GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

Nothing is going to stop recreational sex.

But access to affordable contraception via the ACA will reduce the incidence of pregnancies.

A reduction in the number of pregnancies will reduce generational poverty.

No wonder the GOP is opposed to Obamacare. They won't be able to use single mothers as an excuse to drive their sheeple to vote Republican any longer. Yet another nail in the coffin of the extreme right.

Who wants to stop recreational sex? I'm a big fan of it personally.

We have had affordable and easily accessible contraception for decades now, and yet the problem of inner city poverty, which has one of its roots in the lack of stable families, continues. Unless you start mandating that the pill or rubbers are required in the hood, all the "access" you create ain't gonna do shit.

What is needed is a reduction in pregnancies among people not willing or able to take responsibility for the results of sex without "consequences."

We actually need MORE pregnancies from people with the means to have kids and support them, or we will soon end up in the same boat as Japan and a bunch of Scandinavian countries.

Too bad the facts don't support your allegation. People in poverty don't consider contraception to be "affordable" when they are struggling to survive.

Study Free Birth Control Slashes Abortion Rates
Nothing is going to stop recreational sex.

But access to affordable contraception via the ACA will reduce the incidence of pregnancies.

A reduction in the number of pregnancies will reduce generational poverty.

No wonder the GOP is opposed to Obamacare. They won't be able to use single mothers as an excuse to drive their sheeple to vote Republican any longer. Yet another nail in the coffin of the extreme right.

Who wants to stop recreational sex? I'm a big fan of it personally.

We have had affordable and easily accessible contraception for decades now, and yet the problem of inner city poverty, which has one of its roots in the lack of stable families, continues. Unless you start mandating that the pill or rubbers are required in the hood, all the "access" you create ain't gonna do shit.

What is needed is a reduction in pregnancies among people not willing or able to take responsibility for the results of sex without "consequences."

We actually need MORE pregnancies from people with the means to have kids and support them, or we will soon end up in the same boat as Japan and a bunch of Scandinavian countries.

Too bad the facts don't support your allegation. People in poverty don't consider contraception to be "affordable" when they are struggling to survive.

Study Free Birth Control Slashes Abortion Rates

The same poor people who can afford cell phones, TV's and bitchin rims?

High schools have been handing out BC for decades, why is the problem still around?
I refuse to believe that women are this obsessed with abortion and birth control.. Hell, I know plenty of women, they all think that shit is stupid.
Nothing is going to stop recreational sex.

But access to affordable contraception via the ACA will reduce the incidence of pregnancies.

A reduction in the number of pregnancies will reduce generational poverty.

No wonder the GOP is opposed to Obamacare. They won't be able to use single mothers as an excuse to drive their sheeple to vote Republican any longer. Yet another nail in the coffin of the extreme right.

Who wants to stop recreational sex? I'm a big fan of it personally.

We have had affordable and easily accessible contraception for decades now, and yet the problem of inner city poverty, which has one of its roots in the lack of stable families, continues. Unless you start mandating that the pill or rubbers are required in the hood, all the "access" you create ain't gonna do shit.

What is needed is a reduction in pregnancies among people not willing or able to take responsibility for the results of sex without "consequences."

We actually need MORE pregnancies from people with the means to have kids and support them, or we will soon end up in the same boat as Japan and a bunch of Scandinavian countries.

Too bad the facts don't support your allegation. People in poverty don't consider contraception to be "affordable" when they are struggling to survive.

Study Free Birth Control Slashes Abortion Rates

The same poor people who can afford cell phones, TV's and bitchin rims?

High schools have been handing out BC for decades, why is the problem still around?

I refuse to believe that women are this obsessed with abortion and birth control.. Hell, I know plenty of women, they all think that shit is stupid.

I believe women understand how important birth control is to their lives and economic stability.

I believe Republicans are clueless to this fact
Nothing is going to stop recreational sex.

But access to affordable contraception via the ACA will reduce the incidence of pregnancies.

A reduction in the number of pregnancies will reduce generational poverty.

No wonder the GOP is opposed to Obamacare. They won't be able to use single mothers as an excuse to drive their sheeple to vote Republican any longer. Yet another nail in the coffin of the extreme right.

Who wants to stop recreational sex? I'm a big fan of it personally.

We have had affordable and easily accessible contraception for decades now, and yet the problem of inner city poverty, which has one of its roots in the lack of stable families, continues. Unless you start mandating that the pill or rubbers are required in the hood, all the "access" you create ain't gonna do shit.

What is needed is a reduction in pregnancies among people not willing or able to take responsibility for the results of sex without "consequences."

We actually need MORE pregnancies from people with the means to have kids and support them, or we will soon end up in the same boat as Japan and a bunch of Scandinavian countries.

