CDZ GOP please vote per deanrd: Do you oppose Education and Health care? or Federalization of them?

I vote GOP (please specify GOP affiliation) and OPPOSE the following:

  • Education

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Health Care

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Federal centralized control instead of people and states managing them more effectively

    Votes: 18 94.7%
  • Other reason or policy you OPPOSE if not clarified above

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Please specify if you vote GOP as a Conservative Constitutionalist Christian or Tea Party etc.

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Here is something for you to compare other countries to our own. This isn't emotion this is fact

I knew we were in bad shape but I didn't know it had fallen that far. Gosh.
The federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved with either education or healthcare.

I'm not a GOP guy. I wrote-in Ron Paul in the 2016, even though he didn't run. He still got 1 electoral vote anyway. Ha.
If the government wasn’t involved with education, the majority of Americans, like Republicans, wouldn’t know how to read nor write.
Considering what Republicans write now on the USMB, it’s questionable whether they know how to read or write. Because what they write is such nonsense most of the time.
The education system went to hell when the feds took over education in the 70's. It's been an erosion ever since.
That's stupid. The rest of the world comes to this country because the education here is the best in the world.

The problem is the GOP leadership knows they can control a base that doesn't know anything.

Look at Rick Santorum. He has three degrees:

and there he is. Stigmatizing education.

And why? Because Republicans feel that if people are educated, they vote Democrat.
That must mean, Democrats are incredibly good at mesmerizing people. Or it could be, colleges are teaching people how to think for themselves.
So if Democrats are so good at mesmerizing people, why is there Trump?
That must mean, people vote Democrat because kids were taught to look at facts and decide for themselves.

Here is something for you to compare other countries to our own. This isn't emotion this is fact,
Our federal education is failing and this shows it. It isn't some emotional platitude as some try to pawn off as fact
. graph 1_larger.jpg

What is the point? I thought Republicans were against common core education?
The reason I don't vote GOP is because I oppose all the things on the list.
The federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved with either education or healthcare.

I'm not a GOP guy. I wrote-in Ron Paul in the 2016, even though he didn't run. He still got 1 electoral vote anyway. Ha.
If the government wasn’t involved with education, the majority of Americans, like Republicans, wouldn’t know how to read nor write.
Considering what Republicans write now on the USMB, it’s questionable whether they know how to read or write. Because what they write is such nonsense most of the time.
The education system went to hell when the feds took over education in the 70's. It's been an erosion ever since.
That's stupid. The rest of the world comes to this country because the education here is the best in the world.

The problem is the GOP leadership knows they can control a base that doesn't know anything.

Look at Rick Santorum. He has three degrees:

and there he is. Stigmatizing education.

And why? Because Republicans feel that if people are educated, they vote Democrat.
That must mean, Democrats are incredibly good at mesmerizing people. Or it could be, colleges are teaching people how to think for themselves.
So if Democrats are so good at mesmerizing people, why is there Trump?
That must mean, people vote Democrat because kids were taught to look at facts and decide for themselves.

Here is something for you to compare other countries to our own. This isn't emotion this is fact,
Our federal education is failing and this shows it. It isn't some emotional platitude as some try to pawn off as fact
. graph 1_larger.jpg

What is the point? I thought Republicans were against common core education?

If all you have is an insult, I guess you're done.
We know what works when it comes to education, and it isn't expensive, either; we allow assorted freak shows and clueless 'sociologists' to experiment with our kids, and we allow radicals to use quota systems as a substitute for real education and to dumb down those who could do a lot better without being held back in order to appease under-achievers. I do agree the Fed puts too many unproductive and stupid rules on the money that aren't needed and are in fact detrimental, and they contribute too much in some cases.

