GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal

It can't have nuclear weapons because it will use them to kill all the jews in Isreal and us here you fucking moron !

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Israel, the U.S., and others have Nuclear Weapons. Why do they have that right, but Iran doesn't? Just telling you how the Iranians see things. This deal will lead to war.

LMAO..let him go tell russia, china and nor korea they just won't be ALLOWED to have nukes and they better just GIVE THEM UP..and right now, too!

Iran will only tolerate the foreign meddling for so long. Eventually the deal will die. Why can't they have Nuclear Weapons? Others have em? All nations are equal and have the same rights... Or maybe not?
and meanwhile, as cruz said yesterday, iran will use/disperse the money we GIVE them to fund all KINDS of downstream assets....effectively making the u.s. the largest financier of global terrorism

The U.S. likely already is the biggest financier of global terrorism. Recently leaked reports show the CIA and other agencies openly admit to funding & arming many terrorist organizations all over the world. ISIS being the most recent. They used them to try and kill Assad in Syria. But yes, Iran will use the cash for things we may not like.

well, we're padding our lead....
It can't have nuclear weapons because it will use them to kill all the jews in Isreal and us here you fucking moron !

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Israel, the U.S., and others have Nuclear Weapons. Why do they have that right, but Iran doesn't? Just telling you how the Iranians see things. This deal will lead to war.

LMAO..let him go tell russia, china and nor korea they just won't be ALLOWED to have nukes and they better just GIVE THEM UP..and right now, too!

Iran will only tolerate the foreign meddling for so long. Eventually the deal will die. Why can't they have Nuclear Weapons? Others have em? All nations are equal and have the same rights... Or maybe not?
and meanwhile, as cruz said yesterday, iran will use/disperse the money we GIVE them to fund all KINDS of downstream assets....effectively making the u.s. the largest financier of global terrorism

The U.S. likely already is the biggest financier of global terrorism. Recently leaked reports show the CIA and other agencies openly admit to funding & arming many terrorist organizations all over the world. ISIS being the most recent. They used them to try and kill Assad in Syria. But yes, Iran will use the cash for things we may not like.
No it is not you lying traitor but if this deal goes through it will be

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
"With Time Running Out, GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal'

With Time Running Out, GOP Lawmakers Plot Revolt Over Iran Deal Vote


'GOP Vows To End Obamacare'
- They cast 100 'show-votes' to end the ACA when it did NOT matter...and when it came time where they could have actually defunded it they voted to fund it.

'GOP Promises to End Obama Amnesty'
- When it came time where they could have de-funded it...the GOP fully fnded Obama's amnesty plan.

'GOP: I hear you on call to defund Planned Parenthood'
- Yeah, they HEARD the majority of Americans who called for it...then they completely blew them off.

NOW the GOP is vowing to 'revolt' against the disastrous Iran deal...

I don't know what is more offensive, the fact that they are declaring this to be the case...or the fact that they are reportedly going to hold the vote on this PO$ on the anniversary of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12)! ...another 'attack' on the US waged on this date... great!

The other countries will continue with the deal making us just look dumb. But the repubs seem to be owned by israel so I'm sure they are being told they have to.
democrats, too....look at the roll...
Israel, the U.S., and others have Nuclear Weapons. Why do they have that right, but Iran doesn't? Just telling you how the Iranians see things. This deal will lead to war.
The USA or Isreal have never threatened to commit genocide you Kew hating USA hating fool

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

It's not just Israel and the U.S. Other nations have them as well. And the U.S. has committed unspeakable atrocities all over the world. Far more than Iran has. But do ya think the U.S. will be giving up its Nukes anytime soon?
I don't wish my kids to die because you are a coward

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Check out the track records of both nations the last 30yrs or so. Iran's no Saint, but it can't come close to the U.S in terms of invasion and mass murder. You just don't wanna see that. You wanna pretend all the invading and slaughtering is for some 'good honorable cause.'
What do we call a person who supports the enemy? Oh yea a traitor

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I don't support any enemies. I just see reality. Even if it's ugly and uncomfortable. Iran hasn't done nearly as much invading and slaughtering around the world as the U.S. has. So why should the U.S. and others be allowed to possess Nuclear Weapons, but not Iran? Can you see how Iran sees this?
It can't have nuclear weapons because it will use them to kill all the jews in Isreal and us here you fucking moron !

