GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.
Um no, progressives think women vote with their vaginas, AND they think ALL women are somehow democrats.
You are a fool. Even pro-life women were offended when right wing states started trying to vaginally wand any woman who wants an abortion.

There are issues which matter more to women than to men and you are a profound idiot if you think there aren't. And the GOP is stepping on a lot of women's toes on those issues. That's what this poll is telling you. But go ahead and plug your ears, fool.

40-45% of women seem to vote GOP anyway. Progressive women, like progressive men won't vote GOP anytime soon no matter what they change, so what's the point?
The point is to attract the swing votes.

The idiotic reactions we have seen here are exactly why the GOP loses elections before it even picks a candidate. People notice shit like this and write the GOP off long before the national convention.

The raving lunatics have ruined this party.
So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.

actually no. I said the exact opposite. Women aren't a homogeneous group that thinks lock and step
So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.

actually no. I said the exact opposite. Women aren't a homogeneous group that thinks like and step
No, they aren't

But Republicans will be lucky is 40%vote for them in 2016. If they allow the Dems to pull 60% of half the electorate! they are doomed
So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.
Um no, progressives think women vote with their vaginas, AND they think ALL women are somehow democrats.
You are a fool. Even pro-life women were offended when right wing states started trying to vaginally wand any woman who wants an abortion.

There are issues which matter more to women than to men and you are a profound idiot if you think there aren't. And the GOP is stepping on a lot of women's toes on those issues. That's what this poll is telling you. But go ahead and plug your ears, fool.

40-45% of women seem to vote GOP anyway. Progressive women, like progressive men won't vote GOP anytime soon no matter what they change, so what's the point?
The point is to attract the swing votes.

The idiotic reactions we have seen here are exactly why the GOP loses elections before it even picks a candidate. People notice shit like this and write the GOP off long before the national convention.

The raving lunatics have ruined this party.

The only way to get swing votes is lie, like the democrats do, all the time.
I think it's funny that the republicans reject their own poll done by karl rove and fellow republicans.

The sad thing is that they actually blame democrats for driving women away from republicans. They can never accept responsibility for what they do or say.

The good thing about this is that they don't learn and thus will continue to lose elections.

It's beyond stupid to treat the largest voting block in the nation like garbage.

Some republicans don't even believe women should vote and want the 19th amendment repealed. There's one conservative in this thread who is at least honest about it and has posted that he doesn't like women voting. I'll give him credit for being more honest than other conservatives.

Keep it up conservatives. Denial and blaming democrats is the way to go!

Maybe after losing enough elections you conservatives will finally get it through your head that you need our votes and they only way to get it is with policy that doesn't send women running from them in horror.

We're not just running in horror. We're teaching our children to never, ever vote for a conservative/republican.

All I had to do with my daughter was show her videos of republicans talking about health care, reproductive freedom, rape, education, war, global climate change, the economy and what's left of our social safety net. She was horrified and can't wait to cast her first vote for a president and that it will probably be for a woman.

The gop has lost the female vote for at least a generation if not longer.
Republicans got 45% of the women's vote in 2012. If Hillary runs, they will be lucky to break 40%

Women are not the monolithic voting block that blacks are.
They don't have to be

If just another 5% of women vote Democratic, republicans cant win

You keep forgetting about that whole electoral college thing.
Very true

And with Republicans barely able to crack 270 under the best of circumstances, how can they afford to lose more of the women's vote?
How will republicans do in swing states by pulling 40% of the women's vote?
Republicans got 45% of the women's vote in 2012. If Hillary runs, they will be lucky to break 40%

Women are not the monolithic voting block that blacks are.
They don't have to be

If just another 5% of women vote Democratic, republicans cant win

You keep forgetting about that whole electoral college thing.
Very true

And with Republicans barely able to crack 270 under the best of circumstances, how can they afford to lose more of the women's vote?
How will republicans do in swing states by pulling 40% of the women's vote?

Is that 40% evenly distributed nationwide?
Republicans got 45% of the women's vote in 2012. If Hillary runs, they will be lucky to break 40%

Women are not the monolithic voting block that blacks are.
They don't have to be

If just another 5% of women vote Democratic, republicans cant win

You keep forgetting about that whole electoral college thing.
Very true

And with Republicans barely able to crack 270 under the best of circumstances, how can they afford to lose more of the women's vote?
How will republicans do in swing states by pulling 40% of the women's vote?

Is that 40% evenly distributed nationwide?

