GOP once again shows it true colors

Yeah, and bmw in greer are taking advantage of it's workers? How about boing in charleston? Niether have unions, time to get rid of them.

Business & Technology | BMW finds skilled workers for less at S.C. plant | Seattle Times Newspaper

Who supports "Class Warfare"?

"But they're all in the factory now making $15 an hour — about half of what the typical German autoworker makes."

"But the price of having a more globally competitive work force means more in America could fall well short of the middle-class living standards that manufacturing workers once could expect. Wages adjusted for inflation have declined for these workers since 2003."

Seems to be a great practice if we want our nation to continue on the road to a caste society ["CASTE SOCIETY: Caste is a form of social stratification characterized by endogamy, hereditary transmission of a style of life which often includes an occupation, ritual status in a hierarchy, and customary social interaction and exclusion based on cultural notions of purity and pollution]

I remember when America was all about being the best, making the best and an honest day's work for honest pay.

Now its all about lining the pockets of the 1% and sending money to China.

The rw voter knows this and supports it, even at the cost of their own families, their own children's futures.
The cost of labor is a small fraction of the price you pay at the point of sales. Last point markup is the biggest slice and that would adjust with competition to maintain profits and competitiveness.

The only real difference is that the workers would have enough money to may buy their own products too and grow the consumer markets.

Henry Ford figured that our a long time ago; why have conservatives in this country completely forgotten it?
I've noticed that you rely solely on rhetoric and never back up your assertions. So the workers can't afford decent cars? Back it up. Labor is a small fraction of the cost of manufacturing? Back it up. The middle class pays most of the taxes? Back it up.

Okay, Folks, Let's Put Aside Politics And Talk About Taxes... [CHARTS] - Business Insider
And now let's move up the income stack... The top 25% of income-earners pay about 80% of the income taxes in the country.
To deny the Republican Party has declared war on unions is dishonest, though coming from you that does not surprise me.
First, it wasn't a statement put out by the GOP. A Republican isn't the GOP. Secondly, many (most?) unions are money laundering operations for the Democrat party. They take member's dues and back Democrats regardless of what the member wants. It's insane to allow the public sector to unionize and should be outlawed except for emergency, fire and police, where their lives are at stake.

We'll see what happens with Volkswagon as the union thugs have stirred up the workers, who were being paid quite well. If the UAW gets its' way foreign auto makers will go offshore and ship the cars in and the liberals will blame the greedy CEOs. :cuckoo:

First, how can you deny the GOP has not declared a war on unions? And, in the specific case I said "fellow travelers" that would be people like you. And if I hold stock in one of the Koch Brothers holdings, what rights do I have in re their spending in the political arena? Why can doctors and lawyers and business concerns have professional organizations and not labor? Why can the former lobby legislatures and not the latter? Your bigotry and hypocrisy is showing.
No, it's more like the corporate business owners, who have generally been very profitable these past few years, are working to undercut American wages again.

When are conservatives going to figure out that since taxes are mostly paid by the middle class, it will take a GROWTH in middle class workers wages in aggregate to bring down the deficits?

Unless you are a Dick Cheney conservative for whom deficits don't matter, this should concern you.
Business owners want to put their products in as many hands as possible. You don't do that by paying for overpriced labor..

The cost of labor is a small fraction of the price you pay at the point of sales. Last point markup is the biggest slice and that would adjust with competition to maintain profits and competitiveness.

The only real difference is that the workers would have enough money to may buy their own products too and grow the consumer markets.

Henry Ford figured that our a long time ago; why have conservatives in this country completely forgotten it?
Then there is OSHA, EPA and the rest of the federal mob breathing down the necks of business. And woe betide you should you get sideways with the current regime, as people involved with the TP have discovered.

There are also all the costs of compliance with the increasingly indecipherable tax code, which affects both management and labor.

As I have been saying in another thread, if you want lest costly American products, you necessarily need less government.

"Mike Burton of Southern Momentum, an anti-UAW group of plant workers, said Corker's statement makes sense.

"We are in a battle with Mexico on where this new product goes," said Burton, "and it stands to reason that the union will add costs. We need to keep costs down to fight for that new product."

In other words let's keep wages and benefits down so VW's stock holders and executives benefit to a greater degree by exploiting the workers.

"Another labor expert, Harley Shaiken of the University of California-Berkeley, said, "The senator's comments amount to economic intimidation that undermines the whole nature of union representation elections."

You have two choices. One, you have hundreds of people employed at a wage dictated acceptable by the market, or two, you have hundreds of people unemployed.

Grow up and take your pick.

"Wages dictated by the market"? Seems the market is defined by the employer, a situation which long ago existed and resulted in violence, not negotiations. Don't you people read history?
So, UAW labor prices itself out of the market and it's the GOP's fault.

You progressives make me. :rofl:

No, it's more like the corporate business owners, who have generally been very profitable these past few years, are working to undercut American wages again.

