GOP ‘Savior’ Marco Rubio Falls Back On The Same Old Anti-Woman Policies


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
By Annie-Rose Strasser

In an interview on Thursday with conservative magazine Newsmax, Tea Party standard-bearer and so-called ‘savior’ of the Republican party Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) revealed that he will become a cosponsor of the “Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act.” The bill is a concerted effort to prevent girls in dangerous family situations from going across state lines to receive abortions.

Familiarly known as “the Grandmother Incarceration Act,” CIANA bills have come up in Congress several times in recent years. Nearly every iteration of the legislation would prevent even a victim of rape or incest from getting a ride to an abortion clinic beyond state lines from her grandmother or older sibling, if she is under the age of 18. Instead, the girl would be forced to inform her parents or legal guardian, and be required to have them present.

While the bill has not yet been introduced, previous versions of the text would even apply the requirements to girls who require a medically necessary, potentially lifesaving abortion.
The fact that Rubio will serve as a co-sponsor on the legislation reveals a lot about the supposed new face of the Republican party. The policy, like many of Rubio’s policy choices, is actually an old trick from the Grand Old Party, not some new approach to Republican ideals. And it falls in line with Rubio’s party’s, and the Senator’s own, recent anti-woman efforts:

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: Rubio voted against the Violence Against Women Act because it allocated money to rape victims.

MINIMUM WAGE: He won’t support a minimum wage, despite its huge benefits for women.

BIRTH CONTROL: The senator introduced a bill that would have prevented millions of women from accessing birth control.

PAY EQUITY: He called a bill to promote pay equity between men and women “nothing but an effort to help trial lawyers.”​

More: GOP 'Savior' Marco Rubio Falls Back On The Same Old Anti-Woman Policies | ThinkProgress
With his post-State of the Union rebuttal, Rubio signed up to be the face of a Republican party that is working hard to win over women and people of color, the groups that cost Republicans the election last time around. But with Rubio’s history of anti-woman policies, and now his renewed commitment to co-sponsor more of the same, he may be just on the vanguard of a new Republican path back to the same Republican problems.

From the OP link.
There aren't enough facepalms to handle this.

Wake me up when the Republican party finally comes to its senses.
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It looks as if Rubio is on the correct side of those issues.

I don't understand what all the wailing and gnashing of teeth is about.
The power of the Soros/left wing propaganda machine is awesome. With the cooperation of the mainstream media they manage to turn fiction into reality and freedom into hatred. Remember what Bill and Hill did to women? Hillary was engaged in ruining the lives of all the women Bill had relations with in her "bimbo eruption" squad that the liberal media giggled about while Bill was busy abusing an intern barely older than his daughter.
Ledbetter? Romney lost the election three months ago. Huffington needs to get more up to date propaganda from Soros.
Again, Rubio is correct on those issues.

It's no ones business what I make, even if it a woman who want's to know.

No tax dollars for murdering unborn children.

Again. I agree with Rubio... As does my wife... And she votes.
The fact that Rubio will serve as a co-sponsor on the legislation reveals a lot about the supposed new face of the Republican party.

It also reveals the fact that Rubio is a fraud, that he’s merely another social conservative advocating the same tired and failed policies.
It looks as if Rubio is on the correct side of those issues.

I don't understand what all the wailing and gnashing of teeth is about.

I can't speak for anyone else, but my wailing and gnashing (which is actually, oh shit, no they didn't!) is due to my great desire to see a strong Republican party again. Why? Because its good for democracy.

Tone down the loud obsession over your guns, your religion and your intolerance. It's driving the Republican Party to seek it's base in alligator swamps, outhouses. and fear infested bunkers.

They need to rise above the minority extremists dragging them down.
It looks as if Rubio is on the correct side of those issues.

I don't understand what all the wailing and gnashing of teeth is about.

I can't speak for anyone else, but my wailing and gnashing (which is actually, oh shit, no they didn't!) is due to my great desire to see a strong Republican party again. Why? Because its good for democracy.

Tone down the loud obsession over your guns, your religion and your intolerance. It's driving the Republican Party to seek it's base in alligator swamps, outhouses. and fear infested bunkers.

They need to rise above the minority extremists dragging them down.

Amen! I used to vote Republican are much or more than Democrat - BUT NO MORE. The GOP has been hijacked by extremist NUTS. Jon Huntsman was the only sane candidate in the last GOP Primary election - and he was totally ignored.
So, in order to be a Republican party that you, a Liberal Democrat likes, you want us to be more like you, even though we disagree with you on many different policies?

Tell you what, why don't you become more like us instead?
Ever wonder why the liberals get so rabid when someone stands up against what they hold so dear? Its as if they don't want anyone to hear what the opposition has to say. What is it that they fear, that common sense triumphs over hollow political rhetoric?

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