GOP must start using the t-word ----TRAITOR

"GOP must start using the t-word ----TRAITOR"

Only if they want to appear ignorant and ridiculous, and be laughed at by everyone.

Do you really think you're everyone?

There's medication available for something like that. You need help with those delusions.

It would be monumentally stupid to do so. Even most conservatives would back away from that kind of conspiracy batshit. Independents, moderates, liberals, youth, minorities, most women, and most men would distance themselves from the GOP if that became a party plank. As it has no rational basis in our law or reality.

Jorge the car wash guy isn't part of any invading army.
If batshit crazy "you didn't build that" Elizabeth Warren can gather a large following so can those who simply want the law enforced. Hardly an extreme position.
If batshit crazy "you didn't build that" Elizabeth Warren can gather a large following so can those who simply want the law enforced. Hardly an extreme position.

Immigration law enforcement.... and considering an illegal immigrant washing cars to be an member of an occupying military force for which the president should be tried for treason, those aren't the same thing.

With the latter being a profoundly poorly thought through piece of conspiracy batshit that rational folks of any political persuasion will slowly back away from with a slightly worried look on their face.

Though among national laughing stocks like say Birthers or 'New Civil War' fantasy headjobs, I'm sure you'll fertile ground for that steaming rhetorical nugget.
If batshit crazy "you didn't build that" Elizabeth Warren can gather a large following so can those who simply want the law enforced. Hardly an extreme position.

Immigration law enforcement.... and considering an illegal immigrant washing cars to be an member of an occupying military force for which the president should be tried for treason, those aren't the same thing.

With the latter being a profoundly poorly thought through piece of conspiracy batshit that rational folks of any political persuasion will slowly back away from with a slightly worried look on their face.

Though among national laughing stocks like say Birthers or 'New Civil War' fantasy headjobs, I'm sure you'll fertile ground for that steaming rhetorical nugget.
No matter what they're called they don't belong here. Since we've already established you're not a parent, it makes sense you have no sympathy for parents who had a child killed by an illegal who shouldn't have been in the country. Too bad, because only an experience of that gravity would get it through your bone head that illegals are a national problem and need to be dealt with.
Do you know how many times I heard Rick Perry say he was going to stop illegal immigration in Texas?
You need to get it through your head that it doesnt matter who's in office,our gov is going to bring in a cheap and easily controlled labor force to replace Americans who demand more money and a better quality of life.

Rick Perry is a rino, you fool. Elect someone who pledges state deportation of illegals. THINK
Immigration law enforcement.... and considering an illegal immigrant washing cars to be an member of an occupying military force for which the president should be tried for treason, those aren't the same thing..

The board notes your feeble attempt to change the subject. No one called illegals an "occupying military force". We call them invaders and that is indisputable. THINK
Immigration law enforcement.... and considering an illegal immigrant washing cars to be an member of an occupying military force for which the president should be tried for treason, those aren't the same thing..

The board notes your feeble attempt to change the subject. No one called illegals an "occupying military force". We call them invaders and that is indisputable. THINK

And by 'board', you mean you trying to pretend? If your claims had merit, you wouldn't have to awkwardly try to prop up a facade of false consensus.

And you're the one babbling about 'invaders' and 'traitors'. With your ilk chiming in 'quislings'. Only now, with the absolute absurdity of your position laid bear, do you start to backpedal.

Jorge the dishwasher isn't an 'invasion'. He's an immigrant. And your demands are fringe claptrap so hysteric and void of reason that even most republicans would slowly back away. To say nothing of the rest of the electorate. Which might explain why no one takes them seriously.
Do you know how many times I heard Rick Perry say he was going to stop illegal immigration in Texas?
You need to get it through your head that it doesnt matter who's in office,our gov is going to bring in a cheap and easily controlled labor force to replace Americans who demand more money and a better quality of life.

Rick Perry is a rino, you fool. Elect someone who pledges state deportation of illegals. THINK

You still dont get it.
Can you tell me of one thing that has been done to curb illegal immigration in the last twenty years?
No matter what they're called they don't belong here.

The difference between an illegal immigrant and a military invader are far more than mere labels. They are completely different purposes, actions, organizations, intents, effects, and of course, governing laws.

These are just folks looking for work so they can feed their families. Lets try and keep that in perspective while discussing immigration policy.

Since we've already established you're not a parent, it makes sense you have no sympathy for parents who had a child killed by an illegal who shouldn't have been in the country.

