GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

It was all that democrat stuff enabling them to have recreational sex without negative consequences.

So the only thing women care about is having inconsequential sex?

Who's being sexist here?

What's more telling is all this progressive crap has really done is allow MEN to have recreational sex without negative consequences.
Hey, blame me for the fcking poll, gandolf.
It was all that democrat stuff enabling them to have recreational sex without negative consequences.

So the only thing women care about is having inconsequential sex?

Who's being sexist here?

What's more telling is all this progressive crap has really done is allow MEN to have recreational sex without negative consequences.
Apparently this is the lib narrative.
Their view of women is that females are simple creatures with that politically single issue minded.
That women do not have any control over their hormones and are interested in matters of biology.
Actually, it was a goper who brought up the recreational sex angle.

And it is progressives that let men fuck around without consequences.
Notice how the Conservatives here ignore the major issues in that poll? Health care and equal pay. The Conservatives dig in their heels over the abortion issue because they don't want women to have reproductive freedom. Then they ignore pay equality because they don't value women in the work place.

And then they scratch their vacant heads and wonder why women won't vote for their ossified ideology.

Considering democratic political positions are bastions of unequal pay, their angst may be misplaced.
It was all that democrat stuff enabling them to have recreational sex without negative consequences.

So the only thing women care about is having inconsequential sex?

Who's being sexist here?

What's more telling is all this progressive crap has really done is allow MEN to have recreational sex without negative consequences.
Hey, blame me for the fcking poll, gandolf.
It was all that democrat stuff enabling them to have recreational sex without negative consequences.

So the only thing women care about is having inconsequential sex?

Who's being sexist here?

What's more telling is all this progressive crap has really done is allow MEN to have recreational sex without negative consequences.
Apparently this is the lib narrative.
Their view of women is that females are simple creatures with that politically single issue minded.
That women do not have any control over their hormones and are interested in matters of biology.
Actually, it was a goper who brought up the recreational sex angle.

And it is progressives that let men fuck around without consequences.
Jesus Gandolf, you can't even stay on the topic, let alone make an perceptive comment.
It was all that democrat stuff enabling them to have recreational sex without negative consequences.

So the only thing women care about is having inconsequential sex?

Who's being sexist here?

What's more telling is all this progressive crap has really done is allow MEN to have recreational sex without negative consequences.
Hey, blame me for the fcking poll, gandolf.
It was all that democrat stuff enabling them to have recreational sex without negative consequences.

So the only thing women care about is having inconsequential sex?

Who's being sexist here?

What's more telling is all this progressive crap has really done is allow MEN to have recreational sex without negative consequences.
Apparently this is the lib narrative.
Their view of women is that females are simple creatures with that politically single issue minded.
That women do not have any control over their hormones and are interested in matters of biology.
Actually, it was a goper who brought up the recreational sex angle.

And it is progressives that let men fuck around without consequences.
Jesus Gandolf, you can't even stay on the topic, let alone make an perceptive comment.

It's all the same topic, you are just to dense to realize it.
naw, Gandolf. You spun away from the recreational sex being a goper term. Look, if you were even a little bit honest to admit the gop is toast with this group, then you might want to consider why the dems are down with white married women and toast with white men.

But since you aren't capable even of that, I'll salute you with my middle finger and go to NCAA football.
naw, Gandolf. You spun away from the recreational sex being a goper term. Look, if you were even a little bit honest to admit the gop is toast with this group, then you might want to consider why the dems are down with white married women and toast with white men.

But since you aren't capable even of that, I'll salute you with my middle finger and go to NCAA football.

I'm a big fan of recreational sex, just not paying for others lack of planning when it comes to it.
And some people still wonder why it's important to make sure media isn't hijacked by a political party or ideology the way it has been by lefties and democrats. Uninformed, misinformed or low informed women think the democrats are cutting edge when they in fact are the outdated, outmoded and neoconservative party.
Way to get that women's vote!
I was referring to the women human vote, not the sheeple. My post was for intellectualized women, not democrats.
Anti-choice pro-birth fanatics try to restrict women's access to abortion and contraceptives - and then condemn them for not wanting to deliver a baby that they don't want. One would think these fanatics would want women to have totally free access to contraceptives and all associated doctor visits - which would be much less costly to all concerned (both morally and financially).

It totally amazes me how little concern the anti-choice zealots have for the financial/mental/physical welfare of pregnant women who don't want babies for various reasons. These women should come first. According to Roe v. Wade - they do come first.

Republican anti-choice pro-birth fanatics have no moral standing in forcing and/or shaming a pregnant woman into giving birth to an unwanted baby.

