GOP Senate candidate to protect children from Litter Boxes

You realize that IF it's a hoax, it's barely a hoax right?

You realize that children/teens have "pronouns" like fishself, fox, or whatever animal they pick. They wear tails and ears to school and bark and growl etc at other children. In the hallways etc.

So yeah, MAYBE there are no litter boxes. But it's not that much of an exaggeration.

I was thinking the other day: this gender bending crap is like the multiple personality fad in the 80s, but at least that was mostly confined to adults. Leftists have done this to our KIDS.
There are MAGAt-suckers born every minute. :heehee:
Thank Goodness we have Republicans to protect our children

Guess what? We have furries and fuzzies in classrooms,” Bolduc told the crowd. “They lick themselves, they’re cats. When they don’t like something, they hiss – people walk down the hallway and jump out,” he said, as a hissing sound could be heard.

“And get this, get this,” he continued. “They’re putting litter boxes, right? Litter boxes for that. … These are the same people that are concerned about spreading germs. Yet they let children lick themselves and then touch everything. And they’re starting to lick each other.”

Does anyone question why Q is so powerful with Republicans?
I knew a girl like that in High School.
She was committed later in life.
These kids need psychotherapy.
When I was in HS, the fad was streaking
Kids would do it on a dare.

Conservative parents reacted by labeling them as a bunch of sexual predators
A dare is one thing, thinking you're a cat and being encouraged to do so is psychotic by both parties.

All the Tik Tok videos kids made IN SCHOOL of furries doing this:

I can't help it you're really old and out of touch

How NONE of these videos actually show Children doing what is alleged.

I am seeing teenagers posting short videos to music. That is all.
Believing that really happens is psychotic

Have you always been this gullible?
Have you always lived so far from Brown people?
Look...I know you're obligated to post bullshit.
It's the sexually perverted Liberals who are desperate to fuck up the minds of children.

Hey old people who hang out here:

This is a real thing

This is nothing but someone called Curvy White Girl TALKING.

No proof is shown whatsoever .

Some people are ALL TALK and nothing else, in order to put fear into religious, and non religiously gullible people.

And these people never ask ONE question, or bother to do any research about it.
I've asked a couple of Democrats this, but maybe you'll be the first to provide an honest answer.

If there was a public school that put litter boxes in bathrooms for human students who identify as cats, how would you explain to that school board that they should not be doing that, in a way different from how I would explain to a school board why they should not allow boy students who identify as girls into the girls bathrooms?
Is it happening anywhere? Why this IF ?

Either it exists or it does not.
I know….
We actually tell kids that there are homosexuals, allow a homosexual teacher to admit their sexuality and work to protect homosexual children in our schools
Tells them when they're 7, not when they're 3.
I don't need to know anyone's genital habits or desires.
Tells them when they're 7, not when they're 3.
I don't need to know anyone's genital habits or desires.

Nobody tells a three year old about sexual habits
They do tell them that not every family has a mommy and a daddy
There are litter boxes being put in school bathrooms to cater to these sick kids. My kid’s school thankfully said no way to that garbage, but many of the surrounding districts caved. Including one of the largest districts in our area. I can’t imagine custodians are too happy with having to clean human feces out of these things. So sadly, it’s not an exaggeration.
Teachers are told to communicate in meows.

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