GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

Some hints to Republicans in reaching women

1. Women who use birth control are not sluts
2. Birth control is a good thing for women and our society
3. Women in the workforce want a level playing field
4. A woman who is raped (legitimately or otherwise) wants access to abortion

Again, you are arguing with the voices in your head. No republican OR conservative promotes your list in any form.

Now you stupid fuck. Show Me where anyone has denied a woman access to birth control.

OK lets go there with Republican/Conservative values regarding birth control

1. Block sex education
2. Attempt to ban Planned Parenthood
3. Allow employers to decide what birth control their employees can use
4. File a lawsuit against Obamacares requiring insurers to cover birth control
5. Complain about insurance companies that offer free birth control
Again, not a word of it is true.

Not a one wants to block sex education.
Planned Parenthood should not be paid by tax dollars, nothing about banning them.
No employer has ever decided what birth control an employee can use
Obamacare covering birth control for 90 year old men is fucking stupid AND has nothing to do with denying access to birth control.
I've never heard a complaint from ANYONE about insurance companies offering free birth control

Now, how does your list deny access to birth control for women?

Sorry guys...just trying to help you with your "women problem"

Telling people...if you want birth control, don't ask me go get it yourself

I do not want to pay for your sex

Is KILLING your party. It makes you seem like you are still in the 19th century. Get over your compulsion with sex. Stay out of peoples bedrooms. Enter the 21st is not that scary

Oh whatever... the problem is you invite us in by foisting your sexual proclivities on everyone, demanding that we recognize any behavior as "normal" no mater how deviant. Personally, most of us don't give a shit yet you demand we see you as just like anyone else and then push you differences down our throats demanding we acknowledge that you're somehow special.

Here's a thought... go about your life in private, do whatever you want and keep it to yourselves. Guess what.. no one will care one way or another.
Shutting down Planned Parenthood clinics is denying women access to birth control and it is happening all across the red states under Republican control.
The drama. Federal funding has been cut. If they cant survive without huge chunks of tax payer money then why do they deserve to.

Your compassion for your less fortunate fellow Americans is overwhelming.

It isn't just federal funding that has been cut. It is red states passing laws making it impossible to operate PP clinics without onerous and expensive overheads.

You are whining that single mothers are getting pregnant while denying them access to contraception. That is called blaming the victims for their predicament. If you don't want abortions then provide contraception instead. That is the fiscally responsible way to deal with the situation. Instead you screech that you are "paying for them to have sex" and want to punish them by getting pregnant. Then you are outraged when they want to do the responsible thing and have an abortion because they cannot afford to raise the child. So you cut off their access to abortion clinics and then whine about "generational poverty" that is the result of your own stupidity.

If you want to end this cycle then do the responsible thing and provide access to effective contraception to your less fortunate brethren instead of berating them because they were born into poverty and you weren't.
I'm going to be honest here.

I just don't care enough to read this mini novel. Redex away! Its preferable to your longwinded posts.
...Referring to the Constitutional Rights of Americans as "Evil or Wrongdoing" is unAmerican...

Referring to aberrant or unnatural behaviors as Evil or Wrongdoing is as American as apple pie.

Attempting to remove one's ability to engage in such behaviors by using the law is also as American as apple pie.

Taking the law into one's own hands is un-American.

Attempting to tweak, amend, repeal or reverse statute or judicial rulings which allow such behaviors is completely and entirely American and in the best traditions of our Republic and the Rule of Law within our society.

...Secondly you are wrong about the historical time frame predating RvW. It was never 'centuries'. Abortion has been around for thousands of years and it was only in the 1880's with the passage of the Comstock act that abortion became illegal...
Then I'm wrong.

It's decades rather than centuries.

Doesn't impact upon the perception on the part of a large part of the population that such so-called Infanticide is an Evil and Wrong thing.

Doesn't impact upon the legal and wholly 'American' efforts to bar such activity.

