gop Senators Receive Stark Warning About Voting Against trump

This is just so wrong. No president should be threatening a senator. The sad thing is that trump does and the republican senators cower in fear.

No president should be doing this.

GOP senators receive stark warning about voting against Trump

It would be like a mob boss threatening jurors

Yes he has threatened the jury that is supposed to rule on this case.

Anyone else would be charged for trying to influence and threaten a jury.

When will we vote for better people to be in our White House?
The Senators swore an oath to be impartial

Senators who are deliberating under a threat from the President are not impartial

That's nothing. Every democratic asshole in office swore an oath to uphold the constitution too but I don't see any of the assholes living up to that. What was your point again?
Impeachment is in the Constitution
This is just so wrong. No president should be threatening a senator. The sad thing is that trump does and the republican senators cower in fear.

No president should be doing this.

GOP senators receive stark warning about voting against Trump
This is just so wrong. No president should be threatening a senator. The sad thing is that trump does and the republican senators cower in fear.

No president should be doing this.

GOP senators receive stark warning about voting against Trump

It would be like a mob boss threatening jurors

Yes he has threatened the jury that is supposed to rule on this case.

Anyone else would be charged for trying to influence and threaten a jury.

When will we vote for better people to be in our White House?
The Senators swore an oath to be impartial

Senators who are deliberating under a threat from the President are not impartial

I can't disagree with you and the oath they took. I can disagree with you on the issue of impartiality somehow being only a GOP issue.

I'm just a dumb Canadian but even I've learned what you all mean by calling a politician a RINO. We all know who they are and why they are called that.

Trump has taught his party vital lesson which has served their mandate, support and donations well, "fight fire with fire and don't give in when they try and pressure you to break". This is why Trump enjoys 95% approval from GOP voters. People are more proudly conservative today, they aren't weak and feeble.

If I had been Pelosi, I would have pushed for censure. It might not have succeeded but with impeachment she has somehow managed to generate sympathy for a swashbuckling president. Even if the censure didn't succeed, it would have sent a strong message. Now even a censure would fail as it would look vindictive.
Senators are acting as jurors in an impeachment
They swear to uphold the Constitution and be impartial

A President threatening “jurors” while they are deliberating invalidates their impartiality
This is just so wrong. No president should be threatening a senator. The sad thing is that trump does and the republican senators cower in fear.

No president should be doing this.

GOP senators receive stark warning about voting against Trump
This is just so wrong. No president should be threatening a senator. The sad thing is that trump does and the republican senators cower in fear.

No president should be doing this.

GOP senators receive stark warning about voting against Trump

It would be like a mob boss threatening jurors

Yes he has threatened the jury that is supposed to rule on this case.

Anyone else would be charged for trying to influence and threaten a jury.

When will we vote for better people to be in our White House?
The Senators swore an oath to be impartial

Senators who are deliberating under a threat from the President are not impartial

I can't disagree with you and the oath they took. I can disagree with you on the issue of impartiality somehow being only a GOP issue.

I'm just a dumb Canadian but even I've learned what you all mean by calling a politician a RINO. We all know who they are and why they are called that.

Trump has taught his party vital lesson which has served their mandate, support and donations well, "fight fire with fire and don't give in when they try and pressure you to break". This is why Trump enjoys 95% approval from GOP voters. People are more proudly conservative today, they aren't weak and feeble.

If I had been Pelosi, I would have pushed for censure. It might not have succeeded but with impeachment she has somehow managed to generate sympathy for a swashbuckling president. Even if the censure didn't succeed, it would have sent a strong message. Now even a censure would fail as it would look vindictive.
Senators are acting as jurors in an impeachment
They swear to uphold the Constitution and be impartial

A President threatening “jurors” while they are deliberating invalidates their impartiality

Almost that is certainly difficult to near impossible. Ideal yes, but very difficult.

I think the GOP have just as much an argument that this was political in nature, not put forward out of a dire need to save the country. So many actions they took are inconsistent with this.

So, that said, as jurors, what if the Dems are not being honest? There were rumours that some in the House were being threatened with losing funding if they didn't vote a certain way. Like this, it's all hearsay I suppose.

The world of politics is very partisan lately, in Canada, Europe, everywhere (except in dictatorships). It's a clear battle of ideologies.
This is just so wrong. No president should be threatening a senator. The sad thing is that trump does and the republican senators cower in fear.

No president should be doing this.

GOP senators receive stark warning about voting against Trump
It would be like a mob boss threatening jurors

Yes he has threatened the jury that is supposed to rule on this case.

Anyone else would be charged for trying to influence and threaten a jury.

When will we vote for better people to be in our White House?
The Senators swore an oath to be impartial

Senators who are deliberating under a threat from the President are not impartial

I can't disagree with you and the oath they took. I can disagree with you on the issue of impartiality somehow being only a GOP issue.

I'm just a dumb Canadian but even I've learned what you all mean by calling a politician a RINO. We all know who they are and why they are called that.

Trump has taught his party vital lesson which has served their mandate, support and donations well, "fight fire with fire and don't give in when they try and pressure you to break". This is why Trump enjoys 95% approval from GOP voters. People are more proudly conservative today, they aren't weak and feeble.

