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GOP Outreach 193: AZ Latino delivers absentee ballots, Cons want him dead


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
A Hispanic man delivers absentee ballots and now conservatives want him dead

Conservatives are outraged over what they claim, mistakenly, to be evidence of massive voter fraud being perpetrated in Arizona, The Daily Dot reports.

In the video — which was posted at Glenn Beck’s The Blaze under the headline, “Surveillance video apparently catches guy doing something at the ballot box that left Republican monitor stunned” — Ben Marine can be seen entering the lobby of the polling station in a Citizens for a Better Arizona (CBA) shirt and delivering absentee ballots he had collected.

Despite the outrage from conservative sites, Marine was not behaving illegally when he delivered the ballots to the polling station.

But A.J. LaFaro, the chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Committee, told the Arizona Daily Independent that Marine’s behavior was suspicious, and complained that Marine was “a vulgar, direspectful, violent thug that has no respect for our laws. I would have followed him to the parking lot to take down his tag number but I feared for my life.”

“I believe it’s inconceivable,” LaFaro continued, “unacceptable and should be illegal for groups to collect hundreds, if not thousands, of voter’s ballots and return them to the elections offices or polling locations.”

In Arizona, however, it is not illegal for groups like the CBA to collect absentee ballots and deliver them on behalf of the citizens who filled them out. As stated in the Arizona Elections Manual, “[a]fter [voters] have securely sealed the voted ballot inside the early ballot return envelope, voters may voluntarily give their voted early ballot to a person of their choice for delivery to the Recorder or a polling place.”

Ok, so here's the video:

The video has no sound.

We see a Latino man in a t-shirt entering a polling station within a box full of what looks to be ballots. He places them on the counter and then takes out his smart-phone and films the stack of ballots on the table.

He does not look agitated at all. In fact, he barely spoke a word. So, how A.J. LaFaro, Chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Committee could be calling this man a "vulgar, disrespectful, violent thug" is just beyond me. The almost 9 minute video does not show who is behind the counter, but it does show some people entering the polling station, presumably polling workers, close to the end of the video.

Again, this young man looks totally calm, he barely spoke a word, his gestures are anything other than offensive, he brought in ballots (which is absolutely allowed under AZ state law), filmed those ballots on the counter and left.

Now, Mr. LaFaro, without any evidence at all, gives a different account:

Arizona primary ballot box stuffing caught on tape

La Faro AZ.png

Now, let's go back to the video, shall we...

At 00:16, a young Latino man named Ben Marine enters the polling station with a relatively small box of absentee ballots.

at 00:24-00:25 we can see that that young man places the ballots on what looks to be a counter. The box was just about the counter when he did it. It is a small box. So, how there could have been a "loud thud", as Mr. LaFaro, who, mind you, is sitting behind bullet proof glass, can claim, is pretty suspect right away. Go watch it for yourself.

at 00:28, the young Latino man named Ben Marine greets someone with a smile.

From 01:17 to 01:27, a young lady,a young man and an older gentlemen also enter the polling facility, apparently coming back from a lunch break. During this time, the young Latino man, from 00:28 until now, has not opened his mouth even once.

At 01:47, Ben Marine is looking at someone as he transfers the ballots from his box in what looks to be an aquamarine colored plastic tub.

at 02:42, Ben Marine smiles at someone and still, up to this point, Ben Marine has not spoken even one single word.

At 03:05-03:06, you see him reacting to someone and speaking one or two words. He then rubs his nose, looks like an allergy. While he is speaking to whomever he is speaking, he has a smile on his face and looks totally calm.

At 03:50, Ben Marine takes the last two small piles of ballots out of his carboard box, lays them in the counter in front of the aquamarine colored plastic tub into which he has been placing ballots, and is not holding his own cardboard box in his right hand. From 03:06 to this time, Ben Marine has not spoken a single word.

At 03:58-03:59, Ben Marine moved slightly to the left and somewhat out of the view of the camera. His Smartphone (or small tablet) is in his left hand, the cardboard box is in his right hand. By 04:01 in the video, Ben Marine is now completely in view and opening up his Smartphone/Tablet. He no longer has the cardboard box in his hand, so the logical assumption is that he just put the box to the side.

