GOP prepares comeback: ‘We can’t come off as a bunch of angry white men’

The GOP has a huge problem that doesn't lend itself to an easy solution. They NEED to attract new members. Yet potential new members are turned off by their extremism and their angry my-way-or-the-highway attitude. So, how DO you attract new members when the conservative base is busy chasing so-called RINOs OUT of the party and the conservative base is threatening to leave and start a 3rd party if there's any moderation of GOP 'principles' which don't lend itself to compromise?


My best guess is that it's going to take a few high-profile party leaders (Who? I don't know) to publicly and clearly disavow the Norquists and Limbaughs and Pauls and the rest of the absolutists. Surely it will come at the expense of being "primaried", it may cost them their cushy gubmit job, so I don't know who has the balls.

The crazies have to be marginalized, somehow. Not eliminated, just marginalized. They make the party an easy target, and they just don't/won't see it.


I assume you are also addressing the crazy far left whack jobs as well. The far left extremists have take hold of the dem party and obama is more than a willing accomplice. The liberals always push this meme of "conservatives are so extreme and nutty"....well, those of us who are not blinded by hatred who can see beyond the rhetoric of the far left can see what the liberals can't. Call them conservatives, call them independents, call them liberterians, call them repubs.....but we can see where the liberals will fail, and they will fail BIG TIME. The US is center-right and the more the liberals push, the sooner the public will denounce liberal causes. So, keep going you crazy libs....the conservatives can't wait to get rid of you!!

I'm seeing many attempts at diversion on this thread about the GOP, and that's part of the problem. Pointing the finger at the other guys and saying, "yeah, but they're even WORSE" doesn't work when your own side is so busy shooting itself in the foot.

I'll say it for the 50th time (not that it will matter) and I'll say it as clearly as possible: The Republicans are looking like "the stupid party" right now, the Dems are looking like the sensible party. Why? Because, driven by their hardcore absolutists, the GOP is quite willingly playing right into their own worst stereotypes, allowing the Dems and the media to paint them as neanderthals. There are people within the party who see this and are trying to mitigate the damage, but so far they're not having much luck. Jindal has made himself a target now.

Are the Dems capable of the same kind of self-destructive behavior? Hell yes, and that may be next on the menu. But right now, at this moment in history, the GOP is looking foolish. And there are still too many in the party who don't/won't see it, even though there are many in the party who are trying (fruitlessly) to point it out.

Divert all you want. The GOP has a real problem right now, they lost House seats, Senate seats and the White House to a historically vulnerable party, and 2014 is right around the corner. If the party doesn't manage to crawl out of the little world it has created for itself, they'll be handing the Democrats too much godddamn power, and I for one sure as hell don't want that.

Deny it all you want. Divert all you want. The clock is ticking.

[ame=]Republicans Cheer Texas Death Penalty at GOP Debate - YouTube[/ame]

the republicans do this shit and then blame the media for them being seen cheering death.

Look this is NOT the medias fault

My best guess is that it's going to take a few high-profile party leaders (Who? I don't know) to publicly and clearly disavow the Norquists and Limbaughs and Pauls and the rest of the absolutists. Surely it will come at the expense of being "primaried", it may cost them their cushy gubmit job, so I don't know who has the balls.

The crazies have to be marginalized, somehow. Not eliminated, just marginalized. They make the party an easy target, and they just don't/won't see it.


I assume you are also addressing the crazy far left whack jobs as well. The far left extremists have take hold of the dem party and obama is more than a willing accomplice. The liberals always push this meme of "conservatives are so extreme and nutty"....well, those of us who are not blinded by hatred who can see beyond the rhetoric of the far left can see what the liberals can't. Call them conservatives, call them independents, call them liberterians, call them repubs.....but we can see where the liberals will fail, and they will fail BIG TIME. The US is center-right and the more the liberals push, the sooner the public will denounce liberal causes. So, keep going you crazy libs....the conservatives can't wait to get rid of you!!

I'm seeing many attempts at diversion on this thread about the GOP, and that's part of the problem. Pointing the finger at the other guys and saying, "yeah, but they're even WORSE" doesn't work when your own side is so busy shooting itself in the foot.

