GOP Pushes for Government Shutdown, This Time Over Immigration

I appreciate healthy skepticism about every decision that our elected leaders make, but what seems to be happening to our friends on the right is that they're outraged about things that don't even exist.

The President's executive order on this matter follows a long trail of similar actions taken by both Democratic and Republican Presidents.

It appears that when you become President, there are certain matters that force you to the middle. Immigration is one of them. No matter what their previous positions, when faced with either a decision to drastically expand government in order to provide the resources to try to apprehend ALL undocumented immigrants, or to bring them in the fold so they can contribute revenue to the country and to put into use the skills they've learned in our colleges, Presidents decide the latter makes a ton of sense in terms of common sense, political capital with a block of voters, and good business sense for the country.

That's what President Reagan did and what Poppy Bush did, and it was the right thing to do.

On immigration, Presidents appear to be more ahead of the curve than their Congresses are.

It appears we're now going to watch congressional leaders in the Republican party trying to stave off their more extreme base. I don't know if Boehner and McConnell can do it. On the other hand, Mitch McConnell does strike me as a man who will bitch slap people like Ted Cruz if he has to. Maybe I'm wrong, but we'll see.

I think the chances of the GOP not getting its act together to pass a continuing resolution in a couple weeks are very high, but in the end, it'll pass because a couple dozen Republicans voted with Democrats to keep funding the government.

Yeah right. He can not make up which laws he want's followed, relaxed or ignored. We do not live under a Dictator. sorry to burst your bubble

You are correct. We live under a Congress that has the power..........why are you still focused on Obama? Small brain...
^ (Stephanie)That political newbie is like so many others that think everything will be ok when Obama is out of office. Newbies will be newbies.

They think Obama caused all of the debt and all of immigration and all of unnecessary war. All the while justifying costs, importation and unnecessary war if it helps their party. . .
GOP Pushes for Government Shutdown


The teleprompter has barely cooled from Obama's speech, and the liberals are so desperate they're already spewing lies about Republicans.

And they aren't even new lies, but just the same old tired, long-debunked ones.

Poor liberals are truly coming to the end of their rope.
I appreciate healthy skepticism about every decision that our elected leaders make, but what seems to be happening to our friends on the right is that they're outraged about things that don't even exist.

The President's executive order on this matter follows a long trail of similar actions taken by both Democratic and Republican Presidents.

It appears that when you become President, there are certain matters that force you to the middle. Immigration is one of them. No matter what their previous positions, when faced with either a decision to drastically expand government in order to provide the resources to try to apprehend ALL undocumented immigrants, or to bring them in the fold so they can contribute revenue to the country and to put into use the skills they've learned in our colleges, Presidents decide the latter makes a ton of sense in terms of common sense, political capital with a block of voters, and good business sense for the country.

That's what President Reagan did and what Poppy Bush did, and it was the right thing to do.

On immigration, Presidents appear to be more ahead of the curve than their Congresses are.

It appears we're now going to watch congressional leaders in the Republican party trying to stave off their more extreme base. I don't know if Boehner and McConnell can do it. On the other hand, Mitch McConnell does strike me as a man who will bitch slap people like Ted Cruz if he has to. Maybe I'm wrong, but we'll see.

I think the chances of the GOP not getting its act together to pass a continuing resolution in a couple weeks are very high, but in the end, it'll pass because a couple dozen Republicans voted with Democrats to keep funding the government.

When Bush had power over Congress they did the very same thing. "If we take a solid approach on Illegals many California fruit farms will go under and have grave consequences to America".

Illegal Immigration is the new Slavery. The right will try to point at something shiny so no one notices they won't attack it directly, just like last time.

Wrong on your Bush stance, however I noticed you very rarely question the far left, yet claim to be anti-party.

Yes Obama just made an EO to enslave 5 million people for cheap labor..

Yet you seem to not question anyone on the far left why they support a President that just enslaved 5 million people. You also might want to ask them why they want a "living wage" when they also support slavery of illegals for cheap labor..
GOP Pushes for Government Shutdown


The teleprompter has barely cooled from Obama's speech, and the liberals are so desperate they're already spewing lies about Republicans.

And they aren't even new lies, but just the same old tired, long-debunked ones.

Poor liberals are truly coming to the end of their rope.

^Your debate was so full of information! .........idiot.
I appreciate healthy skepticism about every decision that our elected leaders make, but what seems to be happening to our friends on the right is that they're outraged about things that don't even exist.

The President's executive order on this matter follows a long trail of similar actions taken by both Democratic and Republican Presidents.

It appears that when you become President, there are certain matters that force you to the middle. Immigration is one of them. No matter what their previous positions, when faced with either a decision to drastically expand government in order to provide the resources to try to apprehend ALL undocumented immigrants, or to bring them in the fold so they can contribute revenue to the country and to put into use the skills they've learned in our colleges, Presidents decide the latter makes a ton of sense in terms of common sense, political capital with a block of voters, and good business sense for the country.

