GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"With Time Running Out, GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal'

With Time Running Out, GOP Lawmakers Plot Revolt Over Iran Deal Vote


'GOP Vows To End Obamacare'
- They cast 100 'show-votes' to end the ACA when it did NOT matter...and when it came time where they could have actually defunded it they voted to fund it.

'GOP Promises to End Obama Amnesty'
- When it came time where they could have de-funded it...the GOP fully fnded Obama's amnesty plan.

'GOP: I hear you on call to defund Planned Parenthood'
- Yeah, they HEARD the majority of Americans who called for it...then they completely blew them off.

NOW the GOP is vowing to 'revolt' against the disastrous Iran deal...

I don't know what is more offensive, the fact that they are declaring this to be the case...or the fact that they are reportedly going to hold the vote on this PO$ on the anniversary of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12)! ...another 'attack' on the US waged on this date... great!
"With Time Running Out, GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal'

With Time Running Out, GOP Lawmakers Plot Revolt Over Iran Deal Vote


'GOP Vows To End Obamacare'
- They cast 100 'show-votes' to end the ACA when it did NOT matter...and when it came time where they could have actually defunded it they voted to fund it.

'GOP Promises to End Obama Amnesty'
- When it came time where they could have de-funded it...the GOP fully fnded Obama's amnesty plan.

'GOP: I hear you on call to defund Planned Parenthood'
- Yeah, they HEARD the majority of Americans who called for it...then they completely blew them off.

NOW the GOP is vowing to 'revolt' against the disastrous Iran deal...

I don't know what is more offensive, the fact that they are declaring this to be the case...or the fact that they are reportedly going to hold the vote on this PO$ on the anniversary of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12)! ...another 'attack' on the US waged on this date... great!
So let me get this straight. The House Clown caucus plans to protest non-disclosure of the deal's side deals by not allowing a vote on the bill protesting the deal?
"With Time Running Out, GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal'

With Time Running Out, GOP Lawmakers Plot Revolt Over Iran Deal Vote


'GOP Vows To End Obamacare'
- They cast 100 'show-votes' to end the ACA when it did NOT matter...and when it came time where they could have actually defunded it they voted to fund it.

'GOP Promises to End Obama Amnesty'
- When it came time where they could have de-funded it...the GOP fully fnded Obama's amnesty plan.

'GOP: I hear you on call to defund Planned Parenthood'
- Yeah, they HEARD the majority of Americans who called for it...then they completely blew them off.

NOW the GOP is vowing to 'revolt' against the disastrous Iran deal...

I don't know what is more offensive, the fact that they are declaring this to be the case...or the fact that they are reportedly going to hold the vote on this PO$ on the anniversary of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12)! ...another 'attack' on the US waged on this date... great!
So let me get this straight. The House Clown caucus plans to protest non-disclosure of the deal's side deals by not allowing a vote on the bill protesting the deal?
No, idiot. As usual you get it wrong.
They are being asked to vote on the Iran deal. In order to vote on it, they have to see what's in it. N o more "we have to pass the bill to know what's in it." That's out.
They have not seen what is in the deal. It would be irresponsible to vote for something without having seen it. SInce we know, despite administration efforts, that there are side deals going on Congress has an obligation to find out what those are, and the administration has an obligation to provide them. No disclosure, no vote. Pretty simple.
No, idiot. As usual you get it wrong.
They are being asked to vote on the Iran deal. In order to vote on it, they have to see what's in it. N o more "we have to pass the bill to know what's in it." That's out.
They have not seen what is in the deal. It would be irresponsible to vote for something without having seen it. SInce we know, despite administration efforts, that there are side deals going on Congress has an obligation to find out what those are, and the administration has an obligation to provide them. No disclosure, no vote. Pretty simple.

1. Personal attacks right off the bat...sure sign of a lack of intelligence and an inability to engage in civil discussion /, typical Liberal.

2. Thank you for admitting that Liberals, the likes of Nancy Pelosi, have and continue to be irresponsible, not to mention Socialistic ruler-wanna-be's by declaring America had / has no right to know what is In legislation until it is passed. this behavior is almost as pathetically immoral/unethical as Obama's declaring the Iran deal to be 'secret' in an attempt to keep the details about this horrible deal secret from the American people and others.

