GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

Yeah, they are stuck in 1930's Germany:

"Whereas previously the programs of the liberal, intellectualist women's movements contained many points, the program of our National Socialist Women's movement has in reality but one single point, and that point is the child, that tiny creation which must be born and grow strong and which alone gives meaning to the whole life-struggle"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to the NS Frauenschaft (Sept. 8, 1934)

And liberals learned about democracy sitting at the foot of Uncle Joe, the great butcher, as he instructed them on lessons of life:

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. - Joseph Stalin
Yeah, they are stuck in 1930's Germany:

"Whereas previously the programs of the liberal, intellectualist women's movements contained many points, the program of our National Socialist Women's movement has in reality but one single point, and that point is the child, that tiny creation which must be born and grow strong and which alone gives meaning to the whole life-struggle"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to the NS Frauenschaft (Sept. 8, 1934)

And liberals learned about democracy sitting at the foot of Uncle Joe, the great butcher, as he instructed them on lessons of life:

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. - Joseph Stalin

It sounds like Stalin knew Florida
...Does anyone honestly expect that Republicans will "deal honestly with any disagreement on abortion"?...
Why not?

Have they (as a group) not honestly stated their opposition to abortion, over the years?

Actually, as a group, no. Aside from the Party Platform which is all but disavowed by every national candidate either party nominates, you had to dig into Romney's website to see that he wanted Roe overturned and the matter sent back to the States.

When the individual members do try to be honest on Abortion, they speak of it in hushed tones or the famous, "let the States decide".

It reminds me of the way landlords back in Houston used to muscle their tenants out of buildings prior to the 60 day eviction notice rule that was once there. What they would do is simply remove the doors from the property and ask the poor family inside, "You want to live in this neighborhood without locking doors?"

The GOP is well aware of what they are doing and, astonishingly, think that "letting the States decide" is an...ahem...fair and balanced way to unite the nation.

One would be wise to recall that "letting the states decide" is how we ended up with the Civil War back in the 1860's.
Yeah, they are stuck in 1930's Germany:

"Whereas previously the programs of the liberal, intellectualist women's movements contained many points, the program of our National Socialist Women's movement has in reality but one single point, and that point is the child, that tiny creation which must be born and grow strong and which alone gives meaning to the whole life-struggle"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to the NS Frauenschaft (Sept. 8, 1934)

And liberals learned about democracy sitting at the foot of Uncle Joe, the great butcher, as he instructed them on lessons of life:

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. - Joseph Stalin

332-206....yeah, ya'll got butchered--by the American voters.
Yeah, they are stuck in 1930's Germany:

"Whereas previously the programs of the liberal, intellectualist women's movements contained many points, the program of our National Socialist Women's movement has in reality but one single point, and that point is the child, that tiny creation which must be born and grow strong and which alone gives meaning to the whole life-struggle"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to the NS Frauenschaft (Sept. 8, 1934)

And liberals learned about democracy sitting at the foot of Uncle Joe, the great butcher, as he instructed them on lessons of life:

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. - Joseph Stalin

332-206....yeah, ya'll got butchered--by the American voters.

What would Democrats do without their legions of dead voters and multiple voters?
Yeah, they are stuck in 1930's Germany:

"Whereas previously the programs of the liberal, intellectualist women's movements contained many points, the program of our National Socialist Women's movement has in reality but one single point, and that point is the child, that tiny creation which must be born and grow strong and which alone gives meaning to the whole life-struggle"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to the NS Frauenschaft (Sept. 8, 1934)

And liberals learned about democracy sitting at the foot of Uncle Joe, the great butcher, as he instructed them on lessons of life:

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. - Joseph Stalin

332-206....yeah, ya'll got butchered--by the American voters.

What would Democrats do without their legions of dead voters and multiple voters?

Want some cheese with your whine?
Yeah, they are stuck in 1930's Germany:

"Whereas previously the programs of the liberal, intellectualist women's movements contained many points, the program of our National Socialist Women's movement has in reality but one single point, and that point is the child, that tiny creation which must be born and grow strong and which alone gives meaning to the whole life-struggle"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to the NS Frauenschaft (Sept. 8, 1934)

And liberals learned about democracy sitting at the foot of Uncle Joe, the great butcher, as he instructed them on lessons of life:

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. - Joseph Stalin

It sounds like Stalin knew Florida

He did grow up in Georgia....the country, not the state. Just my 2 cents.
So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.
Um no, progressives think women vote with their vaginas, AND they think ALL women are somehow democrats.
You are a fool. Even pro-life women were offended when right wing states started trying to vaginally wand any woman who wants an abortion.

