GOP ... states can keep Obamacare

What we have now in Obamacare is probably the worst legislation ever passed and obviously had zero thought out into. That's why insurance rates are skyrocketing and chocking the life out of the middle class. Anything is better than this garbage called Obamacare
Then why can't Republicans put their name on a plan if it is so easy to offer something better than Obamacare?

The GOP hasn't up to now because they are cowards. You can see they are in full panic mode right now.

"Oh fuck! We own healthcare now!"
Are they smart enough to divest?
dude, the mandate is over. It will die on the vine. Exactly what he stated repeal obummercare. It's in action as we type.

That's really unlikely. Trump has said he wants to keep the worst mistake of ACA - the ban on pre-existing conditions. If they do that, they'll have to compensate the insurance companies in some way. Either a mandate or a tax incentive (same thing) will be necessary.
What we have now in Obamacare is probably the worst legislation ever passed and obviously had zero thought out into. That's why insurance rates are skyrocketing and chocking the life out of the middle class. Anything is better than this garbage called Obamacare
Then why can't Republicans put their name on a plan if it is so easy to offer something better than Obamacare?

The GOP hasn't up to now because they are cowards. You can see they are in full panic mode right now.

"Oh fuck! We own healthcare now!"
again, it's so fked up one doesn't know how fked up until they get into congress and learn about all of the bullshit that is required to get out of it. It needs to die. no Mandate, it dies. quite simple.
Actually, without the mandate, ObamaCare does not necessarily die. It simply becomes more expensive than it already is.

Only an actual repeal can kill it.

Then the GOP falls on its face when asked, "And then what?"
dude, the mandate is over. It will die on the vine. Exactly what he stated repeal obummercare. It's in action as we type.

That's really unlikely. Trump has said he wants to keep the worst mistake of ACA - the ban on pre-existing conditions. If they do that, they'll have to compensate the insurance companies in some way. Either a mandate or a tax incentive (same thing) will be necessary.
that's what he wants the congress to compromise on.
It's a good start and I've been pulled over many, many times and never been fined for not wearing a seatbelt that's kind a like what's happening here. There will be no enforcement on the mandate coming up.

I've been fined for the seatbelt shit. But you're mostly right. They'll only enforce it when they want to fuck with people. That's the essence of a police state.
What we have now in Obamacare is probably the worst legislation ever passed and obviously had zero thought out into. That's why insurance rates are skyrocketing and chocking the life out of the middle class. Anything is better than this garbage called Obamacare
Then why can't Republicans put their name on a plan if it is so easy to offer something better than Obamacare?

The GOP hasn't up to now because they are cowards. You can see they are in full panic mode right now.

"Oh fuck! We own healthcare now!"
Are they smart enough to divest?
If the GOP repeals ObamaCare and does nothing further, health care costs will go back to their pre-ObamaCare skyrocketing.

In short, we'll all be much worse off.

And the GOP knows that. That's why they are in a panic.
What we have now in Obamacare is probably the worst legislation ever passed and obviously had zero thought out into. That's why insurance rates are skyrocketing and chocking the life out of the middle class. Anything is better than this garbage called Obamacare
Then why can't Republicans put their name on a plan if it is so easy to offer something better than Obamacare?

The GOP hasn't up to now because they are cowards. You can see they are in full panic mode right now.

"Oh fuck! We own healthcare now!"
again, it's so fked up one doesn't know how fked up until they get into congress and learn about all of the bullshit that is required to get out of it. It needs to die. no Mandate, it dies. quite simple.
Actually, without the mandate, ObamaCare does not necessarily die. It simply becomes more expensive than it already is.

Only an actual repeal can kill it.

Then the GOP falls on its face when asked, "And then what?"
well I'm no expert, but I've listen to a few over the course of the last three months and dying off is the best thing to let it do.
If you like your Obamacare, you can keep your Obamacare

GOP senators outline first Obamacare replacement plan

States are given the option that if healthcare exchanges are working and the people like them, they can keep them

Otherwise, the can set up Health Savings Plans to help pay for insurane nothing and let em die

My guess is Republicans will hate it more than the Democrats do
Hell, I don't give a shit if people want to keep Obama care to themselves - that should be choice, but it's fucked up forcing anybody into Obamacare it's Obviously something they will never use…
Nobody is forced into Obamacare
They always had the option of a private policy
it was called a mandate. go read about it.
Mandate to get yourself a policy
You have a CHOICE of which policy and whether public or private

Only a moron goes through life without health insurance
If you like your Obamacare, you can keep your Obamacare

GOP senators outline first Obamacare replacement plan

States are given the option that if healthcare exchanges are working and the people like them, they can keep them

