GOP Senate candidate to protect children from Litter Boxes

There are hoaxes and conspiracy theories. Then, there's shit like what this turd is spewing.

What kind of a low information, knuckle dragging moron do you have to be to believe something like this?
And then, I remember the alt-right..and say "Oh yeah". :)

Furries are in schools. They cause disruption with their barks, meows and growls.

The "litter box" claim may or may not be true, but would not be THAT much an exaggeration.

You own all this. It's why you're about to get destroyed at the ballot box.

Thank God.
Educate yourself

When the article starts out "when the pervert media" I can tell it is not a serious article. You should also.

All the Tik Tok videos kids made IN SCHOOL of furries doing this:

I can't help it you're really old and out of touch
Unless you have a video of them taking a dump in a litter box, this is just kids picking up on a social media fad. Wow, like picking up on fads is something that has NEVER happened in our country's history.
And what do the just and righteous, God fearing patriots do?....spread it on social media and work themselves into a lather over it. :auiqs.jpg:
They may not be USING them, but the rest is all true. There are a bunch of videos out there. Lots of social media posts from students about it.

They can't see the links I post apparently. They also must still believe "fact checkers" like--you know--the vaccine prevents transmission, the Covid 19 didn't come from a lab leak.

Those kinds of "fact checks"

All the Tik Tok videos kids made IN SCHOOL of furries doing this:

I can't help it you're really old and out of touch
Tik Tok

Kids will do anything to get momentary fame on the Interweb

You do realize they do not really think they are dogs and are only filming a video of the reaction?
Unless you have a video of them taking a dump in a litter box, this is just kids picking up on a social media fad. Wow, like picking up on fads is something that has NEVER happened in our country's history.
And what do the just and righteous, God fearing patriots do?....spread it on social media and work themselves into a lather over it. :auiqs.jpg:

Right. So furries happen in schools. Kids have gotten in trouble for barking and growling, but then claim it's "their identity".

And since we have boys with penises changing in the Freshmen girls' locker room....why should we NOT believe litter boxes?

You want to laugh at us for that?

See you November 8th
Furries are in schools. They cause disruption with their barks, meows and growls.

The "litter box" claim may or may not be true, but would not be THAT much an exaggeration.

You own all this. It's why you're about to get destroyed at the ballot box.

Thank God.
I don't own any furries. Again, social media fads amongst children don't bother me as an ADULT voter.
It is you members of Alt-Right Nation that have worked yourselves up into frenzy over this. Children pooping in
litter boxes doesn't happen. Just CRT isn't taught in any school. It's just things you just and righteous patriots
make up to keep yourselves outraged.

As far as the ballot box. We'll see. But don't bet the farm on it. :)
You realize that IF it's a hoax, it's barely a hoax right?

You realize that children/teens have "pronouns" like fishself, fox, or whatever animal they pick. They wear tails and ears to school and bark and growl etc at other children. In the hallways etc.

So yeah, MAYBE there are no litter boxes. But it's not that much of an exaggeration.

I was thinking the other day: this gender bending crap is like the multiple personality fad in the 80s, but at least that was mostly confined to adults. Leftists have done this to our KIDS.
It has to do with an active shooter at schools.

Children could be in lockdown in a classroom for hours; some needing to use the restroom.

School officials considered containers with litter for the children to use in such a situation.

Then the reprehensible right contrived a lie about ‘litter boxes,’ part of their war on diversity and inclusion and the right’s war on public education.

The ‘litter box’ lie is the product of conservative dishonesty and spread due to conservative stupidity.
I don't own any furries. Again, social media fads amongst children don't bother me as an ADULT voter.
It is you members of Alt-Right Nation that have worked yourselves up into frenzy over this. Children pooping in
litter boxes doesn't happen. Just CRT isn't taught in any school. It's just things you just and righteous patriots
make up to keep yourselves outraged.

As far as the ballot box. We'll see. But don't bet the farm on it. :)

Clueless. Utterly clueless. You don't even know what furries ARE

This is why you will lose--in part
There are litter boxes being put in school bathrooms to cater to these sick kids. My kid’s school thankfully said no way to that garbage, but many of the surrounding districts caved. Including one of the largest districts in our area. I can’t imagine custodians are too happy with having to clean human feces out of these things. So sadly, it’s not an exaggeration.
This is a lie.

See post 32.

There’s no limit to the right’s lies and dishonesty.
Thank Goodness we have Republicans to protect our children

Guess what? We have furries and fuzzies in classrooms,” Bolduc told the crowd. “They lick themselves, they’re cats. When they don’t like something, they hiss – people walk down the hallway and jump out,” he said, as a hissing sound could be heard.

“And get this, get this,” he continued. “They’re putting litter boxes, right? Litter boxes for that. … These are the same people that are concerned about spreading germs. Yet they let children lick themselves and then touch everything. And they’re starting to lick each other.”

Does anyone question why Q is so powerful with Republicans?
I've asked a couple of Democrats this, but maybe you'll be the first to provide an honest answer.

If there was a public school that put litter boxes in bathrooms for human students who identify as cats, how would you explain to that school board that they should not be doing that, in a way different from how I would explain to a school board why they should not allow boy students who identify as girls into the girls bathrooms?
Thank Goodness we have Republicans to protect our children

Guess what? We have furries and fuzzies in classrooms,” Bolduc told the crowd. “They lick themselves, they’re cats. When they don’t like something, they hiss – people walk down the hallway and jump out,” he said, as a hissing sound could be heard.

“And get this, get this,” he continued. “They’re putting litter boxes, right? Litter boxes for that. … These are the same people that are concerned about spreading germs. Yet they let children lick themselves and then touch everything. And they’re starting to lick each other.”

Does anyone question why Q is so powerful with Republicans?
don’t worry you can still lick yourself

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