Between 04:01 and 04:20, Ben Marine is typing into his Smartphone/Tablet and then holds it up to either shoot a pic of the ballots on the counter or to make a film, maybe both. Between 04:22 and 04:38, he apparently films the ballots in front of the aquamarine colored plastic tub on the counter.

At 04:38, he returns to the counter. Since 03:05-03:06, he has still not spoken one single word.

From 04:39 to 06:03, Ben Marine continus to put the last ballots in specific parts of the tub, maybe another tub. Maybe they have to be sorted by neighborhood or something like that, I don't know for sure. He is often turning his head to the left and ever so often moves ever so slightly to his left, so that his head is no longer in view of the camera, but in the time where he is to be seen, he has still not spoken a single word. If there was an "altercation" with Maricopa County Republican LaFaro, it could have happened during this time, only the young man's back is also caught as a reflection in the door and neither from the front nor from the reflexion can we see that he even takes a good breath in order to speak. I supposed that in the couple of millisecond of this time elapsed film without and audio (how interesting, eh?), he could have shot out a sentence at light speed...

At 06:03, Ben Marine goes around the other corner of the counter to place the remaining ballots, it appears, in a different tub. So, it looks like the guy is well organized and knows what is supposed to go where. At 06:11, Ben Marine is back in view of the camera and still has not spoken a word.

From 06:11 to 06:44, Ben Marine is sorting out the very last ballots and at 06:44, his casts his look upward, I bet, at a clock on the wall.

At 07:23, a woman with a janitor's pail goes by Ben Marine and out the door. And as she is going out the door, Ben Marine gets on one knee in front of the counter and uses his Smartphone/Tablet to either take a pic or film a ballot, I suppose, for verification purposes.

At 07:30, Ben Marine stands back up and two gentlemen, one in a tie, enter through the door and go by him. Ben Marine retrieves the box that he put to the side, places his Smartphone/Tablet and what looks to be one absentee ballot and at 07:37-07:38, Ben Marine leaves the polling station. By 07:43, he is completely out of view of the camera.

At 08:16, Ben Marine re-enters the polling station, this time without the cardboard box and places one absentee ballot, presumably the one he just had in the cardboard box, in the tub. At 08:23, he leaves the polling station again.

So, what did we see?

We saw a US-Citizen named Ben Marine, who also happens to be hispanic, delivering absentee ballots at a polling station in Maricopa County, AZ, shortly before 1 PM local time, according to the cameras. We can see from the cameras that Ben Marine moved his mouth to speak exactly once, from 03:05-03:06. But Mr. LaFaro claims that the young man spoke FOUR times.

At no point in the video do we see any aggressive stance or movements from the young Latino man named Ben Marine. He calmly and quietly placed absentee ballots in the correct tubs, documented what he did, and left.

Mr. LaFaro, a Republican, is a liar. A bald-faced liar. The video proves him to be a liar.

And he is stupid. Anyone who is stupid enough to put out a video that actually proves the opposite of what he claims happened cannot be a very smart cookie.

So, here's a translation of what Mr. LaFaro meant in calling this young man a "vulgar, disrespectful, violent thug":

vulgar = brown skinned
disrespectful = brown skinned
violent = brown skinned
thug = brown skinned.

Now, the Right is screaming about this. Many of the comments at the YouTube site are calling for Ben Marine's death. That's why I mentioned it in the title.

And of course, the Left is crowing and hooting and hollering with glee over this, because, well, this is probably the most stupid melt-down of all for 2014, at least thus far, but guaranteed it doesn't help the GOP in it's Latino voter outreach when the head of the Republican Party in a hot-bed county like Maricopa County in AZ says this kind of stuff.

Do they not realize that Latinos also watch youtube?

I gotta say, this guy at DailyKos says it pretty well:

Hispanic man delivers absentee ballots in Arizona Conservatives demand he be killed

Only, I went one step farther and actually analyzed the video from top to bottom.

