GOP Pushes for Government Shutdown, This Time Over Immigration

The Left talked about Ted Cruz wanting to shut down the Government 2 weeks prior to the shutdown. The Right pointed fingers for over a month over who shut down the Government. They had a "we didn't do it" even though EVERYONE knew they did it.

It wouldn't surprise me to see them do it again.
5:30+ was awesome but I have to go to bed. I missed the "Shut down the Government" part because I had to cut it short.

I love information and I've heard Rachel was good. I may have to start recording her to balance out the Sean Hannity ignorance I hear everyday.
The Left talked about Ted Cruz wanting to shut down the Government 2 weeks prior to the shutdown. The Right pointed fingers for over a month over who shut down the Government. They had a "we didn't do it" even though EVERYONE knew they did it.

It wouldn't surprise me to see them do it again.

More horseshit. The president PICKED AND CHOSE what was to be shut down, and what wasn't. He simply shut down the things that would effect the most people, and the feckless Republican leadership, who has NO BALLS, refused to back up Cruz, and caved to the Manchurian muslim, with their lapdog media doing the PR work for him.... UNBELIEVEABLE how utterly stupid you are when it comes to watching politics, instead of the MSM!
Rachel Maddcow is shit stirring progressive pos

thank gawd not many people watch that station
5:30+ was awesome but I have to go to bed. I missed the "Shut down the Government" part because I had to cut it short.

I love information and I've heard Rachel was good. I may have to start recording her to balance out the Sean Hannity ignorance I hear everyday.
She's a liberal lesbian who looks like a man. If she was hot I could put in ear plugs but she's fucking horrific.
The government doesn't "shut down"...geezus h christ...young, naive, gullible partisans...

This happens every few years....and it has happened to almost every president in the past 50 years or so group of corrupt, obstructionist politicians refuses to allow another group of corrupt obstructionist politicians to further corrupt the process of american government...and they both point fingers at each other and call each other names...

After they live a few decades people will start to recognize the tactics. It's all been done before...but the young, naive and inexperienced always get the most worked up about it...
I hope they do it again although it cost our great nation dearly in GDP last time. then when '16 rolls around they'll be a PERMANENT minority vanilla party
I hope they do it again although it cost our great nation dearly in GDP last time.'re an economist, too?
go ahead and explain how it will "cost our great nation dearly..etc..blah..blah". ...making vague, empty claims and proclamations won't fly. Prove it

compare and contrast our quarterly GDP numbers each time the government has "shut down"..(and list the dates for each occasion)....point out how one caused the other and the reasons.

Compare and contrast our current GDP for this quarter with china, australia, india, colombia and saudi arabia...
Account for any differences and explain why they exist.


yeah...that's what I thought.
Shutting down the government = good.

It would excellent if we could shut Obama down with it.
The American people believe the GOP was most responsible for the shut down. GOP leadership has told Cruz and Lee and others that it won't happen this time, period.
There's no reason to shut down the gov. All agencies can be funded in separate bills, then they can load the DHS appropriations with stipulations to screw the mulatto messiahs amnesty. There are many ways to skin this cat without a general shutdown.

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