Health care is indeed a matter of public policy, as is waste pick up and sewer systems and other functions; most of the development and research is paid for or done by govt., and most of those employed in the industry are trained and educated by the govt.; we are privatizing the profits while socializing the costs, something we do with businesses outside the medical field, yet the costs are soaring, and isn't because of govt., it's because of good old-fashioned greed on the part of the 'privatized' part of the industry that borders on criminality in many cases.
Last edited:
If the government wasn’t involved with education, the majority of Americans, like Republicans, wouldn’t know how to read nor write.
Considering what Republicans write now on the USMB, it’s questionable whether they know how to read or write. Because what they write is such nonsense most of the time.
The education system went to hell when the feds took over education in the 70's. It's been an erosion ever since.
That's stupid. The rest of the world comes to this country because the education here is the best in the world.

The problem is the GOP leadership knows they can control a base that doesn't know anything.

Look at Rick Santorum. He has three degrees:

and there he is. Stigmatizing education.

And why? Because Republicans feel that if people are educated, they vote Democrat.
That must mean, Democrats are incredibly good at mesmerizing people. Or it could be, colleges are teaching people how to think for themselves.
So if Democrats are so good at mesmerizing people, why is there Trump?
That must mean, people vote Democrat because kids were taught to look at facts and decide for themselves.

Here is something for you to compare other countries to our own. This isn't emotion this is fact,
Our federal education is failing and this shows it. It isn't some emotional platitude as some try to pawn off as fact
. graph 1_larger.jpg

What is the point? I thought Republicans were against common core education?

If all you have is an insult, I guess you're done.

You mean Republicans aren't against common core?


Looks like there are younger Democrats. I think the days of wishy washy are over.
We know what works when it comes to education, and it isn't expensive, either; we allow assorted freak shows and clueless 'sociologists' to experiment with our kids, and we allow radicals to use quota systems as a substitute for real education and to dumb down those who could do a lot better without being held back in order to appease under-achievers. I do agree the Fed puts too many unproductive and stupid rules on the money that aren't needed and are in fact detrimental, and they contribute too much in some cases.

Health care is indeed a matter of public policy, as is waste pick up and sewer systems and other functions; most of the development and research is paid for or done by govt., and most of those employed in the industry are trained and educated by the govt.; we are privatizing the profits while socializing the costs, something we do with businesses outside the medical field, yet the costs are soaring, and isn't because of govt., it's because of good old-fashioned greed on the part of the 'privatized' part of the industry that borders on criminality in many cases.
I have no idea what you are talking about.

From the first paragraph, it seems you have no clue what is education.

The second paragraph is even worse: most of those employed in the industry are trained and educated by the govt.

It was a very confusing post.
We know what works when it comes to education, and it isn't expensive, either; we allow assorted freak shows and clueless 'sociologists' to experiment with our kids, and we allow radicals to use quota systems as a substitute for real education and to dumb down those who could do a lot better without being held back in order to appease under-achievers. I do agree the Fed puts too many unproductive and stupid rules on the money that aren't needed and are in fact detrimental, and they contribute too much in some cases.

Health care is indeed a matter of public policy, as is waste pick up and sewer systems and other functions; most of the development and research is paid for or done by govt., and most of those employed in the industry are trained and educated by the govt.; we are privatizing the profits while socializing the costs, something we do with businesses outside the medical field, yet the costs are soaring, and isn't because of govt., it's because of good old-fashioned greed on the part of the 'privatized' part of the industry that borders on criminality in many cases.
I have no idea what you are talking about.

From the first paragraph, it seems you have no clue what is education.

The second paragraph is even worse: most of those employed in the industry are trained and educated by the govt.

It was a very confusing post.

No, it's just you who are confused. As with all ideologues, you just prefer parroting ideology, and when faced with something that there is no meme for in your ideology, you have no idea what is going on, like for instance your complete ignorance of the existence of our school systems, grade schools through our Jr. Colleges, universities, and medical schools you demonstrate here.
When Republicans say liberal agenda they mean teaching science over magical creation, diversity and actual discussion. All things Republicans hate.
When I say liberal agenda I mean the following.