There are issues which matter more to women than to men and you are a profound idiot if you think there aren't. And the GOP is stepping on a lot of women's toes on those issues. That's what this poll is telling you. But go ahead and plug your ears, fool.

40-45% of women seem to vote GOP anyway. Progressive women, like progressive men won't vote GOP anytime soon no matter what they change, so what's the point?

What is the point indeed?

For starters, here is a map showing Obama's margin with women.


For the idiots out there, notice 2 things.First the battle ground states.... Secondly the soon-to-be-battle ground state of Arizona. New Mexico is almost dependably blue at this point...will Arizona go that way? Looks like it.
Colorado with the marijuana reform laws is skewing blue. The weird politics of Nevada could go either way but as it becomes less rural and more skews blue as well. With CA, OR, and WA, when you add NM, NV, CO and possibly get another blue firewall as they have around the Great Lakes.

What does it matter, you ask?

States are currently winner-take-all with the exception of Nebraska and New Hampshire (note Obama's margin in NH too). So being happy with nearly breaking even is fine if you're ignorant of electoral math. In the real world, getting a plurality +1 delivers you 100% of the electoral vote.

What does it matter, you ask?

Which demographic is expanding and which one is contracting?


For the last 3 years, more women polled as being likely to vote than men. History happily reports that the GOP has lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes (a plurality in FL delivered 100% of the electoral votes to Bush in 2000).

What does it matter?

Women are, as a group, more sympathetic to the GLBT community. Another voting block you're likely to lose without even firing a shot to try to win it or keep whatever deranged lunatic gay republicans are out there....

Women are, as a group, more activist than males of their same age. As more women graduate college than men, certainly earnings will reflect that over time--despite your best efforts.


The activism will translate into campaign contributions as well.

Women are, as a group, less likely to see the world the same way the GOP sees it;
That the US must have a presence in every conflict worldwide
That the US must be "#1" (whatever that means) by a few narrow ratings and it's okay to be #30 in others.
That the US must be fight to maintain the status-quo worldwide.

Class dismissed.
I'm just curious, when you say you're going to get out of here, where do you plan on going? Do you have some conservative paradise in mind? One of my conservative friends said pretty much what you are saying. He said he's going to check out Australia, lmao. You know, the Australia that has government funded higher education, the highest minimum wage in the world, and universal healthcare.

Personally, Saudi Arabia and Iran.
I hope you really mean that. It's so refreshing to hear directly from the roots of the NaziCon Party.

Yes I do mean it, though I'm not a member of any political party. The Republicans are too liberal for my tastes.
Karl Rove releases this right before the election.

Anyway, I don't doubt the future is bleak for conservatives, and it's why I'm getting the fuck out of here within the next 7-10 years.

As far as right now though, despite this poll, the Dims are highly UNLIKELY to win the House back this election, and in fact it's likely the GOP will at least make a gain in the Senate. I personally doubt they'll take the Senate, but they do have a chance.

Once the dust settles, the GOP overall will likely have a net gain.

The future though is fucked. You're gonna see a country of potheads demanding more and more government programs, and wanting someone else to pay for it.
Our southern border is essentially gone now, but in the coming years it will be officially gone, as we become Mexico north.

I'm just curious, when you say you're going to get out of here, where do you plan on going? Do you have some conservative paradise in mind? One of my conservative friends said pretty much what you are saying. He said he's going to check out Australia, lmao. You know, the Australia that has government funded higher education, the highest minimum wage in the world, and universal healthcare.

When you give people no escape, pressure builds and the outcome is usually not pretty. Especially when you multiply by millions or tens of millions.
Sounds like someone is considering "Second amendment remedies"
So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.
Um no, progressives think women vote with their vaginas, AND they think ALL women are somehow democrats.
You are a fool. Even pro-life women were offended when right wing states started trying to vaginally wand any woman who wants an abortion.

There are issues which matter more to women than to men and you are a profound idiot if you think there aren't. And the GOP is stepping on a lot of women's toes on those issues. That's what this poll is telling you. But go ahead and plug your ears, fool.

40-45% of women seem to vote GOP anyway. Progressive women, like progressive men won't vote GOP anytime soon no matter what they change, so what's the point?

What is the point indeed?

For starters, here is a map showing Obama's margin with women.