Otherwise, the can set up Health Savings Plans to help pay for insurane nothing and let em die

My guess is Republicans will hate it more than the Democrats do
Hell, I don't give a shit if people want to keep Obama care to themselves - that should be choice, but it's fucked up forcing anybody into Obamacare it's Obviously something they will never use…
Nobody is forced into Obamacare
They always had the option of a private policy
it was called a mandate. go read about it.
Mandate to get yourself a policy
You have a CHOICE of which policy and whether public or private

Only a moron goes through life without health insurance
well there are quite a few of those today.
If you like your Obamacare, you can keep your Obamacare

GOP senators outline first Obamacare replacement plan

States are given the option that if healthcare exchanges are working and the people like them, they can keep them

Otherwise, the can set up Health Savings Plans to help pay for insurane nothing and let em die

My guess is Republicans will hate it more than the Democrats do
Hell, I don't give a shit if people want to keep Obama care to themselves - that should be choice, but it's fucked up forcing anybody into Obamacare it's Obviously something they will never use…
Nobody is forced into Obamacare
They always had the option of a private policy
it was called a mandate. go read about it.
Mandate to get yourself a policy
You have a CHOICE of which policy and whether public or private

Only a moron goes through life without health insurance
Freedom is all about being allowed to be a moron.

But ObamaCare doesn't just force "morons" to buy insurance, it forces them to buy insurance at a higher cost than it should be. They are forced to subsidize high school dropouts.

Apparently it is okay to be a moron who drops out of high school, but it is not okay to be well off enough to pay for health expenses out of one's own pocket.

We have shit completely backwards.
There is no such thing as Obamacare. It is page after page of fines and regulations sticking it to the hospitals and their patients. We can do much better. In fact we were doing much better before the obstruction.

uh huh, sure.

20 million people are having an insurance company pay for their medical bills now ... before, 20 million people were making taxpayers pay for their medical bills every time they went to a county hospital because they had NO insurance ..

RW logic is fucked up.

Your fairy tale would be find if it were not that....a fairy tale. 20 million are paying to guard against the big one.

And they pay a lot.

Their deductibles are often over 6,000 so the insurance company is often paying NOTHING.
that is our deductible

jc, what was it prior to Obamacare? Mine went from 500 to 5,000.
If you like your Obamacare, you can keep your Obamacare

GOP senators outline first Obamacare replacement plan

States are given the option that if healthcare exchanges are working and the people like them, they can keep them

Otherwise, the can set up Health Savings Plans to help pay for insurane nothing and let em die

My guess is Republicans will hate it more than the Democrats do
Hell, I don't give a shit if people want to keep Obama care to themselves - that should be choice, but it's fucked up forcing anybody into Obamacare it's Obviously something they will never use…
Nobody is forced into Obamacare
They always had the option of a private policy
it was called a mandate. go read about it.
Mandate to get yourself a policy
You have a CHOICE of which policy and whether public or private

Only a moron goes through life without health insurance
Only a fucked up lemming thinks insurance is healthcare... no one should would be forced
You're right, but even that would have pissed off a lot of people, who like me don't have to pay out much out of pocket for routine preventative exams and very rarely actually meet my deductible. I'd have to pay for medicare supplemenets, or face a real danger that me or mine would get something serious.

I'm not sure there was a good answer. In some ways, I think the dems original Obamacare that forced ALL states to expand Medicaid or lose all Medicaid dollars, was the right way to go, but the fine for not having HC should have been low, with more of the funding stream coming from the top 1%. They had 60 and they could have passed it.
Well, Medicare Advantage plans are closer to the PPO/HMO model, with some co-pays and deductibles, but have VERY low monthly premiums, from $0 to around $75. Medicare Supplements have higher premiums but cover pretty much EVERYTHING. And I'd be all for premium support where needed.

Right now we have seven (7) different delivery/payment systems: Group, individual, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Worker's Comp and indigent care. That's fucking MADNESS. And worse, they don't communicate directly with each other. The inefficiencies are as bad as you'd imagine.

I think the answers are out there, but everyone is too busy screaming at each other.

You do realize that Medicare funding comes from payroll tax line item that would explode if everyone had to get covered suddenly?

It is right now 15% of total federal budget, or about 500 billion a year, extending it will at very least double that to 1 Trillion a year.

Democrats will actually go along with that, but for Republicans this will be a total nonstarter and actually a lot closer to single payer than ACA ever will be.
"Medicare for all" is just another way of saying "single payer healthcare".

So of course our tax bill would explode. Just like it does in every country that has single payer healthcare.

