GOP Pushes for Government Shutdown, This Time Over Immigration

Wrong on your Bush stance, however I noticed you very rarely question the far left, yet claim to be anti-party.

Yes Obama just made an EO to enslave 5 million people for cheap labor..

Yet you seem to not question anyone on the far left why they support a President that just enslaved 5 million people. You also might want to ask them why they want a "living wage" when they also support slavery of illegals for cheap labor..

Are you suggesting that when the 5 million immigrants vote for Democrats ... It won't help Progressive Liberals pass "minimum living wage" legislation?

Rachel covered this on her show, 11/19. Heritage and White Supremacy involvement.

The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

so what, you won't survive it or what
SHUT IT DOWN then Obama can close off the peoples, memorials and parks again. He such a brilliant and wonderful leader in "working with others" his motto is, it's my way or I hurt the people I Represent.

You remember national parks, I remember Soldier wages and Health.
Obutthurt sucks at that also.
I appreciate healthy skepticism about every decision that our elected leaders make, but what seems to be happening to our friends on the right is that they're outraged about things that don't even exist.

The President's executive order on this matter follows a long trail of similar actions taken by both Democratic and Republican Presidents.

It appears that when you become President, there are certain matters that force you to the middle. Immigration is one of them. No matter what their previous positions, when faced with either a decision to drastically expand government in order to provide the resources to try to apprehend ALL undocumented immigrants, or to bring them in the fold so they can contribute revenue to the country and to put into use the skills they've learned in our colleges, Presidents decide the latter makes a ton of sense in terms of common sense, political capital with a block of voters, and good business sense for the country.

That's what President Reagan did and what Poppy Bush did, and it was the right thing to do.

On immigration, Presidents appear to be more ahead of the curve than their Congresses are.

It appears we're now going to watch congressional leaders in the Republican party trying to stave off their more extreme base. I don't know if Boehner and McConnell can do it. On the other hand, Mitch McConnell does strike me as a man who will bitch slap people like Ted Cruz if he has to. Maybe I'm wrong, but we'll see.

I think the chances of the GOP not getting its act together to pass a continuing resolution in a couple weeks are very high, but in the end, it'll pass because a couple dozen Republicans voted with Democrats to keep funding the government.
Bush and Reagan had congressional support, Obutthurt doesn't.
Are you suggesting that when the 5 million immigrants vote for Democrats ... It won't help Progressive Liberals pass "minimum living wage" legislation?

Oh I am not suggesting it. When those millions of kids born in the USA to illegals get to be 18, they will vote for the party that treated them fairly. Whether that number is 100 or 4 million.

What the fuck do you think the Repubs are so scared of? You think Republican WANT to give up that cheap labor don't cha? Except that cheap labor is WHY the Republican will not pass an immigration bill.

Voting for Democrats is the price Republicans have to pay for dirt cheap labor.
Are you suggesting that when the 5 million immigrants vote for Democrats ... It won't help Progressive Liberals pass "minimum living wage" legislation?

Oh I am not suggesting it. When those millions of kids born in the USA to illegals get to be 18, they will vote for the party that treated them fairly. Whether that number is 100 or 4 million.

What the fuck do you think the Repubs are so scared of? You think Republican WANT to give up that cheap labor don't cha? Except that cheap labor is WHY the Republican will not pass an immigration bill.

Voting for Democrats is the price Republicans have to pay for dirt cheap labor.
republicans want the border closed..not amnesty..not "pathway to citizenship"..we already have a pathway to citizenship..and it doesn't include illegally sneaking into the country.

The left wants the cheap labor and to continue to exploit the illegals...otherwise, obviously, they'd want the border closed, too.
Oh I am not suggesting it. When those millions of kids born in the USA to illegals get to be 18, they will vote for the party that treated them fairly. Whether that number is 100 or 4 million.

What the fuck do you think the Repubs are so scared of? You think Republican WANT to give up that cheap labor don't cha? Except that cheap labor is WHY the Republican will not pass an immigration bill.

Voting for Democrats is the price Republicans have to pay for dirt cheap labor.

So are you Kosh ... o_O

^ here you go rw spazz boi Rotagilla .Read a paper once in a while whydoncha? :eusa_doh:

GOP Government Shutdown Cost 24 Billion Crooks and Liars

OOPS!!! :shock: :boohoo:

LMAO..Look at that website..of course you believe ANYTHING they would say.
leftist revisionist BS and propaganda.

