GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

Yeah..that's what we want...a woman that "ACTS LIKE A MAN!!!!".
Why is it that some people think an independent, brave, assertive woman is "acting like a man"?

Because they are threatened by women who are not subservient to them. Real men are not not threatened by independent, brave, assertive women.

Oh, hai there!

Wait a minute, do Republicans believe one of the most ignorant women in America is independent, brave, and assertive?

Course, they turned child killer Zimmerman into a national hero along with welfare queen Bundy. So who knows what they actually believe. If you go by what they say, USMB Republicans alternate between "it's true" and "you are a liar" for exactly the same quotes.

As long as this woman is alive

Palin has ZERO chance of being the most ignorant woman in America .

Also, independent, brave, and assertive exist independent of political ideology you moron. I don't agree with about half of Palin's politics and believe she belongs nowhere near a nationally elected position, but she absolutely IS Independent, brave , and assertive.

Did you comment on Lakhota's claim that Jenifer Aniston was some great woman? B/c clearly that woman is an idiot, but a Democratic one, so I guess that's okay with you.


I must have missed it

Where did that woman say Obama was going to pay for her gas or mortgage ?

How disingenuous. Does the fact that she "only" said "Obama gonna pay my rent" make her any smarter?

Damn dude, just admit that particular woman is an idiot, regardless of which party she supports.

Missed the part where she said Obama is going to pay her rent too

Do you just make shit up?

Thank you for proving that you aren't actually interested in honest debate, only here to scream your talking points. count me out though. want honest debate

Point out the part if that video where she says Obama will pay for anything

I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage.

What exactly was she implying here then ? And please tell me you believe she was talking about having a deep understanding of Obama's economic policies and how she was just stating that he was going to help her earn enough money to never have to worry about paying her bills again LOL

Anyone who is working and is worried about losing their job would, since Obama is president, I don't have to worry about paying my mortgage. Keep in mind, the economy was losing 700,000 jobs a month at the time

What else could she have meant.
So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.
Um no, progressives think women vote with their vaginas, AND they think ALL women are somehow democrats.
You are a fool. Even pro-life women were offended when right wing states started trying to vaginally wand any woman who wants an abortion.

There are issues which matter more to women than to men and you are a profound idiot if you think there aren't. And the GOP is stepping on a lot of women's toes on those issues. That's what this poll is telling you. But go ahead and plug your ears, fool.

40-45% of women seem to vote GOP anyway. Progressive women, like progressive men won't vote GOP anytime soon no matter what they change, so what's the point?

What is the point indeed?

For starters, here is a map showing Obama's margin with women.


For the idiots out there, notice 2 things.First the battle ground states.... Secondly the soon-to-be-battle ground state of Arizona. New Mexico is almost dependably blue at this point...will Arizona go that way? Looks like it.
Colorado with the marijuana reform laws is skewing blue. The weird politics of Nevada could go either way but as it becomes less rural and more skews blue as well. With CA, OR, and WA, when you add NM, NV, CO and possibly get another blue firewall as they have around the Great Lakes.

What does it matter, you ask?

States are currently winner-take-all with the exception of Nebraska and New Hampshire (note Obama's margin in NH too). So being happy with nearly breaking even is fine if you're ignorant of electoral math. In the real world, getting a plurality +1 delivers you 100% of the electoral vote.

What does it matter, you ask?

Which demographic is expanding and which one is contracting?


For the last 3 years, more women polled as being likely to vote than men. History happily reports that the GOP has lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes (a plurality in FL delivered 100% of the electoral votes to Bush in 2000).

What does it matter?

Women are, as a group, more sympathetic to the GLBT community. Another voting block you're likely to lose without even firing a shot to try to win it or keep whatever deranged lunatic gay republicans are out there....

Women are, as a group, more activist than males of their same age. As more women graduate college than men, certainly earnings will reflect that over time--despite your best efforts.


The activism will translate into campaign contributions as well.

Women are, as a group, less likely to see the world the same way the GOP sees it;
That the US must have a presence in every conflict worldwide
That the US must be "#1" (whatever that means) by a few narrow ratings and it's okay to be #30 in others.
That the US must be fight to maintain the status-quo worldwide.

Class dismissed.