When are conservatives going to figure out that since taxes are mostly paid by the middle class, it will take a GROWTH in middle class workers wages in aggregate to bring down the deficits?

Unless you are a Dick Cheney conservative for whom deficits don't matter, this should concern you.
Business owners want to put their products in as many hands as possible. You don't do that by paying for overpriced labor.

Who got made out like bandits in the GM bankruptcy fiasco and the forced merger of Fiat and Chrysler, while the American taxpayer was left holding the bag? The UAW, that's who.

There are reasons that Subaru, Toyota, BMW, assemble their cars in Ohio, Indiana and other right-to-work states.

You are extremely myopic and in that I'm being polite.
Business owners want to put their products in as many hands as possible. You don't do that by paying for overpriced labor..

The cost of labor is a small fraction of the price you pay at the point of sales. Last point markup is the biggest slice and that would adjust with competition to maintain profits and competitiveness.

The only real difference is that the workers would have enough money to may buy their own products too and grow the consumer markets.

Henry Ford figured that our a long time ago; why have conservatives in this country completely forgotten it?
Then there is OSHA, EPA and the rest of the federal mob breathing down the necks of business. And woe betide you should you get sideways with the current regime, as people involved with the TP have discovered.

There are also all the costs of compliance with the increasingly indecipherable tax code, which affects both management and labor.

As I have been saying in another thread, if you want lest costly American products, you necessarily need less government.

What does OSHA and the EPA do, and what happened before they began to regulate? You take the cake for the most callous of conservatives.
Meh, good for the GOP! They are correct.

So, am I incorrect in believing you're a supporter of tickle down economics? That you believe labor is no different than any other commodity and those who work more for less will benefit?

If so, please explain the theory in practice., i.e. how it works in theory, and being that you are such a supporter, offer proof that the GOP is correct with real world examples.

BTW, I have a few historical examples of a different outcome, but I'll await your response.

In terms of the auto industry, I'd like to see the cost to purchase a new BMW, and how much income a BMW line worker in a 'right to work' state can spend to buy a new one - after of course, rent, food, health insurance, their cost for energy, savings to send a child to college and all of the incidentals associated with life in America (an annual vacation, a daughters wedding, nights out in a restaurant and a movie, going to a ball game, saving for retirement, taking care of aged parents, feeding the dog and vet bills, cable TV and Internet, repair or replacement of a roof, etc. etc. etc. etc.).
First, how can you deny the GOP has not declared a war on unions? And, in the specific case I said "fellow travelers" that would be people like you. And if I hold stock in one of the Koch Brothers holdings, what rights do I have in re their spending in the political arena? Why can doctors and lawyers and business concerns have professional organizations and not labor? Why can the former lobby legislatures and not the latter? Your bigotry and hypocrisy is showing.
Freedom from being forced to join a union to make a living is not a war on unions. You are a propagandist. You are not obliged to hold any particular stock, you don't like it, drop it. It's not the same. Who said labor can't have unions? Can you read? Your stunning level of stupidity is showing.
Meh, good for the GOP! They are correct.

So, am I incorrect in believing you're a supporter of tickle down economics? That you believe labor is no different than any other commodity and those who work more for less will benefit?

If so, please explain the theory in practice., i.e. how it works in theory, and being that you are such a supporter, offer proof that the GOP is correct with real world examples.

BTW, I have a few historical examples of a different outcome, but I'll await your response.

In terms of the auto industry, I'd like to see the cost to purchase a new BMW, and how much income a BMW line worker in a 'right to work' state can spend to buy a new one - after of course, rent, food, health insurance, their cost for energy, savings to send a child to college and all of the incidentals associated with life in America (an annual vacation, a daughters wedding, nights out in a restaurant and a movie, going to a ball game, saving for retirement, taking care of aged parents, feeding the dog and vet bills, cable TV and Internet, repair or replacement of a roof, etc. etc. etc. etc.).

Go piss up a rope retard.
First, how can you deny the GOP has not declared a war on unions? And, in the specific case I said "fellow travelers" that would be people like you. And if I hold stock in one of the Koch Brothers holdings, what rights do I have in re their spending in the political arena? Why can doctors and lawyers and business concerns have professional organizations and not labor? Why can the former lobby legislatures and not the latter? Your bigotry and hypocrisy is showing.
Freedom from being forced to join a union to make a living is not a war on unions. You are a propagandist. You are not obliged to hold any particular stock, you don't like it, drop it. It's not the same. Who said labor can't have unions? Can you read? Your stunning level of stupidity is showing.

You're an asshole! How's that for an answer? No one is obliged to join a union, they can go work at Taco Bell.
Meh, good for the GOP! They are correct.

So, am I incorrect in believing you're a supporter of tickle down economics? That you believe labor is no different than any other commodity and those who work more for less will benefit?

If so, please explain the theory in practice., i.e. how it works in theory, and being that you are such a supporter, offer proof that the GOP is correct with real world examples.

