GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal

It allows Iran to monitor itself.

67. Iran will permit the IAEA the use of on-line enrichment measurement and electronic seals which communicate their status within nuclear sites to IAEA inspectors, as well as other IAEA approved and certified modern technologies in line with internationally accepted IAEA practice. Iran will facilitate automated collection of IAEA measurement recordings registered by installed measurement devices and sending to IAEA working space in individual nuclear sites.

67. Iran will make the necessary arrangements to allow for a long-term IAEA presence, including issuing long-term visas, as well as providing proper working space at nuclear sites and, with best efforts, at locations near nuclear sites in Iran for the designated IAEA inspectors for working and keeping necessary equipment.

68. Iran will increase the number of designated IAEA inspectors to the range of 130-150 within 9 months from the date of the implementation of the JCPOA, and will generally allow the designation of inspectors from nations that have diplomatic relations with Iran, consistent with its laws and regulations.

68. Iran will permit the IAEA to monitor, through agreed measures that will include containment and surveillance measures, for 25 years, that all uranium ore concentrate produced in Iran or obtained from any other source, is transferred to the uranium conversion facility (UCF) in Esfahan or to any other future uranium conversion facility which Iran might decide to build in Iran within this period.
So let me get this straight. The House Clown caucus plans to protest non-disclosure of the deal's side deals by not allowing a vote on the bill protesting the deal?
No, idiot. As usual you get it wrong.
They are being asked to vote on the Iran deal. In order to vote on it, they have to see what's in it. N o more "we have to pass the bill to know what's in it." That's out.
They have not seen what is in the deal. It would be irresponsible to vote for something without having seen it. SInce we know, despite administration efforts, that there are side deals going on Congress has an obligation to find out what those are, and the administration has an obligation to provide them. No disclosure, no vote. Pretty simple.
what makes you think they haven't seen the deal?
and meanwhile, as cruz said yesterday, iran will use/disperse the money we GIVE them to fund all KINDS of downstream assets....effectively making the u.s. the largest financier of global terrorism
we aren't giving them any money. why would you make such an idiotic remark? more...type less...
no, you need to back your claim up because reality disagrees with you. why do you think we are 'giving' iran any money?

it's not a "claim"..if you don't understand what's going on, withdraw and let the thread continue. I'm not going to play word games with you.
what the fuck is wrong with you? if you're going to say something so ignorant - like claiming that we are going to give money to iran - at least have the decency to tell us where you got such a stupid idea.

but here's what i can tell you - you're somehow under the impression that the release of frozen iranian assets equates to the government of the united states cutting iran a check. that is foolish. so if that is not the case, please feel free to share your reasoning.
No, idiot. As usual you get it wrong.
They are being asked to vote on the Iran deal. In order to vote on it, they have to see what's in it. N o more "we have to pass the bill to know what's in it." That's out.
They have not seen what is in the deal. It would be irresponsible to vote for something without having seen it. SInce we know, despite administration efforts, that there are side deals going on Congress has an obligation to find out what those are, and the administration has an obligation to provide them. No disclosure, no vote. Pretty simple.
what makes you think they haven't seen the deal?
and meanwhile, as cruz said yesterday, iran will use/disperse the money we GIVE them to fund all KINDS of downstream assets....effectively making the u.s. the largest financier of global terrorism
we aren't giving them any money. why would you make such an idiotic remark? more...type less...
no, you need to back your claim up because reality disagrees with you. why do you think we are 'giving' iran any money?

it's not a "claim"..if you don't understand what's going on, withdraw and let the thread continue. I'm not going to play word games with you.
what the fuck is wrong with you? if you're going to say something so ignorant - like claiming that we are going to give money to iran - at least have the decency to tell us where you got such a stupid idea.

but here's what i can tell you - you're somehow under the impression that the release of frozen iranian assets equates to the government of the united states cutting iran a check. that is foolish. so if that is not the case, please feel free to share your reasoning.

word games
The parrorting retards heard about a "secret side deal" involving the long defunct Parchin site and somehow managed to convert that in their brains to mean Iran will monitor all its active nuclear weapons manufacturing sites itself.

Fucking morons.

what makes you think they haven't seen the deal?
we aren't giving them any money. why would you make such an idiotic remark? more...type less...
no, you need to back your claim up because reality disagrees with you. why do you think we are 'giving' iran any money?

it's not a "claim"..if you don't understand what's going on, withdraw and let the thread continue. I'm not going to play word games with you.
what the fuck is wrong with you? if you're going to say something so ignorant - like claiming that we are going to give money to iran - at least have the decency to tell us where you got such a stupid idea.

but here's what i can tell you - you're somehow under the impression that the release of frozen iranian assets equates to the government of the united states cutting iran a check. that is foolish. so if that is not the case, please feel free to share your reasoning.

word games
you're right. anytime you make a ridiculous and false claim it's not n you when you get called on it, it's me playing word games

please, just admit that the united states is not giving iran any money
and meanwhile, as cruz said yesterday, iran will use/disperse the money we GIVE them to fund all KINDS of downstream assets....effectively making the u.s. the largest financier of global terrorism

We're not giving them money.

