GOP ... states can keep Obamacare

well shit, Trump just got there Friday and froze it for now. He still needs a cabinet, why not ask congress to complete their fking jobs and then let's let Trump actually concentrate on getting some dialog going with everyone. Most everyone is in agreement something needs to be done to the ACA in it's current state. Whatever anyone wishes to call correcting is meaningless to me. Mandate is over. It will die on its own without funding. And if I was trump I'd make sure the country knows why the congress let it die. Again, trump was a third party candidate running under the GOP banner. He is my president and selected by me cause he was not a member of either party. I want him to shake the shit out of DC and stop all of the useless finger pointing and get the job done for America.
Trump said he had a plan. It was right there on his campaign web site. And he said just the other day he had a "beautiful" plan.

He said he would repeal and replace on Day One.

What's more, the GOP has had SEVEN YEARS to put a replacement on the table. Instead, they have put NOTHING on the table.


The rube herd never caught on, even though I have been pointing this out the whole time.
he froze it on day one, and relieved the burden of the mandate. done, that's about as repeal as one gets. It dies on its own without someone making up some new material. Yes he has a plan and he will put that plan to congress after congress gets off their ass and confirms the cabinet. What a bunch of DC punks not confirming appointments to make a fking grand stand. This is the kind of shit the people are fking tired of. Get your demoturd buddies heads out of their jealous ases and let's get to work. STALL isn't an option.
Trump cannot repeal the mandate. If he tries, I expect all you pseudocons to demand his immediate impeachment, just like you did Obama when he extended the employer mandate.

As for the cabinet appointments, Trump and his nominees didn't get their shit together in time. It's on them, not Congress.

It's is hilarious you are whining about how long it is taking to confirm them when the GOP had SEVEN YEARS to write an ObamaCare replacement bill.

Where the fuck is it?
dude the bills were written and held out of a vote by Harry Reid. FIVE FKING YEARS. The dems had the floor for the first two and fked it up. It's fking funny you think the congress had enough repubs to pass that legislation in 2011. Funny shit. Just like they can't today. It's no fking difference. The leverage is with the POTUS now on my team. It's time to get these lazy asholes in congress doing the People's work.

No, the paperwork was in and the fking democrats stated they were going to go slow, it's on record.
Nope. No comprehensive reform bills have been offered up.

Sixty repeals of ObamaCare.

They've owned Congress for two years.

No more excuses.

Where the fuck is it?

"WASHINGTON — In his first executive order, President Trump on Friday directed government agencies to scale back as many aspects of the Affordable Care Act as possible, moving within hours of being sworn in to fulfill his pledge to eviscerate Barack Obama’s signature health care law.

The one-page order, which Mr. Trump signed in a hastily arranged Oval Office ceremony shortly before departing for the inaugural balls, gave no specifics about which aspects of the law it was targeting. But its broad language gave federal agencies wide latitude to change, delay or waive provisions of the law that they deemed overly costly for insurers, drug makers, doctors, patients or states, suggesting that it could have wide-ranging impact, and essentially allowing the dismantling of the law to begin even before Congress moves to repeal it."
If you like your Obamacare, you can keep your Obamacare

GOP senators outline first Obamacare replacement plan

States are given the option that if healthcare exchanges are working and the people like them, they can keep them

Otherwise, the can set up Health Savings Plans to help pay for insurane nothing and let em die

My guess is Republicans will hate it more than the Democrats do
Hell, I don't give a shit if people want to keep Obama care to themselves - that should be choice, but it's fucked up forcing anybody into Obamacare it's Obviously something they will never use…
Obamacare doesn't work if you don't force everyone into the pool. That's why the conservative Heritage foundation came up with the individual mandate a long time ago.

If we allow people to choose whether or not to participate, only our catastrophically sick and handicapped would jump in that pool.
What we have now in Obamacare is probably the worst legislation ever passed and obviously had zero thought out into. That's why insurance rates are skyrocketing and chocking the life out of the middle class. Anything is better than this garbage called Obamacare
The GOP has had seven years to write a bill.

Where the fuck is it?
The answer is that the GOP is incapable of writing a comprehensive healthcare bill other than cut taxes and call it healthcare

Any bill will be a death sentence for the Republican proposing it

All of Congress is incapable, and shouldn't try. It's not the job of government to provide us with health care.
repealing healthcare is already meeting opposition ..