So, Righties, have fun defending this one. Enjoy.
omg, the CONS the cons the cons want him dead

You have become hysterical shit stirrer
Wow. If you look at the 3:03 mark he looks straight at the election official with quite a nervous look on his face, it appears here he is being spoken to. At 3:05 the expression turns to anger, and Marine responds. Did you not look at the expressions on his face?

At 6:44, he looks straight at the camera for a split second as if aware he is committing a misdeed. At 8:19-21, he walks back towards the box and looks straight at the election officials again as he puts another ballot in the box, presumably being spoken to. Look at his facial expression, it is one of frustration. There were multiple times that he could have engaged LeFaro in conversation when his mouth was facing away from the camera.
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Wow. If you look at the 3:03 mark he looks straight at the election official with quite a nervous look on his face, it appears here he is being spoken to. At 3:05 the expression turns to anger, and Marine responds. Did you not look at the expressions on his face?

At 6:44, he looks straight at the camera for a split second. At 8:19-21, he walks back towards the box and looks straight at the election officials again as he puts another ballot in the box, presumably being spoken to. Look at his facial expression, it is one of frustration. There were multiple times that he could have engaged LeFaro in conversation when his mouth was facing away from the camera.

Nope. There was no anger on his face. Good luck with that one. In fact, at 03:05, you can see a smile forming on his face.

At 06:44, he is likely looking at a clock on wall, unless of course, election workers are 8 feet tall.
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Delivering ballots is what got the whacked out fuck head right wingers on here all in an uproar? Really?
Butbutbutbut Temple of Shit says he looked ANGRY. He MUST be doing something illegal. He MUST.

Of course every fuck head right winger on here thinks all black and brown men look angry. And are doing SOMETHING illegal.
it is quite apparent liberscum advocate illegal voting, along with ballot box stuffing, personally i believe those ballots were stolen from mail boxes or from the P.O., something not right about one person delivering hundreds of ballots ! :up:
it is quite apparent liberscum advocate illegal voting, along with ballot box stuffing, personally i believe those ballots were stolen from mail boxes or from the P.O., something not right about one person delivering hundreds of ballots ! :up:

Go read Arizona law, Professor.
Wow. If you look at the 3:03 mark he looks straight at the election official with quite a nervous look on his face, it appears here he is being spoken to. At 3:05 the expression turns to anger, and Marine responds. Did you not look at the expressions on his face?

At 6:44, he looks straight at the camera for a split second as if aware he is committing a misdeed. At 8:19-21, he walks back towards the box and looks straight at the election officials again as he puts another ballot in the box, presumably being spoken to. Look at his facial expression, it is one of frustration. There were multiple times that he could have engaged LeFaro in conversation when his mouth was facing away from the camera.

This is an example of a dummy fooling himself.

The dude never looked nervous nor angry at any time.
He's helping democrats cheat. What could be wrong with that?

No kidding and you see what the op is more upset over. not the cheating by this lowlife and he has to make sure he put in the LATINO. They've moved onto to using Mexicans/latinos/brown skin for their new RACE BAITING
I sometimes feel like the entire country has turned into a bad remake of "1941" and expect Wild Bill Kelso to land his plane any second.
He's helping democrats cheat. What could be wrong with that?

No kidding and you see what the op is more upset over. not the cheating by this lowlife and he has to make sure he put in the LATINO. They've moved onto to using Mexicans/latinos/brown skin for their new RACE BAITING
How is this young Latino named Ben Marine cheating, oh so wise Stephanie? Please share your wisdom with us.

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He's helping democrats cheat. What could be wrong with that?

No kidding and you see what the op is more upset over. not the cheating by this lowlife and he has to make sure he put in the LATINO. They've moved onto to using Mexicans/latinos/brown skin for their new RACE BAITING

The only low life is you, after getting your dumb ass kicked about electric cars you are back for more huh? glad trash like you aren't allowed to live around educated people
Its a commercial for why we need Voter ID

as you already know, I am strongly FOR voter ID, at the national level, with a national identification card and a database. Every other civilized country in the 1st world does this: Germany, France, England, Canada.

However, that has nothing to do with absentee ballots.

In fact, having a national ID system makes it easier to make sure that all absentee ballots are kosher.

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