GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

Just realize not all of us see voting as the proper way to reform the country.

Ah...the "there's gonna be an armed revolt and Sarah Palin will be declared President" faction. I love you guys!

Of the four people on the tickets that year, she had the most experience, she had the best governing record, and we'd very likely be in a far better place today if she had been on the top of the ticket and had women the election.

Deceleration Alert!

@Statistikhengst @Pogo
Some hints to Republicans in reaching women

1. Women who use birth control are not sluts
2. Birth control is a good thing for women and our society
3. Women in the workforce want a level playing field
4. A woman who is raped (legitimately or otherwise) wants access to abortion

Again, you are arguing with the voices in your head. No republican OR conservative promotes your list in any form.

Now you stupid fuck. Show Me where anyone has denied a woman access to birth control.

OK lets go there with Republican/Conservative values regarding birth control

1. Block sex education
2. Attempt to ban Planned Parenthood
3. Allow employers to decide what birth control their employees can use
4. File a lawsuit against Obamacares requiring insurers to cover birth control
5. Complain about insurance companies that offer free birth control
Again, not a word of it is true.

Not a one wants to block sex education.
Planned Parenthood should not be paid by tax dollars, nothing about banning them.
No employer has ever decided what birth control an employee can use
Obamacare covering birth control for 90 year old men is fucking stupid AND has nothing to do with denying access to birth control.
I've never heard a complaint from ANYONE about insurance companies offering free birth control

Now, how does your list deny access to birth control for women?

Sorry guys...just trying to help you with your "women problem"

Telling people...if you want birth control, don't ask me go get it yourself

I do not want to pay for your sex

Is KILLING your party. It makes you seem like you are still in the 19th century. Get over your compulsion with sex. Stay out of peoples bedrooms. Enter the 21st is not that scary

Oh whatever... the problem is you invite us in by foisting your sexual proclivities on everyone, demanding that we recognize any behavior as "normal" no mater how deviant. Personally, most of us don't give a shit yet you demand we see you as just like anyone else and then push you differences down our throats demanding we acknowledge that you're somehow special.

Here's a thought... go about your life in private, do whatever you want and keep it to yourselves. Guess what.. no one will care one way or another.

The thing Republicans don't understand is that birth control is not about is about family planning

Before birth control people still had sex....but they didn't have family planning

What was that you said, oh yeah "Across the board a Majority consider abortion both morally acceptable and that it should remain legal." Funny how you consider less than 50% who view abortion as morally acceptable as a majority of the group.

Maybe you could hold my hand and walk me through that awesome analysis with your overpowering liberal logic blazing the path forward for the both of us.

Just realize not all of us see voting as the proper way to reform the country.

Ah...the "there's gonna be an armed revolt and Sarah Palin will be declared President" faction. I love you guys!

Of the four people on the tickets that year, she had the most experience, she had the best governing record, and we'd very likely be in a far better place today if she had been on the top of the ticket and had women the election.

Deceleration Alert!

You're all alone, both of these guys are so frightened of me that they ignore me.
You're all alone, both of these guys are so frightened of me that they ignore me.

LOL. There's no woman out there that I'm afraid of. I just don't find it necessary to reply to stupidity. No real Man would ever suggest MRS. Palin be put in any office unless it's under the desk as a stress relief tool. The revolution will put you ***** back where you belong.
It was all that democrat stuff enabling them to have recreational sex without negative consequences.

So the only thing women care about is having inconsequential sex?

Who's being sexist here?

What's more telling is all this progressive crap has really done is allow MEN to have recreational sex without negative consequences.
Hey, blame me for the fcking poll, gandolf.
It was all that democrat stuff enabling them to have recreational sex without negative consequences.

So the only thing women care about is having inconsequential sex?

Who's being sexist here?

What's more telling is all this progressive crap has really done is allow MEN to have recreational sex without negative consequences.
Apparently this is the lib narrative.
Their view of women is that females are simple creatures with that politically single issue minded.
That women do not have any control over their hormones and are interested in matters of biology.
Actually, it was a goper who brought up the recreational sex angle.

And it is progressives that let men fuck around without consequences.


Senator Vitter and Governor Sanford were "progressives"?

Rep Anthony Weiner was a "conservative"?

This is more about the consequences of an unfettered safety net allowing young men to abandon the women they knock up, then the dalliances of politicians.

By consequences I mean generational poverty, and crime ridden inner cities, not the end of ones political career.

