GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

And some people still wonder why it's important to make sure media isn't hijacked by a political party or ideology the way it has been by lefties and democrats. Uninformed, misinformed or low informed women think the democrats are cutting edge when they in fact are the outdated, outmoded and neoconservative party.
Way to get that women's vote!
The Conservative method of winning 'hearts and minds'.

Women are trickier than they might appear. After all, they have a way of 'shutting that whole thing down' should they be 'legitimately raped'.
Republicans need to learn to never, EVER, talk about rape
And some people still wonder why it's important to make sure media isn't hijacked by a political party or ideology the way it has been by lefties and democrats. Uninformed, misinformed or low informed women think the democrats are cutting edge when they in fact are the outdated, outmoded and neoconservative party.

"Uninformed, misinformed or low informed women"
Well yes-----yes if you're talking about the minority of women voters that identify themselves as approving of the GOP.

Joel Connelly "The only women with a positive view of the GOP are married women without a college degree."

hmm, whoda thunk-----who would have thought, the only women with a positive view of the Republican party would be uneducated women who depend on someone else's largesse for room, board and-----and everything...? and that-----that according to a Republican study - wow!
And some people still wonder why it's important to make sure media isn't hijacked by a political party or ideology the way it has been by lefties and democrats. Uninformed, misinformed or low informed women think the democrats are cutting edge when they in fact are the outdated, outmoded and neoconservative party.
Way to get that women's vote!
The Conservative method of winning 'hearts and minds'.

Women are trickier than they might appear. After all, they have a way of 't shutting that whole thing down' should they be 'legitimately raped'.
Republicans need to learn to never, EVER, talk about rape
They should start talking about pay equality and health care. Otherwise, after alienating yet another crucial voting block, Conservative Republicans will be as relevant as the grumpy old man next door as he takes your ball.

Angry White men are not the inspiring figures they think they are.
And some people still wonder why it's important to make sure media isn't hijacked by a political party or ideology the way it has been by lefties and democrats. Uninformed, misinformed or low informed women think the democrats are cutting edge when they in fact are the outdated, outmoded and neoconservative party.
Way to get that women's vote!
The Conservative method of winning 'hearts and minds'.

Women are trickier than they might appear. After all, they have a way of 't shutting that whole thing down' should they be 'legitimately raped'.
Republicans need to learn to never, EVER, talk about rape
They should start talking about pay equality and health care. Otherwise, after alienating yet another crucial voting block, Conservative Republicans will be as relevant as the grumpy old man next door as he takes your ball.

Angry White men are not the inspiring figures they think they are.
Republicans can give lip service to pay equality. They will never do anything about it, but they can talk the talk

Bring up rape and they shoot themselves in the foot every time
Hint to Repubs

If asked about abortion in the case of rape, just say yes and change the subject
And some people still wonder why it's important to make sure media isn't hijacked by a political party or ideology the way it has been by lefties and democrats. Uninformed, misinformed or low informed women think the democrats are cutting edge when they in fact are the outdated, outmoded and neoconservative party.
Way to get that women's vote!
The Conservative method of winning 'hearts and minds'.

Women are trickier than they might appear. After all, they have a way of 't shutting that whole thing down' should they be 'legitimately raped'.
Republicans need to learn to never, EVER, talk about rape
They should start talking about pay equality and health care. Otherwise, after alienating yet another crucial voting block, Conservative Republicans will be as relevant as the grumpy old man next door as he takes your ball.

Angry White men are not the inspiring figures they think they are.
Republicans can give lip service to pay equality. They will never do anything about it, but they can talk the talk

Bring up rape and they shoot themselves in the foot every time
Hint to Repubs

If asked about abortion in the case of rape, just say yes and change the subject
Here's a true life, personal story that might serve as alagory for the Conservative outlook on rape.

When I was about eight the family vacationed at Geneva-on-the-Lake here in northeast Ohio. When we drove up to Lake Erie, the news on the car radio reported a young local girl had been raped. I misheard the staticky AM radio. I thought the reported said a young local girl had been 'raked'.