That's what President Reagan did and what Poppy Bush did, and it was the right thing to do.

On immigration, Presidents appear to be more ahead of the curve than their Congresses are.

It appears we're now going to watch congressional leaders in the Republican party trying to stave off their more extreme base. I don't know if Boehner and McConnell can do it. On the other hand, Mitch McConnell does strike me as a man who will bitch slap people like Ted Cruz if he has to. Maybe I'm wrong, but we'll see.

I think the chances of the GOP not getting its act together to pass a continuing resolution in a couple weeks are very high, but in the end, it'll pass because a couple dozen Republicans voted with Democrats to keep funding the government.

When Bush had power over Congress they did the very same thing. "If we take a solid approach on Illegals many California fruit farms will go under and have grave consequences to America".

Illegal Immigration is the new Slavery. The right will try to point at something shiny so no one notices they won't attack it directly, just like last time.

Wrong on your Bush stance, however I noticed you very rarely question the far left, yet claim to be anti-party.

Yes Obama just made an EO to enslave 5 million people for cheap labor..

Yet you seem to not question anyone on the far left why they support a President that just enslaved 5 million people. You also might want to ask them why they want a "living wage" when they also support slavery of illegals for cheap labor..

You do understand the Left wants Immigration reform too.............Or are you one of the brainwashed idiots that isn't allowed to receive information from the Left.

Your follow was "Obama enslaved 5 million people" so I'll assume you are one of the small brains that doesn't know a thing about immigration and/or politics. You've proven it every post I've ever read that you have made. You have no clue of the basic principles of politics and we are discussing in depth politics. You have no reason to be here.
I appreciate healthy skepticism about every decision that our elected leaders make, but what seems to be happening to our friends on the right is that they're outraged about things that don't even exist.

The President's executive order on this matter follows a long trail of similar actions taken by both Democratic and Republican Presidents.

It appears that when you become President, there are certain matters that force you to the middle. Immigration is one of them. No matter what their previous positions, when faced with either a decision to drastically expand government in order to provide the resources to try to apprehend ALL undocumented immigrants, or to bring them in the fold so they can contribute revenue to the country and to put into use the skills they've learned in our colleges, Presidents decide the latter makes a ton of sense in terms of common sense, political capital with a block of voters, and good business sense for the country.

That's what President Reagan did and what Poppy Bush did, and it was the right thing to do.

On immigration, Presidents appear to be more ahead of the curve than their Congresses are.

It appears we're now going to watch congressional leaders in the Republican party trying to stave off their more extreme base. I don't know if Boehner and McConnell can do it. On the other hand, Mitch McConnell does strike me as a man who will bitch slap people like Ted Cruz if he has to. Maybe I'm wrong, but we'll see.

I think the chances of the GOP not getting its act together to pass a continuing resolution in a couple weeks are very high, but in the end, it'll pass because a couple dozen Republicans voted with Democrats to keep funding the government.

When Bush had power over Congress they did the very same thing. "If we take a solid approach on Illegals many California fruit farms will go under and have grave consequences to America".

Illegal Immigration is the new Slavery. The right will try to point at something shiny so no one notices they won't attack it directly, just like last time.

Wrong on your Bush stance, however I noticed you very rarely question the far left, yet claim to be anti-party.

Yes Obama just made an EO to enslave 5 million people for cheap labor..

Yet you seem to not question anyone on the far left why they support a President that just enslaved 5 million people. You also might want to ask them why they want a "living wage" when they also support slavery of illegals for cheap labor..

You do understand the Left wants Immigration reform too.............Or are you one of the brainwashed idiots that isn't allowed to receive information from the Left.

"You do understand the Left wants Immigration reform too"

Now you sound like a far left programmed drone..

Both parties want Immigration reform, one party (that you seem to be supporting) wants open borders that would be the far left, the (R)'s (which is what you seem to be against) want to close the border and enforce the laws on the books.

So you finally going to admit that you are now are in support of the far left and Obama doing away with the Constitution?
I appreciate healthy skepticism about every decision that our elected leaders make, but what seems to be happening to our friends on the right is that they're outraged about things that don't even exist.

The President's executive order on this matter follows a long trail of similar actions taken by both Democratic and Republican Presidents.

It appears that when you become President, there are certain matters that force you to the middle. Immigration is one of them. No matter what their previous positions, when faced with either a decision to drastically expand government in order to provide the resources to try to apprehend ALL undocumented immigrants, or to bring them in the fold so they can contribute revenue to the country and to put into use the skills they've learned in our colleges, Presidents decide the latter makes a ton of sense in terms of common sense, political capital with a block of voters, and good business sense for the country.

That's what President Reagan did and what Poppy Bush did, and it was the right thing to do.

On immigration, Presidents appear to be more ahead of the curve than their Congresses are.