Too bad the facts don't support your allegation. People in poverty don't consider contraception to be "affordable" when they are struggling to survive.

Study Free Birth Control Slashes Abortion Rates

Oh whatthefuckever.
I refuse to believe that women are this obsessed with abortion and birth control.. Hell, I know plenty of women, they all think that shit is stupid.

I believe women understand how important birth control is to their lives and economic stability.

I believe Republicans are clueless to this fact

And i find it comical thinking that progressives think so lowly of women that they consider it a binary choice between using birth control or not, not having sex cannot be part of the equation.

The original campaigns for birth control were so married women could control the SIZE of their families without avoiding their wifely duties. what we have now is single women having kids out of wedlock, too young, and with multiple men who are not held accountable for their actions, and are thus free to spread their seed as they see fit.
I refuse to believe that women are this obsessed with abortion and birth control.. Hell, I know plenty of women, they all think that shit is stupid.

I believe women understand how important birth control is to their lives and economic stability.

I believe Republicans are clueless to this fact

And i find it comical thinking that progressives think so lowly of women that they consider it a binary choice between using birth control or not, not having sex cannot be part of the equation.

The original campaigns for birth control were so married women could control the SIZE of their families without avoiding their wifely duties. what we have now is single women having kids out of wedlock, too young, and with multiple men who are not held accountable for their actions, and are thus free to spread their seed as they see fit.

And the Pope chimes in....just stop having sex

You are partially correct. Most birth control is used by married women. They do not want to have five or six children like their mothers or grandmothers had. Not having to bear children for twenty years out of your life was liberating to women. It allowed them to enter the workforce. It gave them economic power
I refuse to believe that women are this obsessed with abortion and birth control.. Hell, I know plenty of women, they all think that shit is stupid.

But but, that's just you blowing off the demographic! All women think alike. And they agree only with Democrats. That's the talking point.
Some hints to Republicans in reaching women

1. Women who use birth control are not sluts
2. Birth control is a good thing for women and our society
3. Women in the workforce want a level playing field
4. A woman who is raped (legitimately or otherwise) wants access to abortion
I refuse to believe that women are this obsessed with abortion and birth control.. Hell, I know plenty of women, they all think that shit is stupid.

I believe women understand how important birth control is to their lives and economic stability.

I believe Republicans are clueless to this fact

And yet somehow Republicans are supposedly the evil rich and Democrats are the poor people.
And the Pope chimes in....just stop having sex

You are partially correct. Most birth control is used by married women. They do not want to have five or six children like their mothers or grandmothers had. Not having to bear children for twenty years out of your life was liberating to women. It allowed them to enter the workforce. It gave them economic power

What a novel concept. If you can't afford a family don't do activity that will create one.

Which you conveniently ignored.
I refuse to believe that women are this obsessed with abortion and birth control.. Hell, I know plenty of women, they all think that shit is stupid.

I believe women understand how important birth control is to their lives and economic stability.

I believe Republicans are clueless to this fact

And i find it comical thinking that progressives think so lowly of women that they consider it a binary choice between using birth control or not, not having sex cannot be part of the equation.

The original campaigns for birth control were so married women could control the SIZE of their families without avoiding their wifely duties. what we have now is single women having kids out of wedlock, too young, and with multiple men who are not held accountable for their actions, and are thus free to spread their seed as they see fit.

And the Pope chimes in....just stop having sex

You are partially correct. Most birth control is used by married women. They do not want to have five or six children like their mothers or grandmothers had. Not having to bear children for twenty years out of your life was liberating to women. It allowed them to enter the workforce. It gave them economic power

Its also what is leading to a potential catastrophe for our ways of life, but hey! who cares about that!

Its not "stop having sex" Its, if you cant afford a few bucks for rubbers or the pill, maybe you shouldn't risk getting pregnant in general.

The progressive bias against women maybe WANTING to be mothers of large families is telling.
Some hints to Republicans in reaching women

1. Women who use birth control are not sluts
2. Birth control is a good thing for women and our society
3. Women in the workforce want a level playing field
4. A woman who is raped (legitimately or otherwise) wants access to abortion

1. women who want me to pay for their birth control (unless they are having sex with me, then I'm cool with it, considering I pay for the BC in our relationship) are assholes.

2. It may be, but talk to me in 50 years when we are not replacing population if small or no families among well off people is a good idea.

3. Then tell democratic politicians to pay their women staff more.

4. That's the case now, and only the hard core pro-lifers disagree on that one. Its still not a reason for abortion on demand and preventing states from regulating it.
Nothing is going to stop recreational sex.

But access to affordable contraception via the ACA will reduce the incidence of pregnancies.