That night at the dinner table, I thought about that girl getting raked. I wondered if her assailants used a leaf rake or the more aggressive and dangerous garden rake. I expressed my sympathy for the poor girl, but I did not say I thought she was 'raked'. My parents were initially proud of my compassion, but then asked me where I had heard about rape.

Do Conservatives share the confusion of a precocious eight year old boy?
And some people still wonder why it's important to make sure media isn't hijacked by a political party or ideology the way it has been by lefties and democrats. Uninformed, misinformed or low informed women think the democrats are cutting edge when they in fact are the outdated, outmoded and neoconservative party.
Way to get that women's vote!
The Conservative method of winning 'hearts and minds'.

Women are trickier than they might appear. After all, they have a way of 't shutting that whole thing down' should they be 'legitimately raped'.
Republicans need to learn to never, EVER, talk about rape
They should start talking about pay equality and health care. Otherwise, after alienating yet another crucial voting block, Conservative Republicans will be as relevant as the grumpy old man next door as he takes your ball.

Angry White men are not the inspiring figures they think they are.
Republicans can give lip service to pay equality. They will never do anything about it, but they can talk the talk

Bring up rape and they shoot themselves in the foot every time
Hint to Repubs

If asked about abortion in the case of rape, just say yes and change the subject
Here's a true life, personal story that might serve as alagory for the Conservative outlook on rape.

When I was about eight the family vacationed at Geneva-on-the-Lake here in northeast Ohio. When we drove up to Lake Erie, the news on the car radio reported a young local girl had been raped. I misheard the staticky AM radio. I thought the reported said a young local girl had been 'raked'.

That night at the dinner table, I thought about that girl getting raked. I wondered if her assailants used a leaf rake or the more aggressive and dangerous garden rake. I expressed my sympathy for the poor girl, but I did not say I thought she was 'raked'. My parents were initially proud of my compassion, but then asked me where I had heard about rape.

Do Conservatives share the confusion of a precocious eight year old boy?

It seems you still have the analytic insight of that 8 year old boy.
Yeah. Who needs the votes of half the country? Screw 'em. And I mean that literally, amiright?

The half that shouldn't be allowed to vote. I'm more interested in their ability to cook, clean, launder, etc......
Heh, must be one of those "original intent" Republicans who think only rich landowning white men should be allowed to vote.

Nope. Poor landowners who are male should be able to as well and race is not an issue.
Yeah. Who needs the votes of half the country? Screw 'em. And I mean that literally, amiright?

The half that shouldn't be allowed to vote. I'm more interested in their ability to cook, clean, launder, etc......

I hope you really mean that. It's so refreshing to hear directly from the roots of the NaziCon Party.
And some people still wonder why it's important to make sure media isn't hijacked by a political party or ideology the way it has been by lefties and democrats. Uninformed, misinformed or low informed women think the democrats are cutting edge when they in fact are the outdated, outmoded and neoconservative party.

"Uninformed, misinformed or low informed women"
Well yes-----yes if you're talking about the minority of women voters that identify themselves as approving of the GOP.

Joel Connelly "The only women with a positive view of the GOP are married women without a college degree."

hmm, whoda thunk-----who would have thought, the only women with a positive view of the Republican party would be uneducated women who depend on someone else's largesse for room, board and-----and everything...? and that-----that according to a Republican study - wow!

No, you've fallen for the nonsense that dem women are liberal. They call themselves that but they are really neocons, stuck in the 60's like most democrats and lefties. Real women know there are inherent differences between the genders and don't pretend they are the same as men. Real women don't let their hair go gray in the name of making a statement while still expecting men to be attracted to them or acting like they don't care if they are. Real women can be assertive, independent and at the same time be honest about looking youthful and sexy and realize they are different from men. Lefty so-called feminist women try to deny that reality and have dishonest views about gender politics.
Pass the granola.
What's the title of this thread again? Something about Republicans being stuck in the past wasn't it?

We've heard from Republicans right here who think women should not have control of their own bodies and futures. We've been told that women do not deserve to be paid the same as a man for the same work. And we've heard from Republicans on this thread that women should not be extended the vote as is their right.

I suppose, if we are willing to let those au courant Republicans keep putting their spat adorned foot into their mouths, they would tell us that women's dress is to suggestive and therefore, a Republican burka is being stitched in some non-union sweatshop.
What's the title of this thread again? Something about Republicans being stuck in the past wasn't it?

