GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal

National News Alert: Senate Democrats block Republican effort to scuttle Iran Nuclear deal.
as Sarah Palin says...

“Only in an Orwellian Obama world full of sprinkly fairy dust floating from atop a unicorn as he’s peeking through a pretty pink kaleidoscope would he ever see victory or safety for America or Israel in this treaty.”
lol. you really can pick some serious thinkers, can't you?
it really doesn't take a 'serious thinker' to realize the deal is a loser.....but go sprinkle some fairy dust in celebration....
the incompetents are the republican progressives....not conservatives like Cruz....

No amount of protesting or lobbying by Cruz will change the fact that we will be directly funding a terrorist state with $150 billion of our taxpayer dollars when the votes fail in the House and Senate.

They are all incompetent. I'm sorry. They just are. All the marbles in their hands and they can't do a damned thing.
are you on the same stupid train as Rotagilla? no tax dollars are going to iran

Then where are we getting the money from genius? El Dorado?
we aren't giving them any money. seriously, this has been explained. why do you think tax dollars are going to iran?

Mea culpa. Okay? Okay. Good, now that that's out of the way:

Let's just put it like this. Iran spends $30 billion on its military annually. We have $150 billion of their foreign assets on hold. All in one fell swoop we will be giving them back five times their annual military budget. All at once. For them to use to sponsor terrorism in the Middle East. We used this as leverage. "You sign this deal, we give you your money back."

The problem is that Obama, desperate for a deal, used the very thing Iran needed to fund its terrorism. Money. Money to get the deal. That's a bribe, ogi, not a deal. So in part, we are funding their terrorism.
the incompetents are the republican progressives....not conservatives like Cruz....

No amount of protesting or lobbying by Cruz will change the fact that we will be directly funding a terrorist state with $150 billion of our taxpayer dollars when the votes fail in the House and Senate.

They are all incompetent. I'm sorry. They just are. All the marbles in their hands and they can't do a damned thing.
are you on the same stupid train as Rotagilla? no tax dollars are going to iran

Then where are we getting the money from genius? El Dorado?
we aren't giving them any money. seriously, this has been explained. why do you think tax dollars are going to iran?

Mea culpa. Okay? Okay. Good, now that that's out of the way:

Let's just put it like this. Iran spends $30 billion on its military annually. We have $150 billion of their foreign assets on hold. All in one fell swoop we will be giving them back five times their annual military budget. All at once. For them to use to sponsor terrorism in the Middle East. We used this as leverage. "You sign this deal, we give you your money back."

The problem is that Obama, desperate for a deal, used the very thing Iran needed to fund its terrorism. Money. Money to get the deal. That's a bribe, ogi, not a deal. So in part, we are funding their terrorism.
again, we don't have that money. that money is frozen throughout the world, and whether or not we release sanctions other people will.
and yes, iran needs money. it's economy is in shambles in no small part because of the sanctions. that's what gave us the leverage to get a deal that reduces their enriched uranium stockpiles, to get inspectors on to sites, to dismantle their plutonium reactor, and to reduce their centrifuges.

also, this $150 billion number is suspect. $100 seems more accurate, and there are reports that after iran pays nations it owes for infrastructure - like china - that $100 will be closer to $50.
No amount of protesting or lobbying by Cruz will change the fact that we will be directly funding a terrorist state with $150 billion of our taxpayer dollars when the votes fail in the House and Senate.

They are all incompetent. I'm sorry. They just are. All the marbles in their hands and they can't do a damned thing.
are you on the same stupid train as Rotagilla? no tax dollars are going to iran

Then where are we getting the money from genius? El Dorado?
we aren't giving them any money. seriously, this has been explained. why do you think tax dollars are going to iran?

Mea culpa. Okay? Okay. Good, now that that's out of the way:

Let's just put it like this. Iran spends $30 billion on its military annually. We have $150 billion of their foreign assets on hold. All in one fell swoop we will be giving them back five times their annual military budget. All at once. For them to use to sponsor terrorism in the Middle East. We used this as leverage. "You sign this deal, we give you your money back."

The problem is that Obama, desperate for a deal, used the very thing Iran needed to fund its terrorism. Money. Money to get the deal. That's a bribe, ogi, not a deal. So in part, we are funding their terrorism.
again, we don't have that money. that money is frozen throughout the world, and whether or not we release sanctions other people will.
and yes, iran needs money. it's economy is in shambles in no small part because of the sanctions. that's what gave us the leverage to get a deal that reduces their enriched uranium stockpiles, to get inspectors on to sites, to dismantle their plutonium reactor, and to reduce their centrifuges.

also, this $150 billion number is suspect. $100 seems more accurate, and there are reports that after iran pays nations it owes for infrastructure - like china - that $100 will be closer to $50.
150 billion is money frozen in this countries banks and Obama will be funding American deaths but what do you care you are stupid like him and think only the dirty jews will die

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Pussies don't revolt. They just talk about revolting. I'll believe it when i see it.
are you on the same stupid train as Rotagilla? no tax dollars are going to iran

Then where are we getting the money from genius? El Dorado?
we aren't giving them any money. seriously, this has been explained. why do you think tax dollars are going to iran?