Actually, we've established no such thing. And illegals commit far less crime than the general population.

I'm not arguing that illegals should be here, I'm arguing that as we debate immigration policy we do it rationally. And recognize that these are folks that are simply looking to work. And often take some of the worst jobs here in the US. Their purpose is to work, be able to feed themselves and send money back to their families. Its a laudable goal, if a flawed methodology.

Too bad, because only an experience of that gravity would get it through your bone head that illegals are a national problem and need to be dealt with.

The question is how. And shrill hysterics of 'invasions' and 'quislings' isn't particularly productive.
No matter what they're called they don't belong here.

The difference between an illegal immigrant and a military invader are far more than mere labels. They are completely different purposes, actions, organizations, intents, effects, and of course, governing laws.

These are just folks looking for work so they can feed their families. Lets try and keep that in perspective while discussing immigration policy.

Since we've already established you're not a parent, it makes sense you have no sympathy for parents who had a child killed by an illegal who shouldn't have been in the country.

Actually, we've established no such thing. And illegals commit far less crime than the general population.

I'm not arguing that illegals should be here, I'm arguing that as we debate immigration policy we do it rationally. And recognize that these are folks that are simply looking to work. And often take some of the worst jobs here in the US. Their purpose is to work, be able to feed themselves and send money back to their families. Its a laudable goal, if a flawed methodology.

Too bad, because only an experience of that gravity would get it through your bone head that illegals are a national problem and need to be dealt with.

The question is how. And shrill hysterics of 'invasions' and 'quislings' isn't particularly productive.

Funny..the two times I've had crimes committed against me,both were committed by illegals.
No matter what they're called they don't belong here.

The difference between an illegal immigrant and a military invader are far more than mere labels. They are completely different purposes, actions, organizations, intents, effects, and of course, governing laws.

These are just folks looking for work so they can feed their families. Lets try and keep that in perspective while discussing immigration policy.

Since we've already established you're not a parent, it makes sense you have no sympathy for parents who had a child killed by an illegal who shouldn't have been in the country.

Actually, we've established no such thing. And illegals commit far less crime than the general population.

I'm not arguing that illegals should be here, I'm arguing that as we debate immigration policy we do it rationally. And recognize that these are folks that are simply looking to work. And often take some of the worst jobs here in the US. Their purpose is to work, be able to feed themselves and send money back to their families. Its a laudable goal, if a flawed methodology.

Too bad, because only an experience of that gravity would get it through your bone head that illegals are a national problem and need to be dealt with.

The question is how. And shrill hysterics of 'invasions' and 'quislings' isn't particularly productive.

Funny..the two times I've had crimes committed against me,both were committed by illegals.

Unless you assume your personal experience is the same for all of America, what relevance does that have with our discussion? Argument by Anecdote is a fallacy of logic for a reason.
Immigration law enforcement.... and considering an illegal immigrant washing cars to be an member of an occupying military force for which the president should be tried for treason, those aren't the same thing..

The board notes your feeble attempt to change the subject. No one called illegals an "occupying military force". We call them invaders and that is indisputable. THINK

And by 'board', you mean you trying to pretend? If your claims had merit, you wouldn't have to awkwardly try to prop up a facade of false consensus.

And you're the one babbling about 'invaders' and 'traitors'. With your ilk chiming in 'quislings'. Only now, with the absolute absurdity of your position laid bear, do you start to backpedal.

Jorge the dishwasher isn't an 'invasion'. He's an immigrant. And your demands are fringe claptrap so hysteric and void of reason that even most republicans would slowly back away. To say nothing of the rest of the electorate. Which might explain why no one takes them seriously.

NO, Jorge the dishwasher is an illegal alien . He isn't an "immigrant".
No matter what they're called they don't belong here.

The difference between an illegal immigrant and a military invader are far more than mere labels. They are completely different purposes, actions, organizations, intents, effects, and of course, governing laws.

These are just folks looking for work so they can feed their families. Lets try and keep that in perspective while discussing immigration policy.

Since we've already established you're not a parent, it makes sense you have no sympathy for parents who had a child killed by an illegal who shouldn't have been in the country.

Actually, we've established no such thing. And illegals commit far less crime than the general population.

I'm not arguing that illegals should be here, I'm arguing that as we debate immigration policy we do it rationally. And recognize that these are folks that are simply looking to work. And often take some of the worst jobs here in the US. Their purpose is to work, be able to feed themselves and send money back to their families. Its a laudable goal, if a flawed methodology.