3. You really think anything has changed, that Reps actually take the time to read every bill, most of which consists of thousands of pages of lawyer-speak, as Gruber declared, in order to make it almost impossible for the average 'stupid' American to know what it says?! LOL!

4. Much of the disastrous deal's details, including the B$ side deals, have already leaked out, enough to demonstrate why this thing should NEVER be agreed to.

5. You REALLY think that id the Obama administration does not fully 'come clean' there will be no vote? I SERIOUSLY want some of what you are smoking.

In the end it really doesn't matter because Obama has already ignored Congress, taken it to the U.N., presented it as his personally approved deal, and the U.N. has ratified / signed off on it. The sanctions are gone and billions of dollars are already flowing to Iran, Russia is once again selling them arms that were banned under the pre-existing deal/sanctions.

Whether Congress approves it or not is irrelevant. And if they do vote on it, the die has been cast, the fix is in, the world betrayed. The GOP has already forfeited it's Constitutional responsibility by going along with Obama's B$ claim about this not being a 'treaty' (Bill Clinton definition of the word 'IS', anyone?) and ensured that only a MINORITY in Congress is needed to pass the deal. The fact that the majority of Americans and the MAJORITY of Congress disapproves of this deal means nothing, thanks to the GOP...and once passed, and it will be...Obama has enough support to kill any attempt to override a Veto.
This is how it always goes. Nothing ever comes of it. Boehner and McConnell are bought off buffoons. Where are they on the Iran Deal? In hiding i guess. Not hearing anything from them on it. This will go the way of the horrible recent Trade Deal. The backroom deals have already been cut. The Republican Party has no leadership.

Those who do stand up in opposition are labeled 'Extremists' by their own Party Members. The Party is a real mess. It's certainly not an 'Opposition Party.' No one can name even one part of Obama's agenda that he hasn't gotten passed. Boehner and McConnell gave him everything. The Party is led by corrupt old bastards. It is what it is.
No, idiot. As usual you get it wrong.
They are being asked to vote on the Iran deal. In order to vote on it, they have to see what's in it. N o more "we have to pass the bill to know what's in it." That's out.
They have not seen what is in the deal. It would be irresponsible to vote for something without having seen it. SInce we know, despite administration efforts, that there are side deals going on Congress has an obligation to find out what those are, and the administration has an obligation to provide them. No disclosure, no vote. Pretty simple.

1. Personal attacks right off the bat...sure sign of a lack of intelligence and an inability to engage in civil discussion /, typical Liberal.

2. Thank you for admitting that Liberals, the likes of Nancy Pelosi, have and continue to be irresponsible, not to mention Socialistic ruler-wanna-be's by declaring America had / has no right to know what is In legislation until it is passed. this behavior is almost as pathetically immoral/unethical as Obama's declaring the Iran deal to be 'secret' in an attempt to keep the details about this horrible deal secret from the American people and others.

3. You really think anything has changed, that Reps actually take the time to read every bill, most of which consists of thousands of pages of lawyer-speak, as Gruber declared, in order to make it almost impossible for the average 'stupid' American to know what it says?! LOL!

4. Much of the disastrous deal's details, including the B$ side deals, have already leaked out, enough to demonstrate why this thing should NEVER be agreed to.

5. You REALLY think that id the Obama administration does not fully 'come clean' there will be no vote? I SERIOUSLY want some of what you are smoking.

In the end it really doesn't matter because Obama has already ignored Congress, taken it to the U.N., presented it as his personally approved deal, and the U.N. has ratified / signed off on it. The sanctions are gone and billions of dollars are already flowing to Iran, Russia is once again selling them arms that were banned under the pre-existing deal/sanctions.