I'll say it for the 50th time (not that it will matter) and I'll say it as clearly as possible: The Republicans are looking like "the stupid party" right now, the Dems are looking like the sensible party. Why? Because, driven by their hardcore absolutists, the GOP is quite willingly playing right into their own worst stereotypes, allowing the Dems and the media to paint them as neanderthals. There are people within the party who see this and are trying to mitigate the damage, but so far they're not having much luck. Jindal has made himself a target now.

Are the Dems capable of the same kind of self-destructive behavior? Hell yes, and that may be next on the menu. But right now, at this moment in history, the GOP is looking foolish. And there are still too many in the party who don't/won't see it, even though there are many in the party who are trying (fruitlessly) to point it out.

Divert all you want. The GOP has a real problem right now, they lost House seats, Senate seats and the White House to a historically vulnerable party, and 2014 is right around the corner. If the party doesn't manage to crawl out of the little world it has created for itself, they'll be handing the Democrats too much godddamn power, and I for one sure as hell don't want that.

Deny it all you want. Divert all you want. The clock is ticking.


preach it brother
good grief YAWN
I assume you are also addressing the crazy far left whack jobs as well. The far left extremists have take hold of the dem party and obama is more than a willing accomplice. The liberals always push this meme of "conservatives are so extreme and nutty"....well, those of us who are not blinded by hatred who can see beyond the rhetoric of the far left can see what the liberals can't. Call them conservatives, call them independents, call them liberterians, call them repubs.....but we can see where the liberals will fail, and they will fail BIG TIME. The US is center-right and the more the liberals push, the sooner the public will denounce liberal causes. So, keep going you crazy libs....the conservatives can't wait to get rid of you!!

I'm seeing many attempts at diversion on this thread about the GOP, and that's part of the problem. Pointing the finger at the other guys and saying, "yeah, but they're even WORSE" doesn't work when your own side is so busy shooting itself in the foot.

I'll say it for the 50th time (not that it will matter) and I'll say it as clearly as possible: The Republicans are looking like "the stupid party" right now, the Dems are looking like the sensible party. Why? Because, driven by their hardcore absolutists, the GOP is quite willingly playing right into their own worst stereotypes, allowing the Dems and the media to paint them as neanderthals. There are people within the party who see this and are trying to mitigate the damage, but so far they're not having much luck. Jindal has made himself a target now.

Are the Dems capable of the same kind of self-destructive behavior? Hell yes, and that may be next on the menu. But right now, at this moment in history, the GOP is looking foolish. And there are still too many in the party who don't/won't see it, even though there are many in the party who are trying (fruitlessly) to point it out.

Divert all you want. The GOP has a real problem right now, they lost House seats, Senate seats and the White House to a historically vulnerable party, and 2014 is right around the corner. If the party doesn't manage to crawl out of the little world it has created for itself, they'll be handing the Democrats too much godddamn power, and I for one sure as hell don't want that.

Deny it all you want. Divert all you want. The clock is ticking.


preach it brother
good grief YAWN

Stephanie, I notice that, once again, you have nothing to offer but simplistic snark. I made a fairly clear and comprehensive point, and you (once again) offered nothing, nothing in return.

With respect, and I don't do this often, I've finally reached the conclusion that you simply don't have the intellectual capacity to engage in mature, civil, intelligent discourse. You have provided more than enough examples to this point. It's like having a political discussion with other adults at the dinner table, and a teenager sits down and starts spouting tedious platitudes.

Please play your little games with someone else, thanks.

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I'm seeing many attempts at diversion on this thread about the GOP, and that's part of the problem. Pointing the finger at the other guys and saying, "yeah, but they're even WORSE" doesn't work when your own side is so busy shooting itself in the foot.

I'll say it for the 50th time (not that it will matter) and I'll say it as clearly as possible: The Republicans are looking like "the stupid party" right now, the Dems are looking like the sensible party. Why? Because, driven by their hardcore absolutists, the GOP is quite willingly playing right into their own worst stereotypes, allowing the Dems and the media to paint them as neanderthals. There are people within the party who see this and are trying to mitigate the damage, but so far they're not having much luck. Jindal has made himself a target now.

Are the Dems capable of the same kind of self-destructive behavior? Hell yes, and that may be next on the menu. But right now, at this moment in history, the GOP is looking foolish. And there are still too many in the party who don't/won't see it, even though there are many in the party who are trying (fruitlessly) to point it out.

