GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.
Um no, progressives think women vote with their vaginas, AND they think ALL women are somehow democrats.
You are a fool. Even pro-life women were offended when right wing states started trying to vaginally wand any woman who wants an abortion.

There are issues which matter more to women than to men and you are a profound idiot if you think there aren't. And the GOP is stepping on a lot of women's toes on those issues. That's what this poll is telling you. But go ahead and plug your ears, fool.

40-45% of women seem to vote GOP anyway. Progressive women, like progressive men won't vote GOP anytime soon no matter what they change, so what's the point?

What is the point indeed?

For starters, here is a map showing Obama's margin with women.


For the idiots out there, notice 2 things.First the battle ground states.... Secondly the soon-to-be-battle ground state of Arizona. New Mexico is almost dependably blue at this point...will Arizona go that way? Looks like it.
Colorado with the marijuana reform laws is skewing blue. The weird politics of Nevada could go either way but as it becomes less rural and more skews blue as well. With CA, OR, and WA, when you add NM, NV, CO and possibly get another blue firewall as they have around the Great Lakes.

What does it matter, you ask?

States are currently winner-take-all with the exception of Nebraska and New Hampshire (note Obama's margin in NH too). So being happy with nearly breaking even is fine if you're ignorant of electoral math. In the real world, getting a plurality +1 delivers you 100% of the electoral vote.

What does it matter, you ask?

Which demographic is expanding and which one is contracting?


For the last 3 years, more women polled as being likely to vote than men. History happily reports that the GOP has lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes (a plurality in FL delivered 100% of the electoral votes to Bush in 2000).

What does it matter?

Women are, as a group, more sympathetic to the GLBT community. Another voting block you're likely to lose without even firing a shot to try to win it or keep whatever deranged lunatic gay republicans are out there....

Women are, as a group, more activist than males of their same age. As more women graduate college than men, certainly earnings will reflect that over time--despite your best efforts.


The activism will translate into campaign contributions as well.

Women are, as a group, less likely to see the world the same way the GOP sees it;
That the US must have a presence in every conflict worldwide
That the US must be "#1" (whatever that means) by a few narrow ratings and it's okay to be #30 in others.
That the US must be fight to maintain the status-quo worldwide.

Class dismissed.

There is lies, damn lies, and statistics. Obama's women advantage was in black women, and unmarried women. Considering it is 4 years later, and birth rates were declining, AND there will not be a black candidate (likely) to pump up voter amounts, that advantage is not what you think it is.

And as for your smarmy, class dismissed comment, go fuck yourself.

Hillary will get more of the women's vote than Obama ever dreamed of getting from all of the demographics you mentioned above (and others).

Somebody had to take you to school....consider yourself a passenger on the truth bus.
Yeah..that's what we want...a woman that "ACTS LIKE A MAN!!!!".
Why is it that some people think an independent, brave, assertive woman is "acting like a man"?

Because they are threatened by women who are not subservient to them. Real men are not not threatened by independent, brave, assertive women.

Oh, hai there!

Wait a minute, do Republicans believe one of the most ignorant women in America is independent, brave, and assertive?

Course, they turned child killer Zimmerman into a national hero along with welfare queen Bundy. So who knows what they actually believe. If you go by what they say, USMB Republicans alternate between "it's true" and "you are a liar" for exactly the same quotes.

As long as this woman is alive

Palin has ZERO chance of being the most ignorant woman in America .

Also, independent, brave, and assertive exist independent of political ideology you moron. I don't agree with about half of Palin's politics and believe she belongs nowhere near a nationally elected position, but she absolutely IS Independent, brave , and assertive.

Did you comment on Lakhota's claim that Jenifer Aniston was some great woman? B/c clearly that woman is an idiot, but a Democratic one, so I guess that's okay with you.


I must have missed it

Where did that woman say Obama was going to pay for her gas or mortgage ?

How disingenuous. Does the fact that she "only" said "Obama gonna pay my rent" make her any smarter?

Damn dude, just admit that particular woman is an idiot, regardless of which party she supports.