Whether Congress approves it or not is irrelevant. And if they do vote on it, the die has been cast, the fix is in, the world betrayed. The GOP has already forfeited it's Constitutional responsibility by going along with Obama's B$ claim about this not being a 'treaty' (Bill Clinton definition of the word 'IS', anyone?) and ensured that only a MINORITY in Congress is needed to pass the deal. The fact that the majority of Americans and the MAJORITY of Congress disapproves of this deal means nothing, thanks to the GOP...and once passed, and it will be...Obama has enough support to kill any attempt to override a Veto.

more of obama's special form of political elitism to bypass procedures he doesn't "like".
The Iran deal is common sense...

Yup, allowing the world's largest exporter and supporter of terrorism, who vows Israel's genocide and that it will strike us while calling for our deaths, to keep their uranium, keep thousands of centrifuges, continue enriching uranium, and be responsible for policing themselves to ensure they follow the rules...when they have already violated the pre-deal conditions, is common sense' Liberals and Obama supporters.

Obama recently declared that if Iran violates the deal's conditions (which they have already done) we can take military action...except that the military has already been so weakened and continues to be weakened that striking Iran's nuclear facilities deep inside their country, especially as they continue to enhance their defensive capabilities with Russia's help, is becoming more and more nearly impossible.

And let's not forget the guaranteed Nuclear Arm's Race that this deal will start, as Saudi has already declared they will seek their own nuclear technology during the deal's time period. Libs can say 'nuh-uh' if they want to regarding a nuclear arm's race, but it ISN'T up to you or Obama to decide that! Saudi has ALREADY said it will happen!

...but to Libs, this all makes sense.

A President attempting to secure this deal by by-passing the Constitution, arguing that this is a 'deal' and not a 'treaty', declaring all details to be SECRET - thereby re-visiting Pelosi's dictatorial declaration that Americans would be forced to wait until it was passed to find out what was in it, somehow makes sense to Liberals. Good grief! If this deal was as great as Obama said he would have taken everything - every detail - to the American people and tried to sell his argument to us - THAT makes sense...but he didn't. He tried to hide it, is trying to by-pass the Constitutional procedure for securing a treaty, and is signing (from what we already know about it) a very bad deal that is not in the US's or the world's best interest!
"With Time Running Out, GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal'

With Time Running Out, GOP Lawmakers Plot Revolt Over Iran Deal Vote


'GOP Vows To End Obamacare'
- They cast 100 'show-votes' to end the ACA when it did NOT matter...and when it came time where they could have actually defunded it they voted to fund it.

'GOP Promises to End Obama Amnesty'
- When it came time where they could have de-funded it...the GOP fully fnded Obama's amnesty plan.

'GOP: I hear you on call to defund Planned Parenthood'
- Yeah, they HEARD the majority of Americans who called for it...then they completely blew them off.

NOW the GOP is vowing to 'revolt' against the disastrous Iran deal...

I don't know what is more offensive, the fact that they are declaring this to be the case...or the fact that they are reportedly going to hold the vote on this PO$ on the anniversary of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12)! ...another 'attack' on the US waged on this date... great!
So let me get this straight. The House Clown caucus plans to protest non-disclosure of the deal's side deals by not allowing a vote on the bill protesting the deal?
No, idiot. As usual you get it wrong.
They are being asked to vote on the Iran deal. In order to vote on it, they have to see what's in it. N o more "we have to pass the bill to know what's in it." That's out.
They have not seen what is in the deal. It would be irresponsible to vote for something without having seen it. SInce we know, despite administration efforts, that there are side deals going on Congress has an obligation to find out what those are, and the administration has an obligation to provide them. No disclosure, no vote. Pretty simple.
Fuck you, fake rabbi
Should the House GOP leadership decide to go ahead with the disapproval resolution, they might not be able to bring it to the floor, because some Republicans are prepared to vote down a procedural rule vote that’s needed to proceed.
Will this revolt end in achieving absolutely nothing like all of their other revolts?
Republicans are planning another revolt due to women's health services.

Wrong forum / topic...but

Murdering babies capable of surviving outside the womb, dismembering them, and selling the pieces off for profit (cash and Lamborghinis) at tax payer expense is not a 'woman's health service'. Then again, maybe it is to a liberal...
This whole thing is a sham. A pretext for war. Just a re-run TV Show. We already saw it. It's how the Iraq War was justified. Iran won't put up with foreigners meddling for very long. It'll grab a little cash out of the deal, but then scrap it. This deal will actually cause war, not peace.
So let me get this straight. The House Clown caucus plans to protest non-disclosure of the deal's side deals by not allowing a vote on the bill protesting the deal?