1. Common Core..........the stupidity of giving everyone a trophy for just showing up education system. Gives a false impression on those doing poorly or that don't try to make them FEEL better about themselves according to the left.........The achievers feel screwed because they do well and the one's that don't apply themselves get bumped up for doing basically nothing.

We should reward those who achieve.........encourage those who don't........but don't give them the false impression that they are better than they really them get there..............PERSONAL study and push to gain the knowledge in real life.......

2. Teaching ethical classes that study FORCED ACCEPTANCE..........In regards to key issues in this country........such as gays.......abortion.......GOD......Guns.......and whatever they want to is not the ESSENTIAL classes that should be taught.............SCHOOLS shouldn't teach in areas THAT CROSS THE LINE of what people believe.......Trying to force acceptance of MORALITY issues that TICKS OFF THE PARENTS..........That is the duty of the parents and NOT THE SCHOOL BOARD.

The basics to be successful in life are what is needed.....Math, it's correct form........and JOB that they get a jump start on BETTER PAYING JOBS when they get out of school...........Or college.....

3. THROWING MORE MONEY AT IT.................We spend more per capita on Education than most of the world...............and don't get better results for the money.............something else is that CORE PROBLEM..........not the money spent..............Most of it is the break up of families..........and both parents having to work, and not having the time to help their children do better.......Not the money spent on the system.
The federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved with either education or healthcare.

I'm not a GOP guy. I wrote-in Ron Paul in the 2016, even though he didn't run. He still got 1 electoral vote anyway. Ha.
If the government wasn’t involved with education, the majority of Americans, like Republicans, wouldn’t know how to read nor write.
Considering what Republicans write now on the USMB, it’s questionable whether they know how to read or write. Because what they write is such nonsense most of the time.
The education system went to hell when the feds took over education in the 70's. It's been an erosion ever since.
That's stupid. The rest of the world comes to this country because the education here is the best in the world.

The problem is the GOP leadership knows they can control a base that doesn't know anything.

Look at Rick Santorum. He has three degrees:

and there he is. Stigmatizing education.

And why? Because Republicans feel that if people are educated, they vote Democrat.
That must mean, Democrats are incredibly good at mesmerizing people. Or it could be, colleges are teaching people how to think for themselves.
So if Democrats are so good at mesmerizing people, why is there Trump?
That must mean, people vote Democrat because kids were taught to look at facts and decide for themselves.

Here is something for you to compare other countries to our own. This isn't emotion this is fact,
Our federal education is failing and this shows it. It isn't some emotional platitude as some try to pawn off as fact
. graph 1_larger.jpg

What is the point? I thought Republicans were against common core education?

Common Core education is a joke..................complete joke.........the teachers teach the tests instead of focusing on live building skills instead......and they slant the results of the grades of students giving everyone a trophy.

In society......ANY SOCIETY........there will be achievers and non could basically break it down into 4 groups.

smart students who APPLY well......go to college.....or take good jobs after.

smart students who don't apply themselves..........get by attitude.............can excel but choose not to........future is bright and dim for them........who knows.....they are generally the lazy types.

Not smart students who APPLY themselves........Have to study hard to pass and excel..................can end up being great later if they keep trying.....

Not smart students who don't apply themselves........Everyone needs port o let people.........not smart..........don't try.........yet the LIBERALS think giving them a trophy anyway will change that they are LAZY.......with low learning skills......FUTURE DEMOCRATS.......LOL
If the government wasn’t involved with education, the majority of Americans, like Republicans, wouldn’t know how to read nor write.
Considering what Republicans write now on the USMB, it’s questionable whether they know how to read or write. Because what they write is such nonsense most of the time.

deanrd, as long as we're still abe to opt out and homeschool or send our kids to private schools, I'm okay with it. Not morally okay with it, to be clear, but just passively okay with it.

As long as I'm able to opt out, I'm good. Ha.

Certainly people are free to make rules for themselves so long as others aren't forced to abide by them at the barrel of a government gun.
The only reason people homeschool their children is because they want to control them.

