GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

Sorry guys...just trying to help you with your "women problem"

Telling people...if you want birth control, don't ask me go get it yourself

I do not want to pay for your sex

Is KILLING your party. It makes you seem like you are still in the 19th century. Get over your compulsion with sex. Stay out of peoples bedrooms. Enter the 21st is not that scary

I won't even begin to explain the irony of you demanding Republicans stay out of people's bedrooms while simultaneously demanding they fund their birth control pills. You're just as out of touch with every day America as they are. You have no right to subsidized birth control, be it from your employer or your fellow taxpayers, period. The fact that we have reached a point in this country that this is even a debate is really sad commentary on today's Americans.
NaziCons are amazing. They do all that crazy Taliban anti-women shit and then deny it's true.

I've always found it to be ironic to the extreme that the men who would relegate women to second class citizenship are the ones who frequently and unabashedly praise Sarah Palin. I wonder what she thinks about that, assuming she does any thinking at all, that is.
Oh, and, it's not 'religious right extremism' at work here.

More like mainstream American Christianity at work here.

Most sects and branches of Christendom perceive that Abortion is equivalent to Infanticide.

Playing fast and loose with the facts again?

Induced Abortion in the United States
Thirty-seven percent of women obtaining abortions identify as Protestant and 28% identify as Catholic.[3]

37 + 28 = 65% of all women obtaining abortions self identify as Christians.
But that's within a narrow confines of those who obtain an Abortion.

Broaden the domain to the population at-large and the numbers begin to look different, don't they?

The challenge is not to discover the percentage of Christians amongst those obtaining an abortion.

The challenge is to discover the percentage of Christians within the general population who view Abortion as Evil and Wrong.
NaziCons are amazing. They do all that crazy Taliban anti-women shit and then deny it's true.

I've always found it to be ironic to the extreme that the men who would relegate women to second class citizenship are the ones who frequently and unabashedly praise Sarah Palin. I wonder what she thinks about that, assuming she does any thinking at all, that is.

Did you ever consider that it's not ironic at all and your talking points are just plain wrong?
and if you are not in a committed relationship, and.......

Sex is not a game. It's one of the most serious and potentially life-altering choices an individual can make. It needs to be entered into only when one is certain they are willing to spend the next 19 years with that person as a spouse while you raise your child.
NaziCons are amazing. They do all that crazy Taliban anti-women shit and then deny it's true.

I've always found it to be ironic to the extreme that the men who would relegate women to second class citizenship are the ones who frequently and unabashedly praise Sarah Palin. I wonder what she thinks about that, assuming she does any thinking at all, that is.

Did you ever consider that it's not ironic at all and your talking points are just plain wrong?

No, because it reminds me of the skit on Comedy Central where Dave Chappelle was a member of the KKK. Of course, his fellow klansmen didn't know he was Black as long as he kept the hood on whereas men like James Dobson and Tony Perkins are well aware that Palin is a woman.

It still doesn't answer the question if Palin is or is not aware of the irony.
NaziCons are amazing. They do all that crazy Taliban anti-women shit and then deny it's true.

I've always found it to be ironic to the extreme that the men who would relegate women to second class citizenship are the ones who frequently and unabashedly praise Sarah Palin. I wonder what she thinks about that, assuming she does any thinking at all, that is.

Did you ever consider that it's not ironic at all and your talking points are just plain wrong?

No, because it reminds me of the skit on Comedy Central where Dave Chappelle was a member of the KKK. Of course, his fellow klansmen didn't know he was Black as long as he kept the hood on whereas men like James Dobson and Tony Perkins are well aware that Palin is a woman.

It still doesn't answer the question if Palin is or is not aware of the irony.

Considering the irony has to exist in the first place and not be a talking point, probably not.
NaziCons are amazing. They do all that crazy Taliban anti-women shit and then deny it's true.

I've always found it to be ironic to the extreme that the men who would relegate women to second class citizenship are the ones who frequently and unabashedly praise Sarah Palin. I wonder what she thinks about that, assuming she does any thinking at all, that is.

