GOP pounces after news of CIA cable on Libya raid

Stop trying to make this into a fucking issue, this is the most fucking retarded argument ever, right wingers are fucking hacks, name 1 president who didn't have something bad happen on their watch.

had this been bush youd be demanding him impeached,
Stop trying to make this into a fucking issue, this is the most fucking retarded argument ever, right wingers are fucking hacks, name 1 president who didn't have something bad happen on their watch.

Whelp, that's it then. Back to the important arguments like binder-gate, Big Bird-gate and the mythical war on women.

Could have know? I think it's pretty clear the did know, and they didn't then they are Incompetent Buffoons. It's absolutely clear they knew, and attempted to muddy the waters as to what really happened and why.

The State De[partment was on the phone with the victims as the attack was going on. Of course they knew. They knew in real time.
They tried the airdrop the missionary Tagg Romney in there to 'take a swing' at the attackers but alas, he was unavailable. Kind of like Mitt for the View.
Stop trying to make this into a fucking issue, this is the most fucking retarded argument ever, right wingers are fucking hacks, name 1 president who didn't have something bad happen on their watch.

Desperation is beginning to take over their brains...
Stop trying to make this into a fucking issue, this is the most fucking retarded argument ever, right wingers are fucking hacks, name 1 president who didn't have something bad happen on their watch.

Its about a cover up numbnut.

Numbnut is way to kind. That SoB wouldn't recognize an issue is if it grabbed him by his nuts, if he in fact has any nuts. What a fucktard.
GOP pounces after news of CIA cable on Libya raid | General Headlines | Comcast

Sensing a moment of political vulnerability on national security, Republicans pounced Friday on disclosures that President Barack Obama's administration could have known early on that militants, not angry protesters, launched the attack on U.S. diplomats in Libya.

Within 24 hours of the deadly attack, the CIA station chief in Libya reported to Washington that there were eyewitness reports that the attack was carried out by militants, officials told The Associated Press. But for days, the Obama administration blamed it on an out-of-control demonstration over an American-made video ridiculing Islam's Prophet Muhammad.

Paul Ryan, the Republican vice presidential nominee, led Friday's charge.

"Look around the world, turn on your TV," Ryan said in an interview with WTAQ radio in the election battleground state of Wisconsin. "And what we see in front of us is the absolute unraveling of the Obama administration's foreign policy."

Americans want to give this loser four more years, sad, very sad indeed....

Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton ought to make a few heads roll over at State.

Romney would definitely know how to handle this. You know he 'served' in a mission during the Vietnam era? He doesn't like to boost.
Took a week for the CIA to figure out there was no protest- eyewitnesses were wrong. Pub are lying a-holes, dupes are twits.
Romney would definitely know how to handle this. You know he 'served' in a mission during the Vietnam era? He doesn't like to boost.

Unlike this guy, who spent five or six years pulling every string except an ESCAPE to Canada...

Clinton's Draft Evasion

from DU

I read this in a forum. That Romney could possibly be the only American Family with 5 generations of no military service ( of families that have been in America for 5 gens). I guess it's true if counted this way: Mitts Granpa - no, Mitt's father - no, Mitt - no, his five sons - no. That's 4 generations. The Mitts great grandfather didn't serve either.

Mitt finally returned to his homeland and promptly received another student deferment for 2 more years by enrolling at BYU. Romney's (non) military record faces new scrutiny | The Columbus Dispatch. Interestingly enough, avoiding military service seems to be a Romney family trait. Mitt’s grandfather avoided serving in WWI by going to Mexico to fight for his right to marry as many women as he wanted. Then, during the Mexican Revolution, the Romneys avoided that conflict by moving back to the U.S.

Mitt’s father George, served the country during WWII by being a lobbyist for the auto making industry. George W. Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. And, during the Iraq war, which Mitt supported, none of Mitt’s 5 fightin’-age sons served. Quite a record.
GOP pounces after news of CIA cable on Libya raid | General Headlines | Comcast

Sensing a moment of political vulnerability on national security, Republicans pounced Friday on disclosures that President Barack Obama's administration could have known early on that militants, not angry protesters, launched the attack on U.S. diplomats in Libya.

Within 24 hours of the deadly attack, the CIA station chief in Libya reported to Washington that there were eyewitness reports that the attack was carried out by militants, officials told The Associated Press. But for days, the Obama administration blamed it on an out-of-control demonstration over an American-made video ridiculing Islam's Prophet Muhammad.

Paul Ryan, the Republican vice presidential nominee, led Friday's charge.

"Look around the world, turn on your TV," Ryan said in an interview with WTAQ radio in the election battleground state of Wisconsin. "And what we see in front of us is the absolute unraveling of the Obama administration's foreign policy."

Americans want to give this loser four more years, sad, very sad indeed....

Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton ought to make a few heads roll over at State.


That inept bitch should have her head rolled.

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