I watched Phyllis Schlafly, the mother of the conservative movement talk about why she home school her family. So they would only be exposed to a man/woman marriage where the man is the man of the house and the woman does what he says. She still believes everything is about the Bible and all you have to do is follow the severe parts and everything will be right.



Then someone outed one of her sons and she said she was very conflicted because she did everything right and still had a gay son.

You can't control them. Not really. And the less you expose them to, the more likely someone can take advantage of their lack of knowledge.

Look at her son. Gays have been hiding from Christian and religious violence for a couple of thousand years. But her son couldn't keep it a secret? He either wanted her to know, or he was taken advantage of by someone who knew who his mother was. Him knowing how deeply religious she was, I think he was taken advantage of.

And it's those life experiences that growing children will miss out on and not know how to protect themselves. Because they were isolated. Their parents don't protect them. They wound them. It's called "hamstrung".

Liberal "logic"

If a woman wants to abort her baby, hey that's cool and her choice and you should shut up about it.

Also liberal "logic"

If a woman wants to home school her kids it's because she is an idiot who wants to control her kids and the state shouldn't allow that.
The federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved with either education or healthcare.

I'm not a GOP guy. I wrote-in Ron Paul in the 2016, even though he didn't run. He still got 1 electoral vote anyway. Ha.
If the government wasn’t involved with education, the majority of Americans, like Republicans, wouldn’t know how to read nor write.
Considering what Republicans write now on the USMB, it’s questionable whether they know how to read or write. Because what they write is such nonsense most of the time.
The education system went to hell when the feds took over education in the 70's. It's been an erosion ever since.
That's stupid. The rest of the world comes to this country because the education here is the best in the world.

The problem is the GOP leadership knows they can control a base that doesn't know anything.

Look at Rick Santorum. He has three degrees:

and there he is. Stigmatizing education.

And why? Because Republicans feel that if people are educated, they vote Democrat.
That must mean, Democrats are incredibly good at mesmerizing people. Or it could be, colleges are teaching people how to think for themselves.
So if Democrats are so good at mesmerizing people, why is there Trump?
That must mean, people vote Democrat because kids were taught to look at facts and decide for themselves.

Colleges most certainly are NOT teaching people to think for themselves. They are teaching people to agree with professors, and this has been proven time and time and time again, and yet here you are pretending otherwise
The education system went to hell when the feds took over education in the 70's. It's been an erosion ever since.
That's stupid. The rest of the world comes to this country because the education here is the best in the world.

The problem is the GOP leadership knows they can control a base that doesn't know anything.

Look at Rick Santorum. He has three degrees:

and there he is. Stigmatizing education.

And why? Because Republicans feel that if people are educated, they vote Democrat.
That must mean, Democrats are incredibly good at mesmerizing people. Or it could be, colleges are teaching people how to think for themselves.
So if Democrats are so good at mesmerizing people, why is there Trump?
That must mean, people vote Democrat because kids were taught to look at facts and decide for themselves.

Here is something for you to compare other countries to our own. This isn't emotion this is fact,
Our federal education is failing and this shows it. It isn't some emotional platitude as some try to pawn off as fact
. graph 1_larger.jpg

What is the point? I thought Republicans were against common core education?

If all you have is an insult, I guess you're done.

You mean Republicans aren't against common core?


Looks like there are younger Democrats. I think the days of wishy washy are over.

I thought you would respond to how poorly the US is doing compared to the rest of the nations on education.
I say this because you said we are the best in the world.....but, we don't even come close to that platitude.
The federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved with either education or healthcare.

I'm not a GOP guy. I wrote-in Ron Paul in the 2016, even though he didn't run. He still got 1 electoral vote anyway. Ha.
If the government wasn’t involved with education, the majority of Americans, like Republicans, wouldn’t know how to read nor write.
Considering what Republicans write now on the USMB, it’s questionable whether they know how to read or write. Because what they write is such nonsense most of the time.
The education system went to hell when the feds took over education in the 70's. It's been an erosion ever since.
That's stupid. The rest of the world comes to this country because the education here is the best in the world.