Missed the part where she said Obama is going to pay her rent too

Do you just make shit up?
Of the four people on the tickets that year, she had the most experience, she had the best governing record, and we'd very likely be in a far better place today if she had been on the top of the ticket and had women the election.

Do you expect people to take you seriously after statements like that?

Which of the four had any experience running a government? Only Palin.
Which of the four had any experience implementing policy? Only Palin.
Which of the four had a track record as the most popular governor in the nation? Only Palin.

Look, I can't help it if you've so internalized the propaganda directed at you that you actually believe the propaganda reflects reality. Neither McCain, Obama or Biden had every run a government. Only Palin had and she was the most effective Governor in Alaska's history. She took on the crooked Republican establishment and sent the Party chair to jail. Obama is the PRODUCT of a crooked Democratic establishment in Illinois. Do you even know how Obama won his seat as State Senator and then as US Senator?

Screw it, I'm not in the mood to deprogram you with facts because, as a liberal, facts can't penetrate your emotions regarding Palin.
Half term governor of a state with less people than my county

Her biggest accomplishment was PTA president
Half term governor of a state with less people than my county

Her biggest accomplishment was PTA president

Be fair RW. She did build that hockey stadium that put her little town into massive debt because she forgot to secure the land for it first. :lol:

And look at what she's accomplished now! She sells her "pearls of wisdom" for $10 a month. That's right...for just a little bit more than Netflix, you can turn on your computer and get Patriotic Mad Libs.

Palin turned grifter is comedy gold.
Just realize not all of us see voting as the proper way to reform the country.
Just realize that not all of us see the country as in need of 'reform.'

Where for many on the right 'reform' means returning America to a time hostile to the rights of women, gay Americans, and minorities.[/QUOTE]

I realize that. I also know the cure for it comes in many different calibers and can be delivered rather rapidly. The ones who die in the Revolution will be the lucky ones.
Just realize not all of us see voting as the proper way to reform the country.
Just realize that not all of us see the country as in need of 'reform.'

Where for many on the right 'reform' means returning America to a time hostile to the rights of women, gay Americans, and minorities.

I realize that. I also know the cure for it comes in many different calibers and can be delivered rather rapidly. The ones who die in the Revolution will be the lucky ones.[/QUOTE]

Seditionists like you won't survive an "armed revolution" because you lack the brains to succeed. All you are doing is mouthing off your delusions but not one of you is capable of actually achieving your "armed revolution". The American people don't want an "armed revolution" involving civil war. They want change via the Constitutional process that exists. If you start your "armed revolution" the only people who will be on your side will be your fellow delusional fanatics. That is reality. Try dealing with it for a change.
Yeah..that's what we want...a woman that "ACTS LIKE A MAN!!!!".
Why is it that some people think an independent, brave, assertive woman is "acting like a man"?

Because they are threatened by women who are not subservient to them. Real men are not not threatened by independent, brave, assertive women.

Oh, hai there!

Wait a minute, do Republicans believe one of the most ignorant women in America is independent, brave, and assertive?

Course, they turned child killer Zimmerman into a national hero along with welfare queen Bundy. So who knows what they actually believe. If you go by what they say, USMB Republicans alternate between "it's true" and "you are a liar" for exactly the same quotes.

As long as this woman is alive

Palin has ZERO chance of being the most ignorant woman in America .

Also, independent, brave, and assertive exist independent of political ideology you moron. I don't agree with about half of Palin's politics and believe she belongs nowhere near a nationally elected position, but she absolutely IS Independent, brave , and assertive.

Did you comment on Lakhota's claim that Jenifer Aniston was some great woman? B/c clearly that woman is an idiot, but a Democratic one, so I guess that's okay with you.


I must have missed it

Where did that woman say Obama was going to pay for her gas or mortgage ?

How disingenuous. Does the fact that she "only" said "Obama gonna pay my rent" make her any smarter?

Damn dude, just admit that particular woman is an idiot, regardless of which party she supports.

Missed the part where she said Obama is going to pay her rent too

Do you just make shit up?

Thank you for proving that you aren't actually interested in honest debate, only here to scream your talking points. count me out though.
Yeah..that's what we want...a woman that "ACTS LIKE A MAN!!!!".
Why is it that some people think an independent, brave, assertive woman is "acting like a man"?