BTW, I have a few historical examples of a different outcome, but I'll await your response.

In terms of the auto industry, I'd like to see the cost to purchase a new BMW, and how much income a BMW line worker in a 'right to work' state can spend to buy a new one - after of course, rent, food, health insurance, their cost for energy, savings to send a child to college and all of the incidentals associated with life in America (an annual vacation, a daughters wedding, nights out in a restaurant and a movie, going to a ball game, saving for retirement, taking care of aged parents, feeding the dog and vet bills, cable TV and Internet, repair or replacement of a roof, etc. etc. etc. etc.).

Go piss up a rope retard.

Nice response. Typical of a right wing parrot, too dumb to answer so you default to calling me stupid. Want to see stupid, look in a mirror or read the post iceweasel.
Yeah, and bmw in greer are taking advantage of it's workers? How about boing in charleston? Niether have unions, time to get rid of them.

Business & Technology | BMW finds skilled workers for less at S.C. plant | Seattle Times Newspaper

Who supports "Class Warfare"?

"But they're all in the factory now making $15 an hour — about half of what the typical German autoworker makes."

"But the price of having a more globally competitive work force means more in America could fall well short of the middle-class living standards that manufacturing workers once could expect. Wages adjusted for inflation have declined for these workers since 2003."

Seems to be a great practice if we want our nation to continue on the road to a caste society ["CASTE SOCIETY: Caste is a form of social stratification characterized by endogamy, hereditary transmission of a style of life which often includes an occupation, ritual status in a hierarchy, and customary social interaction and exclusion based on cultural notions of purity and pollution]

I remember when America was all about being the best, making the best and an honest day's work for honest pay.

Now its all about lining the pockets of the 1% and sending money to China.

The rw voter knows this and supports it, even at the cost of their own families, their own children's futures.

While I hate it, this is true.

The rank and file conservative has been fooled into thinking that corporate cronyism, rigged trade that favors corporations and open borders insanity is somehow all to their benefit as 'free trade'.

It is such transparent bullshit, I cant fathom it. When I tell my conservative friends that the DoI states that our government is to secure the happiness of the people by such things as regulated markets, social security and so forth, they deny the relevance of the DoI and even the preamble of the Constitution itself as 'not legal code'.

This is why I say I am not a conservative, ever since Rush Limbaugh supported NAFTA and the auctioning off of Americas industrial capacity.
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You're an asshole! How's that for an answer? No one is obliged to join a union, they can go work at Taco Bell.
Your kind is always disengenuous. You'd unionize taco Bell if you could. You want government to force people to join the UAW, even if the state has pass a right to work law. That's your 'war on unions'.

I support the right for workers to unionize if they decide to do it but they should not be able to force their coworkers to join and the company should be free to relocate. And if you get your way they will. Overseas.
So, am I incorrect in believing you're a supporter of tickle down economics? That you believe labor is no different than any other commodity and those who work more for less will benefit?

If so, please explain the theory in practice., i.e. how it works in theory, and being that you are such a supporter, offer proof that the GOP is correct with real world examples.

BTW, I have a few historical examples of a different outcome, but I'll await your response.

In terms of the auto industry, I'd like to see the cost to purchase a new BMW, and how much income a BMW line worker in a 'right to work' state can spend to buy a new one - after of course, rent, food, health insurance, their cost for energy, savings to send a child to college and all of the incidentals associated with life in America (an annual vacation, a daughters wedding, nights out in a restaurant and a movie, going to a ball game, saving for retirement, taking care of aged parents, feeding the dog and vet bills, cable TV and Internet, repair or replacement of a roof, etc. etc. etc. etc.).

Go piss up a rope retard.

Nice response. Typical of a right wing parrot, too dumb to answer so you default to calling me stupid. Want to see stupid, look in a mirror or read the post iceweasel.

And what is Obama and the Federal Reserve practicing with QE if not 'trickle down economics' as they give away $85 billion a month to Wall Street bankers?
First, how can you deny the GOP has not declared a war on unions? And, in the specific case I said "fellow travelers" that would be people like you. And if I hold stock in one of the Koch Brothers holdings, what rights do I have in re their spending in the political arena? Why can doctors and lawyers and business concerns have professional organizations and not labor? Why can the former lobby legislatures and not the latter? Your bigotry and hypocrisy is showing.
Freedom from being forced to join a union to make a living is not a war on unions. You are a propagandist. You are not obliged to hold any particular stock, you don't like it, drop it. It's not the same. Who said labor can't have unions? Can you read? Your stunning level of stupidity is showing.

Well, there are pro-Union laws aside from closed shop laws.

The unions need competition from other unions to reduce the corruption and partisanship that dominates them so much these days.

But the Demofascists wont ever let that happen and the GOP is too timid to ever challenge them on it.
WOW, the dishonesty by some is becoming a major habit

Get that unbiased writing...the guy is ANTI UAW

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