Probably not red states that Dems don't take anyway. I think republicans losing the women's and Hispanic vote in swing states will kill them in 2016

Don't you agree?
Anti-choice pro-birth fanatics try to restrict women's access to abortion and contraceptives - and then condemn them for not wanting to deliver a baby that they don't want. One would think these fanatics would want women to have totally free access to contraceptives and all associated doctor visits - which would be much less costly to all concerned (both morally and financially).

It totally amazes me how little concern the anti-choice zealots have for the financial/mental/physical welfare of pregnant women who don't want babies for various reasons. These women should come first. According to Roe v. Wade - they do come first.

Republican anti-choice pro-birth fanatics have no moral standing in forcing and/or shaming a pregnant woman into giving birth to an unwanted baby.

We came home today from a short trip for cataract surgery (successful - wow!) but we were stopped at light In The Big City this morning and noticed these elderly men and women wandering aimlessly in front of a medical clinic.

Then we looked again ... Turned out it was an abortion clinic and they were carrying really stupid signs. I'm serious about the stupid signs. These people have no frikken clue.

But, to your point - They really were older. They were old enough that none of them were taking care of, raising, feeding, clothing, educating a child. Since they were wandering around in front of the medical building, I would imagine they were not also at home taking care of the unwanted babies they adopted rather than have them be adopted.

Understand that, in my opinion, nothing, and I do mean NOTHING trumps the very basic right of a woman to control her own reproduction. THAT is really the bottom line.

But where are these busy bodies when its time to actually raise, feed, clothe, educate unwanted children?

Obviously these old geezers want to control other people's lives but only if it doesn't interrupt their Mahjong night and their trips to the Poconos. They are nothing but :blahblah:

Put your money where your mouth is or just :anj_stfu:
A new internal Republican report confirmed that women are not fans of the GOP, and Republicans have more work to do if they want the female vote.

The study was commissioned by two conservative groups: Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS and the American Action Network.

The report, which was obtained by Politico, found that although Republicans have tried to improve outreach to female voters, women still believe the party is "stuck in the past" and "intolerant."

It offered a stark picture of how women view the Republican Party as a whole. Women are "barely receptive" to the party's policy proposals, the report said, in part because Republicans "fail to speak to women in the different circumstances in which they live."

The report drew its conclusions from focus group discussions and a poll of 800 registered women voters. In top issue areas, such as health care, the economy and education, the poll found that Democrats held a huge advantage. For example, when considering which side "wants to make health care more affordable," the women surveyed chose the Democratic Party by a 39 percent margin. They also said that a policy of equal pay for equal work would "help women the most."

To make electoral gains in 2014 and 2016, the report suggested that the GOP soften its opposition to legislation supporting pay equity. The party should also tackle economic issues like gender bias in the workplace, the report said. Given that abortion can be a wedge issue among women, the report recommended that the party "deal honestly with any disagreement on abortion, then move to other issues."

GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

Does anyone honestly expect that Republicans will "deal honestly with any disagreement on abortion"? I don't.

Stuck in the past? The GOP is stuck in a fantasy world! Why do I say that? It's because I constantly here them say that America was founded on Christian principles. That would be news to the founding fathers who eschewed not only a state church, but religion in general when it came to the US Constitution.

What America was founded on was the concepts of the Enlightenment. To that end, I suggest a couple of short but to the point books that outline the lives of the founding fathers, their views, and the times in which they lived.

Moral Minority: Our Skeptical Founding Fathers by Brooke Allen

The Faiths of the Founding Fathers by David L. Holmes

From what the republicans describe as the founding fathers and their outlook on the world/religion, republicans think that the pilgrims were the founders of the United States of America.

They weren't. They were founders of a theocratic, monarchy, colony of England. It was a mixture of the church and the king of England as their government.

Th founders of the United States of America were trying to be independent of that theocratic, monarchy of England. The conservatives of that time were the ones who wanted to stay that theocratic, monarchy colony of England.

A revolution was started. The people who wanted a nation free from theocracy and monarchy won that revolution. They formed a nation of the people by the people. They tried to make sure that religion wouldn't control our government with the first Amendment. It worked well until the reagan years. That's when theocrats took over the republican party and we've seen that wall between church and state be mostly torn down now.