Did you ever consider that it's not ironic at all and your talking points are just plain wrong?

No, because it reminds me of the skit on Comedy Central where Dave Chappelle was a member of the KKK. Of course, his fellow klansmen didn't know he was Black as long as he kept the hood on whereas men like James Dobson and Tony Perkins are well aware that Palin is a woman.

It still doesn't answer the question if Palin is or is not aware of the irony.

I would argue that the fact that so many women are in fact conservative proves that there is no conservative war on women.

I would further ask why Lakhota and others aren't starting threads about the Islamic war on women, because if anyone hates women, it's the fundamental Muslims.

Conservatives like to pretend there is no war on women, so PoliticusUSA developed a running list of legislation to prove that there is indeed a war on women. The proof is in the policy, and policy trumps words.

Proof of the GOP War on Women

Texas Abortion Clinics Await Their Fate

Yes there is a Republican war on women voters Fox News

Consequences of GOP's Anti-Women s Health Legislation - US News

Shocking 916 War on Women Bills Introduced Since the Republicans Took Over

Will Republicans regret voting against the Violence Against Women Act - The Week

Senate Republicans Block Bill on Equal Pay - The New York Times

EMILY's List Denounces On Notice House Republicans for Voting to Pass National Abortion Ban

War on Women - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia Political Action Top 10 Shocking Attacks from the GOP's War on Women

EMILY's List Launches Campaign To Teach Republicans About Women

War on Women American Civil Liberties Union

The right's other 'war on women': 5 ways the assault is about way more than abortion -

The Campaign Against Women - The New York Times

FACT: The Republican war on women is real. Neanderthals can't just spin it away.
NaziCons are amazing. They do all that crazy Taliban anti-women shit and then deny it's true.

I've always found it to be ironic to the extreme that the men who would relegate women to second class citizenship are the ones who frequently and unabashedly praise Sarah Palin. I wonder what she thinks about that, assuming she does any thinking at all, that is.

Did you ever consider that it's not ironic at all and your talking points are just plain wrong?

No, because it reminds me of the skit on Comedy Central where Dave Chappelle was a member of the KKK. Of course, his fellow klansmen didn't know he was Black as long as he kept the hood on whereas men like James Dobson and Tony Perkins are well aware that Palin is a woman.

It still doesn't answer the question if Palin is or is not aware of the irony.

I would argue that the fact that so many women are in fact conservative proves that there is no conservative war on women.

I would further ask why Lakhota and others aren't starting threads about the Islamic war on women, because if anyone hates women, it's the fundamental Muslims.
Maybe it should be on the Middle East board or someplace like that.

The contraception thing is just a loser for us. Anyone who has insurance is paying for unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. And really Obama may have lost Hobby Lobby simply because the insurance companies said that they were gonna provide everything on the govt list for free, regardless of Hobby Lobby, because it was cheaper than pregnancies. LOL

I understand we want to be the party of family values and all, but this is simply silly. Stick to parital birth abortion and stuff that make sense being against.
NaziCons are amazing. They do all that crazy Taliban anti-women shit and then deny it's true.

I've always found it to be ironic to the extreme that the men who would relegate women to second class citizenship are the ones who frequently and unabashedly praise Sarah Palin. I wonder what she thinks about that, assuming she does any thinking at all, that is.

Did you ever consider that it's not ironic at all and your talking points are just plain wrong?

No, because it reminds me of the skit on Comedy Central where Dave Chappelle was a member of the KKK. Of course, his fellow klansmen didn't know he was Black as long as he kept the hood on whereas men like James Dobson and Tony Perkins are well aware that Palin is a woman.

It still doesn't answer the question if Palin is or is not aware of the irony.

I would argue that the fact that so many women are in fact conservative proves that there is no conservative war on women.

I would further ask why Lakhota and others aren't starting threads about the Islamic war on women, because if anyone hates women, it's the fundamental Muslims.
Maybe it should be on the Middle East board or someplace like that.