Because they are threatened by women who are not subservient to them. Real men are not not threatened by independent, brave, assertive women.

Oh, hai there!

Wait a minute, do Republicans believe one of the most ignorant women in America is independent, brave, and assertive?

Course, they turned child killer Zimmerman into a national hero along with welfare queen Bundy. So who knows what they actually believe. If you go by what they say, USMB Republicans alternate between "it's true" and "you are a liar" for exactly the same quotes.

As long as this woman is alive

Palin has ZERO chance of being the most ignorant woman in America .

Also, independent, brave, and assertive exist independent of political ideology you moron. I don't agree with about half of Palin's politics and believe she belongs nowhere near a nationally elected position, but she absolutely IS Independent, brave , and assertive.

Did you comment on Lakhota's claim that Jenifer Aniston was some great woman? B/c clearly that woman is an idiot, but a Democratic one, so I guess that's okay with you.


I must have missed it

Where did that woman say Obama was going to pay for her gas or mortgage ?

How disingenuous. Does the fact that she "only" said "Obama gonna pay my rent" make her any smarter?

Damn dude, just admit that particular woman is an idiot, regardless of which party she supports.

Missed the part where she said Obama is going to pay her rent too

Do you just make shit up?

Thank you for proving that you aren't actually interested in honest debate, only here to scream your talking points. count me out though. want honest debate

Point out the part if that video where she says Obama will pay for anything
Just realize not all of us see voting as the proper way to reform the country.
Just realize that not all of us see the country as in need of 'reform.'

Where for many on the right 'reform' means returning America to a time hostile to the rights of women, gay Americans, and minorities.

I realize that. I also know the cure for it comes in many different calibers and can be delivered rather rapidly. The ones who die in the Revolution will be the lucky ones.

Seditionists like you won't survive an "armed revolution" because you lack the brains to succeed. All you are doing is mouthing off your delusions but not one of you is capable of actually achieving your "armed revolution". The American people don't want an "armed revolution" involving civil war. They want change via the Constitutional process that exists. If you start your "armed revolution" the only people who will be on your side will be your fellow delusional fanatics. That is reality. Try dealing with it for a change.[/QUOTE]

They already tried that. They called it American Spring.

They held a rally in DC in May to oust Obama from the white house whether Obama left on his own or there was an armed coup.

The organizer said he expected up to 30 million people to attend that rally.

He was off by close to 30 million. Only a handful of people showed up. LOL!

So their armed revolution failed to get people to even show up. That tells everyone that no one is interested in an armed revolution or kicking Obama out of the white house.

They talk a lot about it. When the time came to actually do it, no one came. LOL!
Yeah..that's what we want...a woman that "ACTS LIKE A MAN!!!!".
Why is it that some people think an independent, brave, assertive woman is "acting like a man"?

Because they are threatened by women who are not subservient to them. Real men are not not threatened by independent, brave, assertive women.

Oh, hai there!

Wait a minute, do Republicans believe one of the most ignorant women in America is independent, brave, and assertive?

Course, they turned child killer Zimmerman into a national hero along with welfare queen Bundy. So who knows what they actually believe. If you go by what they say, USMB Republicans alternate between "it's true" and "you are a liar" for exactly the same quotes.

As long as this woman is alive

Palin has ZERO chance of being the most ignorant woman in America .

Also, independent, brave, and assertive exist independent of political ideology you moron. I don't agree with about half of Palin's politics and believe she belongs nowhere near a nationally elected position, but she absolutely IS Independent, brave , and assertive.

Did you comment on Lakhota's claim that Jenifer Aniston was some great woman? B/c clearly that woman is an idiot, but a Democratic one, so I guess that's okay with you.


I must have missed it

Where did that woman say Obama was going to pay for her gas or mortgage ?

How disingenuous. Does the fact that she "only" said "Obama gonna pay my rent" make her any smarter?

Damn dude, just admit that particular woman is an idiot, regardless of which party she supports.

Missed the part where she said Obama is going to pay her rent too

Do you just make shit up?