...So abortion was legal when this nation was founded and none of the Founding Fathers saw fit to call it "Evil or Wrongdoing" and exclude it from the rights secured for individuals in the Constitution. No amount of revisionist history on your part is going to alter the facts!
Legal does not mean Good or Right.

And that is what seems to be at-stake here.

Although, if memory serves correctly, even though Abortion was not illegal, per se, on the Federal level, it was perceived for a very long time as within the purview of the individual States, most of whom had their own 'local' laws barring such activity within their own borders.

So... yes, and no,methinks.

Oh, and, I'm not into Revisionist History myself, just to be clear, and, I see no evidence of that in any of mine, above.

Your allegation about abortion being illegal for "centuries" was revisionist.

Your disingenuous attempt to conflate abortion with "infanticide" is revisionist.

Your attempt to claim that you have the support of a "large part of the population" that it is "Evil and Wrongdoing" is fallacious.

Then there is your attempt to invoke "states rights" which is egregious in that no state can pass a law that infringes on the rights provided in the federal Constitution.

So, yes, what you are doing is unAmerican because it fallaciously equating the privacy rights of women with a purely religious concept of "Evil and Wrongdoing". The Constitution prohibits the imposition of religious beliefs under legal statutes. You would need to overturn the 1st Amendment to have your way in overturning the 4th Amendment. That is never going to happen because the majority of women will always support the rights of other women even if they won't ever exercise them for themselves.
Shutting down Planned Parenthood clinics is denying women access to birth control and it is happening all across the red states under Republican control.
The drama. Federal funding has been cut. If they cant survive without huge chunks of tax payer money then why do they deserve to.

Your compassion for your less fortunate fellow Americans is overwhelming.

It isn't just federal funding that has been cut. It is red states passing laws making it impossible to operate PP clinics without onerous and expensive overheads.

You are whining that single mothers are getting pregnant while denying them access to contraception. That is called blaming the victims for their predicament. If you don't want abortions then provide contraception instead. That is the fiscally responsible way to deal with the situation. Instead you screech that you are "paying for them to have sex" and want to punish them by getting pregnant. Then you are outraged when they want to do the responsible thing and have an abortion because they cannot afford to raise the child. So you cut off their access to abortion clinics and then whine about "generational poverty" that is the result of your own stupidity.

If you want to end this cycle then do the responsible thing and provide access to effective contraception to your less fortunate brethren instead of berating them because they were born into poverty and you weren't.
I'm going to be honest here.

I just don't care enough to read this mini novel. Redex away! Its preferable to your longwinded posts.

Thank you for being honest enough to admit to being a superficial reactionary who can't be bothered with the facing the truth about their position. Your mind is closed and your don't have any intention of facing up to reality. Have a nice day.

And yes, I fully expect you to redex this response because you can't deal with the truth.
Shutting down Planned Parenthood clinics is denying women access to birth control and it is happening all across the red states under Republican control.
The drama. Federal funding has been cut. If they cant survive without huge chunks of tax payer money then why do they deserve to.

Your compassion for your less fortunate fellow Americans is overwhelming.

It isn't just federal funding that has been cut. It is red states passing laws making it impossible to operate PP clinics without onerous and expensive overheads.

You are whining that single mothers are getting pregnant while denying them access to contraception. That is called blaming the victims for their predicament. If you don't want abortions then provide contraception instead. That is the fiscally responsible way to deal with the situation. Instead you screech that you are "paying for them to have sex" and want to punish them by getting pregnant. Then you are outraged when they want to do the responsible thing and have an abortion because they cannot afford to raise the child. So you cut off their access to abortion clinics and then whine about "generational poverty" that is the result of your own stupidity.

If you want to end this cycle then do the responsible thing and provide access to effective contraception to your less fortunate brethren instead of berating them because they were born into poverty and you weren't.

OR , you could do something to end "the cycle" by encouraging poor people to use birth control.

how hard is it? I mean really?