For the idiots out there, notice 2 things.First the battle ground states.... Secondly the soon-to-be-battle ground state of Arizona. New Mexico is almost dependably blue at this point...will Arizona go that way? Looks like it.
Colorado with the marijuana reform laws is skewing blue. The weird politics of Nevada could go either way but as it becomes less rural and more skews blue as well. With CA, OR, and WA, when you add NM, NV, CO and possibly get another blue firewall as they have around the Great Lakes.

What does it matter, you ask?

States are currently winner-take-all with the exception of Nebraska and New Hampshire (note Obama's margin in NH too). So being happy with nearly breaking even is fine if you're ignorant of electoral math. In the real world, getting a plurality +1 delivers you 100% of the electoral vote.

What does it matter, you ask?

Which demographic is expanding and which one is contracting?


For the last 3 years, more women polled as being likely to vote than men. History happily reports that the GOP has lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes (a plurality in FL delivered 100% of the electoral votes to Bush in 2000).

What does it matter?

Women are, as a group, more sympathetic to the GLBT community. Another voting block you're likely to lose without even firing a shot to try to win it or keep whatever deranged lunatic gay republicans are out there....

Women are, as a group, more activist than males of their same age. As more women graduate college than men, certainly earnings will reflect that over time--despite your best efforts.


The activism will translate into campaign contributions as well.

Women are, as a group, less likely to see the world the same way the GOP sees it;
That the US must have a presence in every conflict worldwide
That the US must be "#1" (whatever that means) by a few narrow ratings and it's okay to be #30 in others.
That the US must be fight to maintain the status-quo worldwide.

Class dismissed.

There is lies, damn lies, and statistics. Obama's women advantage was in black women, and unmarried women. Considering it is 4 years later, and birth rates were declining, AND there will not be a black candidate (likely) to pump up voter amounts, that advantage is not what you think it is.

And as for your smarmy, class dismissed comment, go fuck yourself.
332-206....yeah, ya'll got butchered--by the American voters.

Just realize not all of us see voting as the proper way to reform the country.

You know....

You have a cute "grumpy old man" board persona. But you are beating a dead horse. It gets pretty lame after one or two posts. If you notice...nobody is biting at your trolling
So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.
Um no, progressives think women vote with their vaginas, AND they think ALL women are somehow democrats.
You are a fool. Even pro-life women were offended when right wing states started trying to vaginally wand any woman who wants an abortion.

There are issues which matter more to women than to men and you are a profound idiot if you think there aren't. And the GOP is stepping on a lot of women's toes on those issues. That's what this poll is telling you. But go ahead and plug your ears, fool.

40-45% of women seem to vote GOP anyway. Progressive women, like progressive men won't vote GOP anytime soon no matter what they change, so what's the point?

What is the point indeed?

For starters, here is a map showing Obama's margin with women.


For the idiots out there, notice 2 things.First the battle ground states.... Secondly the soon-to-be-battle ground state of Arizona. New Mexico is almost dependably blue at this point...will Arizona go that way? Looks like it.
Colorado with the marijuana reform laws is skewing blue. The weird politics of Nevada could go either way but as it becomes less rural and more skews blue as well. With CA, OR, and WA, when you add NM, NV, CO and possibly get another blue firewall as they have around the Great Lakes.

What does it matter, you ask?

States are currently winner-take-all with the exception of Nebraska and New Hampshire (note Obama's margin in NH too). So being happy with nearly breaking even is fine if you're ignorant of electoral math. In the real world, getting a plurality +1 delivers you 100% of the electoral vote.

What does it matter, you ask?

Which demographic is expanding and which one is contracting?


For the last 3 years, more women polled as being likely to vote than men. History happily reports that the GOP has lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes (a plurality in FL delivered 100% of the electoral votes to Bush in 2000).

What does it matter?

Women are, as a group, more sympathetic to the GLBT community. Another voting block you're likely to lose without even firing a shot to try to win it or keep whatever deranged lunatic gay republicans are out there....

Women are, as a group, more activist than males of their same age. As more women graduate college than men, certainly earnings will reflect that over time--despite your best efforts.


The activism will translate into campaign contributions as well.

Women are, as a group, less likely to see the world the same way the GOP sees it;
That the US must have a presence in every conflict worldwide
That the US must be "#1" (whatever that means) by a few narrow ratings and it's okay to be #30 in others.
That the US must be fight to maintain the status-quo worldwide.

Class dismissed.

There is lies, damn lies, and statistics. Obama's women advantage was in black women, and unmarried women. Considering it is 4 years later, and birth rates were declining, AND there will not be a black candidate (likely) to pump up voter amounts, that advantage is not what you think it is.

And as for your smarmy, class dismissed comment, go fuck yourself.