Thank you for proving that you aren't actually interested in honest debate, only here to scream your talking points. count me out though. want honest debate

Point out the part if that video where she says Obama will pay for anything

I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage.

What exactly was she implying here then ? And please tell me you believe she was talking about having a deep understanding of Obama's economic policies and how she was just stating that he was going to help her earn enough money to never have to worry about paying her bills again LOL
[No, every woman in America owes a debt of gratitude to the men who were alive in 1920 and allowed women to have the vote. This was a gift from men. If men were opposed, then women wouldn't have the vote and there would be nothing that women could do about that.

Sounds like we need to go back and beat the fuck out of some very stupid men.

I'll pass. I don't want to get your blood on me
So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.
Um no, progressives think women vote with their vaginas, AND they think ALL women are somehow democrats.
You are a fool. Even pro-life women were offended when right wing states started trying to vaginally wand any woman who wants an abortion.

There are issues which matter more to women than to men and you are a profound idiot if you think there aren't. And the GOP is stepping on a lot of women's toes on those issues. That's what this poll is telling you. But go ahead and plug your ears, fool.

40-45% of women seem to vote GOP anyway. Progressive women, like progressive men won't vote GOP anytime soon no matter what they change, so what's the point?

What is the point indeed?

For starters, here is a map showing Obama's margin with women.


For the idiots out there, notice 2 things.First the battle ground states.... Secondly the soon-to-be-battle ground state of Arizona. New Mexico is almost dependably blue at this point...will Arizona go that way? Looks like it.
Colorado with the marijuana reform laws is skewing blue. The weird politics of Nevada could go either way but as it becomes less rural and more skews blue as well. With CA, OR, and WA, when you add NM, NV, CO and possibly get another blue firewall as they have around the Great Lakes.

What does it matter, you ask?

States are currently winner-take-all with the exception of Nebraska and New Hampshire (note Obama's margin in NH too). So being happy with nearly breaking even is fine if you're ignorant of electoral math. In the real world, getting a plurality +1 delivers you 100% of the electoral vote.

What does it matter, you ask?

Which demographic is expanding and which one is contracting?


For the last 3 years, more women polled as being likely to vote than men. History happily reports that the GOP has lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes (a plurality in FL delivered 100% of the electoral votes to Bush in 2000).

What does it matter?

Women are, as a group, more sympathetic to the GLBT community. Another voting block you're likely to lose without even firing a shot to try to win it or keep whatever deranged lunatic gay republicans are out there....

Women are, as a group, more activist than males of their same age. As more women graduate college than men, certainly earnings will reflect that over time--despite your best efforts.


The activism will translate into campaign contributions as well.

Women are, as a group, less likely to see the world the same way the GOP sees it;
That the US must have a presence in every conflict worldwide
That the US must be "#1" (whatever that means) by a few narrow ratings and it's okay to be #30 in others.
That the US must be fight to maintain the status-quo worldwide.

Class dismissed.

There is lies, damn lies, and statistics. Obama's women advantage was in black women, and unmarried women. Considering it is 4 years later, and birth rates were declining, AND there will not be a black candidate (likely) to pump up voter amounts, that advantage is not what you think it is.

And as for your smarmy, class dismissed comment, go fuck yourself.

Hillary will get more of the women's vote than Obama ever dreamed of getting from all of the demographics you mentioned above (and others).

Somebody had to take you to school....consider yourself a passenger on the truth bus.

so women around. Going to elect Hillary because she is a woman

for some reason. I think women are not so superficial and will vote for the issues and not for a candidates gender
So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.
Um no, progressives think women vote with their vaginas, AND they think ALL women are somehow democrats.
You are a fool. Even pro-life women were offended when right wing states started trying to vaginally wand any woman who wants an abortion.

There are issues which matter more to women than to men and you are a profound idiot if you think there aren't. And the GOP is stepping on a lot of women's toes on those issues. That's what this poll is telling you. But go ahead and plug your ears, fool.

40-45% of women seem to vote GOP anyway. Progressive women, like progressive men won't vote GOP anytime soon no matter what they change, so what's the point?

What is the point indeed?

For starters, here is a map showing Obama's margin with women.


