GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

And the Pope chimes in....just stop having sex

You are partially correct. Most birth control is used by married women. They do not want to have five or six children like their mothers or grandmothers had. Not having to bear children for twenty years out of your life was liberating to women. It allowed them to enter the workforce. It gave them economic power

What a novel concept. If you can't afford a family don't do activity that will create one.

Which you conveniently ignored.

Fucking is fun. It is what humans have done for hundreds of thousands of years

Saying "Don't fuck" is not an access to birth control is

Robbing people is fun, its waht humans have done for hundreds of thousands of years.

Saying "Don't rob" is not the answer, open access to others belongings is.
Who wants to stop recreational sex? I'm a big fan of it personally.

Recreational sex is fine. CASUAL sex us the biggest problem in my mind. Sex is an act which belongs in a committed relationship, not one night stands and boots calls.
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And the Pope chimes in....just stop having sex

You are partially correct. Most birth control is used by married women. They do not want to have five or six children like their mothers or grandmothers had. Not having to bear children for twenty years out of your life was liberating to women. It allowed them to enter the workforce. It gave them economic power

What a novel concept. If you can't afford a family don't do activity that will create one.

Which you conveniently ignored.

Fucking is fun. It is what humans have done for hundreds of thousands of years

Saying "Don't fuck" is not an access to birth control is

Eating ice cream is fun too. But if I don't show any self control and eat it at every meal, doesn't matter what I do, i am going to get fat. And I have no one to blame for that but myself.
Nothing is going to stop recreational sex.

But access to affordable contraception via the ACA will reduce the incidence of pregnancies.

A reduction in the number of pregnancies will reduce generational poverty.

No wonder the GOP is opposed to Obamacare. They won't be able to use single mothers as an excuse to drive their sheeple to vote Republican any longer. Yet another nail in the coffin of the extreme right.

Who wants to stop recreational sex? I'm a big fan of it personally.

We have had affordable and easily accessible contraception for decades now, and yet the problem of inner city poverty, which has one of its roots in the lack of stable families, continues. Unless you start mandating that the pill or rubbers are required in the hood, all the "access" you create ain't gonna do shit.

What is needed is a reduction in pregnancies among people not willing or able to take responsibility for the results of sex without "consequences."

We actually need MORE pregnancies from people with the means to have kids and support them, or we will soon end up in the same boat as Japan and a bunch of Scandinavian countries.

Too bad the facts don't support your allegation. People in poverty don't consider contraception to be "affordable" when they are struggling to survive.

Study Free Birth Control Slashes Abortion Rates

The same poor people who can afford cell phones, TV's and bitchin rims?

High schools have been handing out BC for decades, why is the problem still around?

Stereotyping exposes the weakness of your position. You could not refute the facts so you resorted to blaming the victims instead.
Which part do you disagree with Dana? The fact that people will get fact if they eat nothing but ice cream? Is that seriously in dispute? You'll die too btw if you eat nothing but ice cream.
And the Pope chimes in....just stop having sex

You are partially correct. Most birth control is used by married women. They do not want to have five or six children like their mothers or grandmothers had. Not having to bear children for twenty years out of your life was liberating to women. It allowed them to enter the workforce. It gave them economic power

What a novel concept. If you can't afford a family don't do activity that will create one.

Which you conveniently ignored.

Fucking is fun. It is what humans have done for hundreds of thousands of years

Saying "Don't fuck" is not an access to birth control is

Robbing people is fun, its waht humans have done for hundreds of thousands of years.

Saying "Don't rob" is not the answer, open access to others belongings is.
What a truly retarded reply.
I refuse to believe that women are this obsessed with abortion and birth control.. Hell, I know plenty of women, they all think that shit is stupid.

I believe women understand how important birth control is to their lives and economic stability.

I believe Republicans are clueless to this fact

And i find it comical thinking that progressives think so lowly of women that they consider it a binary choice between using birth control or not, not having sex cannot be part of the equation.

The original campaigns for birth control were so married women could control the SIZE of their families without avoiding their wifely duties. what we have now is single women having kids out of wedlock, too young, and with multiple men who are not held accountable for their actions, and are thus free to spread their seed as they see fit.