Divert all you want. The GOP has a real problem right now, they lost House seats, Senate seats and the White House to a historically vulnerable party, and 2014 is right around the corner. If the party doesn't manage to crawl out of the little world it has created for itself, they'll be handing the Democrats too much godddamn power, and I for one sure as hell don't want that.

Deny it all you want. Divert all you want. The clock is ticking.


preach it brother
good grief YAWN

Stephanie, I notice that, once again, you have nothing to offer but simplistic snark. I made a fairly clear and comprehensive point, and you (once again) offered nothing, nothing in return.

With respect, and I don't do this often, I've finally reached the conclusion that you simply don't have the intellectual capacity to engage in mature, civil, intelligent discourse. You have provided more than enough examples to this point.

Please play your little games with someone else, thanks.


LOL, stop preaching and worry about your party
When you weed out the loons in the Democrat party then we can take any of you seriously
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that is all the republican base can muster.

they have NO ideas and no compassion.

they believe lies so they dont have to think.

ALL the republican party needs to do to fix itself is to START accepting facts again.

the facts would guide them to the right place.

THEY cant tolerate facts
that is all the republican base can muster.

they have NO ideas and no compassion.

they believe lies so they dont have to think.

ALL the republican party needs to do to fix itself is to START accepting facts again.

the facts would guide them to the right place.

THEY cant tolerate facts

Steph wont make the cut

she is just too humping stupid to be able to decern a fact from the propaganda she laps daily

Some people from both parties can offer interesting and mature conversation.

Some cannot.

Republicans Cheer Texas Death Penalty at GOP Debate - YouTube

the republicans do this shit and then blame the media for them being seen cheering death.

Look this is NOT the medias fault

The GObP/R have done this to themselves but they will never take responsibility for themselves.


Fascinating to watch...

Liberals are telling them this.

Moderates are telling them this.

Independents are telling them this.

And now people in their own party are telling them this.

And many are still refusing to see it.


As you point out there is stupidity in every political persuation. Not until the MSM becomes honest will truth win out.

Think about it. As much of a right as Romney had for the things said about him can you really say he was an angry white guy? How about McCain? Certainly no one with any kind of cognazant abiltiy can be happy with what is going on in this country but to dismise them just as angry white men is BS, I don't care who is doing it.

I don't disagree. But here's what so many in the GOP aren't getting: There's too many in the party (Akin, et al, not to mention the Limbaughs of the world) who are just too willing to play directly into the hands of the Dems and the press by saying things that paint them this way. Then all the Dems and the press have to do is point at what these guys said.

Slut? Legitimate rape? These guys gave the Dems the gift of all gifts in 2012: They allowed the Democrats to take people's minds off the economy and paint them as whacked-out neanderthals. It was stunning to watch. And it does not appear to be stopping.

Like it or not, politics is about image. The GOP has allowed itself to lose sight of that, and now they're paying the price. How much longer are they going to keep this up?


Your post is the tacit admission that the press is in the tank for Obama. They provide the teflon coating to prevent Obama from burning, which he deserves far more than any witch ever did in Salem.

For every Republican like Akin there is a Democrat idiot like Howard Dean.

For Every Limbaugh, there is a reptile Democrat like Lawrence O'Donnell. Not the same size of audience, but supplemented and more than offset by his fellow slimy and slippery lizards, like Ed Schultz, Rahel Maddow, Chris Matthews, David Gregory, Brian Wilson, Katie Couric, Martin Bashir, Eugine Robinson, Al Sharpton, Charlie Rangel, Harry Reid, etc. etc.

SLUT was the word Ed Shultz used to describe Laura Ingraham, which was not deserved, but calling a cheap freeloader who claims not to be able afford $9.00 a month, was.

True, Akin said something stupid, but condemning the entire party for the stupid words of one is even more stupid.
Who are being asked to make a 180 degree turn from ALL the principles that have BUILT THIS Country!
When you want change such as being demanded of ANGRY WHITE MEN.. who is going to pay for the change?
ANGRY white men don't want there to be MORE LAWS but more LAW ABIDING people!
We angry white men SEE those people that want change as replacing something that has constructed our country, provided great advantages with CHANGES that will be BAD!