The USA or Isreal have never threatened to commit genocide you Kew hating USA hating fool

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

It's not just Israel and the U.S. Other nations have them as well. And the U.S. has committed unspeakable atrocities all over the world. Far more than Iran has. But do ya think the U.S. will be giving up its Nukes anytime soon?
I don't wish my kids to die because you are a coward

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Check out the track records of both nations the last 30yrs or so. Iran's no Saint, but it can't come close to the U.S in terms of invasion and mass murder. You just don't wanna see that. You wanna pretend all the invading and slaughtering is for some 'good honorable cause.'
What do we call a person who supports the enemy? Oh yea a traitor

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I don't support any enemies. I just see reality. Even if it's ugly and uncomfortable. Iran hasn't done nearly as much invading and slaughtering around the world as the U.S. has. So why should the U.S. and others be allowed to possess Nuclear Weapons, but not Iran? Can you see how Iran sees this?

...and who was the first to ever USE nukes?...and on civilians, no less! TWICE...

LMAO..we have no moral authority in this matter...
Israel, the U.S., and others have Nuclear Weapons. Why do they have that right, but Iran doesn't? Just telling you how the Iranians see things. This deal will lead to war.

LMAO..let him go tell russia, china and nor korea they just won't be ALLOWED to have nukes and they better just GIVE THEM UP..and right now, too!

Iran will only tolerate the foreign meddling for so long. Eventually the deal will die. Why can't they have Nuclear Weapons? Others have em? All nations are equal and have the same rights... Or maybe not?
and meanwhile, as cruz said yesterday, iran will use/disperse the money we GIVE them to fund all KINDS of downstream assets....effectively making the u.s. the largest financier of global terrorism

The U.S. likely already is the biggest financier of global terrorism. Recently leaked reports show the CIA and other agencies openly admit to funding & arming many terrorist organizations all over the world. ISIS being the most recent. They used them to try and kill Assad in Syria. But yes, Iran will use the cash for things we may not like.
No it is not you lying traitor but if this deal goes through it will be

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

The CIA has admitted to funding & arming Islamic Extremist groups especially. Al Qaeda and ISIS wouldn't have been possible without U.S. cash & weapons. Did you really believe their cash & money just magically appeared? They got it from someone. Guess who that someone is?
It's not just Israel and the U.S. Other nations have them as well. And the U.S. has committed unspeakable atrocities all over the world. Far more than Iran has. But do ya think the U.S. will be giving up its Nukes anytime soon?
I don't wish my kids to die because you are a coward

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Check out the track records of both nations the last 30yrs or so. Iran's no Saint, but it can't come close to the U.S in terms of invasion and mass murder. You just don't wanna see that. You wanna pretend all the invading and slaughtering is for some 'good honorable cause.'
What do we call a person who supports the enemy? Oh yea a traitor

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I don't support any enemies. I just see reality. Even if it's ugly and uncomfortable. Iran hasn't done nearly as much invading and slaughtering around the world as the U.S. has. So why should the U.S. and others be allowed to possess Nuclear Weapons, but not Iran? Can you see how Iran sees this?

...and who was the first to ever USE nukes?...and on civilians, no less! TWICE...

LMAO..we have no moral authority in this matter...

Exactly. Over the last 30yrs alone, the U.S. has committed untold mass murder all around the world. In that same period, Iran hasn't invaded a single nation or committed such atrocities. So who really has the more just argument for possessing Nuclear Weapons? Something to think about.
There will be no such revolts until the Party revolts and sacks Boehner and McConnell. They have to ditch those those two corrupt old buffoons. Nothing will change till that happens.
Suks to be you, doesnt it.
The Democrats plan to filibuster this in the Senate. Really.