Mea culpa. Okay? Okay. Good, now that that's out of the way:

Let's just put it like this. Iran spends $30 billion on its military annually. We have $150 billion of their foreign assets on hold. All in one fell swoop we will be giving them back five times their annual military budget. All at once. For them to use to sponsor terrorism in the Middle East. We used this as leverage. "You sign this deal, we give you your money back."

The problem is that Obama, desperate for a deal, used the very thing Iran needed to fund its terrorism. Money. Money to get the deal. That's a bribe, ogi, not a deal. So in part, we are funding their terrorism.
again, we don't have that money. that money is frozen throughout the world, and whether or not we release sanctions other people will.
and yes, iran needs money. it's economy is in shambles in no small part because of the sanctions. that's what gave us the leverage to get a deal that reduces their enriched uranium stockpiles, to get inspectors on to sites, to dismantle their plutonium reactor, and to reduce their centrifuges.

also, this $150 billion number is suspect. $100 seems more accurate, and there are reports that after iran pays nations it owes for infrastructure - like china - that $100 will be closer to $50.
150 billion is money frozen in this countries banks and Obama will be funding American deaths but what do you care you are stupid like him and think only the dirty jews will die

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
lol. you're a silly reactionary.
again, we don't have that money. that money is frozen throughout the world, and whether or not we release sanctions other people will.

The whole idea is to release the sanctions, right? Or did I read the deal wrong?

By "we" I mean the countries who signed this Chamberlain-esque deal.
the whole idea is to prevent iran from building a nuclear weapon. see, they only ever get sanction relief if they meet the requirements of the agreement. that means a reduction in uranium, the dis-assembly of their plutonium plant, and the decommissioning of thousands of centrifuges.
if it was only about lifting sanctions none of that would be happening.
the whole idea is to prevent iran from building a nuclear weapon. see, they only ever get sanction relief if they meet the requirements of the agreement.

Sure, nothing says "the whole idea is to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon" like giving them 24 days notice before a snap inspection of their nuclear facilities. SNAP INSPECTION. Hah!

Yeah, mmhmm.
"With Time Running Out, GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal'

With Time Running Out, GOP Lawmakers Plot Revolt Over Iran Deal Vote


'GOP Vows To End Obamacare'
- They cast 100 'show-votes' to end the ACA when it did NOT matter...and when it came time where they could have actually defunded it they voted to fund it.

'GOP Promises to End Obama Amnesty'
- When it came time where they could have de-funded it...the GOP fully fnded Obama's amnesty plan.

'GOP: I hear you on call to defund Planned Parenthood'
- Yeah, they HEARD the majority of Americans who called for it...then they completely blew them off.

NOW the GOP is vowing to 'revolt' against the disastrous Iran deal...

I don't know what is more offensive, the fact that they are declaring this to be the case...or the fact that they are reportedly going to hold the vote on this PO$ on the anniversary of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12)! ...another 'attack' on the US waged on this date... great!
I think your lies and delusions are both revolting and offensive.
the whole idea is to prevent iran from building a nuclear weapon. see, they only ever get sanction relief if they meet the requirements of the agreement.

Sure, nothing says "the whole idea is to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon" like giving them 24 days notice before a snap inspection of their nuclear facilities. SNAP INSPECTION. Hah!

Yeah, mmhmm.
nuclear inspectors have access to nuclear sites on a daily basis. they track the uranium coming out of the mines. if there is a site we suspect has undeclared nuclear activity we can face up to a 24 day delay. nuclear experts say that that is insufficient time to hide or move nuclear programs.

so i know it sounds like a long time, but if the evidence remains does it really matter if it's 24 hours or 24 days?
No, idiot. As usual you get it wrong.
They are being asked to vote on the Iran deal. In order to vote on it, they have to see what's in it. N o more "we have to pass the bill to know what's in it." That's out.
They have not seen what is in the deal. It would be irresponsible to vote for something without having seen it. SInce we know, despite administration efforts, that there are side deals going on Congress has an obligation to find out what those are, and the administration has an obligation to provide them. No disclosure, no vote. Pretty simple.

1. Personal attacks right off the bat...sure sign of a lack of intelligence and an inability to engage in civil discussion /, typical Liberal.

