GOP Plans 'Revolt' Against Iran Deal

Another GOP dog and pony show. They know there won't be any further negotiations, the rest of the world won't go along with continued sanctions, so what's their motivation? All political.
the motivation is to stop the lift of sanctions....
Maybe you just missed the part where it's an international agreement. The only effect congress would have is to exclude this country from trading with Iran, which Russia and China will do no matter what congress decides.
if the House treated the agreement as a treaty Iran's access to the U.S. financial system could be stopped...
US financial system? Are you kidding? Why would they care if the rest of the world is trading with them.
true they will still make out like bandits....thanks to BO.....but they would not get all the money....the U.S. could put the squeeze on banks enough to limit their windfall....
I thought the idea was to keep them from getting nuclear weapons. How would holding back a few billion dollars accomplish that when the Iranians could quite possibly build one in just a few months or maybe only weeks.
Liminal said:
I thought the idea was to keep them from getting nuclear weapons. How would holding back a few billion dollars accomplish that when the Iranians could quite possibly build one in just a few months or maybe only weeks.

was that really the idea.....? ....could fool me....

i don't know how many billions the U.S. controls....but it has to be enough to be significant...
Liminal said:
I thought the idea was to keep them from getting nuclear weapons. How would holding back a few billion dollars accomplish that when the Iranians could quite possibly build one in just a few months or maybe only weeks.

was that really the idea.....? ....could fool me....

i don't know how many billions the U.S. controls....but it has to be enough to be significant...
Significant enough to do what? Throw a temper tantrum while the rest of the world ignores us?
Obama did not submit the full agreement according to the requirement of the Corker bill...
no serious person believes that. what parts of the agreement were missing?
Ted Cruz is a serious person....

“I urge you both to declare that the President has failed to submit the agreement to Congress as required by Corker-Cardin and to make clear that any sanctions relief granted under the agreement would therefore be illegal and directly contrary to federal law,” Cruz wrote.

Ted Cruz: Banks Could Be Liable Over Iran Deal
Obama did not submit the full agreement according to the requirement of the Corker bill...
no serious person believes that. what parts of the agreement were missing?
Ted Cruz is a serious person....

“I urge you both to declare that the President has failed to submit the agreement to Congress as required by Corker-Cardin and to make clear that any sanctions relief granted under the agreement would therefore be illegal and directly contrary to federal law,” Cruz wrote.

Ted Cruz: Banks Could Be Liable Over Iran Deal
he very much isn't. but he is a grand-stander willing to say and do just about anything.
Except its not.
what makes you think that?
Obama did not submit the full agreement according to the requirement of the Corker bill...
no serious person believes that. what parts of the agreement were missing?
Ted Cruz is a serious person....

“I urge you both to declare that the President has failed to submit the agreement to Congress as required by Corker-Cardin and to make clear that any sanctions relief granted under the agreement would therefore be illegal and directly contrary to federal law,” Cruz wrote.

Ted Cruz: Banks Could Be Liable Over Iran Deal
he very much isn't. but he is a grand-stander willing to say and do just about anything.

i realize you guys hate him....he's a man with principles...
the incompetents are the republican progressives....not conservatives like Cruz....

No amount of protesting or lobbying by Cruz will change the fact that we will be directly funding a terrorist state with $150 billion of our taxpayer dollars when the votes fail in the House and Senate.

They are all incompetent. I'm sorry. They just are. All the marbles in their hands and they can't do a damned thing.
what makes you think that?
Obama did not submit the full agreement according to the requirement of the Corker bill...
no serious person believes that. what parts of the agreement were missing?
Ted Cruz is a serious person....

“I urge you both to declare that the President has failed to submit the agreement to Congress as required by Corker-Cardin and to make clear that any sanctions relief granted under the agreement would therefore be illegal and directly contrary to federal law,” Cruz wrote.

Ted Cruz: Banks Could Be Liable Over Iran Deal
he very much isn't. but he is a grand-stander willing to say and do just about anything.

i realize you guys hate him....he's a man with principles...
so sad that you believe that
the incompetents are the republican progressives....not conservatives like Cruz....

No amount of protesting or lobbying by Cruz will change the fact that we will be directly funding a terrorist state with $150 billion of our taxpayer dollars when the votes fail in the House and Senate.

They are all incompetent. I'm sorry. They just are. All the marbles in their hands and they can't do a damned thing.
are you on the same stupid train as Rotagilla? no tax dollars are going to iran
the incompetents are the republican progressives....not conservatives like Cruz....

No amount of protesting or lobbying by Cruz will change the fact that we will be directly funding a terrorist state with $150 billion of our taxpayer dollars when the votes fail in the House and Senate.

They are all incompetent. I'm sorry. They just are. All the marbles in their hands and they can't do a damned thing.
are you on the same stupid train as Rotagilla? no tax dollars are going to iran

Then where are we getting the money from genius? El Dorado?
the incompetents are the republican progressives....not conservatives like Cruz....

No amount of protesting or lobbying by Cruz will change the fact that we will be directly funding a terrorist state with $150 billion of our taxpayer dollars when the votes fail in the House and Senate.

They are all incompetent. I'm sorry. They just are. All the marbles in their hands and they can't do a damned thing.
are you on the same stupid train as Rotagilla? no tax dollars are going to iran

Then where are we getting the money from genius? El Dorado?
Tax dollars aren't going to Iran.. Jesus.
the incompetents are the republican progressives....not conservatives like Cruz....

No amount of protesting or lobbying by Cruz will change the fact that we will be directly funding a terrorist state with $150 billion of our taxpayer dollars when the votes fail in the House and Senate.

They are all incompetent. I'm sorry. They just are. All the marbles in their hands and they can't do a damned thing.
are you on the same stupid train as Rotagilla? no tax dollars are going to iran

Then where are we getting the money from genius? El Dorado?
we aren't giving them any money. seriously, this has been explained. why do you think tax dollars are going to iran?
National News Alert: Senate Democrats block Republican effort to scuttle Iran Nuclear deal.
as Sarah Palin says...

“Only in an Orwellian Obama world full of sprinkly fairy dust floating from atop a unicorn as he’s peeking through a pretty pink kaleidoscope would he ever see victory or safety for America or Israel in this treaty.”
National News Alert: Senate Democrats block Republican effort to scuttle Iran Nuclear deal.
as Sarah Palin says...

“Only in an Orwellian Obama world full of sprinkly fairy dust floating from atop a unicorn as he’s peeking through a pretty pink kaleidoscope would he ever see victory or safety for America or Israel in this treaty.”
lol. you really can pick some serious thinkers, can't you?

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