GOP Pushes for Government Shutdown, This Time Over Immigration

Hey................even Boehner said that all options were on the table, even shutting down the government.
You see how they don't get all bent or ask for an apology from Msnbc and Rachael Maddcow for saying something "she thinks is going to happen" before Republicans are even sworn in for their Duty. and her only reason for his is to RILE up the Democrat base of voters. She doesn't have to any proof of any kind.

that is the two faced double standards of the lefty.

Maddow is part and parcel of the joke that is MSNBC. Neither has a shred of credibility with anyone remotely in kinship with reason.
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You see how they don't get all bent or ask for an apology from Msnbc and Rachael Maddcow for saying something "she thinks is going to happen" before Republicans are even sworn in for their Duty. and her only reason for his is to RILE up the Democrat base of voters. She doesn't have to any proof of any kind.

that is the two faced double standards of the lefty.

Maddow is part and parcel of joke that is MSNBC. Neither has a shred of credibility with anyone remotely in kinship with reason.
Said the Fox News junkie.
The thread title is inaccurate. Here's the correct version:

Delusional Leftwing Moonbats fantasize that the GOP will shutdown the government and distract the Supid American Voters from the epic fail of their Big Government policies
can you say that in American English instead of SeanRush rightwing-o-verse-speak? Mkay? Thanks hun. :thup:
You see how they don't get all bent or ask for an apology from Msnbc and Rachael Maddcow for saying something "she thinks is going to happen" before Republicans are even sworn in for their Duty. and her only reason for his is to RILE up the Democrat base of voters. She doesn't have to any proof of any kind.

that is the two faced double standards of the lefty.

Maddow is part and parcel of joke that is MSNBC. Neither has a shred of credibility with anyone remotely in kinship with reason.
Said the Fox News junkie.

The issue is irrelevant Leftist Propaganda resources, not the most trusted news network in the United States.

But since you brought it up, we should probably throw in "The Blaze", which is the fastest growing New Network in the United States, which happens to be my personal favorite.
Hey............Where r my think that the Blaze is a good news source? Really? Glenn Beck's channel?

After Suddenlink (my cable provider) dropped Viacom, they replaced the channels with a bunch of that right wing crap. I actually TRIED to watch the Blaze, but was put off by all the rantings of the right wingers that try to pass themselves off as actual journalists.

The only show I've ever watched on that godforsaken channel was the movie version of Atlas Shrugged, because I wanted to find out what Paul Ryan was using as his guide for governing.
Hey............Where r my think that the Blaze is a good news source? Really? Glenn Beck's channel?

After Suddenlink (my cable provider) dropped Viacom, they replaced the channels with a bunch of that right wing crap. I actually TRIED to watch the Blaze, but was put off by all the rantings of the right wingers that try to pass themselves off as actual journalists.

The only show I've ever watched on that godforsaken channel was the movie version of Atlas Shrugged, because I wanted to find out what Paul Ryan was using as his guide for governing.

Golly, you, a relativist, with no means to so much as sense objective truth, weren't comfortable witnessing the refutation of everything you are, everything you believe and the myths that comprise your cult?

THAT is Fantastic! Nothing proves good like evil being unable to look at it.
Actually I got tired of listening to RW talking points, because if I get news, I'd like it to be factual. can tell it's a talking point, because it's loaded with rhetoric and sounds like what every other right wing loon is saying, while being only 50 percent (or less) factual.
Actually I got tired of listening to RW talking points, because if I get news, I'd like it to be factual.

Oh... well that IS interesting. Please cite the specific report you witnessed on "The Blaze" which was factually incorrect.

Now, see how easy this is?

You make an assertion, I challenge you to sustain it.

The next part is my favorite part... you fail miserably, I laugh at you, then recognize your failure to sustain your assertion, establishing that you knew what you said was false, despite your advancing such as truth, as a means to mislead the readers of this august board.