The problem is the GOP leadership knows they can control a base that doesn't know anything.

Look at Rick Santorum. He has three degrees:

and there he is. Stigmatizing education.

And why? Because Republicans feel that if people are educated, they vote Democrat.
That must mean, Democrats are incredibly good at mesmerizing people. Or it could be, colleges are teaching people how to think for themselves.
So if Democrats are so good at mesmerizing people, why is there Trump?
That must mean, people vote Democrat because kids were taught to look at facts and decide for themselves.

Colleges most certainly are NOT teaching people to think for themselves. They are teaching people to agree with professors, and this has been proven time and time and time again, and yet here you are pretending otherwise

Edited, How would you proclaim to speak in absolutes regarding millions of different classrooms in thousands of different Curriculum?
That's stupid. The rest of the world comes to this country because the education here is the best in the world.

The problem is the GOP leadership knows they can control a base that doesn't know anything.

Look at Rick Santorum. He has three degrees:

and there he is. Stigmatizing education.

And why? Because Republicans feel that if people are educated, they vote Democrat.
That must mean, Democrats are incredibly good at mesmerizing people. Or it could be, colleges are teaching people how to think for themselves.
So if Democrats are so good at mesmerizing people, why is there Trump?
That must mean, people vote Democrat because kids were taught to look at facts and decide for themselves.

Here is something for you to compare other countries to our own. This isn't emotion this is fact,
Our federal education is failing and this shows it. It isn't some emotional platitude as some try to pawn off as fact
. graph 1_larger.jpg

What is the point? I thought Republicans were against common core education?

If all you have is an insult, I guess you're done.

You mean Republicans aren't against common core?


Looks like there are younger Democrats. I think the days of wishy washy are over.

I thought you would respond to how poorly the US is doing compared to the rest of the nations on education.
I say this because you said we are the best in the world.....but, we don't even come close to that platitude.

That is YOUR fault for thinking a Democrat would want anything to do with facts. Facts are NEVER on their side, so must be avoided at all costs.

Deanrd FEELS that we are the best, so facts don't matter.
Here is something for you to compare other countries to our own. This isn't emotion this is fact,
Our federal education is failing and this shows it. It isn't some emotional platitude as some try to pawn off as fact
. graph 1_larger.jpg
What is the point? I thought Republicans were against common core education?
If all you have is an insult, I guess you're done.
You mean Republicans aren't against common core?


Looks like there are younger Democrats. I think the days of wishy washy are over.
I thought you would respond to how poorly the US is doing compared to the rest of the nations on education.
I say this because you said we are the best in the world.....but, we don't even come close to that platitude.

That is YOUR fault for thinking a Democrat would want anything to do with facts. Facts are NEVER on their side, so must be avoided at all costs.

Deanrd FEELS that we are the best, so facts don't matter.
Here you're appealing to statistics, which are necessary to an overall picture of a largess data-set....

But you make proclamations regarding what College Students are being taught based on.....

Feels, and anecdotes, and no statistic whatsoever.

I forget, what % of teachers are saying, "think like me or else you fail," where is this statistical raw data that you used to presume a conclusion?
Oh my God. These Republicans are hilarious. Scary, but hilarious.
They posted statistics showing that Americans aren’t as good as in math or science or whatever. And what they’re showing is the results of what kids from other countries have been studying, which is common core.
So they’re saying look, our students don’t do as well as students that have common core and we don’t want our students to have common core because it’s too restrictive.
And then they say our students should learn math science English and list the subjects which is basically common core. So what they’re doing is they’re arguing against common core and then putting up statistics saying this is what our students should be learning and the statistics they put up are the results of common core. They have no idea what they’re talking about.....again.