If I had been Pelosi, I would have pushed for censure. It might not have succeeded but with impeachment she has somehow managed to generate sympathy for a swashbuckling president. Even if the censure didn't succeed, it would have sent a strong message. Now even a censure would fail as it would look vindictive.
Senators are acting as jurors in an impeachment
They swear to uphold the Constitution and be impartial

A President threatening “jurors” while they are deliberating invalidates their impartiality

Almost that is certainly difficult to near impossible. Ideal yes, but very difficult.

I think the GOP have just as much an argument that this was political in nature, not put forward out of a dire need to save the country. So many actions they took are inconsistent with this.

So, that said, as jurors, what if the Dems are not being honest? There were rumours that some in the House were being threatened with losing funding if they didn't vote a certain way. Like this, it's all hearsay I suppose.

The world of politics is very partisan lately, in Canada, Europe, everywhere (except in dictatorships). It's a clear battle of ideologies.

There is a difference if the defendant in a criminal case threatens the jurors if they convict

I know where you live

Something you would expect from a Mafia Don
This is just so wrong. No president should be threatening a senator. The sad thing is that trump does and the republican senators cower in fear.

No president should be doing this.

GOP senators receive stark warning about voting against Trump

It would be like a mob boss threatening jurors

Yes he has threatened the jury that is supposed to rule on this case.

Anyone else would be charged for trying to influence and threaten a jury.

When will we vote for better people to be in our White House?
The Senators swore an oath to be impartial

Senators who are deliberating under a threat from the President are not impartial

That's nothing. Every democratic asshole in office swore an oath to uphold the constitution too but I don't see any of the assholes living up to that. What was your point again?
Impeachment is in the Constitution

So is the second amendment along with the limitation and separation of powers, executive privilege and a lot of other shit, dumbass.
How do you take it that Trump is doing the threatening? Oh yeah, forgot. "orange man bad"

Democrats are wrapping up their impeachment arguments on Friday, telling Senators they can’t trust President Trump. Nancy Cordes has learned that a Trump confidante reportedly told Republican Senators that “a vote against the president and your head will be on a pike.” She breaks down the implications on Capitol Hill.
He has his hit men doing the threatening


The House Managers are just repeating themselves over and over again. Boring as hell.

Just repeating the same bullshit over and over again, but no actual PROOF of their claims against their beloved President.

IMHO, they have just not met the standard of proof and have not shown beyond a reasonable doubt that Donald J. Trump is guilty of any crime at all, much less a high crime.
Msn isn't the most credible of sources. But, from time to time reminding senators that they will face the wrath of voters for their actions is a good thing.
Msn isn't the most credible of sources. But, from time to time reminding senators that they will face the wrath of voters for their actions is a good thing.

And it's not like the Dems never pressure their own members.
Presidents have warned congressional members since Washington.

Trump’s an asshole, but why do his detractors think he’s the first asshole to be potus? LOL.

I don't think anyone believes he's the first one.

The thing is. He shouldn't be doing this. Just because other presidents were assholes, doesn't excuse what trump is doing.

No president should ever threaten a senator. Not like this.

Do we want to keep having people like this in our White House? Or do we want something better than this?
I have no problem with threats to pull funding or back a challenger etc...

It's the same shit ALL OF THEM DO. Most recently was AOC with her threats.

The whole thing is a sham and EVERYONE participating in it should be thrown out on their asses. And the instigators should be charged with.....wait for it.....

This is just so wrong. No president should be threatening a senator. The sad thing is that trump does and the republican senators cower in fear.

No president should be doing this.

GOP senators receive stark warning about voting against Trump

It would be like a mob boss threatening jurors

Yes he has threatened the jury that is supposed to rule on this case.

Anyone else would be charged for trying to influence and threaten a jury.

When will we vote for better people to be in our White House?

Anyone else would be charged for trying to influence and threaten a jury.

You're so brainless, it's a wonder you still manage respiration.
This is just so wrong. No president should be threatening a senator. The sad thing is that trump does and the republican senators cower in fear.

No president should be doing this.

GOP senators receive stark warning about voting against Trump

It would be like a mob boss threatening jurors

Yes he has threatened the jury that is supposed to rule on this case.

Anyone else would be charged for trying to influence and threaten a jury.

When will we vote for better people to be in our White House?
The Senators swore an oath to be impartial

Senators who are deliberating under a threat from the President are not impartial

The Senators swore an oath to be impartial

And what is the punishment if they aren't?
From January 8 no casualties, to now 34 with "Headaches" is about GOP, reacting to national disaster level harm: Created by them. Climate Change is even regarded some nature of plot of a High School student from Sweden! Their personal enrichments from the tax cuts for the rich, their now playing politics with US lives--to claim Iran had actually diminished or had ended any further response to the White House provocations: Is just as bad as waltzing past Urkraine aid as though the lives of allies, even: Don't matter either.

It is now being suggested that U. K. is next on the anti-trade list.

Trump said no US troops were hurt in the Iran strike. The number is now up to 34.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Just something lethal about some people(?)!)

Senators are acting as jurors in an impeachment
They swear to uphold the Constitution and be impartial
You don't really think any of the thugs in that room are impartial though, do you?
Just let the evidence speak for itself.

Such as the recording of Trump at private dinner saying "take her out", referring to Ukraine ambassador.

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