Nothing is going to stop recreational sex.

But access to affordable contraception via the ACA will reduce the incidence of pregnancies.

A reduction in the number of pregnancies will reduce generational poverty.

No wonder the GOP is opposed to Obamacare. They won't be able to use single mothers as an excuse to drive their sheeple to vote Republican any longer. Yet another nail in the coffin of the extreme right.

Republicans oppose abortion....yet they try to block access to birth control
They want a young woman to "choose life"....but they block programs that provide prenatal care, childcare services and job protections for pregnant women

Republicans are not blocking access to birth control, we simply don't want to be paying for your birth control.

Why would republicans not want to pay for birth control.

It stops abortion, unwanted children, welfare babies........everything republicans hate
It stops abortion, unwanted children, welfare babies........everything republicans hate

Why wouldn't liberals want to buy bicycles for me, my wife, and my kids? Riding keeps people in shape, gets people off the road, reduces the need for road expansions, eliminates fossil fuel usage in transportation, keeps kids active, helps the environment . . everything liberals claim to want.

When will YOU personally send me the money so that I can do what makes YOU happy?
It stops abortion, unwanted children, welfare babies........everything republicans hate

Why wouldn't liberals want to buy bicycles for me, my wife, and my kids? Riding keeps people in shape, gets people off the road, reduces the need for road expansions, eliminates fossil fuel usage in transportation, keeps kids active, helps the environment . . everything liberals claim to want.

When will YOU personally send me the money so that I can do what makes YOU happy?

What a dumb assed analogy

Come up with that one yourself?
It stops abortion, unwanted children, welfare babies........everything republicans hate

Why wouldn't liberals want to buy bicycles for me, my wife, and my kids? Riding keeps people in shape, gets people off the road, reduces the need for road expansions, eliminates fossil fuel usage in transportation, keeps kids active, helps the environment . . everything liberals claim to want.

When will YOU personally send me the money so that I can do what makes YOU happy?

What a dumb assed analogy

Come up with that one yourself?

I sure did. Hey, why not help out a retard and EXPLAIN WHY the analogy is dumb-assed. I can look at a tree and call it a car, but simply stating something doesn't explain it.
Yeah..that's what we want...a woman that "ACTS LIKE A MAN!!!!".
Why is it that some people think an independent, brave, assertive woman is "acting like a man"?

Because they are threatened by women who are not subservient to them. Real men are not not threatened by independent, brave, assertive women.

That's right, they're not threatened, they just ignore these man-women and find companionship and romance with more feminine women.

There's a new study in press right now which examined the manliness of feminists and found that they were indeed more manly and they hypothesized that this might explain the disconnect between feminists and the majority of women who abhor being called feminists.
Sure there is, Honey Child.
Yeah..that's what we want...a woman that "ACTS LIKE A MAN!!!!".
Why is it that some people think an independent, brave, assertive woman is "acting like a man"?

Because they are threatened by women who are not subservient to them. Real men are not not threatened by independent, brave, assertive women.

That's right, they're not threatened, they just ignore these man-women and find companionship and romance with more feminine women.

There's a new study in press right now which examined the manliness of feminists and found that they were indeed more manly and they hypothesized that this might explain the disconnect between feminists and the majority of women who abhor being called feminists.
Sure there is, Honey Child.

You don't know me, bub, I never bluff.

Here's the page for a direct download of the paper. It's not indexed yet so there is no web access to the article.


The feminist movement purports to improve conditions for women, and yet only a minority of women in modern societies self-identify as feminists. This is known as the feminist paradox. It has been suggested that feminists exhibit both physiological and psychological characteristics associated with heightened masculinization, which may predispose women for heightened competitiveness, sex-atypical behaviors, and belief in the interchangeability of sex roles. If feminist activists, i.e. those that manufacture the public image of feminism, are indeed masculinized relative to women in general, this might explain why the views and preferences of these two groups are at variance with each other. We measured the 2D:4D digit ratios (collected from both hands) and a personality trait known as dominance (measured with the Directiveness scale) in a sample of women attending a feminist conference. The sample exhibited significantly more masculine 2D:4D and higher dominance ratings than comparison samples representative of women in general, and these variables were furthermore positively correlated for both hands. The feminist paradox might thus to some extent be explained by biological differences between women in general and the activist women who formulate the feminist agenda.​
Yeah..that's what we want...a woman that "ACTS LIKE A MAN!!!!".
Why is it that some people think an independent, brave, assertive woman is "acting like a man"?

