GOP Pushes for Government Shutdown, This Time Over Immigration

I believe you..:lmao::lmao::lmao:...Really..I do!
First wise thing you/ve ever done.

And I believe this one too.....:rofl::rofl::rofl:
I'm glad, you're learning, finally.

Yes, I have this also bookmarked!
Terrific. Maybe next time you can look back on this and not be a total moron?

Sorry, your picture is in Wiki under moron! Mines under MAVEN!
First wise thing you/ve ever done.

And I believe this one too.....:rofl::rofl::rofl:
I'm glad, you're learning, finally.

Yes, I have this also bookmarked!
Terrific. Maybe next time you can look back on this and not be a total moron?

Sorry, your picture is in Wiki under moron! Mines under MAVEN!
Yours is under STD, Stupid Transmitted Disease.
No one cares about this wetback fag V.

You should know!
I follow politics, and have for decades, so you're correct.

I believe you..:lmao::lmao::lmao:...Really..I do!
First wise thing you've ever done. That faggot makes Richards Simmons look like Ted Nuggent.

Ted Nugent? You mean that one shot wonder child molester who craps his pants?
No one cares about this wetback fag V.

You should know!
I follow politics, and have for decades, so you're correct.

I believe you..:lmao::lmao::lmao:...Really..I do!
First wise thing you've ever done. That faggot makes Richards Simmons look like Ted Nuggent.

Ted Nugent? You mean that one shot wonder child molester who craps his pants?
To avoid going to war, that's the man's man of the GOP alright.
And I believe this one too.....:rofl::rofl::rofl:
I'm glad, you're learning, finally.

Yes, I have this also bookmarked!
Terrific. Maybe next time you can look back on this and not be a total moron?

Sorry, your picture is in Wiki under moron! Mines under MAVEN!
Yours is under STD, Stupid Transmitted Disease.

How long do you want to keep looking like a 4th grader with your posts, I don't have to play your childish games.
You should know!
I follow politics, and have for decades, so you're correct.

I believe you..:lmao::lmao::lmao:...Really..I do!
First wise thing you've ever done. That faggot makes Richards Simmons look like Ted Nuggent.

Ted Nugent? You mean that one shot wonder child molester who craps his pants?
To avoid going to war, that's the man's man of the GOP alright.

Classical legend in his own mind.
I follow politics, and have for decades, so you're correct.

I believe you..:lmao::lmao::lmao:...Really..I do!
First wise thing you've ever done. That faggot makes Richards Simmons look like Ted Nuggent.

Ted Nugent? You mean that one shot wonder child molester who craps his pants?
To avoid going to war, that's the man's man of the GOP alright.

Classical legend in his own mind.

He doesn't have a mind, he borrows Joe Biden's...after all it was never used!
I'm glad, you're learning, finally.

Yes, I have this also bookmarked!
Terrific. Maybe next time you can look back on this and not be a total moron?

Sorry, your picture is in Wiki under moron! Mines under MAVEN!
Yours is under STD, Stupid Transmitted Disease.

How long do you want to keep looking like a 4th grader with your posts, I don't have to play your childish games.
When you piss into the wind you get wet. You're choice...
I believe you..:lmao::lmao::lmao:...Really..I do!
First wise thing you've ever done. That faggot makes Richards Simmons look like Ted Nuggent.

Ted Nugent? You mean that one shot wonder child molester who craps his pants?
To avoid going to war, that's the man's man of the GOP alright.

Classical legend in his own mind.

He doesn't have a mind, he borrows Joe Biden's...after all it was never used!

I disagree. I know ted has a mind, but he has it stuffed with such disgusting stuff.
Yes, I have this also bookmarked!
Terrific. Maybe next time you can look back on this and not be a total moron?

Sorry, your picture is in Wiki under moron! Mines under MAVEN!
Yours is under STD, Stupid Transmitted Disease.

How long do you want to keep looking like a 4th grader with your posts, I don't have to play your childish games.
When you piss into the wind you get wet. You're choice...

