GOP once again shows it true colors

Thank goodness for that. Unions exist primarily to enrich the union bosses and buy off politicians who will pass laws enriching union bosses.
Unions were good in the beginning, but now they really don't have much use.
The Federal Government has taken over and done that, with worker safety and other things by the EPA and wages are also done now by the Feds. They have outlived their usefulness.

The State workers pensions and the thuggery of the bosses is what doomed them.
if I were a Chattanooga VW worker, I would have done same, especially after reading something like this-
A guy on another board says he's from Chattanooga and says his friends that work at VW were well aware of their only other plant, in Pennsylvania. It unionized in the late 70s, they went on strike almost immediately and continued making demands until VW closed the doors after 10 years.
the middle class (> 1%, < 50% income bracket)

The middle class is the 50th-99th percentile?
Doesn't sound very "middlely" to me.

It was never 'middlely' statistically anyway. What exact definition you use is rather arbitrary.

almost twice what the upper class or rich people paid.

Your definition of "upper class or rich", top 1% only, is a unique one.

No, it isn't. Why do you think the charts were set up the way they were? Do you think I did them? lol

and the working poor are those below average income levels, i.e. the bottom 50%.

Your definition of working poor is also unique.
You should assign an income number to your 50% cutoff.

With inflation as it is there is no valid reason to assign a number that might make sense this year but not ten years from now.

By your suggestion we are all rich by 1950 numerical income standards, which is why specific income numbers are deceiving and pointless.

With inflation as it is there is no valid reason to assign a number that might make sense this year but not ten years from now.

We're not discussing income 10 years from now, we're discussing your claim today.
The government collects income numbers annually and adjusts them for inflation, so year to year comparisons can be made.

So what is your current definition of working poor?
Starting at what maximum income level?

almost twice what the upper class or rich people paid.

It's shocking that 49 times the people paid only 1.6 times as much as the top 1%.
But not in the way you think.
the middle class (> 1%, < 50% income bracket)

The middle class is the 50th-99th percentile?
Doesn't sound very "middlely" to me.

It was never 'middlely' statistically anyway. What exact definition you use is rather arbitrary.

No, it isn't. Why do you think the charts were set up the way they were? Do you think I did them? lol

and the working poor are those below average income levels, i.e. the bottom 50%.

Your definition of working poor is also unique.
You should assign an income number to your 50% cutoff.

With inflation as it is there is no valid reason to assign a number that might make sense this year but not ten years from now.

By your suggestion we are all rich by 1950 numerical income standards, which is why specific income numbers are deceiving and pointless.

With inflation as it is there is no valid reason to assign a number that might make sense this year but not ten years from now.

We're not discussing income 10 years from now, we're discussing your claim today.

It is meaningless to use specific numbers when prices change so much and using percentages of total stats works perfectly fine. If you don't like it then YOU go and convert all the tables, lol.

The government collects income numbers annually and adjusts them for inflation, so year to year comparisons can be made.

Have at it, dude.

So what is your current definition of working poor?


Starting at what maximum income level?

What is the point?

B]almost twice what the upper class or rich people paid.[/B]

It's shocking that 49 times the people paid only 1.6 times as much as the top 1%.
But not in the way you think.

My statement was that the middle class makes MOST of the tax revenues paid into the federal system and you asked how I got that, and now I have told you.

I have no obligation to jump through your fucking hoops.
I'm the average American. My colors are red, white, and blue. I don't have to bend to the will of a union, nor will I ever. I have a right to work on my own terms, my employer has the right to pay me what they deem sufficient. If I don't like it I can leave.

You? You Demand a business to pay you what you think you deserve, even if it means putting them out of business and their employees in the poorhouse. Your color is yellow.

Get it?
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