GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown Law student who was dragged into the national spotlight after Rush Limbaugh referred to her as a slut, said Wednesday it is time to choose between being “a country that honors our foremothers by moving us forward, or one that forces our generation to re-fight the battles they already won.”

In a speech at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., she warned:

Your new president could be a man who stands by when a public figure tries to silence a private citizen with hateful slurs. Who won’t stand up to the slurs, or to any of the extreme, bigoted voices in his own party. It would be an America in which you have a new vice president who co-sponsored a bill that would allow pregnant women to die preventable deaths in our emergency rooms. An America in which states humiliate women by forcing us to endure invasive ultrasounds that we don’t want and our doctors say we don’t need. An America in which access to birth control is controlled by people who will never use it; an America in which politicians redefine rape so survivors are victimized all over again; in which someone decides which domestic violence victims deserve access to services, and which don’t.​

WATCH Sandra Fluke Explains The Republican War On Women

Speaking with reporters after the event, Fluke also responded to a tweet from state Sen. Greg Brophy, R-Wray, who said, "Ms Fluke, I don't want to buy your booze, pay for your spring break or your birth control. Call your Dad for that."

Brophy also described birth control not used for medical purposes as "purely recreational."

Fluke offered a response: "To say that preventing unintended pregnancies is not a legitimate health goal is very short-sighted because we know that unintended pregnancies are difficult for our society. No, I would not characterize it as recreational."

Sandra Fluke in Denver: Birth control isn't recreational - The Denver Post

Sandra Fluke laid it out nicely.
So...basically, the response of the right wing posse on this forum upon being informed a poll commissioned by their own team says women think they are behind the times is, "SO WHAT! WHO CARES? THEY VOTE WITH THEIR VAGINAS?"

Suicide cult.
Um no, progressives think women vote with their vaginas, AND they think ALL women are somehow democrats.
You are a fool. Even pro-life women were offended when right wing states started trying to vaginally wand any woman who wants an abortion.

There are issues which matter more to women than to men and you are a profound idiot if you think there aren't. And the GOP is stepping on a lot of women's toes on those issues. That's what this poll is telling you. But go ahead and plug your ears, fool.

40-45% of women seem to vote GOP anyway. Progressive women, like progressive men won't vote GOP anytime soon no matter what they change, so what's the point?

What is the point indeed?

For starters, here is a map showing Obama's margin with women.


For the idiots out there, notice 2 things.First the battle ground states.... Secondly the soon-to-be-battle ground state of Arizona. New Mexico is almost dependably blue at this point...will Arizona go that way? Looks like it.
Colorado with the marijuana reform laws is skewing blue. The weird politics of Nevada could go either way but as it becomes less rural and more skews blue as well. With CA, OR, and WA, when you add NM, NV, CO and possibly get another blue firewall as they have around the Great Lakes.

For the idiots out there who live by the motto -Liberalism is like a fungus. Well, it is kind, but not in the fashion that it continues to grow, it's more like a parasite, always seeking new hosts. What that map shows is a lot of internal migration in the US. California liberals couldn't stand the mess that they made and so they flew the coop and landed in red states, transforming them to purple or blue. When they do this this invariably lessen the divide in their originate state.

This is the canyon that liberals need to cross - For every alien liberal there are two normal conservatives.


How does this play out in politics. Look at the Governorships - :pay attention to the Swing States.:


Which demographic is expanding and which one is contracting?


For the last 3 years, more women polled as being likely to vote than men. History happily reports that the GOP has lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes (a plurality in FL delivered 100% of the electoral votes to Bush in 2000).

What does it matter?

Women are, as a group, more sympathetic to the GLBT community. Another voting block you're likely to lose without even firing a shot to try to win it or keep whatever deranged lunatic gay republicans are out there....

Women are, as a group, more activist than males of their same age. As more women graduate college than men, certainly earnings will reflect that over time--despite your best efforts.


The activism will translate into campaign contributions as well.

This is a static shot and the analysis is built on extrapolating trends while ignoring the dynamism associated with people's life cycles.

As page mature, they tend to abandon the idiocy of their youth. Liberals recruit young people, give them political awareness and then hand them off to conservatives. Thanks liberals.