Poor =/= stupid so I know they are smart enough to know what causes pregnancy.

You mean like having Planned Parenthood clinics in every poor neighborhood? Which side is cutting their funding and trying to close them again?
The GOP is stuck in the past on a great many issues.

The voice of enlightenment. I love when libertarians speak ill of both parties. They say Rep suck because.... Democrats suck because.... But when we try to point out their members of government suck because...there are none to point to! There is a reason they are called the Losertarian party!
It was all that democrat stuff enabling them to have recreational sex without negative consequences.

So the only thing women care about is having inconsequential sex?

Who's being sexist here?

What's more telling is all this progressive crap has really done is allow MEN to have recreational sex without negative consequences.
Hey, blame me for the fcking poll, gandolf.
It was all that democrat stuff enabling them to have recreational sex without negative consequences.

So the only thing women care about is having inconsequential sex?

Who's being sexist here?

What's more telling is all this progressive crap has really done is allow MEN to have recreational sex without negative consequences.
Apparently this is the lib narrative.
Their view of women is that females are simple creatures with that politically single issue minded.
That women do not have any control over their hormones and are interested in matters of biology.
Actually, it was a goper who brought up the recreational sex angle.

And it is progressives that let men fuck around without consequences.


Senator Vitter and Governor Sanford were "progressives"?

Rep Anthony Weiner was a "conservative"?

This is more about the consequences of an unfettered safety net allowing young men to abandon the women they knock up, then the dalliances of politicians.

By consequences I mean generational poverty, and crime ridden inner cities, not the end of ones political career.

Nothing is going to stop recreational sex.

But access to affordable contraception via the ACA will reduce the incidence of pregnancies.

A reduction in the number of pregnancies will reduce generational poverty.

No wonder the GOP is opposed to Obamacare. They won't be able to use single mothers as an excuse to drive their sheeple to vote Republican any longer. Yet another nail in the coffin of the extreme right.
BS cheap affordable contraception has been available for decades.
Shutting down Planned Parenthood clinics is denying women access to birth control and it is happening all across the red states under Republican control.
The drama. Federal funding has been cut. If they cant survive without huge chunks of tax payer money then why do they deserve to.

Your compassion for your less fortunate fellow Americans is overwhelming.

It isn't just federal funding that has been cut. It is red states passing laws making it impossible to operate PP clinics without onerous and expensive overheads.

You are whining that single mothers are getting pregnant while denying them access to contraception. That is called blaming the victims for their predicament. If you don't want abortions then provide contraception instead. That is the fiscally responsible way to deal with the situation. Instead you screech that you are "paying for them to have sex" and want to punish them by getting pregnant. Then you are outraged when they want to do the responsible thing and have an abortion because they cannot afford to raise the child. So you cut off their access to abortion clinics and then whine about "generational poverty" that is the result of your own stupidity.

If you want to end this cycle then do the responsible thing and provide access to effective contraception to your less fortunate brethren instead of berating them because they were born into poverty and you weren't.
I'm going to be honest here.

I just don't care enough to read this mini novel. Redex away! Its preferable to your longwinded posts.

Thank you for being honest enough to admit to being a superficial reactionary who can't be bothered with the facing the truth about their position. Your mind is closed and your don't have any intention of facing up to reality. Have a nice day.

And yes, I fully expect you to redex this response because you can't deal with the truth.
Sweetie, I doubt you would know the truth if it bit you in the ass Your platitudes don't pass.
Oh and good comeback ;)
...Your allegation about abortion being illegal for "centuries" was revisionist...
Even after I'd admitted to making a mistake, re: the Federal level?

Intentional revisionism?

Even after conceding the error?


...Your disingenuous attempt to conflate abortion with "infanticide" is revisionist...
Oh, it's not disingenuous, nor is it revisionism.

It is entirely genuine.

There are a great many people who equate Abortion with Infanticide.

Namely, each and every one of the many millions of Americans who believe that Life begins at Conception.