And the Pope chimes in....just stop having sex

You are partially correct. Most birth control is used by married women. They do not want to have five or six children like their mothers or grandmothers had. Not having to bear children for twenty years out of your life was liberating to women. It allowed them to enter the workforce. It gave them economic power

Its also what is leading to a potential catastrophe for our ways of life, but hey! who cares about that!

Its not "stop having sex" Its, if you cant afford a few bucks for rubbers or the pill, maybe you shouldn't risk getting pregnant in general.

The progressive bias against women maybe WANTING to be mothers of large families is telling.

I'm really trying to help you guys out with your "women problem"

Birth control is GOOD. It is one of the most significant inventions of the twentieth century. It has cut down on the size of families. It has allowed women control of their lives, their bodies and their economic future

Birth control should be FREE. It should be openly handed out at school, Walmart, 7-11, th post office. A guy should drive down your street in an icecream truck ringing a bell and handing out free birth control to anyone who wants it

It is GOOD for society. It prevents unwanted pregnancies. It allows families to have as many children as they want, when they want them

Republicans need to stay the fuck away from birth control. It is killing them
And the Pope chimes in....just stop having sex

You are partially correct. Most birth control is used by married women. They do not want to have five or six children like their mothers or grandmothers had. Not having to bear children for twenty years out of your life was liberating to women. It allowed them to enter the workforce. It gave them economic power

What a novel concept. If you can't afford a family don't do activity that will create one.

Which you conveniently ignored.

Fucking is fun. It is what humans have done for hundreds of thousands of years

Saying "Don't fuck" is not an access to birth control is

Robbing people is fun, its waht humans have done for hundreds of thousands of years.

Saying "Don't rob" is not the answer, open access to others belongings is.
What a truly retarded reply.

only because you don't recognize logic.
...Does anyone honestly expect that Republicans will "deal honestly with any disagreement on abortion"?...
Why not?

Have they (as a group) not honestly stated their opposition to abortion, over the years?

Or are they only being honest if they agree with you?

...I don't.
Thank you for your personal opinion on the subject.

Kondor is missing the point. Dealing "honestly with any disagreement" does not mean stubbornly objecting and doing everything in their power to deny women their Constitutional right to privacy. Instead "dealing honestly" means acknowledging that not everyone agrees that "life begins at conception" and for those that don't they should be allowed to exercise their rights as they deem fit without being vilified.
I disagree (I think).

I understand the distinction that you are trying to make.

I also believe that you are abusing the definition of 'honest dealing' here.

Honest dealing, to my tiny little mind, means conducting one's self openly in support of one's viewpoint.

Honest dealing, in your mind, appears to mean conceding the point (to each one's own), in a functional sense.

If one believes that life begins at conception, then ending such life is a Wrong Thing.

One cannot be true to one's self and one's values by conceding the field to Evil (doers of Wrong Things).

Most especially when dealing with (perceived) Human Life.

So long as one is open and above-board about one's opinion in such matters, one is dealing honestly.

At least, according to any functional definition that I've ever encountered.

Or so it seems to this observer.

You are dealing with religious absolutes that don't allow for compromise.
Nolo contendere.

...Religious absolutes are not allowed to dictate government policy...
Historically, this is not accurate.

Until Roe v. Wade, the 'absolute' about life-begins-at-conception was, indeed, dictating government policy, for decades (centuries).

Until the past few years, the 'absolute' about homosexuality being an evil and unnatural practice was, indeed, dictating government policy for decades (centuries, millenia) - as evidenced by sodomy laws.

...The compromise is to follow your own conscience as far as what you can control which is yourself...
Holders of such viewpoints will tell you that no compromise with Evil is possible.

...You have no right to impose your religious absolutes on others who don't share your religious beliefs. ..
Theoretically, this is true.

In practice, and certainly, historically, this is untrue.