One the homosexual debacle has concluded, the "What are you doing for me today" rationale kicks in for the homosexuals and the answer from the liberals will be "Nothing." Homosexuals have a more hedonist lifestyle than normal people, so they're more interested in keeping the money they earn and not funding a welfare state and so will migrate to the Republicans. We already see some of that happening. You want a historical precedent? Blacks moving over to the party of slavery and Jim Crow and away from the Party which fought for them and defended them.l

Women are, as a group, less likely to see the world the same way the GOP sees it;
That the US must have a presence in every conflict worldwide
That the US must be "#1" (whatever that means) by a few narrow ratings and it's okay to be #30 in others.
That the US must be fight to maintain the status-quo worldwide.

Class dismissed.

What you're also neglecting in your analysis is that the trend of Republicans capturing a greater and greater share of the white vote with every election will increase. Republicans already win the majority of white women and white youth, not to mention married women of all races. This dynamic will only increase for at the heart of the analysis is this fact - wealth transfer from whites and married couples to single women. A married mother sees that HER FAMILY is HARMED by Democratic policies. Her family is advantaged when she can keep more of the income she and her husband earn and devote it to her family. Same with white single women.

Romney captured 44% of the votes of all women. This includes the 63% votes of married white women and the 55% votes of married women and he captured these female demographics precisely due to their own concerns about being made poorer by Democratic policies, and so the richest of the single female demographics, white women, are going to be feeling the same pull - Democrats will make them poorer and at 44% support for Romney this will increase in the future, for personal finance takes precedence over female solidarity to have "free" abortions and "free" birth control pills.

...Does anyone honestly expect that Republicans will "deal honestly with any disagreement on abortion"?...
Why not?

Have they (as a group) not honestly stated their opposition to abortion, over the years?

Or are they only being honest if they agree with you?

...I don't.
Thank you for your personal opinion on the subject.

Kondor is missing the point. Dealing "honestly with any disagreement" does not mean stubbornly objecting and doing everything in their power to deny women their Constitutional right to privacy. Instead "dealing honestly" means acknowledging that not everyone agrees that "life begins at conception" and for those that don't they should be allowed to exercise their rights as they deem fit without being vilified.

And what of the people who believe that a child isn't human until he's survived living one month. Why should society impose the artificial construct of life beginning at the moment the child is independent of the mother? Obama supported live birth abortions. Your position removes societal values from the question of "who qualifies as a human being."
Just realize not all of us see voting as the proper way to reform the country.

Ah...the "there's gonna be an armed revolt and Sarah Palin will be declared President" faction. I love you guys!

Of the four people on the tickets that year, she had the most experience, she had the best governing record, and we'd very likely be in a far better place today if she had been on the top of the ticket and had women the election.
Of the four people on the tickets that year, she had the most experience, she had the best governing record, and we'd very likely be in a far better place today if she had been on the top of the ticket and had women the election.

I don't care if there were 3 dead monkeys as the other candidates, no woman should EVER be involved in politics in any way at any level. Period.
And we've heard from Republicans on this thread that women should not be extended the vote as is their right.

When you exercise your right to vote to enslave me and steal the fruits of my labor so that it can be used to support you and thus free you up to go to marches where you chant about how you're an independent woman, then no, using your vote to enslave others to support you is an illegitimate use of the vote.

If you want to be independent, then be independent, don't marry the government. Stand on your own feet.
So, in your vision of Democracy, any vote you do not agree with is illegitimate?

Were you raised in America? Because that attitude runs counter to our way of life.