They haven't torn down the wall yet, but they're chippin' away at it pretty damn good. If someone wants their eyes opened to what's going on behind the scenes when it comes to GOP politics, I highly suggest the following book by Michelle Goldberg. It's a well-written and easy to read informative book which is only 210 pages long (not counting end notes etc). And to answer a question before it's even asked, this is not a conspiratorial book or a polemic screed which is meant to inflame passions. But it does kind of draw the curtain back on some of the events that have taken place over the last few years while showing the people who have an agenda which they're not at all shy about stating openly. Alas, I believe that agenda is anathema to the work the founding fathers did in order to establish a country where all Americans can live by their own individual or group creeds.

Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism
Anti-choice pro-birth fanatics try to restrict women's access to abortion and contraceptives - and then condemn them for not wanting to deliver a baby that they don't want. One would think these fanatics would want women to have totally free access to contraceptives and all associated doctor visits - which would be much less costly to all concerned (both morally and financially).

It totally amazes me how little concern the anti-choice zealots have for the financial/mental/physical welfare of pregnant women who don't want babies for various reasons. These women should come first. According to Roe v. Wade - they do come first.

Republican anti-choice pro-birth fanatics have no moral standing in forcing and/or shaming a pregnant woman into giving birth to an unwanted baby.

We came home today from a short trip for cataract surgery (successful - wow!) but we were stopped at light In The Big City this morning and noticed these elderly men and women wandering aimlessly in front of a medical clinic.

Then we looked again ... Turned out it was an abortion clinic and they were carrying really stupid signs. I'm serious about the stupid signs. These people have no frikken clue.

But, to your point - They really were older. They were old enough that none of them were taking care of, raising, feeding, clothing, educating a child. Since they were wandering around in front of the medical building, I would imagine they were not also at home taking care of the unwanted babies they adopted rather than have them be adopted.

Understand that, in my opinion, nothing, and I do mean NOTHING trumps the very basic right of a woman to control her own reproduction. THAT is really the bottom line.

But where are these busy bodies when its time to actually raise, feed, clothe, educate unwanted children?

Obviously these old geezers want to control other people's lives but only if it doesn't interrupt their Mahjong night and their trips to the Poconos. They are nothing but :blahblah:

Put your money where your mouth is or just :anj_stfu:

GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

And women would be correct.

Where 'stuck in the past' would refer to the right's hostility toward the privacy rights of women, the equal protection rights of same-sex couples, and the voting rights of minorities, having nothing to do with 'traditional values'; indeed, advocating for the comprehensive civil rights of all Americans is a fundamental American value, one many on the right refuse to acknowledge.
IF men want any say within the family = evil
IF men want to work and provide = evil

Upside down world I live in.
So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.
Um no, progressives think women vote with their vaginas, AND they think ALL women are somehow democrats.
You are a fool. Even pro-life women were offended when right wing states started trying to vaginally wand any woman who wants an abortion.

There are issues which matter more to women than to men and you are a profound idiot if you think there aren't. And the GOP is stepping on a lot of women's toes on those issues. That's what this poll is telling you. But go ahead and plug your ears, fool.

40-45% of women seem to vote GOP anyway. Progressive women, like progressive men won't vote GOP anytime soon no matter what they change, so what's the point?
The point is to attract the swing votes.

The idiotic reactions we have seen here are exactly why the GOP loses elections before it even picks a candidate. People notice shit like this and write the GOP off long before the national convention.

The raving lunatics have ruined this party.


We need balance. We need some of this and some of that and we need politicians who are ready and willing to negotiate and work for the good of the country. The GOP works for the 1% and they're very open about that.

They do indeed target many women's issues. They are against equal pay for equal work and women would be stupid to ignore that.
They polled 800 women wow so these 800 women speak for every women of every race and age group both married and single who knew.
Has anyone ever explained to you what the word "poll" means?
Has anyone ever explained to you what the meaning of sarcasm is?
You mean like in my reply to you? :D
That's what you were attempting?
As you were?
I never attempt sarcasm I succeed at it.
Particularly when you have to take the time to point out that it is sarcasm...correct?
Only to those who are slow to catch on.
And some people still wonder why it's important to make sure media isn't hijacked by a political party or ideology the way it has been by lefties and democrats. Uninformed, misinformed or low informed women think the democrats are cutting edge when they in fact are the outdated, outmoded and neoconservative party.
Way to get that women's vote!
The Conservative method of winning 'hearts and minds'.

Women are trickier than they might appear. After all, they have a way of 'shutting that whole thing down' should they be 'legitimately raped'.
Sounds like the tail is just trying to wag the dog, to me.

Make sumin' outta nuttin': it's what one-trick-pony political hacks do.
This is what LIBTARDS thrive on...women's issues...while the tough men are out killing the bad guys.

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