More political theater...what they say, as already proven, is NOT what they will do. The vote will be held. They know Obama already has the votes he needs, so the GOP leadership will allow the Washington Establishment candidates in close up-coming elections to vote in opposition to it, but not enough members to jeopardize Obama getting what he wants. They will sabre-rattle afterwards about pushing past Obama's veto, which they know they can't defeat, and the GOP will have effectively and quietly allowed Obama to get what they want. It is not like this is the 1st time Bohener and McConnell has done this, as previously pointed out.
Will this revolt end in achieving absolutely nothing like all of their other revolts?
It is theater for the rubes, so it does achieve keeping them sitting in the GOP's lap. Results don't matter. The rubes are too stupid to notice nothing changed.

"Ooooh! Fireworks! Preeeeeety!"
So let me get this straight. The House Clown caucus plans to protest non-disclosure of the deal's side deals by not allowing a vote on the bill protesting the deal?

More political theater...what they say, as already proven, is NOT what they will do. The vote will be held. They know Obama already has the votes he needs, so the GOP leadership will allow the Washington Establishment candidates in close up-coming elections to vote in opposition to it, but not enough members to jeopardize Obama getting what he wants. They will sabre-rattle afterwards about pushing past Obama's veto, which they know they can't defeat, and the GOP will have effectively and quietly allowed Obama to get what they want. It is not like this is the 1st time Bohener and McConnell has done this, as previously pointed out.

Spot On. Boehner and McConnell will feign protest, and then go along. They're corrupt buffoons. Obama has gotten his entire agenda passed on their watch. Name just one thing he hasn't gotten passed. Yet the Republicans still keep Boehner and McConnell in power. The Party is a real mess.
"With Time Running Out, GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal'

With Time Running Out, GOP Lawmakers Plot Revolt Over Iran Deal Vote


'GOP Vows To End Obamacare'
- They cast 100 'show-votes' to end the ACA when it did NOT matter...and when it came time where they could have actually defunded it they voted to fund it.

'GOP Promises to End Obama Amnesty'
- When it came time where they could have de-funded it...the GOP fully fnded Obama's amnesty plan.

'GOP: I hear you on call to defund Planned Parenthood'
- Yeah, they HEARD the majority of Americans who called for it...then they completely blew them off.

NOW the GOP is vowing to 'revolt' against the disastrous Iran deal...

I don't know what is more offensive, the fact that they are declaring this to be the case...or the fact that they are reportedly going to hold the vote on this PO$ on the anniversary of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12)! ...another 'attack' on the US waged on this date... great!
So let me get this straight. The House Clown caucus plans to protest non-disclosure of the deal's side deals by not allowing a vote on the bill protesting the deal?
No, idiot. As usual you get it wrong.
They are being asked to vote on the Iran deal. In order to vote on it, they have to see what's in it. N o more "we have to pass the bill to know what's in it." That's out.
They have not seen what is in the deal. It would be irresponsible to vote for something without having seen it. SInce we know, despite administration efforts, that there are side deals going on Congress has an obligation to find out what those are, and the administration has an obligation to provide them. No disclosure, no vote. Pretty simple.
Fuck you, fake rabbi
Should the House GOP leadership decide to go ahead with the disapproval resolution, they might not be able to bring it to the floor, because some Republicans are prepared to vote down a procedural rule vote that’s needed to proceed.
Suks to be you, doesnt it.
The Democrats plan to filibuster this in the Senate. Really.
This whole thing is a sham. A pretext for war. Just a re-run TV Show. We already saw it. It's how the Iraq War was justified. Iran won't put up with foreigners meddling for very long. It'll grab a little cash out of the deal, but then scrap it. This deal will actually cause war, not peace.
What is your brilliant plan? Other then praise Paul for taking a dump today and talking shit about effort made to stop this deal why don't you tell us what you or even your God and his son the Pauls will do?

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