For example... ANGRY WHITE MEN don't want to see a cop on every corner. Do progressives want that? WHY? Is it because non-angry white people CAN'T be responsible?
ANGRY WHITE MEN for the most part ABIDE by laws... NON-white ANGRY people don't care.. they have NOTHING to lose.

NO what the GOP needs to do is wage war on the MSM!!!
Explain how 85% of the MSM FAVORS the news towards Democrats/Obama. How 85% gave millions to the Democrats... and 15% of journalists to GOP!

GOP needs to everytime a MSM hack interviews MUST HAVE facts like these:
Obama was FAVORED in the MSM and ROMNEY was portrayed as the bad guy!
OBAMA was chosen by the MSM not because he was qualified but because he was half black!

GOP needs to point out the MSM sees Obama as Evan Thomas editor of NewsWeek sees Obama "sort of a god"... or Mathews getting a tingle and crying over an Obama speech!
The public needs to know that the MSM hates GOP... LOVES and "SWOONS" over Obama!

ONCE GOP constantly every time they have a MSM hack tell the hack these FACTS and then see if the HACK writes about the FACTS!!!

Another blind partisan who doesn’t get it.

You need to examine what being ‘white’ has to do with being ‘angry,’ and whether or not it’s justified.

Who are being asked to make a 180 degree turn from ALL the principles that have BUILT THIS Country!

Actually the opposite – you’re being asked to return to the principles that built this country.

Currently you and others on the right are advocating principles offensive to the Constitution, that can only work to tear down America, by denying equal protection and due process rights to Americans you fear, or perceive as ‘different.’

I don't see most "WHITE ANGRY MEN" in favor of denying equal protection and due process to 1.3 million Americans each year as people like you favor!!!

When you work to deny Americans access to their state’s marriage laws because you object to their sexual orientation or perceive them as 'immoral,' you violate their equal protection and due process rights.

The 14th Amendment enshrines the most fundamental principles vital to our Republic: the rule of law.
As you point out there is stupidity in every political persuation. Not until the MSM becomes honest will truth win out.

Think about it. As much of a right as Romney had for the things said about him can you really say he was an angry white guy? How about McCain? Certainly no one with any kind of cognazant abiltiy can be happy with what is going on in this country but to dismise them just as angry white men is BS, I don't care who is doing it.

I don't disagree. But here's what so many in the GOP aren't getting: There's too many in the party (Akin, et al, not to mention the Limbaughs of the world) who are just too willing to play directly into the hands of the Dems and the press by saying things that paint them this way. Then all the Dems and the press have to do is point at what these guys said.

Slut? Legitimate rape? These guys gave the Dems the gift of all gifts in 2012: They allowed the Democrats to take people's minds off the economy and paint them as whacked-out neanderthals. It was stunning to watch. And it does not appear to be stopping.

Like it or not, politics is about image. The GOP has allowed itself to lose sight of that, and now they're paying the price. How much longer are they going to keep this up?


Your post is the tacit admission that the press is in the tank for Obama. They provide the teflon coating to prevent Obama from burning, which he deserves far more than any witch ever did in Salem.

For every Republican like Akin there is a Democrat idiot like Howard Dean.

For Every Limbaugh, there is a reptile Democrat like Lawrence O'Donnell. Not the same size of audience, but supplemented and more than offset by his fellow slimy and slippery lizards, like Ed Schultz, Rahel Maddow, Chris Matthews, David Gregory, Brian Wilson, Katie Couric, Martin Bashir, Eugine Robinson, Al Sharpton, Charlie Rangel, Harry Reid, etc. etc.

SLUT was the word Ed Shultz used to describe Laura Ingraham, which was not deserved, but calling a cheap freeloader who claims not to be able afford $9.00 a month, was.

True, Akin said something stupid, but condemning the entire party for the stupid words of one is even more stupid.

Of course the press is in the tank for Obama, I know its agenda.

But, try as I might, I can't get righties to see or understand how they and their candidates continually say things that play right into their own worst stereotypes, allowing the press and the Democrats to shine the light on them, to paint easy caricatures of them.