The United States is what I would call a Secularized Christian Country - in effect, populated largely by adherents of Christianity, in its various and diverse forms, and by the descendants of such adherents; descended from immigrants from nations dominated by that particular belief system, and whose laws, culture, etc., are absolutely saturated with the mores and beliefs and practices of an earlier Christendom, even though our own secularization effort is more than two centuries old, and even though we tend to lose sight of just how heavily our society leans upon a secularized adaptation of that belief system's heritage and traditions.

...That is how the Constitution works...

And we, as a People, are in a constant state of flux, in finding a balance between Religious Influence and non-sectarian, secularized public behaviors and law and practices.

...If you don't like it change the Constitution...
Personally, I'm quite content with our tradition of Separation of Church and State. You are preaching to the choir.

...Until then you have an obligation to obey the Law of the Land...

...and allow others to exercise their rights as they see fit...
Unless you perceive that they are doing Evil and Wrong Things, in which case it is one's right to advocate for and attempt to bar or prohibit or inhibit or impede or minimize or ameliorate or negate such Evil or Wrongdoing to the maximum extent one can attain within a legal framework.

...Anything else is dishonesty and unAmerican.

Openly working to bar or prohibit or impede (etc) Evil or Wrongdoing, without disguising one's viewpoint or activity, is 'honesty' in both a literal and figurative sense of the word.


And, as to being un-American, well...

It is not un-American to seek to bar or prohibit or impede Evil or Wrongdoing within the framework of The Law, either at the Statutory or Constitutional level.

As a matter of fact, that's as American as Mom and Apple Pie... a long-standing, time-honored tradition.
I refuse to believe that women are this obsessed with abortion and birth control.. Hell, I know plenty of women, they all think that shit is stupid.

I believe women understand how important birth control is to their lives and economic stability.

I believe Republicans are clueless to this fact

And i find it comical thinking that progressives think so lowly of women that they consider it a binary choice between using birth control or not, not having sex cannot be part of the equation.

The original campaigns for birth control were so married women could control the SIZE of their families without avoiding their wifely duties. what we have now is single women having kids out of wedlock, too young, and with multiple men who are not held accountable for their actions, and are thus free to spread their seed as they see fit.

And the Pope chimes in....just stop having sex

You are partially correct. Most birth control is used by married women. They do not want to have five or six children like their mothers or grandmothers had. Not having to bear children for twenty years out of your life was liberating to women. It allowed them to enter the workforce. It gave them economic power

Its also what is leading to a potential catastrophe for our ways of life, but hey! who cares about that!

Its not "stop having sex" Its, if you cant afford a few bucks for rubbers or the pill, maybe you shouldn't risk getting pregnant in general.

The progressive bias against women maybe WANTING to be mothers of large families is telling.

I'm really trying to help you guys out with your "women problem"

Birth control is GOOD. It is one of the most significant inventions of the twentieth century. It has cut down on the size of families. It has allowed women control of their lives, their bodies and their economic future

Birth control should be FREE. It should be openly handed out at school, Walmart, 7-11, th post office. A guy should drive down your street in an icecream truck ringing a bell and handing out free birth control to anyone who wants it

It is GOOD for society. It prevents unwanted pregnancies. It allows families to have as many children as they want, when they want them

Republicans need to stay the fuck away from birth control. It is killing them

No you really aren't. No one is saying birth control isn't good or doesn't have it's reasons. But that doesn't mean you get to force people to buy it for you. or that there are cheaper alternatives, such as self control.

Why do you seem to think other people should work for your birth control? Be a man.
Republicans should look around at our society and see what the pill has done for women.

Before the pill a standard size family was around 4 kids. It wasn't that usual for a family to have more than 4 kids.

Then the pill was introduced in 1960. Fast forward to the 1970s. The standard size of a family became 2 kids. It's been that way ever since.

When women have a choice and can freely make that choice, most women don't have more than 2 kids.

The only exception I see to that is if the first two kids are of the same sex. Some women will have that third child to have one of the opposite sex of what they already have.

So you men better open your eyes and see what we women have been doing for 5 decades. We won't go back. We don't want to be turned into a baby making factory. We want control of our lives to pursue our own potential as a person.

