GOP official says God chooses to bless raped women with pregnancy

I don't know, seems that the mother that was raped would re-live that every time she looked at her child, or her husband would be asked to love the child of the guy that raped his wife. I personally would not want them to have to go through that.

You think people can't heal? You think adoption isnt an option?

Why should we make an evil act worse by committing another evil act?
The analogy I started this with was 1 live child vs 6 fertilized eggs.

Even if that was true, which it categorically is not, my question was about choosing between a child you do not know on the other side of the world and a child you have been trying to have unsuccessfully for 10 years. Here is my original post on this question, along with the specific post that prompted me to ask it.

Would it?

Suppose the toddler was a child you have never seen, and will never see, on the other side of the world, and the fetus is a child you have been trying to have unsuccessfully for over 10 years. The answer would be just as simple, but exactly the opposite of the one you thought. Admit it, you really aren't qualified to parse situational ethics, you don't think about all the possibilities.

Ah, my mistake.

Between someone toddler and my 8 week old fetus. I would still choose the strangers toddler.

I guess the issue is, I do not see an 8 week old fetus, be it biologically mine or not, as being worth the life of someone's child.

Still lying, amazing.
Even if that was true, which it categorically is not, my question was about choosing between a child you do not know on the other side of the world and a child you have been trying to have unsuccessfully for 10 years. Here is my original post on this question, along with the specific post that prompted me to ask it.

Ah, my mistake.

Between someone toddler and my 8 week old fetus. I would still choose the strangers toddler.

I guess the issue is, I do not see an 8 week old fetus, be it biologically mine or not, as being worth the life of someone's child.

Still lying, amazing.


Feel free to think so. I kind of hope youre lying too. The idea of anyone choosing a fetus over a living child is scary for me.
Who on earth is advocating choosing an unborn baby over a born one?

No one?

I see. You're lying.
Barnes was quoted by The New York Times saying, "abortion is never an option." Barnes went on to biblically claim that, "If God has chosen to bless this person [the rape victim] with a life, you don’t kill it."
God? Funny he's not mentioned in the Constitution.

Fact of the matter is, anti-choicers have two options

a) oppose abortion even in the case of rape - and thus have big government forcing rape victims to bear children against their will.

b) support an exception for rape - and have big government decide just which kinds of rape qualify. Does statutory rape qualify, for instance? If we say a 13 year old who is impregnated by a 21 year old can have an abortion because it was statutory rape - would a 13 year old impregnated by another 13 year old qualify? What about rape that isn't forcible? A woman can be too drunk to consent under many state laws - and if we granted an exception for that kind of rape, wouldn't that just mean all a woman has to do is claim she was too drunk to give consent? In fact - wouldn't a rape exception incentivize women who were not raped but who wish to get an abortion to lie and falsely claim rape? What about consentual incest? Should big government be in the business of determining which fetuses get to live or die?
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all i know is that if the communist occupiers want to kill babies, they can move to russia or some other bullshit country like that.rape or no, that baby's life should be the most important thing to that mother instinctually.if not, she has something wrong in her.
killing babies is the only legacy demoraps and libtards have!they all would love a society where you have to buy a license to make a baby, and if that baby is found to be conservative in the womb, or is retarded or whatever, they'd want you to murder that baby.a baby is a baby, i don't care if it's just after the father had his orgasm, that sperm going into that egg is where the power of jesus is felt.
I don't know, seems that the mother that was raped would re-live that every time she looked at her child, or her husband would be asked to love the child of the guy that raped his wife. I personally would not want them to have to go through that.

You think people can't heal? You think adoption isnt an option?

Why should we make an evil act worse by committing another evil act?

Personally I feel that it isn't a blessing it is a test. It is just making a bad situation worse for everyone involved. Why would you want to make matters worse for the family.
Sorry, I don't see abortion as a birth control method, but in case of rape or the life of the mother... I see it as an option.
Wow, the president of the second district congressional women's club! She must surely speak for all Republicans.

Wow, what a fucking tool and a half you are.

Glad to see you again too, Rabbi. I was hoping you'd show up.

First, there's no need to insult anyone. Being insulting doesn't advance your argument one bit.

Second, I never said she spoke for the entire party. I'm saying here's another Republican saying something similar to the previous comment.

Let me shock're right! These two don't represent the entire Republican party. I'm simply recognizing and recording a pattern.

Each of us can take from that pattern something different.

And that pattern is what? That people say stupid shit every day? Thank you, Cap't Obvious. You prove it daily with every post.

Such hatred. Probably because no one believes anything you type on USMB. It must really be dreadful not to have the ability to reason with any accuracy.

We all know what the pattern is. You simply fail to recognize it and/or admit it.
Glad to see you again too, Rabbi. I was hoping you'd show up.

First, there's no need to insult anyone. Being insulting doesn't advance your argument one bit.

Second, I never said she spoke for the entire party. I'm saying here's another Republican saying something similar to the previous comment.

Let me shock're right! These two don't represent the entire Republican party. I'm simply recognizing and recording a pattern.

Each of us can take from that pattern something different.

And that pattern is what? That people say stupid shit every day? Thank you, Cap't Obvious. You prove it daily with every post.

Such hatred. Probably because no one believes anything you type on USMB. It must really be dreadful not to have the ability to reason with any accuracy.

We all know what the pattern is. You simply fail to recognize it and/or admit it.

Are you afraid to spell out what your "pattern" is? Good because it won't pass the laugh test. Actually none of your posts can pass the laugh test. You are a laughingstock because the stuff you post is stooopid.
I don't know, seems that the mother that was raped would re-live that every time she looked at her child, or her husband would be asked to love the child of the guy that raped his wife. I personally would not want them to have to go through that.

You think people can't heal? You think adoption isnt an option?

Why should we make an evil act worse by committing another evil act?

Personally I feel that it isn't a blessing it is a test. It is just making a bad situation worse for everyone involved. Why would you want to make matters worse for the family.
Sorry, I don't see abortion as a birth control method, but in case of rape or the life of the mother... I see it as an option.

Abortion is not birth control unless it is, got it.

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