It appears we're now going to watch congressional leaders in the Republican party trying to stave off their more extreme base. I don't know if Boehner and McConnell can do it. On the other hand, Mitch McConnell does strike me as a man who will bitch slap people like Ted Cruz if he has to. Maybe I'm wrong, but we'll see.

I think the chances of the GOP not getting its act together to pass a continuing resolution in a couple weeks are very high, but in the end, it'll pass because a couple dozen Republicans voted with Democrats to keep funding the government.

When Bush had power over Congress they did the very same thing. "If we take a solid approach on Illegals many California fruit farms will go under and have grave consequences to America".

Illegal Immigration is the new Slavery. The right will try to point at something shiny so no one notices they won't attack it directly, just like last time.

Wrong on your Bush stance, however I noticed you very rarely question the far left, yet claim to be anti-party.

Yes Obama just made an EO to enslave 5 million people for cheap labor..

Yet you seem to not question anyone on the far left why they support a President that just enslaved 5 million people. You also might want to ask them why they want a "living wage" when they also support slavery of illegals for cheap labor..

You do understand the Left wants Immigration reform too.............Or are you one of the brainwashed idiots that isn't allowed to receive information from the Left.

"You do understand the Left wants Immigration reform too"

Now you sound like a far left programmed drone..

Both parties want Immigration reform, one party (that you seem to be supporting) wants open borders that would be the far left, the (R)'s (which is what you seem to be against) want to close the border and enforce the laws on the books.

So you finally going to admit that you are now are in support of the far left and Obama doing away with the Constitution?

Ok small brain. Pop quiz.

If the Right wants to enforce laws, why do they need a wall or a fence?................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................If you enforce the laws, you don't need one........The Fence was introduced when Bush was in office because he didn't want to enforce laws, he just wanted to stop the FUTURE immigrants, the ones not voting yet.

Learn anything/doubt it/ you will still fail at politics.
I remember my brain as a younger man. I was positive my party had all the answers. If people would just follow my party, everything would be ok and reasonable.

The same puppet masters control the leaders of all parties. It's entirely $ driven. They have you voting for a pipeline you haven't spent 1 minute wondering about. Refinery in the north? SO CRAZY, make a pipeline to Texas! Has to be the only way!

They use small brain drones like you to ensure there is no considerable amount of thinking.
Shutting down the government = good.

It would excellent if we could shut Obama down with it.

Oh they can shut him down. don't fund anything he wants and cut down funding for any of the government agencies like EPA, IRS, etc until he is gone.
I predict that another government shutdown is going to happen before December 31st.

Matter of fact, I think it's going to happen around December 11th.

Too bad the military (and all of the government workers) are going to have such a crappy Christmas.

Do you think that the American people are going to remember 2 government shutdowns in 2 years?

Hopefully so...............Boehner and McConnell need to leave office.
Shutting down the government = good.

It would excellent if we could shut Obama down with it.

Oh they can shut him down. don't fund anything he wants and cut down funding for any of the government agencies like EPA, IRS, etc until he is gone.

^And as I stated. They are only focused on Obama, not politics. Ignorant bigots.

Here's some ignorance for you. go diddle yourself. you're the bigot
Shutting down the government = good.

It would excellent if we could shut Obama down with it.

Oh they can shut him down. don't fund anything he wants and cut down funding for any of the government agencies like EPA, IRS, etc until he is gone.

^And as I stated. They are only focused on Obama, not politics. Ignorant bigots.

Here's some ignorance for you. go diddle yourself. you're the bigot
^More information based on nothing. Awesome job!
GOP Pushes for Government Shutdown

The teleprompter has barely cooled from Obama's speech, and the liberals are so desperate they're already spewing lies about Republicans.
^Your debate was so full of information! .........idiot.
....and screeching and calling names when they get caught.

Some things never change. :rolleyes-41:

If you go 10-40 posts with only insults, you have solidified yourself as an idiot. It's just a correct label, not an attack.
Well, after watching Obama's speech, and seeing the GOP reaction to it this evening, I'm betting that there's going to be a government shutdown in December.

Get ready people................the Republicans are going to cost you another 24 billion for Christmas.

(BTW................24 billion is what the last shutdown cost the U.S. taxpayer. Are we sure that Republicans are the best ones to run the government? They've got 2 years to prove they can, but I'm guessing they won't.)
Well, after watching Obama's speech, and seeing the GOP reaction to it this evening, I'm betting that there's going to be a government shutdown in December.

Get ready people................the Republicans are going to cost you another 24 billion for Christmas.

(BTW................24 billion is what the last shutdown cost the U.S. taxpayer. Are we sure that Republicans are the best ones to run the government? They've got 2 years to prove they can, but I'm guessing they won't.)

waaa waa waa, nice of you using our military for your fearmongering. Last time your Dear leader shut down the National Parks many states make money on, and memorials for the vets who Traveled there to only be DENIED entrence. I bet you didn't care then did you
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When the government stops acting in the best interest of its CITIZENS, it SHOULD be shut down...and some corrections made.

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