That is open and above-board and glaringly obvious... nothing subtle nor hidden nor disingenuous about that.

And, given that such a widely-held perception is a truism, there is no Revision at-work here, in that context.

...Your attempt to claim that you have the support of a "large part of the population" that it is 'Evil and Wrongdoing' is fallacious...
1. show me where - within this dialogue - I have made a statement of personal belief.

2. I merely opine that a large segment of the population believes that Abortion is Evil and Wrong.

3. Otherwise, all of those State Legislators that have been so busy laying-down State-level restrictions over the past 24 months or so could never have gotten away with it.

...Then there is your attempt to invoke 'states rights' which is egregious in that no state can pass a law that infringes on the rights provided in the federal Constitution...
You cannot deny that individual States had laws on-the-books effectively barring Abortion for decades prior to Roe v. Wade.

Or, rather, you could try, but you would fail.

Translation: this was, indeed, a matter of States Rights, until the judicial activism associated with Roe v.Wade elevated it to the Federal level, in a Constitutional context.

That's not 'egregious' (and I question your use of that word here).

It's a matter of historical fact.

...So, yes, what you are doing is unAmerican because it fallaciously equating the privacy rights of women with a purely religious concept of 'Evil and Wrongdoing'...
It is not un-American.

It is a matter of two different American perceptions.

The other side of the fence will tell you that it is un-American to murder unborn children.

The law currently allows such activity.

The other side of the fence is working diligently within the boundaries of the law to reverse that state of affairs.

...The Constitution prohibits the imposition of religious beliefs under legal statutes...
Murder is against the Laws of both God and Man.

Until recently, on the State level, Abortion was kindred to Murder, in many of those individual jurisdictions, and all that need be done is to pitch the reversal or tweaking in Secular terms, to circumvent such objections.

...You would need to overturn the 1st Amendment to have your way in overturning the 4th Amendment. ..
I don't think anybody is talking in terms of overturning any aspect of the Constitution.

Merely reversing the Judicial Activism (Roe v Wade) which triggered an Abortion-friendly state of affairs.

...That is never going to happen because the majority of women will always support the rights of other women even if they won't ever exercise them for themselves.
You may be correct.

Then again, I don't have any particular dog in this fight.

However, I point you to those State legislatures (many of whom contain substantial numbers of female lawmakers) which have moved in recent months and years to impose new limitations on Abortion which seem to be withstanding early court challenges and judicial review.

Translation: you might be right, but I'm not convinced of that, and believe that jury is still out on that, so to speak.
Shutting down Planned Parenthood clinics is denying women access to birth control and it is happening all across the red states under Republican control.
The drama. Federal funding has been cut. If they cant survive without huge chunks of tax payer money then why do they deserve to.

Your compassion for your less fortunate fellow Americans is overwhelming.

It isn't just federal funding that has been cut. It is red states passing laws making it impossible to operate PP clinics without onerous and expensive overheads.

You are whining that single mothers are getting pregnant while denying them access to contraception. That is called blaming the victims for their predicament. If you don't want abortions then provide contraception instead. That is the fiscally responsible way to deal with the situation. Instead you screech that you are "paying for them to have sex" and want to punish them by getting pregnant. Then you are outraged when they want to do the responsible thing and have an abortion because they cannot afford to raise the child. So you cut off their access to abortion clinics and then whine about "generational poverty" that is the result of your own stupidity.

If you want to end this cycle then do the responsible thing and provide access to effective contraception to your less fortunate brethren instead of berating them because they were born into poverty and you weren't.
I'm going to be honest here.

I just don't care enough to read this mini novel. Redex away! Its preferable to your longwinded posts.

Thank you for being honest enough to admit to being a superficial reactionary who can't be bothered with the facing the truth about their position. Your mind is closed and your don't have any intention of facing up to reality. Have a nice day.