I'll believe it when I see it. Personally I hope it never goes through, but as I said it really doesn't matter if it does or not. The sanctions are gone, new weapons are flowing from Russia into Iran, they get to keep refining uranium...and out 4 hostages remain in Iran because Obama didn't think they were important enough to include in the deal / to mention.
Harry Reid confirms Senate Democrats will filibuster Iran nuclear deal - Washington Times
"With Time Running Out, GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal'

With Time Running Out, GOP Lawmakers Plot Revolt Over Iran Deal Vote


'GOP Vows To End Obamacare'
- They cast 100 'show-votes' to end the ACA when it did NOT matter...and when it came time where they could have actually defunded it they voted to fund it.

'GOP Promises to End Obama Amnesty'
- When it came time where they could have de-funded it...the GOP fully fnded Obama's amnesty plan.

'GOP: I hear you on call to defund Planned Parenthood'
- Yeah, they HEARD the majority of Americans who called for it...then they completely blew them off.

NOW the GOP is vowing to 'revolt' against the disastrous Iran deal...

I don't know what is more offensive, the fact that they are declaring this to be the case...or the fact that they are reportedly going to hold the vote on this PO$ on the anniversary of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12)! ...another 'attack' on the US waged on this date... great!
So let me get this straight. The House Clown caucus plans to protest non-disclosure of the deal's side deals by not allowing a vote on the bill protesting the deal?
No, idiot. As usual you get it wrong.
They are being asked to vote on the Iran deal. In order to vote on it, they have to see what's in it. N o more "we have to pass the bill to know what's in it." That's out.
They have not seen what is in the deal. It would be irresponsible to vote for something without having seen it. SInce we know, despite administration efforts, that there are side deals going on Congress has an obligation to find out what those are, and the administration has an obligation to provide them. No disclosure, no vote. Pretty simple.
what makes you think they haven't seen the deal?
and meanwhile, as cruz said yesterday, iran will use/disperse the money we GIVE them to fund all KINDS of downstream assets....effectively making the u.s. the largest financier of global terrorism
we aren't giving them any money. why would you make such an idiotic remark?
The USA or Isreal have never threatened to commit genocide you Kew hating USA hating fool

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

It's not just Israel and the U.S. Other nations have them as well. And the U.S. has committed unspeakable atrocities all over the world. Far more than Iran has. But do ya think the U.S. will be giving up its Nukes anytime soon?
I don't wish my kids to die because you are a coward

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Check out the track records of both nations the last 30yrs or so. Iran's no Saint, but it can't come close to the U.S in terms of invasion and mass murder. You just don't wanna see that. You wanna pretend all the invading and slaughtering is for some 'good honorable cause.'
What do we call a person who supports the enemy? Oh yea a traitor

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I don't support any enemies. I just see reality. Even if it's ugly and uncomfortable. Iran hasn't done nearly as much invading and slaughtering around the world as the U.S. has. So why should the U.S. and others be allowed to possess Nuclear Weapons, but not Iran? Can you see how Iran sees this?
or israel for that matter.
"With Time Running Out, GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal'

With Time Running Out, GOP Lawmakers Plot Revolt Over Iran Deal Vote


'GOP Vows To End Obamacare'
- They cast 100 'show-votes' to end the ACA when it did NOT matter...and when it came time where they could have actually defunded it they voted to fund it.

'GOP Promises to End Obama Amnesty'
- When it came time where they could have de-funded it...the GOP fully fnded Obama's amnesty plan.

'GOP: I hear you on call to defund Planned Parenthood'
- Yeah, they HEARD the majority of Americans who called for it...then they completely blew them off.

NOW the GOP is vowing to 'revolt' against the disastrous Iran deal...

I don't know what is more offensive, the fact that they are declaring this to be the case...or the fact that they are reportedly going to hold the vote on this PO$ on the anniversary of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12)! ...another 'attack' on the US waged on this date... great!
So let me get this straight. The House Clown caucus plans to protest non-disclosure of the deal's side deals by not allowing a vote on the bill protesting the deal?
No, idiot. As usual you get it wrong.
They are being asked to vote on the Iran deal. In order to vote on it, they have to see what's in it. N o more "we have to pass the bill to know what's in it." That's out.
They have not seen what is in the deal. It would be irresponsible to vote for something without having seen it. SInce we know, despite administration efforts, that there are side deals going on Congress has an obligation to find out what those are, and the administration has an obligation to provide them. No disclosure, no vote. Pretty simple.
what makes you think they haven't seen the deal?
and meanwhile, as cruz said yesterday, iran will use/disperse the money we GIVE them to fund all KINDS of downstream assets....effectively making the u.s. the largest financier of global terrorism
we aren't giving them any money. why would you make such an idiotic remark? more...type less...
"With Time Running Out, GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal'