We were sold down that river by the GOP a long, long time ago. The rube herd just hasn't caught on yet.
No, it's not Single Payer. Educate yourself on Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplement plans.

Where does the money for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement come from?

The government. That's where.

"Medicaid for all" is single payer.
Well, Medicare Advantage plans are closer to the PPO/HMO model, with some co-pays and deductibles, but have VERY low monthly premiums, from $0 to around $75. Medicare Supplements have higher premiums but cover pretty much EVERYTHING. And I'd be all for premium support where needed.

Right now we have seven (7) different delivery/payment systems: Group, individual, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Worker's Comp and indigent care. That's fucking MADNESS. And worse, they don't communicate directly with each other. The inefficiencies are as bad as you'd imagine.

I think the answers are out there, but everyone is too busy screaming at each other.

You do realize that Medicare funding comes from payroll tax line item that would explode if everyone had to get covered suddenly?

It is right now 15% of total federal budget, or about 500 billion a year, extending it will at very least double that to 1 Trillion a year.

Democrats will actually go along with that, but for Republicans this will be a total nonstarter and actually a lot closer to single payer than ACA ever will be.
"Medicare for all" is just another way of saying "single payer healthcare".

So of course our tax bill would explode. Just like it does in every country that has single payer healthcare.

We were sold down that river by the GOP a long, long time ago. The rube herd just hasn't caught on yet.
No, it's not Single Payer. Educate yourself on Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplement plans.

Where does the money for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement come from?

The government. That's where.

"Medicaid for all" is single payer.
Medicare Supplements are paid with private dollars only with insurer competition. No federal dollars.

Medicare Advantage is subsidized, yes. But the insurers still compete for the business and include preventive/diagnostic care so that small issues don't become large and expensive issues and other extras.

There are many Medicare Advantage plans out there, and one needs to pay the Part B premium and depending on the plan you buy you pay the premium for Medicare Advantage. Not subsidized
There is no such thing as Obamacare. It is page after page of fines and regulations sticking it to the hospitals and their patients. We can do much better. In fact we were doing much better before the obstruction.

uh huh, sure.

20 million people are having an insurance company pay for their medical bills now ... before, 20 million people were making taxpayers pay for their medical bills every time they went to a county hospital because they had NO insurance ..

RW logic is fucked up.

Your fairy tale would be find if it were not that....a fairy tale. 20 million are paying to guard against the big one.

And they pay a lot.

Their deductibles are often over 6,000 so the insurance company is often paying NOTHING.
that is our deductible

jc, what was it prior to Obamacare? Mine went from 500 to 5,000.

There is no such thing as Obamacare. It is page after page of fines and regulations sticking it to the hospitals and their patients. We can do much better. In fact we were doing much better before the obstruction.

uh huh, sure.

20 million people are having an insurance company pay for their medical bills now ... before, 20 million people were making taxpayers pay for their medical bills every time they went to a county hospital because they had NO insurance ..

RW logic is fucked up.

Your fairy tale would be find if it were not that....a fairy tale. 20 million are paying to guard against the big one.

And they pay a lot.

Their deductibles are often over 6,000 so the insurance company is often paying NOTHING.
that is our deductible

Are you on a bronze plan?
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Well, Medicare Advantage plans are closer to the PPO/HMO model, with some co-pays and deductibles, but have VERY low monthly premiums, from $0 to around $75. Medicare Supplements have higher premiums but cover pretty much EVERYTHING. And I'd be all for premium support where needed.

Right now we have seven (7) different delivery/payment systems: Group, individual, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Worker's Comp and indigent care. That's fucking MADNESS. And worse, they don't communicate directly with each other. The inefficiencies are as bad as you'd imagine.

I think the answers are out there, but everyone is too busy screaming at each other.

You do realize that Medicare funding comes from payroll tax line item that would explode if everyone had to get covered suddenly?

It is right now 15% of total federal budget, or about 500 billion a year, extending it will at very least double that to 1 Trillion a year.

Democrats will actually go along with that, but for Republicans this will be a total nonstarter and actually a lot closer to single payer than ACA ever will be.
"Medicare for all" is just another way of saying "single payer healthcare".

So of course our tax bill would explode. Just like it does in every country that has single payer healthcare.

We were sold down that river by the GOP a long, long time ago. The rube herd just hasn't caught on yet.
No, it's not Single Payer. Educate yourself on Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplement plans.

Where does the money for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement come from?

The government. That's where.

"Medicaid for all" is single payer.
You do realize that Medicare funding comes from payroll tax line item that would explode if everyone had to get covered suddenly?