And yes, I fully expect you to redex this response because you can't deal with the truth.
Sweetie, I doubt you would know the truth if it bit you in the ass Your platitudes don't pass.
Oh and good comeback ;)

Ironic! :lmao:
A new internal Republican report confirmed that women are not fans of the GOP, and Republicans have more work to do if they want the female vote.

The study was commissioned by two conservative groups: Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS and the American Action Network.

The report, which was obtained by Politico, found that although Republicans have tried to improve outreach to female voters, women still believe the party is "stuck in the past" and "intolerant."

It offered a stark picture of how women view the Republican Party as a whole. Women are "barely receptive" to the party's policy proposals, the report said, in part because Republicans "fail to speak to women in the different circumstances in which they live."

The report drew its conclusions from focus group discussions and a poll of 800 registered women voters. In top issue areas, such as health care, the economy and education, the poll found that Democrats held a huge advantage. For example, when considering which side "wants to make health care more affordable," the women surveyed chose the Democratic Party by a 39 percent margin. They also said that a policy of equal pay for equal work would "help women the most."

To make electoral gains in 2014 and 2016, the report suggested that the GOP soften its opposition to legislation supporting pay equity. The party should also tackle economic issues like gender bias in the workplace, the report said. Given that abortion can be a wedge issue among women, the report recommended that the party "deal honestly with any disagreement on abortion, then move to other issues."

GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

Does anyone honestly expect that Republicans will "deal honestly with any disagreement on abortion"? I don't.

I think there is some truth to this and the media did well in crafting the message:
(1) There are way too many Republicans that state no abortion for even rape or incest victims. Sorry, but the majority of AMERICANS and a strong majority of women will NEVER see it this way. I vote Republican, but this position insults me. This view gets pushed even harder and louder during the primaries.

(2) The contraceptive argument. It was a defamatory argument and a lie for the most part, but I can see why a women would be upset that her company didn't cover the pill, which is a pharmaceutical and is expensive without insurance. However, Hobby Lobby wasn't arguing about ending that coverage, rather they didn't like the morning after pill. It was the catholic church making that argument and I think they had a point. Nevertheless, it was framed the war on women.

(3) Gay Marriage: I am sorry but the rationale against it, preserve the sanity of marriage, doesn't bode well with most people. Most people see it as a crock. A happy FAITHFUL gay marriage does not harm my marriage at all.

This is why women see them negatively. I still think it's 50/50, but I think the left does a better job of stealing the right's women than the other way around.
...Your allegation about abortion being illegal for "centuries" was revisionist...
Even after I'd admitted to making a mistake, re: the Federal level?

Intentional revisionism?

Even after conceding the error?


...Your disingenuous attempt to conflate abortion with "infanticide" is revisionist...
Oh, it's not disingenuous, nor is it revisionism.

It is entirely genuine.

There are a great many people who equate Abortion with Infanticide.

Namely, each and every one of the many millions of Americans who believe that Life begins at Conception.

That is open and above-board and glaringly obvious... nothing subtle nor hidden nor disingenuous about that.

And, given that such a widely-held perception is a truism, there is no Revision at-work here, in that context.

...Your attempt to claim that you have the support of a "large part of the population" that it is 'Evil and Wrongdoing' is fallacious...
1. show me where - within this dialogue - I have made a statement of personal belief.

2. I merely opine that a large segment of the population believes that Abortion is Evil and Wrong.

3. Otherwise, all of those State Legislators that have been so busy laying-down State-level restrictions over the past 24 months or so could never have gotten away with it.

...Then there is your attempt to invoke 'states rights' which is egregious in that no state can pass a law that infringes on the rights provided in the federal Constitution...
You cannot deny that individual States had laws on-the-books effectively barring Abortion for decades prior to Roe v. Wade.

Or, rather, you could try, but you would fail.

Translation: this was, indeed, a matter of States Rights, until the judicial activism associated with Roe v.Wade elevated it to the Federal level, in a Constitutional context.

That's not 'egregious' (and I question your use of that word here).