If all the men in America united and voted on the issue of "every women must submit to have sex with you if you ask her to" and they won this in a majority vote, would the fact that women disagreed with the very question and opposed the outcome make the vote illegitimate? We're a Constitutional Republic - the ground rules laid down when we began this nation never included me being made a slave by the power of your vote and thus having to work to help support you. Damn straight, you using your vote to enslave others in order to benefit yourself is an illegitimate exercise of the vote.
She's a feminist fascist. And pretty stupid, too. No one is denying her birth control. She wants to make others pay for it. She's a nazi.
do you ever think before you post??? in Colorado we have a republican running for the senate ... he has tried to pass laws to make it illegal to use birth cointrol ... he has tried to pass laws in the house saying if you are raped you can't get and abortion.... or use pills that will keep you from losing that baby after you were raped ... as for costing you more money ... are you say by you paying .01 cents in your health care plan will cost you more ... are you trying to tell us a woman going through having a baby is going to cost you less money then having a pill that prevenst you haveing a baby is better ???? ALL I CAN SAY IS YOU'RE A DUMB FUCK!!!!
You are dealing with religious absolutes that don't allow for compromise. Religious absolutes are not allowed to dictate government policy. The compromise is to follow your own conscience as far as what you can control which is yourself. You have no right to impose your religious absolutes on others who don't share your religious beliefs. That is how the Constitution works. If you don't like it change the Constitution. Until then you have an obligation to obey the Law of the Land and allow others to exercise their rights as they see fit. Anything else is dishonesty and unAmerican.

And yet we have the Religion of Liberalism which does impose it's religious absolutes on those who don't share the religious beliefs of liberals. Christianity, Liberalism, Islam, Environmentalism - all religions.
Yeah..that's what we want...a woman that "ACTS LIKE A MAN!!!!".
Why is it that some people think an independent, brave, assertive woman is "acting like a man"?

Because they are threatened by women who are not subservient to them. Real men are not not threatened by independent, brave, assertive women.

That's right, they're not threatened, they just ignore these man-women and find companionship and romance with more feminine women.

There's a new study in press right now which examined the manliness of feminists and found that they were indeed more manly and they hypothesized that this might explain the disconnect between feminists and the majority of women who abhor being called feminists.
NaziCons are amazing. They do all that crazy Taliban anti-women shit and then deny it's true.

I've always found it to be ironic to the extreme that the men who would relegate women to second class citizenship are the ones who frequently and unabashedly praise Sarah Palin. I wonder what she thinks about that, assuming she does any thinking at all, that is.

Did you ever consider that it's not ironic at all and your talking points are just plain wrong?

No, because it reminds me of the skit on Comedy Central where Dave Chappelle was a member of the KKK. Of course, his fellow klansmen didn't know he was Black as long as he kept the hood on whereas men like James Dobson and Tony Perkins are well aware that Palin is a woman.

It still doesn't answer the question if Palin is or is not aware of the irony.

I would argue that the fact that so many women are in fact conservative proves that there is no conservative war on women.

I would further ask why Lakhota and others aren't starting threads about the Islamic war on women, because if anyone hates women, it's the fundamental Muslims.
Maybe it should be on the Middle East board or someplace like that.

The contraception thing is just a loser for us. Anyone who has insurance is paying for unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. And really Obama may have lost Hobby Lobby simply because the insurance companies said that they were gonna provide everything on the govt list for free, regardless of Hobby Lobby, because it was cheaper than pregnancies. LOL

I understand we want to be the party of family values and all, but this is simply silly. Stick to parital birth abortion and stuff that make sense being against.

I agree. It's refreshing to hear from a sensible rightie.

Ben is a rightie now?
It was all that democrat stuff enabling them to have recreational sex without negative consequences.

So the only thing women care about is having inconsequential sex?

Who's being sexist here?

What's more telling is all this progressive crap has really done is allow MEN to have recreational sex without negative consequences.
Hey, blame me for the fcking poll, gandolf.
It was all that democrat stuff enabling them to have recreational sex without negative consequences.

So the only thing women care about is having inconsequential sex?

Who's being sexist here?

What's more telling is all this progressive crap has really done is allow MEN to have recreational sex without negative consequences.
Apparently this is the lib narrative.
Their view of women is that females are simple creatures with that politically single issue minded.
That women do not have any control over their hormones and are interested in matters of biology.
Actually, it was a goper who brought up the recreational sex angle.

And it is progressives that let men fuck around without consequences.


Senator Vitter and Governor Sanford were "progressives"?

Rep Anthony Weiner was a "conservative"?

This is more about the consequences of an unfettered safety net allowing young men to abandon the women they knock up, then the dalliances of politicians.

By consequences I mean generational poverty, and crime ridden inner cities, not the end of ones political career.

Nothing is going to stop recreational sex.

But access to affordable contraception via the ACA will reduce the incidence of pregnancies.