The contraception thing is just a loser for us. Anyone who has insurance is paying for unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. And really Obama may have lost Hobby Lobby simply because the insurance companies said that they were gonna provide everything on the govt list for free, regardless of Hobby Lobby, because it was cheaper than pregnancies. LOL

I understand we want to be the party of family values and all, but this is simply silly. Stick to parital birth abortion and stuff that make sense being against.

I agree. It's refreshing to hear from a sensible rightie.
And some people still wonder why it's important to make sure media isn't hijacked by a political party or ideology the way it has been by lefties and democrats. Uninformed, misinformed or low informed women think the democrats are cutting edge when they in fact are the outdated, outmoded and neoconservative party.
Hey Derrideo te, how about explaining your disagreement instead of the Luddly style drive -by chicken shit?
NaziCons are amazing. They do all that crazy Taliban anti-women shit and then deny it's true.

I've always found it to be ironic to the extreme that the men who would relegate women to second class citizenship are the ones who frequently and unabashedly praise Sarah Palin. I wonder what she thinks about that, assuming she does any thinking at all, that is.

Did you ever consider that it's not ironic at all and your talking points are just plain wrong?

No, because it reminds me of the skit on Comedy Central where Dave Chappelle was a member of the KKK. Of course, his fellow klansmen didn't know he was Black as long as he kept the hood on whereas men like James Dobson and Tony Perkins are well aware that Palin is a woman.

It still doesn't answer the question if Palin is or is not aware of the irony.

I would argue that the fact that so many women are in fact conservative proves that there is no conservative war on women.

I would further ask why Lakhota and others aren't starting threads about the Islamic war on women, because if anyone hates women, it's the fundamental Muslims.
Maybe it should be on the Middle East board or someplace like that.

The contraception thing is just a loser for us. Anyone who has insurance is paying for unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. And really Obama may have lost Hobby Lobby simply because the insurance companies said that they were gonna provide everything on the govt list for free, regardless of Hobby Lobby, because it was cheaper than pregnancies. LOL

I understand we want to be the party of family values and all, but this is simply silly. Stick to parital birth abortion and stuff that make sense being against.

Oh, I agree with you. I just think it's some bullshit that Lakhota and others pretend to be concerned with women's rights when A) They are only concerned when its "Republicans" violating those rights and B) half the "rights" they claim are being violated are no such thing to begin with.

A New Jersey woman died earlier this week trying to catch a few hours of sleep between jobs, a chilling reminder of the struggle low-wage workers, particularly women, face making ends meet.

Police found Maria Fernandes dead in her car on Monday night, parked in a convenience-store parking lot in Elizabeth, N.J., according to a police press release. Fernandes, 32, was wearing a Dunkin’ Donuts uniform when she was found. A friend and fellow employees told officials she worked as many as four jobs, said Lt. Daniel Saulnier, a spokesman for the Elizabeth police department.

Dunkin Donuts Worker's Death Reveals The True Cost Of Our Low-Wage Part-Time Economy

A very sad story - and a very sad reflection on Republicans.
Oh, and, it's not 'religious right extremism' at work here.

More like mainstream American Christianity at work here.

Most sects and branches of Christendom perceive that Abortion is equivalent to Infanticide.

Playing fast and loose with the facts again?

Induced Abortion in the United States
Thirty-seven percent of women obtaining abortions identify as Protestant and 28% identify as Catholic.[3]

37 + 28 = 65% of all women obtaining abortions self identify as Christians.
But that's within a narrow confines of those who obtain an Abortion.

Broaden the domain to the population at-large and the numbers begin to look different, don't they?

The challenge is not to discover the percentage of Christians amongst those obtaining an abortion.

The challenge is to discover the percentage of Christians within the general population who view Abortion as Evil and Wrong.

Actually they don't look different!

Christianity Today Politics Poll Americans Ambivalent on Abortion


Across the board a Majority consider abortion both morally acceptable and that it should remain legal.