It's a matter of historical fact.

...So, yes, what you are doing is unAmerican because it fallaciously equating the privacy rights of women with a purely religious concept of 'Evil and Wrongdoing'...
It is not un-American.

It is a matter of two different American perceptions.

The other side of the fence will tell you that it is un-American to murder unborn children.

The law currently allows such activity.

The other side of the fence is working diligently within the boundaries of the law to reverse that state of affairs.

...The Constitution prohibits the imposition of religious beliefs under legal statutes...
Murder is against the Laws of both God and Man.

Until recently, on the State level, Abortion was kindred to Murder, in many of those individual jurisdictions, and all that need be done is to pitch the reversal or tweaking in Secular terms, to circumvent such objections.

...You would need to overturn the 1st Amendment to have your way in overturning the 4th Amendment. ..
I don't think anybody is talking in terms of overturning any aspect of the Constitution.

Merely reversing the Judicial Activism (Roe v Wade) which triggered an Abortion-friendly state of affairs.

...That is never going to happen because the majority of women will always support the rights of other women even if they won't ever exercise them for themselves.
You may be correct.

Then again, I don't have any particular dog in this fight.

However, I point you to those State legislatures (many of whom contain substantial numbers of female lawmakers) which have moved in recent months and years to impose new limitations on Abortion which seem to be withstanding early court challenges and judicial review.

Translation: you might be right, but I'm not convinced of that, and believe that jury is still out on that, so to speak.


Sorry, but you cannot pretend that you "don't have any particular dog in this fight" when you have used every single religious right extremist buzzword in your response.

You exposed your personal position at the outset when you referred to abortion as "Evil and Wrong".

Unless you are going to be honest there is no point in continuing.
...Your allegation about abortion being illegal for "centuries" was revisionist...
Even after I'd admitted to making a mistake, re: the Federal level?

Intentional revisionism?

Even after conceding the error?


...Your disingenuous attempt to conflate abortion with "infanticide" is revisionist...
Oh, it's not disingenuous, nor is it revisionism.

It is entirely genuine.

There are a great many people who equate Abortion with Infanticide.

Namely, each and every one of the many millions of Americans who believe that Life begins at Conception.

That is open and above-board and glaringly obvious... nothing subtle nor hidden nor disingenuous about that.

And, given that such a widely-held perception is a truism, there is no Revision at-work here, in that context.

...Your attempt to claim that you have the support of a "large part of the population" that it is 'Evil and Wrongdoing' is fallacious...
1. show me where - within this dialogue - I have made a statement of personal belief.

2. I merely opine that a large segment of the population believes that Abortion is Evil and Wrong.

3. Otherwise, all of those State Legislators that have been so busy laying-down State-level restrictions over the past 24 months or so could never have gotten away with it.

...Then there is your attempt to invoke 'states rights' which is egregious in that no state can pass a law that infringes on the rights provided in the federal Constitution...
You cannot deny that individual States had laws on-the-books effectively barring Abortion for decades prior to Roe v. Wade.

Or, rather, you could try, but you would fail.

Translation: this was, indeed, a matter of States Rights, until the judicial activism associated with Roe v.Wade elevated it to the Federal level, in a Constitutional context.

That's not 'egregious' (and I question your use of that word here).

It's a matter of historical fact.

...So, yes, what you are doing is unAmerican because it fallaciously equating the privacy rights of women with a purely religious concept of 'Evil and Wrongdoing'...
It is not un-American.

It is a matter of two different American perceptions.

The other side of the fence will tell you that it is un-American to murder unborn children.

The law currently allows such activity.

The other side of the fence is working diligently within the boundaries of the law to reverse that state of affairs.

...The Constitution prohibits the imposition of religious beliefs under legal statutes...
Murder is against the Laws of both God and Man.

Until recently, on the State level, Abortion was kindred to Murder, in many of those individual jurisdictions, and all that need be done is to pitch the reversal or tweaking in Secular terms, to circumvent such objections.