With Time Running Out, GOP Lawmakers Plot Revolt Over Iran Deal Vote


'GOP Vows To End Obamacare'
- They cast 100 'show-votes' to end the ACA when it did NOT matter...and when it came time where they could have actually defunded it they voted to fund it.

'GOP Promises to End Obama Amnesty'
- When it came time where they could have de-funded it...the GOP fully fnded Obama's amnesty plan.

'GOP: I hear you on call to defund Planned Parenthood'
- Yeah, they HEARD the majority of Americans who called for it...then they completely blew them off.

NOW the GOP is vowing to 'revolt' against the disastrous Iran deal...

I don't know what is more offensive, the fact that they are declaring this to be the case...or the fact that they are reportedly going to hold the vote on this PO$ on the anniversary of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12)! ...another 'attack' on the US waged on this date... great!
So let me get this straight. The House Clown caucus plans to protest non-disclosure of the deal's side deals by not allowing a vote on the bill protesting the deal?
No, idiot. As usual you get it wrong.
They are being asked to vote on the Iran deal. In order to vote on it, they have to see what's in it. N o more "we have to pass the bill to know what's in it." That's out.
They have not seen what is in the deal. It would be irresponsible to vote for something without having seen it. SInce we know, despite administration efforts, that there are side deals going on Congress has an obligation to find out what those are, and the administration has an obligation to provide them. No disclosure, no vote. Pretty simple.
what makes you think they haven't seen the deal?
and meanwhile, as cruz said yesterday, iran will use/disperse the money we GIVE them to fund all KINDS of downstream assets....effectively making the u.s. the largest financier of global terrorism
we aren't giving them any money. why would you make such an idiotic remark? more...type less...
no, you need to back your claim up because reality disagrees with you. why do you think we are 'giving' iran any money?
"With Time Running Out, GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal'

With Time Running Out, GOP Lawmakers Plot Revolt Over Iran Deal Vote


'GOP Vows To End Obamacare'
- They cast 100 'show-votes' to end the ACA when it did NOT matter...and when it came time where they could have actually defunded it they voted to fund it.

'GOP Promises to End Obama Amnesty'
- When it came time where they could have de-funded it...the GOP fully fnded Obama's amnesty plan.

'GOP: I hear you on call to defund Planned Parenthood'
- Yeah, they HEARD the majority of Americans who called for it...then they completely blew them off.

NOW the GOP is vowing to 'revolt' against the disastrous Iran deal...

I don't know what is more offensive, the fact that they are declaring this to be the case...or the fact that they are reportedly going to hold the vote on this PO$ on the anniversary of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12)! ...another 'attack' on the US waged on this date... great!
So let me get this straight. The House Clown caucus plans to protest non-disclosure of the deal's side deals by not allowing a vote on the bill protesting the deal?
No, idiot. As usual you get it wrong.
They are being asked to vote on the Iran deal. In order to vote on it, they have to see what's in it. N o more "we have to pass the bill to know what's in it." That's out.
They have not seen what is in the deal. It would be irresponsible to vote for something without having seen it. SInce we know, despite administration efforts, that there are side deals going on Congress has an obligation to find out what those are, and the administration has an obligation to provide them. No disclosure, no vote. Pretty simple.
what makes you think they haven't seen the deal?
and meanwhile, as cruz said yesterday, iran will use/disperse the money we GIVE them to fund all KINDS of downstream assets....effectively making the u.s. the largest financier of global terrorism
we aren't giving them any money. why would you make such an idiotic remark? more...type less...
no, you need to back your claim up because reality disagrees with you. why do you think we are 'giving' iran any money?

it's not a "claim"..if you don't understand what's going on, withdraw and let the thread continue. I'm not going to play word games with you.

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