For the idiots out there, notice 2 things.First the battle ground states.... Secondly the soon-to-be-battle ground state of Arizona. New Mexico is almost dependably blue at this point...will Arizona go that way? Looks like it.
Colorado with the marijuana reform laws is skewing blue. The weird politics of Nevada could go either way but as it becomes less rural and more skews blue as well. With CA, OR, and WA, when you add NM, NV, CO and possibly get another blue firewall as they have around the Great Lakes.

What does it matter, you ask?

States are currently winner-take-all with the exception of Nebraska and New Hampshire (note Obama's margin in NH too). So being happy with nearly breaking even is fine if you're ignorant of electoral math. In the real world, getting a plurality +1 delivers you 100% of the electoral vote.

What does it matter, you ask?

Which demographic is expanding and which one is contracting?


For the last 3 years, more women polled as being likely to vote than men. History happily reports that the GOP has lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes (a plurality in FL delivered 100% of the electoral votes to Bush in 2000).

What does it matter?

Women are, as a group, more sympathetic to the GLBT community. Another voting block you're likely to lose without even firing a shot to try to win it or keep whatever deranged lunatic gay republicans are out there....

Women are, as a group, more activist than males of their same age. As more women graduate college than men, certainly earnings will reflect that over time--despite your best efforts.


The activism will translate into campaign contributions as well.

Women are, as a group, less likely to see the world the same way the GOP sees it;
That the US must have a presence in every conflict worldwide
That the US must be "#1" (whatever that means) by a few narrow ratings and it's okay to be #30 in others.
That the US must be fight to maintain the status-quo worldwide.

Class dismissed.

There is lies, damn lies, and statistics. Obama's women advantage was in black women, and unmarried women. Considering it is 4 years later, and birth rates were declining, AND there will not be a black candidate (likely) to pump up voter amounts, that advantage is not what you think it is.

And as for your smarmy, class dismissed comment, go fuck yourself.

Hillary will get more of the women's vote than Obama ever dreamed of getting from all of the demographics you mentioned above (and others).

Somebody had to take you to school....consider yourself a passenger on the truth bus.

so women around. Going to elect Hillary because she is a woman

for some reason. I think women are not so superficial and will vote for the issues and not for a candidates gender

Those dumb women don't even understand that they COULD have already elected a woman if they hadn't crapped all over Hillary to get Obama nominated. I've little doubt Clinton would have won in 2008. I've also very little doubt she would have been a better POTUS than Obama.

Blame yourselves for that one women.
So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.
Um no, progressives think women vote with their vaginas, AND they think ALL women are somehow democrats.
You are a fool. Even pro-life women were offended when right wing states started trying to vaginally wand any woman who wants an abortion.

There are issues which matter more to women than to men and you are a profound idiot if you think there aren't. And the GOP is stepping on a lot of women's toes on those issues. That's what this poll is telling you. But go ahead and plug your ears, fool.

40-45% of women seem to vote GOP anyway. Progressive women, like progressive men won't vote GOP anytime soon no matter what they change, so what's the point?

What is the point indeed?

For starters, here is a map showing Obama's margin with women.


For the idiots out there, notice 2 things.First the battle ground states.... Secondly the soon-to-be-battle ground state of Arizona. New Mexico is almost dependably blue at this point...will Arizona go that way? Looks like it.
Colorado with the marijuana reform laws is skewing blue. The weird politics of Nevada could go either way but as it becomes less rural and more skews blue as well. With CA, OR, and WA, when you add NM, NV, CO and possibly get another blue firewall as they have around the Great Lakes.

What does it matter, you ask?

States are currently winner-take-all with the exception of Nebraska and New Hampshire (note Obama's margin in NH too). So being happy with nearly breaking even is fine if you're ignorant of electoral math. In the real world, getting a plurality +1 delivers you 100% of the electoral vote.

What does it matter, you ask?

Which demographic is expanding and which one is contracting?


For the last 3 years, more women polled as being likely to vote than men. History happily reports that the GOP has lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes (a plurality in FL delivered 100% of the electoral votes to Bush in 2000).

What does it matter?

Women are, as a group, more sympathetic to the GLBT community. Another voting block you're likely to lose without even firing a shot to try to win it or keep whatever deranged lunatic gay republicans are out there....

