GOP Senator to endorce Tim Scott...oh oh

Lol, we all know the plan is for DeSantis to get the nomination, but we also know people who run for high office get blinded by the limelight. Scott and the others will be putting secretly putting their hopes on TRUMP taking out DeSantis thinking they will be the one who can take down TRUMP.
Hey genius I am still a Trump supporter but would have no problem supporting Tim Scott if he wins the nomination. Of course Senator Scott would have the race traitor house nword thrown at him by the left wing politically degenerate assholes, but he I believe he has a thick enough hide to over come those jerkweeds.
You did watch the racist MAGA thugs on J6...right? When black police were beaten and called the N word? The MAGA white supremacist would never vote for Scott.
You did watch the racist MAGA thugs on J6...right? When black police were beaten and called the N word? The MAGA white supremacist would never vote for Scott.
No I didn’t. And neither did you because it never fucking happened.
You did watch the racist MAGA thugs on J6...right? When black police were beaten and called the N word? The MAGA white supremacist would never vote for Scott.
Hmmm I think you were watching a video of the BLM murder tour instead of J6. You are easily confused.
Just like that cock sucker senator at the Tea Party rally spouting the but muh razisms! No evidence. 10’s of thousands of hours of video and audio and not one fucking word. If there was that clip would still be on loop on CNN. Shove your fucking race card up your ass sideways.
MAGA trash just cannot accept facts. They live in trump's fantasy land...where he is still president and Melania still sleeps with him.
You’re sitting here making shit up out of whole cloth and saying others live in fantasy land? You’re fucking retarded.

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