Com·mon Core
  1. (in the US) a set of educational standards for teaching and testing English and mathematics between kindergarten and 12th grade.
    "the Common Core outlines skills and knowledge that public school students should acquire in each grade"
If the government wasn’t involved with education, the majority of Americans, like Republicans, wouldn’t know how to read nor write.
Considering what Republicans write now on the USMB, it’s questionable whether they know how to read or write. Because what they write is such nonsense most of the time.

deanrd, as long as we're still abe to opt out and homeschool or send our kids to private schools, I'm okay with it. Not morally okay with it, to be clear, but just passively okay with it.

As long as I'm able to opt out, I'm good. Ha.

Certainly people are free to make rules for themselves so long as others aren't forced to abide by them at the barrel of a government gun.
The only reason people homeschool their children is because they want to control them.

I watched Phyllis Schlafly, the mother of the conservative movement talk about why she home school her family. So they would only be exposed to a man/woman marriage where the man is the man of the house and the woman does what he says. She still believes everything is about the Bible and all you have to do is follow the severe parts and everything will be right.



Then someone outed one of her sons and she said she was very conflicted because she did everything right and still had a gay son.

You can't control them. Not really. And the less you expose them to, the more likely someone can take advantage of their lack of knowledge.

Look at her son. Gays have been hiding from Christian and religious violence for a couple of thousand years. But her son couldn't keep it a secret? He either wanted her to know, or he was taken advantage of by someone who knew who his mother was. Him knowing how deeply religious she was, I think he was taken advantage of.

And it's those life experiences that growing children will miss out on and not know how to protect themselves. Because they were isolated. Their parents don't protect them. They wound them. It's called "hamstrung".

Liberal "logic"

If a woman wants to abort her baby, hey that's cool and her choice and you should shut up about it.

Also liberal "logic"

If a woman wants to home school her kids it's because she is an idiot who wants to control her kids and the state shouldn't allow that.
Yeah, because keeping kids at home and insulated from the rest of the world really helps in their development and prepares them for a really bright future. Everybody knows that. Right?
If the government wasn’t involved with education, the majority of Americans, like Republicans, wouldn’t know how to read nor write.
Considering what Republicans write now on the USMB, it’s questionable whether they know how to read or write. Because what they write is such nonsense most of the time.

deanrd, as long as we're still abe to opt out and homeschool or send our kids to private schools, I'm okay with it. Not morally okay with it, to be clear, but just passively okay with it.

As long as I'm able to opt out, I'm good. Ha.

Certainly people are free to make rules for themselves so long as others aren't forced to abide by them at the barrel of a government gun.
The only reason people homeschool their children is because they want to control them.

I watched Phyllis Schlafly, the mother of the conservative movement talk about why she home school her family. So they would only be exposed to a man/woman marriage where the man is the man of the house and the woman does what he says. She still believes everything is about the Bible and all you have to do is follow the severe parts and everything will be right.



Then someone outed one of her sons and she said she was very conflicted because she did everything right and still had a gay son.

You can't control them. Not really. And the less you expose them to, the more likely someone can take advantage of their lack of knowledge.

Look at her son. Gays have been hiding from Christian and religious violence for a couple of thousand years. But her son couldn't keep it a secret? He either wanted her to know, or he was taken advantage of by someone who knew who his mother was. Him knowing how deeply religious she was, I think he was taken advantage of.

And it's those life experiences that growing children will miss out on and not know how to protect themselves. Because they were isolated. Their parents don't protect them. They wound them. It's called "hamstrung".

Liberal "logic"

If a woman wants to abort her baby, hey that's cool and her choice and you should shut up about it.

Also liberal "logic"

If a woman wants to home school her kids it's because she is an idiot who wants to control her kids and the state shouldn't allow that.
Yeah, because keeping kids at home and insulated from the rest of the world really helps in their development and prepares them for a really bright future. Everybody knows that. Right?

That is completely irrelevant to you and other liberals believing a woman should have a right to terminate her baby but not to home school her. And no, I personally am not a fan of homeschooling.

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