Women are, as a group, more activist than males of their same age. As more women graduate college than men, certainly earnings will reflect that over time--despite your best efforts.


The activism will translate into campaign contributions as well.

Women are, as a group, less likely to see the world the same way the GOP sees it;
That the US must have a presence in every conflict worldwide
That the US must be "#1" (whatever that means) by a few narrow ratings and it's okay to be #30 in others.
That the US must be fight to maintain the status-quo worldwide.

Class dismissed.

There is lies, damn lies, and statistics. Obama's women advantage was in black women, and unmarried women. Considering it is 4 years later, and birth rates were declining, AND there will not be a black candidate (likely) to pump up voter amounts, that advantage is not what you think it is.

And as for your smarmy, class dismissed comment, go fuck yourself.

Hillary will get more of the women's vote than Obama ever dreamed of getting from all of the demographics you mentioned above (and others).

Somebody had to take you to school....consider yourself a passenger on the truth bus.

so women around. Going to elect Hillary because she is a woman

for some reason. I think women are not so superficial and will vote for the issues and not for a candidates gender

Those dumb women don't even understand that they COULD have already elected a woman if they hadn't crapped all over Hillary to get Obama nominated. I've little doubt Clinton would have won in 2008. I've also very little doubt she would have been a better POTUS than Obama.

Blame yourselves for that one women.

She'd still be a piss-poor president. I'd almost settle for Bill right now, but then again Obama has set in motion things that have to be reversed or there will be Hell to pay, and a Democrat won't do anything about it. That is for sure.

The UK right now is the leader of Democracy in the world thanks to Obama. We no longer are leaders of anything.
So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.
Um no, progressives think women vote with their vaginas, AND they think ALL women are somehow democrats.
You are a fool. Even pro-life women were offended when right wing states started trying to vaginally wand any woman who wants an abortion.

There are issues which matter more to women than to men and you are a profound idiot if you think there aren't. And the GOP is stepping on a lot of women's toes on those issues. That's what this poll is telling you. But go ahead and plug your ears, fool.

40-45% of women seem to vote GOP anyway. Progressive women, like progressive men won't vote GOP anytime soon no matter what they change, so what's the point?

What is the point indeed?

For starters, here is a map showing Obama's margin with women.


For the idiots out there, notice 2 things.First the battle ground states.... Secondly the soon-to-be-battle ground state of Arizona. New Mexico is almost dependably blue at this point...will Arizona go that way? Looks like it.
Colorado with the marijuana reform laws is skewing blue. The weird politics of Nevada could go either way but as it becomes less rural and more skews blue as well. With CA, OR, and WA, when you add NM, NV, CO and possibly get another blue firewall as they have around the Great Lakes.

What does it matter, you ask?

States are currently winner-take-all with the exception of Nebraska and New Hampshire (note Obama's margin in NH too). So being happy with nearly breaking even is fine if you're ignorant of electoral math. In the real world, getting a plurality +1 delivers you 100% of the electoral vote.

What does it matter, you ask?

Which demographic is expanding and which one is contracting?


For the last 3 years, more women polled as being likely to vote than men. History happily reports that the GOP has lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes (a plurality in FL delivered 100% of the electoral votes to Bush in 2000).

What does it matter?

Women are, as a group, more sympathetic to the GLBT community. Another voting block you're likely to lose without even firing a shot to try to win it or keep whatever deranged lunatic gay republicans are out there....

Women are, as a group, more activist than males of their same age. As more women graduate college than men, certainly earnings will reflect that over time--despite your best efforts.


The activism will translate into campaign contributions as well.

Women are, as a group, less likely to see the world the same way the GOP sees it;
That the US must have a presence in every conflict worldwide
That the US must be "#1" (whatever that means) by a few narrow ratings and it's okay to be #30 in others.
That the US must be fight to maintain the status-quo worldwide.

Class dismissed.

There is lies, damn lies, and statistics. Obama's women advantage was in black women, and unmarried women. Considering it is 4 years later, and birth rates were declining, AND there will not be a black candidate (likely) to pump up voter amounts, that advantage is not what you think it is.