There is lies, damn lies, and statistics. Obama's women advantage was in black women, and unmarried women. Considering it is 4 years later, and birth rates were declining, AND there will not be a black candidate (likely) to pump up voter amounts, that advantage is not what you think it is.

And as for your smarmy, class dismissed comment, go fuck yourself.

Hillary will get more of the women's vote than Obama ever dreamed of getting from all of the demographics you mentioned above (and others).

Somebody had to take you to school....consider yourself a passenger on the truth bus.

so women around. Going to elect Hillary because she is a woman

for some reason. I think women are not so superficial and will vote for the issues and not for a candidates gender
*chuckle The GOP didn't seem to think about that in 2008.
Just realize not all of us see voting as the proper way to reform the country.
Just realize that not all of us see the country as in need of 'reform.'

Where for many on the right 'reform' means returning America to a time hostile to the rights of women, gay Americans, and minorities.

I realize that. I also know the cure for it comes in many different calibers and can be delivered rather rapidly. The ones who die in the Revolution will be the lucky ones.

Seditionists like you won't survive an "armed revolution" because you lack the brains to succeed. All you are doing is mouthing off your delusions but not one of you is capable of actually achieving your "armed revolution". The American people don't want an "armed revolution" involving civil war. They want change via the Constitutional process that exists. If you start your "armed revolution" the only people who will be on your side will be your fellow delusional fanatics. That is reality. Try dealing with it for a change.[/QUOTE]
And a minority engaged in an 'armed rebellion' would be disregarding the First Amendment rights of the majority, who indeed may not want their Constitutionally and lawfully elected government 'overthrown.'
I'd rather stand with a dozen of my fellow "delusional fanatics" against any number of politicians and government employees in this country than continue to deal with the ever devolving society of this country.
Yeah..that's what we want...a woman that "ACTS LIKE A MAN!!!!".
Why is it that some people think an independent, brave, assertive woman is "acting like a man"?

Because they are threatened by women who are not subservient to them. Real men are not not threatened by independent, brave, assertive women.

Oh, hai there!

Wait a minute, do Republicans believe one of the most ignorant women in America is independent, brave, and assertive?

Course, they turned child killer Zimmerman into a national hero along with welfare queen Bundy. So who knows what they actually believe. If you go by what they say, USMB Republicans alternate between "it's true" and "you are a liar" for exactly the same quotes.

As long as this woman is alive

Palin has ZERO chance of being the most ignorant woman in America .

Also, independent, brave, and assertive exist independent of political ideology you moron. I don't agree with about half of Palin's politics and believe she belongs nowhere near a nationally elected position, but she absolutely IS Independent, brave , and assertive.

Did you comment on Lakhota's claim that Jenifer Aniston was some great woman? B/c clearly that woman is an idiot, but a Democratic one, so I guess that's okay with you.


I must have missed it

Where did that woman say Obama was going to pay for her gas or mortgage ?

How disingenuous. Does the fact that she "only" said "Obama gonna pay my rent" make her any smarter?

Damn dude, just admit that particular woman is an idiot, regardless of which party she supports.

Missed the part where she said Obama is going to pay her rent too

Do you just make shit up?

Thank you for proving that you aren't actually interested in honest debate, only here to scream your talking points. count me out though. want honest debate

Point out the part if that video where she says Obama will pay for anything

I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage.

What exactly was she implying here then ? And please tell me you believe she was talking about having a deep understanding of Obama's economic policies and how she was just stating that he was going to help her earn enough money to never have to worry about paying her bills again LOL

Anyone who is working and is worried about losing their job would, since Obama is president, I don't have to worry about paying my mortgage. Keep in mind, the economy was losing 700,000 jobs a month at the time

What else could she have meant.

No, that is NOT how someone who was thinking about the economy would word it.

I bet she didn't even have a job. Come on man. Just admit that that woman is stupid. The premise that only conservative women can be stupid is stupid.
Yeah..that's what we want...a woman that "ACTS LIKE A MAN!!!!".
Why is it that some people think an independent, brave, assertive woman is "acting like a man"?

Because they are threatened by women who are not subservient to them. Real men are not not threatened by independent, brave, assertive women.

Oh, hai there!

Wait a minute, do Republicans believe one of the most ignorant women in America is independent, brave, and assertive?