Once the sanctions are lifted, they will be able to return to the marketplace and MAKE money.

Those sanctions will not be lifted, though, until they have complied with some heavy conditions.

I have now provided a link to the agreement which you can all read for yourselves. All 159 pages.

You can stop drinking the piss poured for you by hack partisan media outlets and get the facts for yourselves.

Or not. Depends on how much you like the taste of other people's piss, I guess.

"tl;dnr lol"
what's the big rush with this 'deal' anyway.....?

this should be a treaty and treaties are given many months to thrash out the details......instead we have BO giving us the bum rush again....
Before the sanctions are lifted, Iran will have to destroy 98 percent of its enriched uranium, and all of its 5 to 20 percent enriched uranium, end all enrichment at Fordow, and remove more than two thirds of their centrifuges, including all their advanced centrifuges.

The IAEA must certify these conditions have been met before the sanctions can be lifted.

I have now provided a link to the agreement which you can all read for yourselves. All 159 pages.

You can stop drinking the piss poured for you by hack partisan media outlets and get the facts for yourselves.

Or not. Depends on how much you like the taste of other people's piss, I guess.

"tl;dnr lol"
what's the big rush with this 'deal' anyway.....?

this should be a treaty and treaties are given many months to thrash out the details......instead we have BO giving us the bum rush again....

This deal has been in the works since Bush, retard. It is a huge achievement it has made it this far.

I have now provided a link to the agreement which you can all read for yourselves. All 159 pages.

You can stop drinking the piss poured for you by hack partisan media outlets and get the facts for yourselves.

Or not. Depends on how much you like the taste of other people's piss, I guess.

"tl;dnr lol"
what's the big rush with this 'deal' anyway.....?

this should be a treaty and treaties are given many months to thrash out the details......instead we have BO giving us the bum rush again....

This deal has been in the works since Bush, retard. It is a huge achievement it has made it this far.

"in the works" does not mean a written deal that congress can review......get with the program libtardo....

I have now provided a link to the agreement which you can all read for yourselves. All 159 pages.

You can stop drinking the piss poured for you by hack partisan media outlets and get the facts for yourselves.

Or not. Depends on how much you like the taste of other people's piss, I guess.

"tl;dnr lol"
what's the big rush with this 'deal' anyway.....?

this should be a treaty and treaties are given many months to thrash out the details......instead we have BO giving us the bum rush again....

This deal has been in the works since Bush, retard. It is a huge achievement it has made it this far.
Amazing what happens when you agree to the other side's terms hook line and sinker.
"With Time Running Out, GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal'

With Time Running Out, GOP Lawmakers Plot Revolt Over Iran Deal Vote


'GOP Vows To End Obamacare'
- They cast 100 'show-votes' to end the ACA when it did NOT matter...and when it came time where they could have actually defunded it they voted to fund it.

'GOP Promises to End Obama Amnesty'
- When it came time where they could have de-funded it...the GOP fully fnded Obama's amnesty plan.

'GOP: I hear you on call to defund Planned Parenthood'
- Yeah, they HEARD the majority of Americans who called for it...then they completely blew them off.

NOW the GOP is vowing to 'revolt' against the disastrous Iran deal...

I don't know what is more offensive, the fact that they are declaring this to be the case...or the fact that they are reportedly going to hold the vote on this PO$ on the anniversary of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12)! ...another 'attack' on the US waged on this date... great!

Another GOP dog and pony show. They know there won't be any further negotiations, the rest of the world won't go along with continued sanctions, so what's their motivation? All political.
"With Time Running Out, GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal'

With Time Running Out, GOP Lawmakers Plot Revolt Over Iran Deal Vote


'GOP Vows To End Obamacare'
- They cast 100 'show-votes' to end the ACA when it did NOT matter...and when it came time where they could have actually defunded it they voted to fund it.

'GOP Promises to End Obama Amnesty'
- When it came time where they could have de-funded it...the GOP fully fnded Obama's amnesty plan.

'GOP: I hear you on call to defund Planned Parenthood'
- Yeah, they HEARD the majority of Americans who called for it...then they completely blew them off.

NOW the GOP is vowing to 'revolt' against the disastrous Iran deal...

I don't know what is more offensive, the fact that they are declaring this to be the case...or the fact that they are reportedly going to hold the vote on this PO$ on the anniversary of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12)! ...another 'attack' on the US waged on this date... great!

Another GOP dog and pony show. They know there won't be any further negotiations, the rest of the world won't go along with continued sanctions, so what's their motivation? All political.
the motivation is to stop the lift of sanctions....
"With Time Running Out, GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal'

With Time Running Out, GOP Lawmakers Plot Revolt Over Iran Deal Vote


'GOP Vows To End Obamacare'
- They cast 100 'show-votes' to end the ACA when it did NOT matter...and when it came time where they could have actually defunded it they voted to fund it.