Too bad, because only an experience of that gravity would get it through your bone head that illegals are a national problem and need to be dealt with.

The question is how. And shrill hysterics of 'invasions' and 'quislings' isn't particularly productive.

Funny..the two times I've had crimes committed against me,both were committed by illegals.

Unless you assume your personal experience is the same for all of America, what relevance does that have with our discussion? Argument by Anecdote is a fallacy of logic for a reason.

Maybe you should check out the stats on illegal alien crime. If they weren't here those crimes wouldn't have happened. We have enough of our own home grown criminals to deal with.
No matter what they're called they don't belong here.

The difference between an illegal immigrant and a military invader are far more than mere labels. They are completely different purposes, actions, organizations, intents, effects, and of course, governing laws.

These are just folks looking for work so they can feed their families. Lets try and keep that in perspective while discussing immigration policy.

Since we've already established you're not a parent, it makes sense you have no sympathy for parents who had a child killed by an illegal who shouldn't have been in the country.

Actually, we've established no such thing. And illegals commit far less crime than the general population.

I'm not arguing that illegals should be here, I'm arguing that as we debate immigration policy we do it rationally. And recognize that these are folks that are simply looking to work. And often take some of the worst jobs here in the US. Their purpose is to work, be able to feed themselves and send money back to their families. Its a laudable goal, if a flawed methodology.

Too bad, because only an experience of that gravity would get it through your bone head that illegals are a national problem and need to be dealt with.

The question is how. And shrill hysterics of 'invasions' and 'quislings' isn't particularly productive.

Looking for work legally is one thing but jumping our borders illegally to work by taking jobs from Americans or reducing their wages is quite another. Americans have families to feed also or don't they matter? Thanks for mentioning the billions they send out of our economy to their homelands that isn't spent here. Another big drawback of illegal immigration They aren't doing ANY jobs that Americans won't do for a fair wage. As for crop picking only 3% of illegals are picking crops and for that we have unlimited visas for legal workers.
Immigration law enforcement.... and considering an illegal immigrant washing cars to be an member of an occupying military force for which the president should be tried for treason, those aren't the same thing..

The board notes your feeble attempt to change the subject. No one called illegals an "occupying military force". We call them invaders and that is indisputable. THINK

And by 'board', you mean you trying to pretend? If your claims had merit, you wouldn't have to awkwardly try to prop up a facade of false consensus.

And you're the one babbling about 'invaders' and 'traitors'. With your ilk chiming in 'quislings'. Only now, with the absolute absurdity of your position laid bear, do you start to backpedal.

Jorge the dishwasher isn't an 'invasion'. He's an immigrant. And your demands are fringe claptrap so hysteric and void of reason that even most republicans would slowly back away. To say nothing of the rest of the electorate. Which might explain why no one takes them seriously.

NO, Jorge the dishwasher is an illegal alien . He isn't an "immigrant".

Okay. He's an illegal alien. Now what?
Looking for work legally is one thing but jumping our borders illegally to work by taking jobs from Americans or reducing their wages is quite another.

You're refuting an argument I'm not making. I'm not arguing they should be able to stay. I'm arguing that as we discuss immigration policy, we dial back the hysteric characterizations of illegals as some occupying army, babbling about 'traitors', 'treason' and 'quislings'.

They're here to work. And they do some pretty shit work in awful conditions with very few protections for ridiculously low they can feed their families. Does that mean that Americans somehow don't have families. Of course not. Does that mean they should be allowed to stay. Nope.

It means that these folks aren't villains. They're workers. When we discuss them, lets remember that. We'll have a much more productive conversation if we focus on why they're here. Rather than interpret a mere description of illegals as 'not caring about the American family'.

So, lets get rational. Why are illegals here? I say, to work. If you don't want them here, what could you do to discourage their residence in our country? Get rid of the work. And how do you get rid of the work?

Focus on the suppliers of this work rather than merely users. I can give you half a dozen reasons why it makes far more sense than to focus our efforts and money on deporting illegals.
Looking for work legally is one thing but jumping our borders illegally to work by taking jobs from Americans or reducing their wages is quite another.

You're refuting an argument I'm not making. I'm not arguing they should be able to stay. I'm arguing that as we discuss immigration policy, we dial back the hysteric characterizations of illegals as some occupying army, babbling about 'traitors', 'treason' and 'quislings'.