One would think these fanatics would want women to have totally free access to contraceptives and all associated doctor visits - which would be much less costly to all concerned (both morally and financially).

Pro life people do want full access to contraception,and people do,your lie doesn't make it so.

Claiming the moral high ground while humans are being kiiled is absurd and shows your rationality and lack of humnity
Cough! Cough! Hobby Lobby Cough Cough!
Anyone courting the female vote is not an individual that I would vote for. If you need the female vote to win, then there's something truly disturbing going on
Yeah. Who needs the votes of half the country? Screw 'em. And I mean that literally, amiright?
They polled 800 women wow so these 800 women speak for every women of every race and age group both married and single who knew.
Has anyone ever explained to you what the word "poll" means?
Has anyone ever explained to you what the meaning of sarcasm is?
You mean like in my reply to you? :D
That's what you were attempting?
As you were?
I never attempt sarcasm I succeed at it.
Particularly when you have to take the time to point out that it is sarcasm...correct?
So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.
Republicans got 45% of the women's vote in 2012. If Hillary runs, they will be lucky to break 40%
So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.
Um no, progressives think women vote with their vaginas, AND they think ALL women are somehow democrats.
A new internal Republican report confirmed that women are not fans of the GOP, and Republicans have more work to do if they want the female vote.

The study was commissioned by two conservative groups: Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS and the American Action Network.

The report, which was obtained by Politico, found that although Republicans have tried to improve outreach to female voters, women still believe the party is "stuck in the past" and "intolerant."

It offered a stark picture of how women view the Republican Party as a whole. Women are "barely receptive" to the party's policy proposals, the report said, in part because Republicans "fail to speak to women in the different circumstances in which they live."

The report drew its conclusions from focus group discussions and a poll of 800 registered women voters. In top issue areas, such as health care, the economy and education, the poll found that Democrats held a huge advantage. For example, when considering which side "wants to make health care more affordable," the women surveyed chose the Democratic Party by a 39 percent margin. They also said that a policy of equal pay for equal work would "help women the most."

To make electoral gains in 2014 and 2016, the report suggested that the GOP soften its opposition to legislation supporting pay equity. The party should also tackle economic issues like gender bias in the workplace, the report said. Given that abortion can be a wedge issue among women, the report recommended that the party "deal honestly with any disagreement on abortion, then move to other issues."

GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

Does anyone honestly expect that Republicans will "deal honestly with any disagreement on abortion"? I don't.

Stuck in the past? The GOP is stuck in a fantasy world! Why do I say that? It's because I constantly here them say that America was founded on Christian principles. That would be news to the founding fathers who eschewed not only a state church, but religion in general when it came to the US Constitution.

What America was founded on was the concepts of the Enlightenment. To that end, I suggest a couple of short but to the point books that outline the lives of the founding fathers, their views, and the times in which they lived.

Moral Minority: Our Skeptical Founding Fathers by Brooke Allen

The Faiths of the Founding Fathers by David L. Holmes

From what the republicans describe as the founding fathers and their outlook on the world/religion, republicans think that the pilgrims were the founders of the United States of America.

They weren't. They were founders of a theocratic, monarchy, colony of England. It was a mixture of the church and the king of England as their government.

Th founders of the United States of America were trying to be independent of that theocratic, monarchy of England. The conservatives of that time were the ones who wanted to stay that theocratic, monarchy colony of England.

A revolution was started. The people who wanted a nation free from theocracy and monarchy won that revolution. They formed a nation of the people by the people. They tried to make sure that religion wouldn't control our government with the first Amendment. It worked well until the reagan years. That's when theocrats took over the republican party and we've seen that wall between church and state be mostly torn down now.
So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.
Um no, progressives think women vote with their vaginas, AND they think ALL women are somehow democrats.
You are a fool. Even pro-life women were offended when right wing states started trying to vaginally wand any woman who wants an abortion.

There are issues which matter more to women than to men and you are a profound idiot if you think there aren't. And the GOP is stepping on a lot of women's toes on those issues. That's what this poll is telling you. But go ahead and plug your ears, fool.
So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.
Um no, progressives think women vote with their vaginas, AND they think ALL women are somehow democrats.
You are a fool. Even pro-life women were offended when right wing states started trying to vaginally wand any woman who wants an abortion.

There are issues which matter more to women than to men and you are a profound idiot if you think there aren't. And the GOP is stepping on a lot of women's toes on those issues. That's what this poll is telling you. But go ahead and plug your ears, fool.

40-45% of women seem to vote GOP anyway. Progressive women, like progressive men won't vote GOP anytime soon no matter what they change, so what's the point?

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