Course, they turned child killer Zimmerman into a national hero along with welfare queen Bundy. So who knows what they actually believe. If you go by what they say, USMB Republicans alternate between "it's true" and "you are a liar" for exactly the same quotes.

As long as this woman is alive

Palin has ZERO chance of being the most ignorant woman in America .

Also, independent, brave, and assertive exist independent of political ideology you moron. I don't agree with about half of Palin's politics and believe she belongs nowhere near a nationally elected position, but she absolutely IS Independent, brave , and assertive.

Did you comment on Lakhota's claim that Jenifer Aniston was some great woman? B/c clearly that woman is an idiot, but a Democratic one, so I guess that's okay with you.


I must have missed it

Where did that woman say Obama was going to pay for her gas or mortgage ?

How disingenuous. Does the fact that she "only" said "Obama gonna pay my rent" make her any smarter?

Damn dude, just admit that particular woman is an idiot, regardless of which party she supports.

Missed the part where she said Obama is going to pay her rent too

Do you just make shit up?

Thank you for proving that you aren't actually interested in honest debate, only here to scream your talking points. count me out though. want honest debate

Point out the part if that video where she says Obama will pay for anything

I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage.

What exactly was she implying here then ? And please tell me you believe she was talking about having a deep understanding of Obama's economic policies and how she was just stating that he was going to help her earn enough money to never have to worry about paying her bills again LOL

Anyone who is working and is worried about losing their job would, since Obama is president, I don't have to worry about paying my mortgage. Keep in mind, the economy was losing 700,000 jobs a month at the time

What else could she have meant.

No, that is NOT how someone who was thinking about the economy would word it.

I bet she didn't even have a job. Come on man. Just admit that that woman is stupid. The premise that only conservative women can be stupid is stupid.

I've never known anyone to qualify for a mortgage that didn't have a job.....have you?
I'd rather stand with a dozen of my fellow "delusional fanatics" against any number of politicians and government employees in this country than continue to deal with the ever devolving society of this country.

Sounds like you would be far happier in Somalia where there is no "devolving society" at all for you to worry about and you can carry your gun with you all day long.
I'd rather stand with a dozen of my fellow "delusional fanatics" against any number of politicians and government employees in this country than continue to deal with the ever devolving society of this country.

Wow, you sound really special. What place do you desire that is not a "devolving society"? According to Henry Kissinger, the entire world is crumbling. Clean your guns and keep them close. ISIS is on the way...

KISSINGER: World Order Crumbling
Just realize not all of us see voting as the proper way to reform the country.
Just realize that not all of us see the country as in need of 'reform.'

Where for many on the right 'reform' means returning America to a time hostile to the rights of women, gay Americans, and minorities.

I realize that. I also know the cure for it comes in many different calibers and can be delivered rather rapidly. The ones who die in the Revolution will be the lucky ones.

Seditionists like you won't survive an "armed revolution" because you lack the brains to succeed. All you are doing is mouthing off your delusions but not one of you is capable of actually achieving your "armed revolution". The American people don't want an "armed revolution" involving civil war. They want change via the Constitutional process that exists. If you start your "armed revolution" the only people who will be on your side will be your fellow delusional fanatics. That is reality. Try dealing with it for a change.
And a minority engaged in an 'armed rebellion' would be disregari ng the First Amendment rights of the majority, who indeed may not want their Constitutionally and lawfully elected government 'overthrown.'[/QUOTE]

I'm not advocating for an armed rebellion here, but that is quite irrelevant. There is no guarantee that if you like your government, you can keep your government.

When the colonists first started considering independence from England, they were clearly in the minority and if they had lost, they would have been hanged as traitors.

If a small group today managed to overthrow the US government, they would be viewed similarly one day in the future.
Yeah..that's what we want...a woman that "ACTS LIKE A MAN!!!!".
Why is it that some people think an independent, brave, assertive woman is "acting like a man"?

Because they are threatened by women who are not subservient to them. Real men are not not threatened by independent, brave, assertive women.

That's right, they're not threatened, they just ignore these man-women and find companionship and romance with more feminine women.

There's a new study in press right now which examined the manliness of feminists and found that they were indeed more manly and they hypothesized that this might explain the disconnect between feminists and the majority of women who abhor being called feminists.
Sure there is, Honey Child.

You don't know me, bub, I never bluff.