And as for your smarmy, class dismissed comment, go fuck yourself.

Hillary will get more of the women's vote than Obama ever dreamed of getting from all of the demographics you mentioned above (and others).

Somebody had to take you to school....consider yourself a passenger on the truth bus.

so women around. Going to elect Hillary because she is a woman

for some reason. I think women are not so superficial and will vote for the issues and not for a candidates gender

Those dumb women don't even understand that they COULD have already elected a woman if they hadn't crapped all over Hillary to get Obama nominated. I've little doubt Clinton would have won in 2008. I've also very little doubt she would have been a better POTUS than Obama.

Blame yourselves for that one women.

She'd still be a piss-poor president. I'd almost settle for Bill right now, but then again Obama has set in motion things that have to be reversed or there will be Hell to pay, and a Democrat won't do anything about it. That is for sure.
The UK right now is the leader of Democracy in the world thanks to Obama. We no longer are leaders of anything.

I said she'd almost certainly be a better POTUS than Obama, it wouldn't take a GOOD POTUS to be better than Obama.
Oh, and, it's not 'religious right extremism' at work here.

More like mainstream American Christianity at work here.

Most sects and branches of Christendom perceive that Abortion is equivalent to Infanticide.

Playing fast and loose with the facts again?

Induced Abortion in the United States
Thirty-seven percent of women obtaining abortions identify as Protestant and 28% identify as Catholic.[3]

37 + 28 = 65% of all women obtaining abortions self identify as Christians.
But that's within a narrow confines of those who obtain an Abortion.

Broaden the domain to the population at-large and the numbers begin to look different, don't they?

The challenge is not to discover the percentage of Christians amongst those obtaining an abortion.

The challenge is to discover the percentage of Christians within the general population who view Abortion as Evil and Wrong.

Actually they don't look different!

Christianity Today Politics Poll Americans Ambivalent on Abortion


Across the board a Majority consider abortion both morally acceptable and that it should remain legal.

Most Americans said that “pro-choice” described them somewhat or very well (70 percent).

You're not very smart, are you?

"Support Grows For Roe v. Wade, The Wall Street Journal January 22, 2013"

Don't know where you get your information but every poll I've seen says essentially the same thing but-----but if you don't like the Christianity Today poll, try the poll below.

Politico on New Poll By NARAL Pro-Choice America Showing 7 in 10 Americans Support Legal Abortion

*View the national poll; View the Kansas poll*
Today, Politico published “NARAL Poll: Most voters against abortion access limits” on a new poll, commissioned by NARAL Pro-Choice America and conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, showing that nearly 70 percent of voters say the government should not restrict access to abortion — with 45 percent of respondents expressing their support for access despite their personal moral objection.

NARAL Pro-Choice America even went to Kansas, to test their results in a red state, and confirmed that 7 in 10 Kansans also support access to abortion without government limits. According to the survey, this position crosses party lines and geographic area, seeing majorities of Democratic, Independent and Republican voters support abortion rights in the West, Midwest and the South.
Read the Politico piece at Politico.comand below:

NARAL poll: Most voters against abortion access limits
By Jennifer Haberkorn
8/18/14 5:02 AM EDT


Your poll doesn't even make sense. IF the majority of Americans supported abortion , why would they be electing a majority of politicians who opposed it? Those two things can not coexist.

If you don't know what gerrymandering is, shame on you for attempting to play on a political M/B but-----but if you just forgot, let me remind you, in the 2012 House of Representatives election almost 1½ million American voters voted
for.... Democrats: 59,645,531
over Republicans: 58,228,253
Total ........................1,417,278 but-----but ended up with fewer house members than the faux majority. Now does it make sense to you?
Just realize not all of us see voting as the proper way to reform the country.
Just realize that not all of us see the country as in need of 'reform.'

Where for many on the right 'reform' means returning America to a time hostile to the rights of women, gay Americans, and minorities.

I realize that. I also know the cure for it comes in many different calibers and can be delivered rather rapidly. The ones who die in the Revolution will be the lucky ones.[/QUOTE]'re a badass Keyboard Kommando. Up the Revolution! Let's Roll!

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