If you republicans can't see that you're going to see your party die.
And the Pope chimes in....just stop having sex

You are partially correct. Most birth control is used by married women. They do not want to have five or six children like their mothers or grandmothers had. Not having to bear children for twenty years out of your life was liberating to women. It allowed them to enter the workforce. It gave them economic power

What a novel concept. If you can't afford a family don't do activity that will create one.

Which you conveniently ignored.

Fucking is fun. It is what humans have done for hundreds of thousands of years

Saying "Don't fuck" is not an access to birth control is

Robbing people is fun, its waht humans have done for hundreds of thousands of years.

Saying "Don't rob" is not the answer, open access to others belongings is.
What a truly retarded reply.

only because you don't recognize logic.
If irony were a sea creature, this post would be a whale with a blow hole so large it would create a tsunami.
Some hints to Republicans in reaching women

1. Women who use birth control are not sluts
2. Birth control is a good thing for women and our society
3. Women in the workforce want a level playing field
4. A woman who is raped (legitimately or otherwise) wants access to abortion

Again, you are arguing with the voices in your head. No republican OR conservative promotes your list in any form.

Now you stupid fuck. Show Me where anyone has denied a woman access to birth control.

OK lets go there with Republican/Conservative values regarding birth control

1. Block sex education
2. Attempt to ban Planned Parenthood
3. Allow employers to decide what birth control their employees can use
4. File a lawsuit against Obamacares requiring insurers to cover birth control
5. Complain about insurance companies that offer free birth control
Some hints to Republicans in reaching women

1. Women who use birth control are not sluts
2. Birth control is a good thing for women and our society
3. Women in the workforce want a level playing field
4. A woman who is raped (legitimately or otherwise) wants access to abortion

Again, you are arguing with the voices in your head. No republican OR conservative promotes your list in any form.

Now you stupid fuck. Show Me where anyone has denied a woman access to birth control.

OK lets go there with Republican/Conservative values regarding birth control

1. Block sex education
2. Attempt to ban Planned Parenthood
3. Allow employers to decide what birth control their employees can use
4. File a lawsuit against Obamacares requiring insurers to cover birth control
5. Complain about insurance companies that offer free birth control
A whole lot of fail here :rolleyes:
And the Pope chimes in....just stop having sex

You are partially correct. Most birth control is used by married women. They do not want to have five or six children like their mothers or grandmothers had. Not having to bear children for twenty years out of your life was liberating to women. It allowed them to enter the workforce. It gave them economic power

What a novel concept. If you can't afford a family don't do activity that will create one.

Which you conveniently ignored.

Fucking is fun. It is what humans have done for hundreds of thousands of years

Saying "Don't fuck" is not an access to birth control is

Robbing people is fun, its waht humans have done for hundreds of thousands of years.

Saying "Don't rob" is not the answer, open access to others belongings is.

Robbing is against the law
Consensual sex is not
Some hints to Republicans in reaching women

1. Women who use birth control are not sluts
2. Birth control is a good thing for women and our society
3. Women in the workforce want a level playing field
4. A woman who is raped (legitimately or otherwise) wants access to abortion
Again, you are arguing with the voices in your head. No republican OR conservative promotes your list in any form.

Access. Do you even know what the fucking word means?


the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance:
They have access to the files.
the state or quality of being approachable:
The house was difficult of access.
a way or means of approach:
The only access to the house was a rough dirt road.
Theology. approach to God through Jesus Christ.
an attack or onset, as of a disease.
a sudden and strong emotional outburst.

Now you stupid fuck. Show Me where anyone has denied a woman access to birth control.

Shutting down Planned Parenthood clinics is denying women access to birth control and it is happening all across the red states under Republican control.
Some hints to Republicans in reaching women

1. Women who use birth control are not sluts
2. Birth control is a good thing for women and our society
3. Women in the workforce want a level playing field
4. A woman who is raped (legitimately or otherwise) wants access to abortion

Again, you are arguing with the voices in your head. No republican OR conservative promotes your list in any form.

Now you stupid fuck. Show Me where anyone has denied a woman access to birth control.