2. Thank you for admitting that Liberals, the likes of Nancy Pelosi, have and continue to be irresponsible, not to mention Socialistic ruler-wanna-be's by declaring America had / has no right to know what is In legislation until it is passed. this behavior is almost as pathetically immoral/unethical as Obama's declaring the Iran deal to be 'secret' in an attempt to keep the details about this horrible deal secret from the American people and others.

3. You really think anything has changed, that Reps actually take the time to read every bill, most of which consists of thousands of pages of lawyer-speak, as Gruber declared, in order to make it almost impossible for the average 'stupid' American to know what it says?! LOL!

4. Much of the disastrous deal's details, including the B$ side deals, have already leaked out, enough to demonstrate why this thing should NEVER be agreed to.

5. You REALLY think that id the Obama administration does not fully 'come clean' there will be no vote? I SERIOUSLY want some of what you are smoking.

In the end it really doesn't matter because Obama has already ignored Congress, taken it to the U.N., presented it as his personally approved deal, and the U.N. has ratified / signed off on it. The sanctions are gone and billions of dollars are already flowing to Iran, Russia is once again selling them arms that were banned under the pre-existing deal/sanctions.

Whether Congress approves it or not is irrelevant. And if they do vote on it, the die has been cast, the fix is in, the world betrayed. The GOP has already forfeited it's Constitutional responsibility by going along with Obama's B$ claim about this not being a 'treaty' (Bill Clinton definition of the word 'IS', anyone?) and ensured that only a MINORITY in Congress is needed to pass the deal. The fact that the majority of Americans and the MAJORITY of Congress disapproves of this deal means nothing, thanks to the GOP...and once passed, and it will be...Obama has enough support to kill any attempt to override a Veto.
You are such a fucking liar. What is wrong with you people? It's NOT a deal between the US and Iran that Obama took to the UN. DID YOU GET THAT?????????????????????

It's a treaty between Iran and a half dozen countries with one of them being the US!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come on people. Stop the determined ignorance. It's why the Republicans are the joke of the world.

You can't get Republicans to tell the truth about anything, ever. They either lie or are completely delusional.
nuclear inspectors have access to nuclear sites on a daily basis. they track the uranium coming out of the mines. if there is a site we suspect has undeclared nuclear activity we can face up to a 24 day delay. nuclear experts say that that is insufficient time to hide or move nuclear programs.

Just for kicks, since you know a great deal about the ... deal, how about linking me to some of this information. Please?
again, we don't have that money. that money is frozen throughout the world, and whether or not we release sanctions other people will.

The whole idea is to release the sanctions, right? Or did I read the deal wrong?

By "we" I mean the countries who signed this Chamberlain-esque deal.
the whole idea is to prevent iran from building a nuclear weapon. see, they only ever get sanction relief if they meet the requirements of the agreement. that means a reduction in uranium, the dis-assembly of their plutonium plant, and the decommissioning of thousands of centrifuges.
if it was only about lifting sanctions none of that would be happening.
This deal does not keep iran from nuclear arms ... it makes it more easy and all because fools like you and him hate jews

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Pussies don't revolt. They just talk about revolting. I'll believe it when i see it.
We are not talking about you pothead Paul liberaltarian traitors

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Rand Paul has the balls to revolt. We'll see if any others do. I doubt it though. Like i said, pussies just talk about revolting.
Mitch McConnell has Rands balls in his purse

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
nuclear inspectors have access to nuclear sites on a daily basis. they track the uranium coming out of the mines. if there is a site we suspect has undeclared nuclear activity we can face up to a 24 day delay. nuclear experts say that that is insufficient time to hide or move nuclear programs.

Just for kicks, since you know a great deal about the ... deal, how about linking me to some of this information. Please?
Dude. I linked to the full text of the agreement in this topic.

nuclear inspectors have access to nuclear sites on a daily basis. they track the uranium coming out of the mines. if there is a site we suspect has undeclared nuclear activity we can face up to a 24 day delay. nuclear experts say that that is insufficient time to hide or move nuclear programs.

Just for kicks, since you know a great deal about the ... deal, how about linking me to some of this information. Please?
Dude. I linked to the full text of the agreement in this topic.


And? I didn't ask for the full text. I've had it open in my browser for a while now. I'm asking ogi to cite where in the deal he is basing his statement on. Would you care to act in his stead?
nuclear inspectors have access to nuclear sites on a daily basis. they track the uranium coming out of the mines. if there is a site we suspect has undeclared nuclear activity we can face up to a 24 day delay. nuclear experts say that that is insufficient time to hide or move nuclear programs.

Just for kicks, since you know a great deal about the ... deal, how about linking me to some of this information. Please?
Dude. I linked to the full text of the agreement in this topic.


And? I didn't ask for the full text. I've had it open in my browser for a while now. I'm asking ogi to cite where in the deal he is basing his statement on. Would you care to act in his stead?

I thought as much.

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