'GOP Promises to End Obama Amnesty'
- When it came time where they could have de-funded it...the GOP fully fnded Obama's amnesty plan.

'GOP: I hear you on call to defund Planned Parenthood'
- Yeah, they HEARD the majority of Americans who called for it...then they completely blew them off.

NOW the GOP is vowing to 'revolt' against the disastrous Iran deal...

I don't know what is more offensive, the fact that they are declaring this to be the case...or the fact that they are reportedly going to hold the vote on this PO$ on the anniversary of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12)! ...another 'attack' on the US waged on this date... great!

Another GOP dog and pony show. They know there won't be any further negotiations, the rest of the world won't go along with continued sanctions, so what's their motivation? All political.
the motivation is to stop the lift of sanctions....
Maybe you just missed the part where it's an international agreement. The only effect congress would have is to exclude this country from trading with Iran, which Russia and China will do no matter what congress decides.
"With Time Running Out, GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal'

With Time Running Out, GOP Lawmakers Plot Revolt Over Iran Deal Vote


'GOP Vows To End Obamacare'
- They cast 100 'show-votes' to end the ACA when it did NOT matter...and when it came time where they could have actually defunded it they voted to fund it.

'GOP Promises to End Obama Amnesty'
- When it came time where they could have de-funded it...the GOP fully fnded Obama's amnesty plan.

'GOP: I hear you on call to defund Planned Parenthood'
- Yeah, they HEARD the majority of Americans who called for it...then they completely blew them off.

NOW the GOP is vowing to 'revolt' against the disastrous Iran deal...

I don't know what is more offensive, the fact that they are declaring this to be the case...or the fact that they are reportedly going to hold the vote on this PO$ on the anniversary of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12)! ...another 'attack' on the US waged on this date... great!

Another GOP dog and pony show. They know there won't be any further negotiations, the rest of the world won't go along with continued sanctions, so what's their motivation? All political.
the motivation is to stop the lift of sanctions....
Maybe you just missed the part where it's an international agreement. The only effect congress would have is to exclude this country from trading with Iran, which Russia and China will do no matter what congress decides.
if the House treated the agreement as a treaty Iran's access to the U.S. financial system could be stopped...
"With Time Running Out, GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal'

With Time Running Out, GOP Lawmakers Plot Revolt Over Iran Deal Vote


'GOP Vows To End Obamacare'
- They cast 100 'show-votes' to end the ACA when it did NOT matter...and when it came time where they could have actually defunded it they voted to fund it.

'GOP Promises to End Obama Amnesty'
- When it came time where they could have de-funded it...the GOP fully fnded Obama's amnesty plan.

'GOP: I hear you on call to defund Planned Parenthood'
- Yeah, they HEARD the majority of Americans who called for it...then they completely blew them off.

NOW the GOP is vowing to 'revolt' against the disastrous Iran deal...

I don't know what is more offensive, the fact that they are declaring this to be the case...or the fact that they are reportedly going to hold the vote on this PO$ on the anniversary of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12)! ...another 'attack' on the US waged on this date... great!

Another GOP dog and pony show. They know there won't be any further negotiations, the rest of the world won't go along with continued sanctions, so what's their motivation? All political.
the motivation is to stop the lift of sanctions....
Maybe you just missed the part where it's an international agreement. The only effect congress would have is to exclude this country from trading with Iran, which Russia and China will do no matter what congress decides.
if the House treated the agreement as a treaty Iran's access to the U.S. financial system could be stopped...
US financial system? Are you kidding? Why would they care if the rest of the world is trading with them.
"With Time Running Out, GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal'

With Time Running Out, GOP Lawmakers Plot Revolt Over Iran Deal Vote


'GOP Vows To End Obamacare'
- They cast 100 'show-votes' to end the ACA when it did NOT matter...and when it came time where they could have actually defunded it they voted to fund it.

'GOP Promises to End Obama Amnesty'
- When it came time where they could have de-funded it...the GOP fully fnded Obama's amnesty plan.

'GOP: I hear you on call to defund Planned Parenthood'
- Yeah, they HEARD the majority of Americans who called for it...then they completely blew them off.

NOW the GOP is vowing to 'revolt' against the disastrous Iran deal...

I don't know what is more offensive, the fact that they are declaring this to be the case...or the fact that they are reportedly going to hold the vote on this PO$ on the anniversary of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12)! ...another 'attack' on the US waged on this date... great!

Another GOP dog and pony show. They know there won't be any further negotiations, the rest of the world won't go along with continued sanctions, so what's their motivation? All political.
the motivation is to stop the lift of sanctions....
Maybe you just missed the part where it's an international agreement. The only effect congress would have is to exclude this country from trading with Iran, which Russia and China will do no matter what congress decides.
if the House treated the agreement as a treaty Iran's access to the U.S. financial system could be stopped...
US financial system? Are you kidding? Why would they care if the rest of the world is trading with them.
true they will still make out like bandits....thanks to BO.....but they would not get all the money....the U.S. could put the squeeze on banks enough to limit their windfall....

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