GOP playing 'Inner Tennis'


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
I was one of the twenty people watching Chris Matthews the other day.
C Matthews in his usual LIB fuck-wit manner was laughing at the fact there are so many GOP Presidential candidates running.
I had to laugh at him. He's so fucking dumb, as are the rest of the LIBs they aren't looking at the 'inner tennis' of the GOP backroom boys/girls.
Here's why the LIBs will lose:
Each GOP candidate has their own base/constituency who are very loyal supporters. That's obvious. Each candidate is energizing their base and making sure they remain engaged enough to get out and vote.
Obviously only one candidate will end up facing 'Cankles'. As each candidate withdraws from the race they will all throw their support to the last candidate standing. When a small number of Huckaby's fiercely loyal base hears Mike say: "This time is not my time. But I'm asking you to turn out and vote for Rubio, (or whoever). He is my choice for who can beat Hillary". His base will turn out to support Mike's choice.
In this way a much greater number of GOP voters will go to the poles then last time.
Watching Chris Matthews? He makes Keith Olbermann look like a contemplative genius.

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