A reduction in the number of pregnancies will reduce generational poverty.

No wonder the GOP is opposed to Obamacare. They won't be able to use single mothers as an excuse to drive their sheeple to vote Republican any longer. Yet another nail in the coffin of the extreme right.

Who wants to stop recreational sex? I'm a big fan of it personally.

We have had affordable and easily accessible contraception for decades now, and yet the problem of inner city poverty, which has one of its roots in the lack of stable families, continues. Unless you start mandating that the pill or rubbers are required in the hood, all the "access" you create ain't gonna do shit.

What is needed is a reduction in pregnancies among people not willing or able to take responsibility for the results of sex without "consequences."

We actually need MORE pregnancies from people with the means to have kids and support them, or we will soon end up in the same boat as Japan and a bunch of Scandinavian countries.

Too bad the facts don't support your allegation. People in poverty don't consider contraception to be "affordable" when they are struggling to survive.

Study Free Birth Control Slashes Abortion Rates

The same poor people who can afford cell phones, TV's and bitchin rims?

High schools have been handing out BC for decades, why is the problem still around?

At least a decade, here is a link from your friend think progress

New York City s Teen Pregnancy Rate Plummeted After High Schools Expanded Access To Plan B ThinkProgress
Teen pregnancy rate in New York City dropped by 27 percent over the last decade, a statistic that city officials credit to teens’ expanded access to contraception.
Ah...the "there's gonna be an armed revolt and Sarah Palin will be declared President" faction. I love you guys!

LOL. In a proper country Palin rises to a level of wife and mother at most. More likely she ends up as a $2 whore in a trailer park.
And the Pope chimes in....just stop having sex

You are partially correct. Most birth control is used by married women. They do not want to have five or six children like their mothers or grandmothers had. Not having to bear children for twenty years out of your life was liberating to women. It allowed them to enter the workforce. It gave them economic power

What a novel concept. If you can't afford a family don't do activity that will create one.

Which you conveniently ignored.

Fucking is fun. It is what humans have done for hundreds of thousands of years

Saying "Don't fuck" is not an access to birth control is
Nothing is going to stop recreational sex.

But access to affordable contraception via the ACA will reduce the incidence of pregnancies.

A reduction in the number of pregnancies will reduce generational poverty.

No wonder the GOP is opposed to Obamacare. They won't be able to use single mothers as an excuse to drive their sheeple to vote Republican any longer. Yet another nail in the coffin of the extreme right.

Who wants to stop recreational sex? I'm a big fan of it personally.

We have had affordable and easily accessible contraception for decades now, and yet the problem of inner city poverty, which has one of its roots in the lack of stable families, continues. Unless you start mandating that the pill or rubbers are required in the hood, all the "access" you create ain't gonna do shit.

What is needed is a reduction in pregnancies among people not willing or able to take responsibility for the results of sex without "consequences."

We actually need MORE pregnancies from people with the means to have kids and support them, or we will soon end up in the same boat as Japan and a bunch of Scandinavian countries.

Too bad the facts don't support your allegation. People in poverty don't consider contraception to be "affordable" when they are struggling to survive.

Study Free Birth Control Slashes Abortion Rates

The same poor people who can afford cell phones, TV's and bitchin rims?

High schools have been handing out BC for decades, why is the problem still around?

At least a decade, here is a link from your friend think progress

New York City s Teen Pregnancy Rate Plummeted After High Schools Expanded Access To Plan B ThinkProgress
Teen pregnancy rate in New York City dropped by 27 percent over the last decade, a statistic that city officials credit to teens’ expanded access to contraception.

From the article.

The city’s health commissioner, Tom Farley, told the New York Daily News that the data shows two concurrent trends: more adolescents are choosing to use birth control, and more of them are also delaying sexual intercourse. That’s partly because New York is one of the 21 states that allows all minors to have access to contraceptive services — and two years ago, the public school system began a pilot program to provide Plan B to public school students in districts with high rates of unintended pregnancy:

So there are several potential reasons, and it includes delaying having sex as one of them.
Some hints to Republicans in reaching women

1. Women who use birth control are not sluts
2. Birth control is a good thing for women and our society
3. Women in the workforce want a level playing field
4. A woman who is raped (legitimately or otherwise) wants access to abortion
Again, you are arguing with the voices in your head. No republican OR conservative promotes your list in any form.

Access. Do you even know what the fucking word means?


the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance:
They have access to the files.
the state or quality of being approachable:
The house was difficult of access.
a way or means of approach:
The only access to the house was a rough dirt road.
Theology. approach to God through Jesus Christ.
an attack or onset, as of a disease.
a sudden and strong emotional outburst.

Now you stupid fuck. Show Me where anyone has denied a woman access to birth control.

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