Sorry...invalid. Try again..
Gawd but you're an idiot Rotagilla but you ARE a rw'er so you outsource your thinking process to Fox News. Anyway they cite where they got their figures in the article from shitfrobrains. :thup:

Tell me again why I don't have you on ignore ahgain Skippy? :eusa_eh:
I remember my brain as a younger man. I was positive my party had all the answers. If people would just follow my party, everything would be ok and reasonable.

The same puppet masters control the leaders of all parties. It's entirely $ driven. They have you voting for a pipeline you haven't spent 1 minute wondering about. Refinery in the north? SO CRAZY, make a pipeline to Texas! Has to be the only way!

They use small brain drones like you to ensure there is no considerable amount of thinking.

Yes, I suppose you could build a refinery in the North. Which would be about 100 times harder than trying to build a pipeline. If you think people are up in arms over a pipeline, just try building a refinery.

And then the question becomes, is a refinery needed? Are we not refining as much oil as we need to? If we are, then a refinery is a waste of time and money.

I say if no impeachment? Shut it down


Exactly. People should be contacting their Representatives in Congress and giving them hell. The majority of the people didn't want this, but he walked over them again. shut it down or start Impeachment to let him know, we mean business.
^ here you go rw spazz boi Rotagilla .Read a paper once in a while whydoncha? :eusa_doh:

GOP Government Shutdown Cost 24 Billion Crooks and Liars

OOPS!!! :shock: :boohoo:

LMAO..Look at that website..of course you believe ANYTHING they would say.
leftist revisionist BS and propaganda.

Sorry...invalid. Try again..
Gawd but you're an idiot Rotagilla but you ARE a rw'er so you outsource your thinking process to Fox News. Anyway they cite where they got their figures in the article from shitfrobrains. :thup:

Tell me again why I don't have you on ignore ahgain Skippy? :eusa_eh:
Libtards are the idiots.
And defeat the far left talking points:

The Republican House tried to do this earlier in 2014, for the DACA program, passing a bill that would have prevented anyone new from signing up, and preventing current beneficiaries from renewing. Democrats controlled the Senate, so it didn't come to the floor there. Once Republicans take control of the Senate in the New Year, they could pass a similar bill — but Obama would almost certainly veto it.

Rather than a standalone bill, Congress could attach riders killing Obama's immigration programs to the annual appropriations bills. If Obama vetoed the bills (or if Senate Democrats filibustered them) then we'll have another government shutdown.
Rachel Maddcow is shit stirring progressive pos

thank gawd not many people watch that station

I think Rachel gets the best ratings compared to the other hosts.
Which is to say she reaches maybe 150k on a good night.
some act like they can't live if the government is shut down. Just amazing what they will come up to smear people. Maddcow is the best at that
Well, if the government is shut down, the military won't get paid until it is restarted again (happened to me back in the 90's, and it sucked not getting paid for 20 some odd days). Additionally, military retirees won't get their pension checks.

Is that really a good solution, especially since we are currently fighting 2 wars with a possibility of even more military action?

I thought you conservatives were all about stopping the terrorists, not shutting down the government and making the military work for free.
Well, if the government is shut down, the military won't get paid until it is restarted again (happened to me back in the 90's, and it sucked not getting paid for 20 some odd days). Additionally, military retirees won't get their pension checks.

Is that really a good solution, especially since we are currently fighting 2 wars with a possibility of even more military action?

I thought you conservatives were all about stopping the terrorists, not shutting down the government and making the military work for free.
This is why they always get nailed when they do this. They were elected to govern, and they suck at it.
The polls show that four out of five Americans want Congress to provide a path to citizenship or legal status for illegal immigrants.

The GOP pays lip service to the Will of the People™. They only listen to America when it suits them. At all other times when the entire country speaks that loudly, like they are now, Republicans do this:
Sorry, the government cannot be shut down over immigration, as there is no federal money to be "defunded.'

No, seriously

House GOP panel: Defunding immigration order 'impossible'

It would be “impossible" to defund President Obama’s executive actions on immigration through a government spending bill, the House Appropriations Committee said Thursday.

In a statement released by Committee Chairman Hal Rogers's (R-Ky.) office hours before Obama's scheduled national address, the committee said the primary agency responsible for implementing Obama's actions is funded entirely by user fees.

As a result, the committee said the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) agency would be able to continue to collect fees and carry out its operations even if the government shut down.

House GOP panel Defunding immigration order impossible TheHill

Sorry guys, Maddox should have known better!

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