They're here to work. And they do some pretty shit work in awful conditions with very few protections for ridiculously low they can feed their families. Does that mean that Americans somehow don't have families. Of course not. Does that mean they should be allowed to stay. Nope.

It means that these folks aren't villains. They're workers. When we discuss them, lets remember that. We'll have a much more productive conversation if we focus on why they're here. Rather than interpret a mere description of illegals as 'not caring about the American family'.

So, lets get rational. Why are illegals here? I say, to work. If you don't want them here, what could you do to discourage their residence in our country? Get rid of the work. And how do you get rid of the work?

Focus on the suppliers of this work rather than merely users. I can give you half a dozen reasons why it makes far more sense than to focus our efforts and money on deporting illegals.

But they have no right to be in in this country nor to work here. What part of that aren't you getting? Many Americans with families have lost their jobs to them. The construction industry is a good example of that. Doesn't that matter to you? Are illegal alien families more important than the rightful citizens/families of America? It is their country after all. Someone who commits ID theft to work here isn't a villain?
I am all for implementing e-verify in every work place to that the greedy employers can't hire them. But that still doesn't take the blame off the illegal being here illegally and working here. Both are equally guilty. It's not just jobs that bring them here but birthright citizenship for their kids and benefits. I am for removing all the incentives for them to come here. You want to defend them by saying they are hard workers here to feed their families. That is no excuse for violating our immigration laws and diminishing job opportunities for American families. They are depleting our tax coffers also. They never pay in enough taxes to cover their social costs which is another burden to the American taxpayer. They need to go back home and fix their own country and no they aren't starving there. It is just that our wages are higher.

Jorge the dishwasher isn't an 'invasion'. .

Never said he's an invasion. But he's an invader and one bankrupting america since he gets welfare and free health care at hospital ERs and free k-12 for his 9 kids. THINK
But they have no right to be in in this country nor to work here.

Agreed. What's your point? Once you get past all the running mascara and wails of 'but...but...the American Family!' appeals to emotion that have nothing to do with resolving the issue, we can get rational.

And productive.

I am all for implementing e-verify in every work place to that the greedy employers can't hire them.

Now you're approaching the issue productively. That's an excellent suggestion. But you need more teeth.

I say that you make e-verify mandatory for every hire. You can't employ someone unless you've used this system. It takes minutes at most so there are no excuses. Don't have a computer? They've got a 1-800 number. If you use everify, and the person passes, then you have complete immunity if it turns out that they were in fact an illegal.

If however you *don't* use everify or hire someone even if they fail, there's a mandatory 1 year sentence in jail. This would include HR managers, CEOs, places where it will really hurt.

But that still doesn't take the blame off the illegal being here illegally and working here.

Who says anything about 'taking the blame of off illegals'? You've done a fine job of shredding arguments I'm not making. I'm saying that if you want to discourage illegals from living here, it makes more sense target their supply of work rather than illegals themselves.

They're here to work. If there's no work, most of them will leave. Its monumentally stupid to focus our energy on the illegal immigrant himself. We don't have his real name. We don't know where he lives. He can change his name. He can move. He's difficult to find. There are 10s of millions of him. And if you deport him, he can just come back.

When you focus on the employers, you don't have any of these problems. We know exactly where the employers are. Most advertise. They usually keep the same name and the same address. They're easy to find. There are far fewer employers of illegals than there are illegals. And he's not going anywhere.

You'd only need a couple hundred high profile cases of employers going to prison and they'd get the message really fucking quick. The pool of work for illegals would dry up sharply. And since work is the reason that the overwhelmingly majority of them are here, without work most will go home. The effectively deport themselves. And won't come back.

For the stragglers we can use traditional deportation. Its the best use of our resources, works the fastest, keeps working long after they leave, and costs a fraction of the bone stupid approach we're taking now.

Does it resolve EVERY illegal immigrant issue? Nope. But the overwhelming majority of them for a fraction of what we're paying now. Better results, short and long term effectiveness, and less expense. What's not to love?
You still dont get it.
Can you tell me of one thing that has been done to curb illegal immigration in the last twenty years?

You're the one who doesn't get it. Nothing has been done because we let the feds make immigration policy even though the constitution says it's mostly to be handled by the states. If the states would assert their constitutional right to deport illegals, we'd see some real progress here. THINK

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