A reduction in the number of pregnancies will reduce generational poverty.

No wonder the GOP is opposed to Obamacare. They won't be able to use single mothers as an excuse to drive their sheeple to vote Republican any longer. Yet another nail in the coffin of the extreme right.

Republicans oppose abortion....yet they try to block access to birth control
They want a young woman to "choose life"....but they block programs that provide prenatal care, childcare services and job protections for pregnant women

Republicans are not blocking access to birth control, we simply don't want to be paying for your birth control.
Of the four people on the tickets that year, she had the most experience, she had the best governing record, and we'd very likely be in a far better place today if she had been on the top of the ticket and had women the election.

I don't care if there were 3 dead monkeys as the other candidates, no woman should EVER be involved in politics in any way at any level. Period.
Kindergarten girls beat you up and took your lunch money.....when you were in HS.....didn't they?
And the Pope chimes in....just stop having sex

You are partially correct. Most birth control is used by married women. They do not want to have five or six children like their mothers or grandmothers had. Not having to bear children for twenty years out of your life was liberating to women. It allowed them to enter the workforce. It gave them economic power

What a novel concept. If you can't afford a family don't do activity that will create one.

Which you conveniently ignored.

Fucking is fun. It is what humans have done for hundreds of thousands of years

Saying "Don't fuck" is not an access to birth control is

Raiding parties are fun, raping the women of the conquered is fun, stealing all the booty is fun - humans have been doing that for hundreds of thousands of years.

Some hints to Republicans in reaching women

1. Women who use birth control are not sluts
2. Birth control is a good thing for women and our society
3. Women in the workforce want a level playing field
4. A woman who is raped (legitimately or otherwise) wants access to abortion

Again, you are arguing with the voices in your head. No republican OR conservative promotes your list in any form.

Now you stupid fuck. Show Me where anyone has denied a woman access to birth control.

OK lets go there with Republican/Conservative values regarding birth control

1. Block sex education
2. Attempt to ban Planned Parenthood
3. Allow employers to decide what birth control their employees can use
4. File a lawsuit against Obamacares requiring insurers to cover birth control
5. Complain about insurance companies that offer free birth control

You're a fucking idiot.
Oh, and, it's not 'religious right extremism' at work here.

More like mainstream American Christianity at work here.

Most sects and branches of Christendom perceive that Abortion is equivalent to Infanticide.

Playing fast and loose with the facts again?

Induced Abortion in the United States
Thirty-seven percent of women obtaining abortions identify as Protestant and 28% identify as Catholic.[3]

37 + 28 = 65% of all women obtaining abortions self identify as Christians.
But that's within a narrow confines of those who obtain an Abortion.

Broaden the domain to the population at-large and the numbers begin to look different, don't they?

The challenge is not to discover the percentage of Christians amongst those obtaining an abortion.

The challenge is to discover the percentage of Christians within the general population who view Abortion as Evil and Wrong.

Actually they don't look different!

Christianity Today Politics Poll Americans Ambivalent on Abortion


Across the board a Majority consider abortion both morally acceptable and that it should remain legal.

Most Americans said that “pro-choice” described them somewhat or very well (70 percent).

You're not very smart, are you?
Oh, and, it's not 'religious right extremism' at work here.

More like mainstream American Christianity at work here.

Most sects and branches of Christendom perceive that Abortion is equivalent to Infanticide.

Playing fast and loose with the facts again?

Induced Abortion in the United States
Thirty-seven percent of women obtaining abortions identify as Protestant and 28% identify as Catholic.[3]

37 + 28 = 65% of all women obtaining abortions self identify as Christians.
But that's within a narrow confines of those who obtain an Abortion.

Broaden the domain to the population at-large and the numbers begin to look different, don't they?

The challenge is not to discover the percentage of Christians amongst those obtaining an abortion.

The challenge is to discover the percentage of Christians within the general population who view Abortion as Evil and Wrong.

Actually they don't look different!

Christianity Today Politics Poll Americans Ambivalent on Abortion


Across the board a Majority consider abortion both morally acceptable and that it should remain legal.

Most Americans said that “pro-choice” described them somewhat or very well (70 percent).

You're not very smart, are you?


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