Here's the page for a direct download of the paper. It's not indexed yet so there is no web access to the article.


The feminist movement purports to improve conditions for women, and yet only a minority of women in modern societies self-identify as feminists. This is known as the feminist paradox. It has been suggested that feminists exhibit both physiological and psychological characteristics associated with heightened masculinization, which may predispose women for heightened competitiveness, sex-atypical behaviors, and belief in the interchangeability of sex roles. If feminist activists, i.e. those that manufacture the public image of feminism, are indeed masculinized relative to women in general, this might explain why the views and preferences of these two groups are at variance with each other. We measured the 2D:4D digit ratios (collected from both hands) and a personality trait known as dominance (measured with the Directiveness scale) in a sample of women attending a feminist conference. The sample exhibited significantly more masculine 2D:4D and higher dominance ratings than comparison samples representative of women in general, and these variables were furthermore positively correlated for both hands. The feminist paradox might thus to some extent be explained by biological differences between women in general and the activist women who formulate the feminist agenda.​

No response, Bodecea?
Let's see here, there will be 145 women graduates and 100 men in 2021 but there is a war on women.

Women will be powerhouse contributors but are all so,poor.

The assumption remains that as women's earn more and become older and have children and get married they will continue to be liberal. Probably not.

All things being equal,women make just as much as men.

There was more pay disparity in the White House than in the general,public.

Republican congressional women staffers got paid more than democratic women staffers

The democratic strategy is to neuter men in this country, make the majority of poorer women dependent on the govt dole, and guaranteed
Democratic voters. Seems to be working
Just realize not all of us see voting as the proper way to reform the country.
Just realize that not all of us see the country as in need of 'reform.'

Where for many on the right 'reform' means returning America to a time hostile to the rights of women, gay Americans, and minorities.

I realize that. I also know the cure for it comes in many different calibers and can be delivered rather rapidly. The ones who die in the Revolution will be the lucky ones.

Seditionists like you won't survive an "armed revolution" because you lack the brains to succeed. All you are doing is mouthing off your delusions but not one of you is capable of actually achieving your "armed revolution". The American people don't want an "armed revolution" involving civil war. They want change via the Constitutional process that exists. If you start your "armed revolution" the only people who will be on your side will be your fellow delusional fanatics. That is reality. Try dealing with it for a change.
And a minority engaged in an 'armed rebellion' would be disregarding the First Amendment rights of the majority, who indeed may not want their Constitutionally and lawfully elected government 'overthrown.'[/QUOTE]

One of the crazy gun nuts tried to start this American Spring garbage last spring. They had a rally last spring. They said there would be around 30 thousand people at that rally. The rally came and about one hundred people showed up.

I would love to know if they're going to fight against our military? Do they plan on attacking military bases and killing our soldiers?

If they think that their guns are any match for our military they really have gone totally over the edge.
Just realize not all of us see voting as the proper way to reform the country.
Just realize that not all of us see the country as in need of 'reform.'

Where for many on the right 'reform' means returning America to a time hostile to the rights of women, gay Americans, and minorities.

I realize that. I also know the cure for it comes in many different calibers and can be delivered rather rapidly. The ones who die in the Revolution will be the lucky ones.

Seditionists like you won't survive an "armed revolution" because you lack the brains to succeed. All you are doing is mouthing off your delusions but not one of you is capable of actually achieving your "armed revolution". The American people don't want an "armed revolution" involving civil war. They want change via the Constitutional process that exists. If you start your "armed revolution" the only people who will be on your side will be your fellow delusional fanatics. That is reality. Try dealing with it for a change.
And a minority engaged in an 'armed rebellion' would be disregarding the First Amendment rights of the majority, who indeed may not want their Constitutionally and lawfully elected government 'overthrown.'

One of the crazy gun nuts tried to start this American Spring garbWhy age last spring. They had a rally last spring. They said there would be around 30 thousand people at that rally. The rally came and about one hundred people showed up.

I would love to know if they're going to fight against our military? Do they plan on attacking military bases and killing our soldiers?

If they think that their guns are any match for our military they really have gone totally over the edge.

well no shit.

Here's a newsflash for you sister. There are people "on your side" who have gone over the fucking edge as well.

why you are dumb enough to believe only conservatives can get carried away is a mystery to me.

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