GOP Senate candidate to protect children from Litter Boxes

Clueless. Utterly clueless. You don't even know what furries ARE

This is why you will lose--in part
Of course I know what they are, dummy.
How old are you anyway? Did you ever participate in a fad growing up? :)
The videos you've posted are of kids participating in a social media fad. They're screwing with you and you're letting them work you up into a lather.

Hey old people who hang out here:

This is a real thing

So you post a video of another moron who believes the same wild rumors you do

Ummm….you realize EVERY kid has a phone capable of video

Where are all the videos of all these kids who actually believe they are animals?

You do realize kids are just fucking with you and laughing that you actually believe it?
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Kids will do anything to get momentary fame on the Interweb

You do realize they do not really think they are dogs and are only filming a video of the reaction?
You realize the same about trannies? They (or in the case of kids, their parents) do not really believe that they are the opposite gender, but are only looking for a reaction.
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Of course I know they are, dummy.
How old are you anyway? Did you ever participate in a fad growing up? :)
The videos you've posted are of kids participating in a social media fad. They're screwing with you and you're letting them work you up into a lather.

I don't care what the kids do for the purpose of THIS thread. The OP attempted to say how ridiculous the GOP candidate is. Not ridiculous at all. There are already furries in school; they are already known to bark and growl at other children; we already have penises in girls' locker rooms thanks to your degeneracy. Litter boxes is just one more baby step.
So you post a video of another moron who believes the same wild rumors you do

Ummm….you realize EVERY kid has a phone capable of video

Where are all the videos of all these kids who actually believe they are animals?

You do realize kids are just fucking with you and laughing that you actually believe it

See you on November 8th old man
And they are laughing at all the adults who take it seriously

OMG :eek:
These kids actually believe they are CATS!

It doesn't matter if it's a hoax, if they believe it or not.

They are ALLOWED to do this, and they are doing it. Remember when you said this does not go on in schools?
I don't care what the kids do for the purpose of THIS thread. The OP attempted to say how ridiculous the GOP candidate is. Not ridiculous at all. There are already furries in school; they are already known to bark and growl at other children; we already have penises in girls' locker rooms thanks to your degeneracy. Litter boxes is just one more baby step.

Ummm..a candidate for US Senator does not realize it is just a joke kids are playing on social media

Republicans actually think the kids believe they are cats and dogs and that the schools are providing Litter Boxes

Can you imagine how stupid you look to kids?
You realize that IF it's a hoax, it's barely a hoax right?

You realize that children/teens have "pronouns" like fishself, fox, or whatever animal they pick. They wear tails and ears to school and bark and growl etc at other children. In the hallways etc.

So yeah, MAYBE there are no litter boxes. But it's not that much of an exaggeration.

I was thinking the other day: this gender bending crap is like the multiple personality fad in the 80s, but at least that was mostly confined to adults. Leftists have done this to our KIDS.

Do you realize how gullible and stupid this post truly is? You will believe ANYTHING Republicans tell you and you’ll act on their lies.
And they are laughing at all the adults who take it seriously

OMG :eek:
These kids actually believe they are CATS!
You got that right.

That boy who insisted on being on the girl's volleyball team and watching the girls undress in the locker room is a class clown, who found a school with adults stupid enough to fall for a running prank.
You got that right.

That boy who insisted on being on the girl's volleyball team and watching the girls undress in the locker room is a class clown, who found a school with adults stupid enough to fall for a running prank.

This whole thread is a bunch of old, out of touch people not understanding how far their party's perversity has gone.

OR they're just trolling, but terribly. But I think the former.
This whole thread is a bunch of old, out of touch people not understanding how far their party's perversity has gone.

OR they're just trolling, but terribly. But I think the former.

You’re absolutely right. You have no idea how insane the GOP has become to promote this Q-anon bullshit as real.

You no longer know what’s real and what they lying to you about. Which is just what the GOP want. Frightened docile and compliant voters who fear Democrats.

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