GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

Are you a Christian fundamentalist?

No. I grew up in a Conservative Christian household but I do not follow any religion as an adult. I'm a Conservative and a Traditionalist.

Thank you. I appreciate your response. I suspect your Conservative Christian childhood may have formulated your current beliefs regarding gender roles.
Thank you. I appreciate your response. I suspect your Conservative Christian childhood may have formulated your current beliefs regarding gender roles.

I won't say it had no impact but it had less than my personal experiences and my interests in researching history, especially medieval and American history.
Thank you. I appreciate your response. I suspect your Conservative Christian childhood may have formulated your current beliefs regarding gender roles.

I won't say it had no impact but it had less than my personal experiences and my interests in researching history, especially medieval and American history.

Medieval? That's interesting.
1950's American Zenith.
It was our zenith of racism....not a happy time
1.) It was the high point of American power and community.
2..) Your racism charge is bogus from a logical POV. For whites to decide to help blacks, racism cannot be at an all time high for that would preclude whites wanting to help blacks.
3.) The black family was more stable before the CRA than after. Same too with sense of black community.
1950's American Zenith.
It was our zenith of racism....not a happy time
1.) It was the high point of American power and community.
2..) Your racism charge is bogus from a logical POV. For whites to decide to help blacks, racism cannot be at an all time high for that would preclude whites wanting to help blacks.
3.) The black family was more stable before the CRA than after. Same too with sense of black community.
We had open terrorism in America that was supported by local communities. Lynching, firebombing and political intimidation of non con formers

But you are correct in that it was a great time if you were white and male
Number of laws proposed by Republicans related to women's reproduction - 2,000.
Number of laws proposed by Republicans related to men's reproduction - 0.
Thank you for stating what we all know - but NaziCons rarely spell it out so clearly.

You're welcome. Why wouldn't a Conservative be honest about what the Truth is. Men and women have different places in the world. That's pretty basic biology, psychology, and common sense.

Are you a Christian fundamentalist?

What is "fundamental" about misogyny?
It's a core republican value.

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