GOP Senate candidate to protect children from Litter Boxes

Thank Goodness we have Republicans to protect our children

Guess what? We have furries and fuzzies in classrooms,” Bolduc told the crowd. “They lick themselves, they’re cats. When they don’t like something, they hiss – people walk down the hallway and jump out,” he said, as a hissing sound could be heard.

“And get this, get this,” he continued. “They’re putting litter boxes, right? Litter boxes for that. … These are the same people that are concerned about spreading germs. Yet they let children lick themselves and then touch everything. And they’re starting to lick each other.”

Does anyone question why Q is so powerful with Republicans?
Seriously…words fail….
You know.
I don't know - other than "Q-annon" is the bogeyman of the Democrats who believe or pretend to believe that all Trump supporters get their information from "Q-anon."

If it is too silly an idea for any Democrat to link it for me, I get that.
You realize that IF it's a hoax, it's barely a hoax right?

You realize that children/teens have "pronouns" like fishself, fox, or whatever animal they pick. They wear tails and ears to school and bark and growl etc at other children. In the hallways etc.

So yeah, MAYBE there are no litter boxes. But it's not that much of an exaggeration.

I was thinking the other day: this gender bending crap is like the multiple personality fad in the 80s, but at least that was mostly confined to adults. Leftists have done this to our KIDS.

They do? Do you know any children who use such pronouns?
I don't know - other than "Q-annon" is the bogeyman of the Democrats who believe or pretend to believe that all Trump supporters get their information from "Q-anon."

If it is too silly an idea for any Democrat to link it for me, I get that.
Unfortunately their ideas are coming up in some mainstream political rhetoric.
I don't know - other than "Q-annon" is the bogeyman of the Democrats who believe or pretend to believe that all Trump supporters get their information from "Q-anon."

If it is too silly an idea for any Democrat to link it for me, I get that.

Ashlee Babbitt was a huge fan of Qanon.
I don't own any furries. Again, social media fads amongst children don't bother me as an ADULT voter.
It is you members of Alt-Right Nation that have worked yourselves up into frenzy over this. Children pooping in
litter boxes doesn't happen. Just CRT isn't taught in any school. It's just things you just and righteous patriots
make up to keep yourselves outraged.

As far as the ballot box. We'll see. But don't bet the farm on it. :)
Kids are thinking they can change their sex. You loons said that wasn't happening. Now we have boys in girls sports taking their scholarships away. You loons do nothing but lie.
You realize that IF it's a hoax, it's barely a hoax right?

You realize that children/teens have "pronouns" like fishself, fox, or whatever animal they pick. They wear tails and ears to school and bark and growl etc at other children. In the hallways etc.

So yeah, MAYBE there are no litter boxes. But it's not that much of an exaggeration.

I was thinking the other day: this gender bending crap is like the multiple personality fad in the 80s, but at least that was mostly confined to adults. Leftists have done this to our KIDS.
How long have you been a teacher you Short Bus riding bingo card? 😄

Kids wearing cute animal ears on their heads! Heaven forbid it's the end times! :aargh:
How bad are the Democrats going to lose?

These are their victories these days

BEYOND pathetic.

We do have both the Furry and Fuzzy vote
I hear it is really big
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Tik Tok

Kids will do anything to get momentary fame on the Interweb

You do realize they do not really think they are dogs and are only filming a video of the reaction?

One of my best friends was telling me that when he graduated from his high school in 2019, he had a girl in his class that would meow at everybody in the morning, and hiss at boys in the hallways. She was a lesbian, and her "partner" was equally as weird.
You realize that IF it's a hoax, it's barely a hoax right?

You realize that children/teens have "pronouns" like fishself, fox, or whatever animal they pick. They wear tails and ears to school and bark and growl etc at other children. In the hallways etc.

So yeah, MAYBE there are no litter boxes. But it's not that much of an exaggeration.

I was thinking the other day: this gender bending crap is like the multiple personality fad in the 80s, but at least that was mostly confined to adults. Leftists have done this to our KIDS.
You could have just admitted to being a gullible, Kool-Aid swilling nitwit and left it at that.
How long have you been a teacher you Short Bus riding bingo card? 😄

Kids wearing cute animal ears on their heads! Heaven forbid it's the end times! :aargh:

You don’t understand!

Those children wearing animals ears and barking and meowing actually believe they are dogs and cats and insist on being treated that way!

The liberal Schools insist on treating them like the animals they associate with and even provide litter boxes for them to use.

Must be true……I read it on the internet
One of my best friends was telling me that when he graduated from his high school in 2019, he had a girl in his class that would meow at everybody in the morning, and hiss at boys in the hallways. She was a lesbian, and her "partner" was equally as weird.

I know a guy…..

We do have both the Furry and Fuzzy vote
I hear it is really big

Fursonas are no different then trans identities, it's all form of escapism and identity status for many teens. Not sure why liberals are trying to deny this is a thing. I suppose when you can no longer deny furries, you'll deny move on to denying its connection too grooming.
Fursonas are no different then trans identities, it's all form of escapism and identity status for many teens. Not sure why liberals are trying to deny this is a thing. I suppose when you can no longer deny furries, you'll deny move on to denying its connection too grooming.

This highlights what Conservatives are trying to do

They are trying to delegitimize the real condition of transgenderism by comparing it to some “fad” that students have.

These kids are pretending to be animals just like they pretend to be the opposite sex just so they can win at sports

Transgenderism has existed as long as there have been humans
This highlights what Conservatives are trying to do

They are trying to delegitimize the real condition of transgenderism by comparing it to some “fad” that students have.

These kids are pretending to be animals just like they pretend to be the opposite sex just so they can win at sports

Transgenderism has existed as long as there have been humans
That's called "weaponizing". Something that the right wing has done well for many years. It's why they're down to just the culture wars to pin their power hopes on. They've run out of practical ideas. May as well get ma and pa (white) kettle all riled up about "furries" :auiqs.jpg:
Fursonas are no different then trans identities, it's all form of escapism and identity status for many teens. Not sure why liberals are trying to deny this is a thing. I suppose when you can no longer deny furries, you'll deny move on to denying its connection too grooming.


Do you really think you are a Kitty or is that just a persona you use on the internet?

Do you use a Litter Box at home?

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