...You would need to overturn the 1st Amendment to have your way in overturning the 4th Amendment. ..
I don't think anybody is talking in terms of overturning any aspect of the Constitution.

Merely reversing the Judicial Activism (Roe v Wade) which triggered an Abortion-friendly state of affairs.

...That is never going to happen because the majority of women will always support the rights of other women even if they won't ever exercise them for themselves.
You may be correct.

Then again, I don't have any particular dog in this fight.

However, I point you to those State legislatures (many of whom contain substantial numbers of female lawmakers) which have moved in recent months and years to impose new limitations on Abortion which seem to be withstanding early court challenges and judicial review.

Translation: you might be right, but I'm not convinced of that, and believe that jury is still out on that, so to speak.


Sorry, but you cannot pretend that you "don't have any particular dog in this fight" when you have used every single religious right extremist buzzword in your response...
Why not?

I merely voiced the Opposition's perspective.

Oh, and, it's not 'religious right extremism' at work here.

More like mainstream American Christianity at work here.

Most sects and branches of Christendom perceive that Abortion is equivalent to Infanticide.

...You exposed your personal position at the outset when you referred to abortion as "Evil and Wrong"....
That is a faulty interpretation on your part.

I understand the gut-level Opposition perspective, and gave voice to it, using their own verbiage.

That does not make it mine.

...Unless you are going to be honest there is no point in continuing.
I am not aware of any lapse in truthfulness on my part during the course of our dialogue to date.

Nor do my personal views on the subject impact upon the nature of the Opposition.
Some hints to Republicans in reaching women

1. Women who use birth control are not sluts
2. Birth control is a good thing for women and our society
3. Women in the workforce want a level playing field
4. A woman who is raped (legitimately or otherwise) wants access to abortion

Again, you are arguing with the voices in your head. No republican OR conservative promotes your list in any form.

Now you stupid fuck. Show Me where anyone has denied a woman access to birth control.

OK lets go there with Republican/Conservative values regarding birth control

1. Block sex education
2. Attempt to ban Planned Parenthood
3. Allow employers to decide what birth control their employees can use
4. File a lawsuit against Obamacares requiring insurers to cover birth control
5. Complain about insurance companies that offer free birth control
Again, not a word of it is true.

Not a one wants to block sex education.
Planned Parenthood should not be paid by tax dollars, nothing about banning them.
No employer has ever decided what birth control an employee can use
Obamacare covering birth control for 90 year old men is fucking stupid AND has nothing to do with denying access to birth control.
I've never heard a complaint from ANYONE about insurance companies offering free birth control

Now, how does your list deny access to birth control for women?

Sorry guys...just trying to help you with your "women problem"

Telling people...if you want birth control, don't ask me go get it yourself

I do not want to pay for your sex

Is KILLING your party. It makes you seem like you are still in the 19th century. Get over your compulsion with sex. Stay out of peoples bedrooms. Enter the 21st is not that scary

You're argument is completely schizophrenic. You want us to pay for free birth control and yet at the same time you want us out of your bedroom. Make up your dang mind! If you want us paying for your birth control you clearly want us involved in what you do in your bedroom.
Referring to the Constitutional Rights of Americans as "Evil or Wrongdoing" is unAmerican.

So referring to the Constitutional right of slavery as evil or wrong doing is unamerican?

Funny, I thought it was perfectly American to speak your mind and share your thoughts and values with others. In fact, the first amendment is predicated on the fact that it's virtuous to call good good and evil evil.

Secondly you are wrong about the historical time frame predating RvW. It was never "centuries". Abortion has been around for thousands of years and it was only in the 1880's with the passage of the Comstock act that abortion became illegal.

Oh so because it's happened for thousands of years, that makes it less evil?

So abortion was legal when this nation was founded and none of the Founding Fathers saw fit to call it "Evil or Wrongdoing" and exclude it from the rights secured for individuals in the Constitution. No amount of revisionist history on your part is going to alter the facts!