It is right now 15% of total federal budget, or about 500 billion a year, extending it will at very least double that to 1 Trillion a year.

Democrats will actually go along with that, but for Republicans this will be a total nonstarter and actually a lot closer to single payer than ACA ever will be.
"Medicare for all" is just another way of saying "single payer healthcare".

So of course our tax bill would explode. Just like it does in every country that has single payer healthcare.

We were sold down that river by the GOP a long, long time ago. The rube herd just hasn't caught on yet.
No, it's not Single Payer. Educate yourself on Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplement plans.

Where does the money for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement come from?

The government. That's where.

"Medicaid for all" is single payer.
Medicare Supplements are paid with private dollars only with insurer competition. No federal dollars.

Medicare Advantage is subsidized, yes. But the insurers still compete for the business and include preventive/diagnostic care so that small issues don't become large and expensive issues and other extras.

There are many Medicare Advantage plans out there, and one needs to pay the Part B premium and depending on the plan you buy you pay the premium for Medicare Advantage. Not subsidized

What is Single Payer? | Physicians for a National Health Program

Single-payer national health insurance, also known as “Medicare for all,” is a system in which a single public or quasi-public agency organizes health care financing, but the delivery of care remains largely in private hands.
You do realize that Medicare funding comes from payroll tax line item that would explode if everyone had to get covered suddenly?

It is right now 15% of total federal budget, or about 500 billion a year, extending it will at very least double that to 1 Trillion a year.

Democrats will actually go along with that, but for Republicans this will be a total nonstarter and actually a lot closer to single payer than ACA ever will be.
"Medicare for all" is just another way of saying "single payer healthcare".

So of course our tax bill would explode. Just like it does in every country that has single payer healthcare.

We were sold down that river by the GOP a long, long time ago. The rube herd just hasn't caught on yet.
No, it's not Single Payer. Educate yourself on Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplement plans.

Where does the money for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement come from?

The government. That's where.

"Medicaid for all" is single payer.
"Medicare for all" is just another way of saying "single payer healthcare".

So of course our tax bill would explode. Just like it does in every country that has single payer healthcare.

We were sold down that river by the GOP a long, long time ago. The rube herd just hasn't caught on yet.
No, it's not Single Payer. Educate yourself on Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplement plans.

Where does the money for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement come from?

The government. That's where.

"Medicaid for all" is single payer.
Medicare Supplements are paid with private dollars only with insurer competition. No federal dollars.

Medicare Advantage is subsidized, yes. But the insurers still compete for the business and include preventive/diagnostic care so that small issues don't become large and expensive issues and other extras.

There are many Medicare Advantage plans out there, and one needs to pay the Part B premium and depending on the plan you buy you pay the premium for Medicare Advantage. Not subsidized

What is Single Payer? | Physicians for a National Health Program

Single-payer national health insurance, also known as “Medicare for all,” is a system in which a single public or quasi-public agency organizes health care financing, but the delivery of care remains largely in private hands.

We do not have single payer.
Freedom is all about being allowed to be a moron.

But ObamaCare doesn't just force "morons" to buy insurance, it forces them to buy insurance at a higher cost than it should be. They are forced to subsidize high school dropouts.

What you just said is total nonsense.

Not a single dollar of your healthcare spending goes to pay for means based insurance subsidies. Funding for that comes from cuts in other spending and a few new taxes that mostly hit 250K+ income brakes.
"Medicare for all" is just another way of saying "single payer healthcare".

So of course our tax bill would explode. Just like it does in every country that has single payer healthcare.

We were sold down that river by the GOP a long, long time ago. The rube herd just hasn't caught on yet.
No, it's not Single Payer. Educate yourself on Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplement plans.

Where does the money for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement come from?

The government. That's where.

"Medicaid for all" is single payer.
No, it's not Single Payer. Educate yourself on Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplement plans.

Where does the money for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement come from?

The government. That's where.

"Medicaid for all" is single payer.
Medicare Supplements are paid with private dollars only with insurer competition. No federal dollars.

Medicare Advantage is subsidized, yes. But the insurers still compete for the business and include preventive/diagnostic care so that small issues don't become large and expensive issues and other extras.

There are many Medicare Advantage plans out there, and one needs to pay the Part B premium and depending on the plan you buy you pay the premium for Medicare Advantage. Not subsidized

What is Single Payer? | Physicians for a National Health Program

Single-payer national health insurance, also known as “Medicare for all,” is a system in which a single public or quasi-public agency organizes health care financing, but the delivery of care remains largely in private hands.

We do not have single payer.
I didn't say we do.

I said "Medicare for all" is just another way of saying single payer. Mac disagreed.

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