In what world do you think black women are going to vote Republican if Obama is not running? Republicans have chased away the black vote forever. Unmarried women from 2012 are not going to switch to being Republican either. Republicans have done nothing to attract their vote and have in fact, driven more of it away
Demographics, no matter how you slice it, are not Republicans friends
So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.
Um no, progressives think women vote with their vaginas, AND they think ALL women are somehow democrats.
You are a fool. Even pro-life women were offended when right wing states started trying to vaginally wand any woman who wants an abortion.

There are issues which matter more to women than to men and you are a profound idiot if you think there aren't. And the GOP is stepping on a lot of women's toes on those issues. That's what this poll is telling you. But go ahead and plug your ears, fool.

40-45% of women seem to vote GOP anyway. Progressive women, like progressive men won't vote GOP anytime soon no matter what they change, so what's the point?

What is the point indeed?

For starters, here is a map showing Obama's margin with women.


For the idiots out there, notice 2 things.First the battle ground states.... Secondly the soon-to-be-battle ground state of Arizona. New Mexico is almost dependably blue at this point...will Arizona go that way? Looks like it.
Colorado with the marijuana reform laws is skewing blue. The weird politics of Nevada could go either way but as it becomes less rural and more skews blue as well. With CA, OR, and WA, when you add NM, NV, CO and possibly get another blue firewall as they have around the Great Lakes.

What does it matter, you ask?

States are currently winner-take-all with the exception of Nebraska and New Hampshire (note Obama's margin in NH too). So being happy with nearly breaking even is fine if you're ignorant of electoral math. In the real world, getting a plurality +1 delivers you 100% of the electoral vote.

What does it matter, you ask?

Which demographic is expanding and which one is contracting?


For the last 3 years, more women polled as being likely to vote than men. History happily reports that the GOP has lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes (a plurality in FL delivered 100% of the electoral votes to Bush in 2000).

What does it matter?

Women are, as a group, more sympathetic to the GLBT community. Another voting block you're likely to lose without even firing a shot to try to win it or keep whatever deranged lunatic gay republicans are out there....

Women are, as a group, more activist than males of their same age. As more women graduate college than men, certainly earnings will reflect that over time--despite your best efforts.


The activism will translate into campaign contributions as well.

Women are, as a group, less likely to see the world the same way the GOP sees it;
That the US must have a presence in every conflict worldwide
That the US must be "#1" (whatever that means) by a few narrow ratings and it's okay to be #30 in others.
That the US must be fight to maintain the status-quo worldwide.

Class dismissed.

There is lies, damn lies, and statistics. Obama's women advantage was in black women, and unmarried women. Considering it is 4 years later, and birth rates were declining, AND there will not be a black candidate (likely) to pump up voter amounts, that advantage is not what you think it is.

And as for your smarmy, class dismissed comment, go fuck yourself.

In what world do you think black women are going to vote Republican if Obama is not running? Republicans have chased away the black vote forever. Unmarried women from 2012 are not going to switch to being Republican either. Republicans have done nothing to attract their vote and have in fact, driven more of it away
Demographics, no matter how you slice it, are not Republicans friends

They may not vote republican, but they will not turn out in the numbers that they turned out for in 2012 and 2008.

and you keep assuming that millennials will continue to support the progressive ass raping of their futures.
I know I would not want to be a grown woman back in 1965. It was bad enough being a girl being told over and over that "girls don't do that", "girls aren't good at that"....etc.

Shoot...I was told that in 1983 by my recruiter when I said I wanted to be a boatswains mate.
...Does anyone honestly expect that Republicans will "deal honestly with any disagreement on abortion"?...
Why not?

Have they (as a group) not honestly stated their opposition to abortion, over the years?

Or are they only being honest if they agree with you?

...I don't.
Thank you for your personal opinion on the subject.

Kondor is missing the point. Dealing "honestly with any disagreement" does not mean stubbornly objecting and doing everything in their power to deny women their Constitutional right to privacy. Instead "dealing honestly" means acknowledging that not everyone agrees that "life begins at conception" and for those that don't they should be allowed to exercise their rights as they deem fit without being vilified.
Notice how the Conservatives here ignore the major issues in that poll? Health care and equal pay. The Conservatives dig in their heels over the abortion issue because they don't want women to have reproductive freedom. Then they ignore pay equality because they don't value women in the work place.

And then they scratch their vacant heads and wonder why women won't vote for their ossified ideology.

Forget voting...what do these people tell their daughters?

"Honey, you can grow up to be anything you want to be...but you'll get paid less and I support that!"

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