When you come up with something original, bright and worth quoting, I'll play....perhaps sometime in 2016?
First wise thing you've ever done. That faggot makes Richards Simmons look like Ted Nuggent.

Ted Nugent? You mean that one shot wonder child molester who craps his pants?
To avoid going to war, that's the man's man of the GOP alright.

Classical legend in his own mind.

He doesn't have a mind, he borrows Joe Biden's...after all it was never used!

I disagree. I know ted has a mind, but he has it stuffed with such disgusting stuff.

I try never to get that close to him to find out!
Terrific. Maybe next time you can look back on this and not be a total moron?

Sorry, your picture is in Wiki under moron! Mines under MAVEN!
Yours is under STD, Stupid Transmitted Disease.

How long do you want to keep looking like a 4th grader with your posts, I don't have to play your childish games.
When you piss into the wind you get wet. You're choice...

When you come up with something original, bright and worth quoting, I'll play....perhaps sometime in 2016?
By then you'll be dead, and no one gives a fuck now.
Sorry, your picture is in Wiki under moron! Mines under MAVEN!
Yours is under STD, Stupid Transmitted Disease.

How long do you want to keep looking like a 4th grader with your posts, I don't have to play your childish games.
When you piss into the wind you get wet. You're choice...

When you come up with something original, bright and worth quoting, I'll play....perhaps sometime in 2016?
By then you'll be dead, and no one gives a fuck now.

Nope, not even close to original, forget the other 2!
Yours is under STD, Stupid Transmitted Disease.

How long do you want to keep looking like a 4th grader with your posts, I don't have to play your childish games.
When you piss into the wind you get wet. You're choice...

When you come up with something original, bright and worth quoting, I'll play....perhaps sometime in 2016?
By then you'll be dead, and no one gives a fuck now.

Nope, not even close to original, forget the other 2!
There's nothing new under the sun V, and no one cares whether you live or die.
How long do you want to keep looking like a 4th grader with your posts, I don't have to play your childish games.
When you piss into the wind you get wet. You're choice...

When you come up with something original, bright and worth quoting, I'll play....perhaps sometime in 2016?
By then you'll be dead, and no one gives a fuck now.

Nope, not even close to original, forget the other 2!
There's nothing new under the sun V, and no one cares whether you live or die.

Page 12 of the "Ranks for Dummies" book!
Rachel covered this on her show, 11/19. Heritage and White Supremacy involvement.

The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

so what, you won't survive it or what
SHUT IT DOWN then Obama can close off the peoples, memorials and parks again. He such a brilliant and wonderful leader in "working with others" his motto is, it's my way or I hurt the people I Represent.

Sure Staph. Planning another huge spring rally? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I pray the baggers shut the government down again. It will hurt the economy considerably for a time but it will insure a non-repub clean sweep in '16 :thewave:
If you people think that a government shutdown means that things run just fine with the exception that parks are shut down, do yourselves a favor and talk to your friend/relative/acquaintance who served on active duty during the time of the last government shutdown, and ask if it impacted them negatively.

I guarantee they will say it did.

Additionally, what Obama proposed via Executive Order is NOT AMNESTY!!! Here, for those of you confused about what amnesty actually is, here's the definition from

noun, plural amnesties.
1. a general pardon for offenses, especially political offenses, against a government, often granted before any trial or conviction.
2. Law. an act of forgiveness for past offenses, especially to a class of persons as a whole.
3. a forgetting or overlooking of any past offense.
verb (used with object), amnestied, amnestying.
4. to grant amnesty to; pardon.

According to what Obama did, it is NOT amnesty, because they have to come out of the shadows, pay fines and back taxes, and are given a WORK VISA, meaning they can stay here as long as they are employed and pay taxes. There has been no forgiveness of anything, and additionally, they are required to register and pass a background check BEFORE being given their work visa.
You see how they don't get all bent or ask for an apology from Msnbc and Rachael Maddcow for saying something "she thinks is going to happen" before Republicans are even sworn in for their Duty. and her only reason for his is to RILE up the Democrat base of voters. She doesn't have to any proof of any kind.

that is the two faced double standards of the lefty.

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