I then recognize all of that, as your concession to me, that you're a person who is unworthy of trust, due to your inability to discern and convey the truth. challenge me to provide proof, then go on in your own little diatribe telling me how bad I am, and then tell me that I haven't provided proof, so therefore, I don't know what I'm talking about.

Got news for you Where are my Keys, before telling people how much they are ignorant of a subject, you should at least allow them to respond before demonizing them.

You may laugh at me, but I kinda chuckle at your ignorance.

It makes you vulnerable.
Liberals like Rachael Maddcow

they MIGHT but I don't know that for a FACT shut down our masters in the Guberment

sheesh, anyone listen her to crap is as stupid as she is
I saw John Boehner, in a press conference, say that Republicans are considering shutting down the government over the immigration issue. Yeah, that worked really well for them the last time they tried it.

Sadly, conservatives are really good and saying they don't like what Obama is doing, but less great at saying how they would deal with the situation. You want to deport the 11 million undocumented immigrants, but how would you accomplish it, and what would the cost be? I've seen figures as high as $25,000 per person, as the cost of deporting an illegal immigrant. Even if that figure is exaggerated and it's only $10,000 per deportation, that's still $11B minimum. Where is that money going to come from, and how many people will the government have to hire and train to make it happen?

And after the deportations are carried out, how will the US economy function without them? Food prices will rise dramatically as farmer are forced to raise wages paid to harvest their crops. Costs will go up for janitorial work, landscaping, child care, household domestics, and farm laborers, simply because of supply and demand.

it's one thing to say that all illegals should be deported, but the reality is that the US economy has always depended on a large pool of very cheap labour. Initially it was the slaves. Then the "guest workers" who were sent home when no longer needed, and now the illegals. If the government imposed high fines for companies employing undocumented workers, people wouldn't risk hiring them, but Republicans have strongly resisted punishing employers. That should tell you how important these people are to the US economy.

Conservatives talk the talk, but when push comes to shove, they wouldn't dare get rid of their cheap labor force.
Are you suggesting that when the 5 million immigrants vote for Democrats ... It won't help Progressive Liberals pass "minimum living wage" legislation?

Oh I am not suggesting it. When those millions of kids born in the USA to illegals get to be 18, they will vote for the party that treated them fairly. Whether that number is 100 or 4 million.

What the fuck do you think the Repubs are so scared of? You think Republican WANT to give up that cheap labor don't cha? Except that cheap labor is WHY the Republican will not pass an immigration bill.

Voting for Democrats is the price Republicans have to pay for dirt cheap labor.

the left don't give a shit about them. Open your eyes. They just want their votes.
I saw John Boehner, in a press conference, say that Republicans are considering shutting down the government over the immigration issue. Yeah, that worked really well for them the last time they tried it.

Sadly, conservatives are really good and saying they don't like what Obama is doing, but less great at saying how they would deal with the situation. You want to deport the 11 million undocumented immigrants, but how would you accomplish it, and what would the cost be? I've seen figures as high as $25,000 per person, as the cost of deporting an illegal immigrant. Even if that figure is exaggerated and it's only $10,000 per deportation, that's still $11B minimum. Where is that money going to come from, and how many people will the government have to hire and train to make it happen?

And after the deportations are carried out, how will the US economy function without them? Food prices will rise dramatically as farmer are forced to raise wages paid to harvest their crops. Costs will go up for janitorial work, landscaping, child care, household domestics, and farm laborers, simply because of supply and demand.

it's one thing to say that all illegals should be deported, but the reality is that the US economy has always depended on a large pool of very cheap labour. Initially it was the slaves. Then the "guest workers" who were sent home when no longer needed, and now the illegals. If the government imposed high fines for companies employing undocumented workers, people wouldn't risk hiring them, but Republicans have strongly resisted punishing employers. That should tell you how important these people are to the US economy.

Conservatives talk the talk, but when push comes to shove, they wouldn't dare get rid of their cheap labor force.

this is what conservatives say about the minimum wage the leftists want raised. Hypocrites.

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