

Liberals may call you names but then they go on to refute what you've posted. With facts, studies and links.

You call liberals name because you can't refute what we post, unless it's some right wing blogger pulling his facts out his ass.
Like Breitbart. They work to ruin some innocent victim's life and then high five.

Like the left, media and racists who ruined that poor cop's life in Ferguson?

That poor cop? You mean guy who shot and killed an unarmed man and did even have to face charges for his crime. The guy that the DA all but directed the grand jury to let go?

Poor man.
when they all resort to name calling
like you are any different....go read your threads and posts again,you might learn something about yourself....

Liberals may call you names but then they go on to refute what you've posted. With facts, studies and links.

You call liberals name because you can't refute what we post, unless it's some right wing blogger pulling his facts out his ass.
Like Breitbart. They work to ruin some innocent victim's life and then high five.

Like the left, media and racists who ruined that poor cop's life in Ferguson?

That poor cop? You mean guy who shot and killed an unarmed man and did even have to face charges for his crime. The guy that the DA all but directed the grand jury to let go?

Poor man.

That would be the police officer that was attacked by a common thug and then was forced to quit the job he loved because he was demonized by the main stream media for doing his job?
when they all resort to name calling
like you are any different....go read your threads and posts again,you might learn something about yourself....

Liberals may call you names but then they go on to refute what you've posted. With facts, studies and links.

You call liberals name because you can't refute what we post, unless it's some right wing blogger pulling his facts out his ass.
Like Breitbart. They work to ruin some innocent victim's life and then high five.

Like the left, media and racists who ruined that poor cop's life in Ferguson?
Is that one of those who shot and killed an unarmed man?

Please take your loonery and insanity somewhere else. You're too stupid to grasp the simplest of concepts
See post #1
Why would we lie when the truth destroys him?
Exactly. The right wing screams that I'm lying, but can't figure out what the lie is.

I hate to break this to you, R-Derp...but it's not that we can't figure out what the lie is...your strings are usually so idiotic that we can't figure out what the POINT is!

You're one of the dumber members of the board...the kind of poster who makes liberals look stupid...but for some reason you've convinced yourself that you have important things to share.
We point lies out to him all the time. He doesn't care. He is in his own little world.
See what I mean about GOP lies and their failed policies. All they can do is call me names. All I did was post facts.
and here is the typical dean come you never talk about WHY you get called names dean?....about WHY you get no respect?....there are other lefties here who get respect when they post something,how come you get none?.....why dont you tell the class WHY you have for the past 5 years been considered one of the biggest dipshits in this forum....and dont forget to mention your dishonesty and how you spin stuff after you put up the titles of your threads....and for a bonus why dont you tell us WHY you never talk about democrats who have fucked up.....tell us why you back your party no matter what they say or honest for once dean....the only post i ever seen from you that was honest was when you posted...." rdean".....after that....???
Coming from a dipshit that's a compliment.
And it depends on where the so called respect is coming from Take you for instance. The best place to take you is to a ward wrapped in a fancy jacket.

Seriously, guys like you are always screaming what I write is untrue, but you can never prove that to be the case. Check out the first post. I posted VIDEO. Are you saying that's a lie?
i proved it years ago still waiting for you to prove this thread you posted a few years back...."Republicans HATE Education and want to END it".....once again for the 30th me 1 republican,even a fucking far right religious one saying they HATE Education and want to END it...once again i will be waiting mister truthful...
The GOP has told so many lies about Obama, it's easy to pick out some of the worst:

Obama isn't American.

Using executive order, Obama rules like a dictator, only he's used it less than Bush and Reagan.

Obama takes too much vacation at 131 in his first four years. Bush took over a thousand and even a 5 week vacation. The longest by a sitting president in several decades. Reagan took nearly 500.

The economy just keeps getting worse and worse under Obama. In fact, Obama's first year was the only year the economy lost more jobs than were created. And we know what caused the Economy to crash. Republicans don't, but the rest of the world does.

Death Panels.

FEMA concentration camps.

$200,000,000.00 a day vacation.

Now, what pisses the Republicans off on the USMB? Posting their policies backed up by their leaders in video, sound and quotes.

Should I go through them again?

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Since there is so much to post, I'll stop there.

Questions? Comments?

Everyone, including all conservatives, know what you have posted is 100% correct. President Obama has actually accomplished all those things that they thought Bush would do. Except Bush and the Republicans accomplished exactly the opposite. They destroyed the economy and ran the debt up to 11 trillion dollars and left a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit.

Conservatives do not take responsibility for their actions. They are like 6 year old children. They burned down the American house and they are STILL trying to put the blame for it on the guy who put the fire out and has rebuilt most of it. President Obama.

You know you've struck the bone when they all resort to name calling. They have nothing else.

^ that

when they all resort to name calling
like you are any different....go read your threads and posts again,you might learn something about yourself....

Liberals may call you names but then they go on to refute what you've posted. With facts, studies and links.

You call liberals name because you can't refute what we post, unless it's some right wing blogger pulling his facts out his ass.

sorry dottie doesnt do that....
Why would we lie when the truth destroys him?
Exactly. The right wing screams that I'm lying, but can't figure out what the lie is.

I hate to break this to you, R-Derp...but it's not that we can't figure out what the lie is...your strings are usually so idiotic that we can't figure out what the POINT is!

You're one of the dumber members of the board...the kind of poster who makes liberals look stupid...but for some reason you've convinced yourself that you have important things to share.
and its just a repeat of the same shit over and over....but yet he cant see that when he is told....its called ..."obsession" its a mental disorder...not the Perfume....

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