We've heard from Republicans right here who think women should not have control of their own bodies and futures. We've been told that women do not deserve to be paid the same as a man for the same work. And we've heard from Republicans on this thread that women should not be extended the vote as is their right.

I suppose, if we are willing to let those au courant Republicans keep putting their spat adorned foot into their mouths, they would tell us that women's dress is to suggestive and therefore, a Republican burka is being stitched in some non-union sweatshop.
How about you list those specific assertions. Sounds more like left wing hyperbole.
What's the title of this thread again? Something about Republicans being stuck in the past wasn't it?

We've heard from Republicans right here who think women should not have control of their own bodies and futures. We've been told that women do not deserve to be paid the same as a man for the same work. And we've heard from Republicans on this thread that women should not be extended the vote as is their right.

I suppose, if we are willing to let those au courant Republicans keep putting their spat adorned foot into their mouths, they would tell us that women's dress is to suggestive and therefore, a Republican burka is being stitched in some non-union sweatshop.

I love it - and it's probably true. The Republican Taliban still living in the Dark Ages.
And we've heard from Republicans on this thread that women should not be extended the vote as is their right.

When you exercise your right to vote to enslave me and steal the fruits of my labor so that it can be used to support you and thus free you up to go to marches where you chant about how you're an independent woman, then no, using your vote to enslave others to support you is an illegitimate use of the vote.

If you want to be independent, then be independent, don't marry the government. Stand on your own feet.
Karl Rove releases this right before the election.

Anyway, I don't doubt the future is bleak for conservatives, and it's why I'm getting the fuck out of here within the next 7-10 years.

As far as right now though, despite this poll, the Dims are highly UNLIKELY to win the House back this election, and in fact it's likely the GOP will at least make a gain in the Senate. I personally doubt they'll take the Senate, but they do have a chance.

Once the dust settles, the GOP overall will likely have a net gain.

The future though is fucked. You're gonna see a country of potheads demanding more and more government programs, and wanting someone else to pay for it.
Our southern border is essentially gone now, but in the coming years it will be officially gone, as we become Mexico north.

I'm just curious, when you say you're going to get out of here, where do you plan on going? Do you have some conservative paradise in mind? One of my conservative friends said pretty much what you are saying. He said he's going to check out Australia, lmao. You know, the Australia that has government funded higher education, the highest minimum wage in the world, and universal healthcare.
Karl Rove releases this right before the election.

Anyway, I don't doubt the future is bleak for conservatives, and it's why I'm getting the fuck out of here within the next 7-10 years.

As far as right now though, despite this poll, the Dims are highly UNLIKELY to win the House back this election, and in fact it's likely the GOP will at least make a gain in the Senate. I personally doubt they'll take the Senate, but they do have a chance.

Once the dust settles, the GOP overall will likely have a net gain.

The future though is fucked. You're gonna see a country of potheads demanding more and more government programs, and wanting someone else to pay for it.
Our southern border is essentially gone now, but in the coming years it will be officially gone, as we become Mexico north.

I'm just curious, when you say you're going to get out of here, where do you plan on going? Do you have some conservative paradise in mind? One of my conservative friends said pretty much what you are saying. He said he's going to check out Australia, lmao. You know, the Australia that has government funded higher education, the highest minimum wage in the world, and universal healthcare.

When you give people no escape, pressure builds and the outcome is usually not pretty. Especially when you multiply by millions or tens of millions.
Liberals love single parent families and they want to make more of them. They hate men and wish to drive men off...

What a bunch of idiots.
IF men want any say within the family = evil
IF men want to work and provide = evil

Upside down world I live in.

So women are saying that even though half of the genetics of the baby comes from males. Tough...

This nation would be better off with strong families. TWO PARENTS giving a shit about each child.
Yeah, they are stuck in 1930's Germany:

"Whereas previously the programs of the liberal, intellectualist women's movements contained many points, the program of our National Socialist Women's movement has in reality but one single point, and that point is the child, that tiny creation which must be born and grow strong and which alone gives meaning to the whole life-struggle"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to the NS Frauenschaft (Sept. 8, 1934)

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