Because they are threatened by women who are not subservient to them. Real men are not not threatened by independent, brave, assertive women.

Oh, hai there!

Wait a minute, do Republicans believe one of the most ignorant women in America is independent, brave, and assertive?

Course, they turned child killer Zimmerman into a national hero along with welfare queen Bundy. So who knows what they actually believe. If you go by what they say, USMB Republicans alternate between "it's true" and "you are a liar" for exactly the same quotes.
If a gentleman holds a door for a woman, that's not a bad thing. If a man addresses a woman as "ma'am " that's not a bad thing. I have a daughter and I'm a conservative. I want the best for her. She has already shown through her success that she is a professional. She has no "male vs. female" hang up. What is he animosity here? Women are supposed to hate men because we have enslaved them? Thats psychotic at even at a minor level. Men and women fall in love and slip into rolls hat are comfortable for the individual relationship. Do not need another wing of he Marxist Revolution in our nation. Arab terrorist are not the threat. It comes from within. Marxist- Socialist, or as they are called today: Democrats.
Yeah..that's what we want...a woman that "ACTS LIKE A MAN!!!!".
Why is it that some people think an independent, brave, assertive woman is "acting like a man"?

Because they are threatened by women who are not subservient to them. Real men are not not threatened by independent, brave, assertive women.

Oh, hai there!

Wait a minute, do Republicans believe one of the most ignorant women in America is independent, brave, and assertive?

Course, they turned child killer Zimmerman into a national hero along with welfare queen Bundy. So who knows what they actually believe. If you go by what they say, USMB Republicans alternate between "it's true" and "you are a liar" for exactly the same quotes.
If Sarah Palin were a Black unwed mother, Democrat mayor of a small Southern California town...the Marxist media would love her. Instead , you pro- women's rights people attack her. She is "woman hear me roar!" Tough Alaska gal. You hate to hear that. Instead she is supposed to bitch, moan, groan, to satisfy the crybaby left. liberals complain, this coming from people who have the easiest living on earth. Pampered lazy sonsabitches.
If a gentleman holds a door for a woman, that's not a bad thing. If a man addresses a woman as "ma'am " that's not a bad thing. I have a daughter and I'm a conservative. I want the best for her. She has already shown through her success that she is a professional. She has no "male vs. female" hang up. What is he animosity here? Women are supposed to hate men because we have enslaved them? Thats psychotic at even at a minor level. Men and women fall in love and slip into rolls hat are comfortable for the individual relationship. Do not need another wing of he Marxist Revolution in our nation. Arab terrorist are not the threat. It comes from within. Marxist- Socialist, or as they are called today: Democrats.

Half of your post sounds sane; the other half insane.
Yeah..that's what we want...a woman that "ACTS LIKE A MAN!!!!".
Why is it that some people think an independent, brave, assertive woman is "acting like a man"?

Because they are threatened by women who are not subservient to them. Real men are not not threatened by independent, brave, assertive women.

That's right, they're not threatened, they just ignore these man-women and find companionship and romance with more feminine women.

There's a new study in press right now which examined the manliness of feminists and found that they were indeed more manly and they hypothesized that this might explain the disconnect between feminists and the majority of women who abhor being called feminists.
Sure there is, Honey Child.

You don't know me, bub, I never bluff.

Here's the page for a direct download of the paper. It's not indexed yet so there is no web access to the article.


The feminist movement purports to improve conditions for women, and yet only a minority of women in modern societies self-identify as feminists. This is known as the feminist paradox. It has been suggested that feminists exhibit both physiological and psychological characteristics associated with heightened masculinization, which may predispose women for heightened competitiveness, sex-atypical behaviors, and belief in the interchangeability of sex roles. If feminist activists, i.e. those that manufacture the public image of feminism, are indeed masculinized relative to women in general, this might explain why the views and preferences of these two groups are at variance with each other. We measured the 2D:4D digit ratios (collected from both hands) and a personality trait known as dominance (measured with the Directiveness scale) in a sample of women attending a feminist conference. The sample exhibited significantly more masculine 2D:4D and higher dominance ratings than comparison samples representative of women in general, and these variables were furthermore positively correlated for both hands. The feminist paradox might thus to some extent be explained by biological differences between women in general and the activist women who formulate the feminist agenda.​
Every woman today owes a debt of gratitude to the feminist movement

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