Of course Dems say dumb things as well, but they don't paint the Dems as essentially hating people whose votes they need. Goddamn, I don't know how else to put this. While the demographics are beginning to work against them, the Republicans look like they flat-out dislike those very people.

For once, forget about the Dems. Why can't the GOP concentrate on fixing its own lousy image? Take personal responsibility for fixing your own problems.

While there have been some isolated incidents of repubs saying incredibly stupid things, the real problem is that the dem party has been successful in labeling the repubs as racist...among other things. Dems have done the same thing, and worse. The liberals have much to gain if they continue to be successful in convincing people that repubs are angry white racists, much of which they know is not at all accurate, but it helps their political cause. If the GOP wastes all their time back-peddling and recanting and making public statements about needing to improve their brand so as to pimp more voters, the worse they look. The real problem is the establishment repubs....they control the party and don't give a fuck about anything except getting re-elected. Same with the establishment dems.....they don't give a fuck about anything except for the next election and trying to destroy anyone who challenges their agenda. Moderate repubs/dems are non-existent. They are forced to align with the crazy extremists of their party...if they don't, they get no funding for elections; if they do they look like retarded three year-olds on crack. If there truly is a moderate candidate, he/she needs to make themselves known.....NOW. But the liberals have no interest in a moderate candidate; they only say they are.

That’s where you went off the track, and everyone stopped reading.

And with good reason.

This is about the GOP, not the democrats. Blaming democrats or trying to deflect by focusing on democratic deficiencies isn’t going to fix what’s wrong with the GOP.

What is your solution to fix your party?

Well, apparently, not everyone stopped reading. Just you. This IS about the dems. Just because you have this personal vendetta agaist conservatives doesn't mean that everybody agrees with you. I agree that there are things the GOP needs to fix.....but the dems will lose people if they continue to fixate on extreme liberal causes, and then they will realize they screwed up. Don't forget......just because only 48% people voted against obama, there were millions more that didn't vote but were against obama just the same. If the liberals piss off those people, the conservatives will come roaring back with a vengence...and the libs will sorely regret being such assholes about it all.

As long as you and others on the right continue to attempt to deflect the issue to democrats, you’ll make no progress toward addressing the many problems the GOP faces, and the Party will continue to move closer to being irrelevant.
My first thought when I read that was headline was something to the effect of: "But that's what you ARE."

But I decided to reserve judgment until I had read the news article in its entirety (something I strongly suggest conservatives should try to do, at least once).

And what I came away with after reading the article is the feeling that the GOP wants to burnish its image. They truly want to change the public perception of who they are and what they believe. BUT, the don't REALLY want to change who they are and what they believe.

The excerpts in the following article were drawn from different parts of the article. So, if you want to get the full flavor of the article (and the comments made by many of the attendees at the GOP meeting), you should read the entire article.

As a final note, I wonder how all those angry white males in the GOP will react if and when a kinder and gentler GOP message is rolled out when they've become accustomed to the red meat they've been offered for so long.

While there have been some isolated incidents of repubs saying incredibly stupid things, the real problem is that the dem party has been successful in labeling the repubs as racist...among other things. Dems have done the same thing, and worse. The liberals have much to gain if they continue to be successful in convincing people that repubs are angry white racists, much of which they know is not at all accurate, but it helps their political cause. If the GOP wastes all their time back-peddling and recanting and making public statements about needing to improve their brand so as to pimp more voters, the worse they look. The real problem is the establishment repubs....they control the party and don't give a fuck about anything except getting re-elected. Same with the establishment dems.....they don't give a fuck about anything except for the next election and trying to destroy anyone who challenges their agenda. Moderate repubs/dems are non-existent. They are forced to align with the crazy extremists of their party...if they don't, they get no funding for elections; if they do they look like retarded three year-olds on crack. If there truly is a moderate candidate, he/she needs to make themselves known.....NOW. But the liberals have no interest in a moderate candidate; they only say they are.

That’s where you went off the track, and everyone stopped reading.

And with good reason.

This is about the GOP, not the democrats. Blaming democrats or trying to deflect by focusing on democratic deficiencies isn’t going to fix what’s wrong with the GOP.

What is your solution to fix your party?

So, pointing out gross hypocrisy is wrong?

Gloat while you may, because four years from now, and before that, two years from now, the same questions will be asked of the Democratic Party.

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