GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

I'm not advocating for an armed rebellion here, but that is quite irrelevant. There is no guarantee that if you like your government, you can keep your government.

When the colonists first started considering independence from England, they were clearly in the minority and if they had lost, they would have been hanged as traitors.

If a small group today managed to overthrow the US government, they would be viewed similarly one day in the future.

Except they wouldn't be overthrowing the same type of government would they? The American Revolutionists were revolting against taxation without representation. Those attempting to overthrow our elected representatives would not be viewed by history the same.
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You don't know me, bub, I never bluff.

Here's the page for a direct download of the paper. It's not indexed yet so there is no web access to the article.


The feminist movement purports to improve conditions for women, and yet only a minority of women in modern societies self-identify as feminists. This is known as the feminist paradox. It has been suggested that feminists exhibit both physiological and psychological characteristics associated with heightened masculinization, which may predispose women for heightened competitiveness, sex-atypical behaviors, and belief in the interchangeability of sex roles. If feminist activists, i.e. those that manufacture the public image of feminism, are indeed masculinized relative to women in general, this might explain why the views and preferences of these two groups are at variance with each other. We measured the 2D:4D digit ratios (collected from both hands) and a personality trait known as dominance (measured with the Directiveness scale) in a sample of women attending a feminist conference. The sample exhibited significantly more masculine 2D:4D and higher dominance ratings than comparison samples representative of women in general, and these variables were furthermore positively correlated for both hands. The feminist paradox might thus to some extent be explained by biological differences between women in general and the activist women who formulate the feminist agenda.​

Um...they measured the fingers of some conference attendees and you consider that evidence of feminists being "manly"? And then this was self published on the web? When it comes out in a reputable journal of medicine, hit us with it again for a discussion.

Here's What the Younger Generation Thinks of Feminism

Boy, 8:

“Nothing should change. Because the circumstances of history belong to us. The strong men!”

Boy, 10:

“Feminism is when a girl thinks she’s better than you”

Boy, 11:

“It’s a federal offense.”

Girl, 10:

To me it means that like girls need better rights because it’s unfair to women that men seem to have more chances. Just because people think boys are stronger than girls doesn't mean it’s true. That’s a bad stereotype.

Girl, 12:

“It means that guys and girls are the same and shouldn't be treated differently because they’re guys and girls”

“women’s rights are human rights, and human rights are women’s rights.” There is no reason why any sane, red-blooded man shouldn't appreciate feminism and the presence of strong confidence, successful women in the world." ~ Hillary Clinton
Publicans can pretend all they like that demographics don't apply to them

But they will bury the party
Women had tremendous authority in Pol Pots death camps. Feminist movement is controlled by communist butch dykes.
Wow, you sound really special. What place do you desire that is not a "devolving society"? According to Henry Kissinger, the entire world is crumbling. Clean your guns and keep them close. ISIS is on the way...

Nope. Not special at all. Average and run if the mill (at least for the family I cone from).

I'd go to Saudi Arabia or Iran possibly. Not a perfect fit but better than what we have here.

Honestly I probably have more in commin, philosophical with ISIS than most modern Americans.
Wow, you sound really special. What place do you desire that is not a "devolving society"? According to Henry Kissinger, the entire world is crumbling. Clean your guns and keep them close. ISIS is on the way...

Nope. Not special at all. Average and run if the mill (at least for the family I cone from).

I'd go to Saudi Arabia or Iran possibly. Not a perfect fit but better than what we have here.

Honestly I probably have more in commin, philosophical with ISIS than most modern Americans.

Don't let the door hit you on the ass...
Women had tremendous authority in Pol Pots death camps. Feminist movement is controlled by communist butch dykes.


Can you tell us why you wouldn't want to vote for this party?
Women had tremendous authority in Pol Pots death camps. Feminist movement is controlled by communist butch dykes.


Can you tell us why you wouldn't want to vote for this party?
They do vote Republican because they are independent economically and socially and do not need a socialist movement of lesbians to lead them to the promised land. Conservative women are intelligent enough to know this.
The real dying demographic is White male Democrats. Because most white male Democrats are homosexual they will not reproduce and have Marxist offspring.
Wow, you sound really special. What place do you desire that is not a "devolving society"? According to Henry Kissinger, the entire world is crumbling. Clean your guns and keep them close. ISIS is on the way...

Nope. Not special at all. Average and run if the mill (at least for the family I cone from).

I'd go to Saudi Arabia or Iran possibly. Not a perfect fit but better than what we have here.

Honestly I probably have more in commin, philosophical with ISIS than most modern Americans.

Most Americans my age (40) and younger can't even spell MORALITY never mind define it or live by it. A society with no morals is a sinkhole of humanity and nothing more. Is a further explanation required?
Republicans lost the black vote and said....we don't care
They lost the gay vote and said.....we don't care
They lost the Hispanic vote and said ...we don't care

Lose the women's vote and you lose your party
Yeah..that's what we want...a woman that "ACTS LIKE A MAN!!!!".
Why is it that some people think an independent, brave, assertive woman is "acting like a man"?

Because they are threatened by women who are not subservient to them. Real men are not not threatened by independent, brave, assertive women.

Oh, hai there!

Wait a minute, do Republicans believe one of the most ignorant women in America is independent, brave, and assertive?

Course, they turned child killer Zimmerman into a national hero along with welfare queen Bundy. So who knows what they actually believe. If you go by what they say, USMB Republicans alternate between "it's true" and "you are a liar" for exactly the same quotes.
If Sarah Palin were a Black unwed mother, Democrat mayor of a small Southern California town...the Marxist media would love her. Instead , you pro- women's rights people attack her. She is "woman hear me roar!" Tough Alaska gal. You hate to hear that. Instead she is supposed to bitch, moan, groan, to satisfy the crybaby left. liberals complain, this coming from people who have the easiest living on earth. Pampered lazy sonsabitches.

44 - Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

Yea, she's a real trooper.

Only in Lefty-Bizarro Land is a $2.6 million INCREASE describing as SLASHED funding. No wonder you guys are liberals, you believe everything your propaganda masters instruct you to believe. The sad, sad thing about this behavioral quirk of yours is that you use this skewed vision of reality as the basis for your votes.
Republicans lost the black vote and said....we don't care
They lost the gay vote and said.....we don't care
They lost the Hispanic vote and said ...we don't care

Lose the women's vote and you lose your party

At least Republican women understand that Republican men need to legislate their bodies. The poor females simply can't take care of themselves on their own.
At least Republican women understand that Republican men need to legislate their bodies. The poor females simply can't take care of themselves on their own.

Whether they can or can't is immaterial. Whether they should or shouldn't be allowed to do so is the determining factor. Conservative women understand and accept their proper place in the world.
At least Republican women understand that Republican men need to legislate their bodies. The poor females simply can't take care of themselves on their own.

Whether they can or can't is immaterial. Whether they should or shouldn't be allowed to do so is the determining factor. Conservative women understand and accept their proper place in the world.

Thank you for stating what we all know - but NaziCons rarely spell it out so clearly. Does religion have anything to do with your nuttery?
Thank you for stating what we all know - but NaziCons rarely spell it out so clearly.

You're welcome. Why wouldn't a Conservative be honest about what the Truth is. Men and women have different places in the world. That's pretty basic biology, psychology, and common sense.
Thank you for stating what we all know - but NaziCons rarely spell it out so clearly.

You're welcome. Why wouldn't a Conservative be honest about what the Truth is. Men and women have different places in the world. That's pretty basic biology, psychology, and common sense.

Are you a Christian fundamentalist?

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