Most Americans said that “pro-choice” described them somewhat or very well (70 percent).
NaziCons are amazing. They do all that crazy Taliban anti-women shit and then deny it's true.

I've always found it to be ironic to the extreme that the men who would relegate women to second class citizenship are the ones who frequently and unabashedly praise Sarah Palin. I wonder what she thinks about that, assuming she does any thinking at all, that is.

Did you ever consider that it's not ironic at all and your talking points are just plain wrong?

No, because it reminds me of the skit on Comedy Central where Dave Chappelle was a member of the KKK. Of course, his fellow klansmen didn't know he was Black as long as he kept the hood on whereas men like James Dobson and Tony Perkins are well aware that Palin is a woman.

It still doesn't answer the question if Palin is or is not aware of the irony.

I would argue that the fact that so many women are in fact conservative proves that there is no conservative war on women.

I would further ask why Lakhota and others aren't starting threads about the Islamic war on women, because if anyone hates women, it's the fundamental Muslims.

And I would never ever ever vote for someone of the "Fundamental Muslim" political party either.

A New Jersey woman died earlier this week trying to catch a few hours of sleep between jobs, a chilling reminder of the struggle low-wage workers, particularly women, face making ends meet.

Police found Maria Fernandes dead in her car on Monday night, parked in a convenience-store parking lot in Elizabeth, N.J., according to a police press release. Fernandes, 32, was wearing a Dunkin’ Donuts uniform when she was found. A friend and fellow employees told officials she worked as many as four jobs, said Lt. Daniel Saulnier, a spokesman for the Elizabeth police department.

Dunkin Donuts Worker's Death Reveals The True Cost Of Our Low-Wage Part-Time Economy

A very sad story - and a very sad reflection on Republicans.

It reminds me of the time when a woman talking to Bush mentioned that she worked several jobs just to get by (I think it was three jobs). Bush smirked and said something to the effect that it was uniquely American. Hey, she wasn't lovin' life. She was struggling.
NaziCons are amazing. They do all that crazy Taliban anti-women shit and then deny it's true.

I've always found it to be ironic to the extreme that the men who would relegate women to second class citizenship are the ones who frequently and unabashedly praise Sarah Palin. I wonder what she thinks about that, assuming she does any thinking at all, that is.

Did you ever consider that it's not ironic at all and your talking points are just plain wrong?

No, because it reminds me of the skit on Comedy Central where Dave Chappelle was a member of the KKK. Of course, his fellow klansmen didn't know he was Black as long as he kept the hood on whereas men like James Dobson and Tony Perkins are well aware that Palin is a woman.

It still doesn't answer the question if Palin is or is not aware of the irony.

I would argue that the fact that so many women are in fact conservative proves that there is no conservative war on women.

I would further ask why Lakhota and others aren't starting threads about the Islamic war on women, because if anyone hates women, it's the fundamental Muslims.
Maybe it should be on the Middle East board or someplace like that.

The contraception thing is just a loser for us. Anyone who has insurance is paying for unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. And really Obama may have lost Hobby Lobby simply because the insurance companies said that they were gonna provide everything on the govt list for free, regardless of Hobby Lobby, because it was cheaper than pregnancies. LOL

I understand we want to be the party of family values and all, but this is simply silly. Stick to parital birth abortion and stuff that make sense being against.

Oh, I agree with you. I just think it's some bullshit that Lakhota and others pretend to be concerned with women's rights when A) They are only concerned when its "Republicans" violating those rights and B) half the "rights" they claim are being violated are no such thing to begin with.

Well, I have a daughter who is a young woman, and I find the gop candidates' comments not just insulting but scary. But, then I disagree with Obama sending people to the Ferguson kid's funeral, and I dislike Obamacare, though I think the fed govt has a role in making HC available to everyone ... but not through Medicaid. So, as I attempted to suggest to Marty, both parties have problems reaching some demographic groups.

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