OK lets go there with Republican/Conservative values regarding birth control

1. Block sex education
2. Attempt to ban Planned Parenthood
3. Allow employers to decide what birth control their employees can use
4. File a lawsuit against Obamacares requiring insurers to cover birth control
5. Complain about insurance companies that offer free birth control
Again, not a word of it is true.

Not a one wants to block sex education.
Planned Parenthood should not be paid by tax dollars, nothing about banning them.
No employer has ever decided what birth control an employee can use
Obamacare covering birth control for 90 year old men is fucking stupid AND has nothing to do with denying access to birth control.
I've never heard a complaint from ANYONE about insurance companies offering free birth control

Now, how does your list deny access to birth control for women?
Some hints to Republicans in reaching women

1. Women who use birth control are not sluts
2. Birth control is a good thing for women and our society
3. Women in the workforce want a level playing field
4. A woman who is raped (legitimately or otherwise) wants access to abortion
Again, you are arguing with the voices in your head. No republican OR conservative promotes your list in any form.

Access. Do you even know what the fucking word means?


the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance:
They have access to the files.
the state or quality of being approachable:
The house was difficult of access.
a way or means of approach:
The only access to the house was a rough dirt road.
Theology. approach to God through Jesus Christ.
an attack or onset, as of a disease.
a sudden and strong emotional outburst.

Now you stupid fuck. Show Me where anyone has denied a woman access to birth control.

Shutting down Planned Parenthood clinics is denying women access to birth control and it is happening all across the red states under Republican control.
An outright lie.

Planned Parenthood is NOT the only place to get birth control. Care to lie some more?
I refuse to believe that women are this obsessed with abortion and birth control.. Hell, I know plenty of women, they all think that shit is stupid.

I believe women understand how important birth control is to their lives and economic stability.

I believe Republicans are clueless to this fact

And i find it comical thinking that progressives think so lowly of women that they consider it a binary choice between using birth control or not, not having sex cannot be part of the equation.

The original campaigns for birth control were so married women could control the SIZE of their families without avoiding their wifely duties. what we have now is single women having kids out of wedlock, too young, and with multiple men who are not held accountable for their actions, and are thus free to spread their seed as they see fit.

And the Pope chimes in....just stop having sex

You are partially correct. Most birth control is used by married women. They do not want to have five or six children like their mothers or grandmothers had. Not having to bear children for twenty years out of your life was liberating to women. It allowed them to enter the workforce. It gave them economic power

Its also what is leading to a potential catastrophe for our ways of life, but hey! who cares about that!

Its not "stop having sex" Its, if you cant afford a few bucks for rubbers or the pill, maybe you shouldn't risk getting pregnant in general.

The progressive bias against women maybe WANTING to be mothers of large families is telling.

I'm really trying to help you guys out with your "women problem"

Birth control is GOOD. It is one of the most significant inventions of the twentieth century. It has cut down on the size of families. It has allowed women control of their lives, their bodies and their economic future

Birth control should be FREE. It should be openly handed out at school, Walmart, 7-11, th post office. A guy should drive down your street in an icecream truck ringing a bell and handing out free birth control to anyone who wants it

It is GOOD for society. It prevents unwanted pregnancies. It allows families to have as many children as they want, when they want them

Republicans need to stay the fuck away from birth control. It is killing them

No you really aren't. No one is saying birth control isn't good or doesn't have it's reasons. But that doesn't mean you get to force people to buy it for you. or that there are cheaper alternatives, such as self control.

Why do you seem to think other people should work for your birth control? Be a man.

I sure as hell do!

As a taxpayer and health insurance customer, I would much rather pay for FREE birth control for anyone that wants it than pay for more abortion, unwanted children, added maternity costs, increased welfare costs
I sure as hell do!

As a taxpayer and health insurance customer, I would much rather pay for FREE birth control for anyone that wants it than pay for more abortion, unwanted children, added maternity costs, increased welfare costs
I am really beginning to think that you do not understand the English language at all.

YOU would much rather pay. No one is stopping you. Keep your hands off of My policy AND wallet. is anyone denied access?

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