Our Founders weren't so evil as to need to be told that they shouldn't kill their offspring.
Birth Control is GOOD.

Who denies that?
Paying for Birth Control is GOOD for everyone
True, stealing is always wrong
<can someone just shoot me? for Gods sake, why are conservatives still so backwards?>

Sure, but then you would just cry victim. Again

So all those men who can no longer have sex without a pill or a penis pump are stealing from you?

You're paying for them to have sex yet I have not heard one word from any conservative condemning men stealing your money just to have sex.

Seems to me you want to pay for men to be able to have sex but you don't want to pay for women to not get pregnant from having that sex with the man who used a pill or penis pump tax dollars or insurance paid for.

But then I doubt you or any other conservative will see that fact.
So you agree stealing is wrong?

With all the crap you just threw at the wall I am not sure you agree at all.

People using the benefits of their insurance or medicare isn't stealing. Insurance is private so the person paid something into it. In most cases in American people work their jobs for it. It's part of their pay and benefits. They pay their portion every pay period off their pay check. As for those who buy on the exchanges they're still buying private insurance that they are paying for or partially paying for. Those on medicare have paid into that system all of their working lives. Which is usually decades.

Yet you believe women using those benefits for contraceptives is stealing.

I haven't heard one man ever tell men if they need pills or pumps that they better buy it themselves. I don't hear any man telling men that if you can't afford pills or pumps then don't have sex. I don't see even one man calling other men thieves and are stealing when their insurance or medicare pays for pills or pumps.

If you advocate that women can't use their insurance to pay for contraceptives then you better advocate the same thing with men regarding their pills and pumps.

Otherwise, you're just another republican hypocrite.
Who wants to stop recreational sex? I'm a big fan of it personally.

Recreational sex is fine. CASA sex us the biggest problem in my mind. Sex is an act which belongs in a committed relationship, not one night stands and boots calls.

and if you are not in a committed relationship, and
Some hints to Republicans in reaching women

1. Women who use birth control are not sluts
2. Birth control is a good thing for women and our society
3. Women in the workforce want a level playing field
4. A woman who is raped (legitimately or otherwise) wants access to abortion

Again, you are arguing with the voices in your head. No republican OR conservative promotes your list in any form.

Now you stupid fuck. Show Me where anyone has denied a woman access to birth control.

OK lets go there with Republican/Conservative values regarding birth control

1. Block sex education
2. Attempt to ban Planned Parenthood
3. Allow employers to decide what birth control their employees can use
4. File a lawsuit against Obamacares requiring insurers to cover birth control
5. Complain about insurance companies that offer free birth control
Again, not a word of it is true.

Not a one wants to block sex education.
Planned Parenthood should not be paid by tax dollars, nothing about banning them.
No employer has ever decided what birth control an employee can use
Obamacare covering birth control for 90 year old men is fucking stupid AND has nothing to do with denying access to birth control.
I've never heard a complaint from ANYONE about insurance companies offering free birth control

Now, how does your list deny access to birth control for women?

Sorry guys...just trying to help you with your "women problem"

Telling people...if you want birth control, don't ask me go get it yourself

I do not want to pay for your sex

Is KILLING your party. It makes you seem like you are still in the 19th century. Get over your compulsion with sex. Stay out of peoples bedrooms. Enter the 21st is not that scary

You are the assholes trying to take my wallet into your bedroom. Stop doing that and we have a deal.
Oh, and, it's not 'religious right extremism' at work here.

More like mainstream American Christianity at work here.

Most sects and branches of Christendom perceive that Abortion is equivalent to Infanticide.

Playing fast and loose with the facts again?

Induced Abortion in the United States
Thirty-seven percent of women obtaining abortions identify as Protestant and 28% identify as Catholic.[3]

37 + 28 = 65% of all women obtaining abortions self identify as Christians.

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