GOP senators: Give states the option of keeping ObamaCare

when (and if ) it comes time to vote on repealing the ACA it will only take a few more like-minded Republicans to cross the aisle and vote with the dems to stop Trump dead in his tracks.
It has been weakened so much by the GOP propaganda, that its very weak now.
It like Right to Work, you do not need to join the union, unions loose money and dies.

Expect slave labor soon, why the wealthy like Trump do not pay taxes, so they need the middle class to.

And the middle class who can do factory jobs will just be happy having food, clothes and a roof over their head, while the rich laugh all the way to the hedge funds. Keep the poor happy and paying taxes, we are their food.

Viruses need a host and the working poor are it.
The GOP make state exchanges drop out? Some states are down to one. The GOP made the rates go up and the coverage go down? How did they do that?
repealing healthcare is already meeting opposition ..

GOP senators: Give states the option of keeping ObamaCare

when (and if ) it comes time to vote on repealing the ACA it will only take a few more like-minded Republicans to cross the aisle and vote with the dems to stop Trump dead in his tracks.
It has been weakened so much by the GOP propaganda, that its very weak now.
It like Right to Work, you do not need to join the union, unions loose money and dies.

Expect slave labor soon, why the wealthy like Trump do not pay taxes, so they need the middle class to.

And the middle class who can do factory jobs will just be happy having food, clothes and a roof over their head, while the rich laugh all the way to the hedge funds. Keep the poor happy and paying taxes, we are their food.

Viruses need a host and the working poor are it.
This is not a village and we are not all in this together… That's the way it should be. By the way unions are just like communism fucking government forcing people into shit they don't want to. Unions deserve to die if they want to force people into them...
Trump said he had a plan. It was right there on his campaign web site. And he said just the other day he had a "beautiful" plan.

He said he would repeal and replace on Day One.

What's more, the GOP has had SEVEN YEARS to put a replacement on the table. Instead, they have put NOTHING on the table.


The rube herd never caught on, even though I have been pointing this out the whole time.
he froze it on day one, and relieved the burden of the mandate. done, that's about as repeal as one gets. It dies on its own without someone making up some new material. Yes he has a plan and he will put that plan to congress after congress gets off their ass and confirms the cabinet. What a bunch of DC punks not confirming appointments to make a fking grand stand. This is the kind of shit the people are fking tired of. Get your demoturd buddies heads out of their jealous ases and let's get to work. STALL isn't an option.
Trump cannot repeal the mandate. If he tries, I expect all you pseudocons to demand his immediate impeachment, just like you did Obama when he extended the employer mandate.

As for the cabinet appointments, Trump and his nominees didn't get their shit together in time. It's on them, not Congress.

It's is hilarious you are whining about how long it is taking to confirm them when the GOP had SEVEN YEARS to write an ObamaCare replacement bill.

Where the fuck is it?
dude the bills were written and held out of a vote by Harry Reid. FIVE FKING YEARS. The dems had the floor for the first two and fked it up. It's fking funny you think the congress had enough repubs to pass that legislation in 2011. Funny shit. Just like they can't today. It's no fking difference. The leverage is with the POTUS now on my team. It's time to get these lazy asholes in congress doing the People's work.

No, the paperwork was in and the fking democrats stated they were going to go slow, it's on record.
Nope. No comprehensive reform bills have been offered up.

Sixty repeals of ObamaCare.

They've owned Congress for two years.

No more excuses.

Where the fuck is it?

"WASHINGTON — In his first executive order, President Trump on Friday directed government agencies to scale back as many aspects of the Affordable Care Act as possible, moving within hours of being sworn in to fulfill his pledge to eviscerate Barack Obama’s signature health care law.

The one-page order, which Mr. Trump signed in a hastily arranged Oval Office ceremony shortly before departing for the inaugural balls, gave no specifics about which aspects of the law it was targeting. But its broad language gave federal agencies wide latitude to change, delay or waive provisions of the law that they deemed overly costly for insurers, drug makers, doctors, patients or states, suggesting that it could have wide-ranging impact, and essentially allowing the dismantling of the law to begin even before Congress moves to repeal it."
Here is the actual text of the EO: Text of President Trump's ObamaCare executive order

He does not repeal the mandate. He does, however, give discretionary power to HHS of enforcement of the mandate.

So I will wait here while you all demand his immediate impeachment. You wouldn't want to be caught being hypocrites.
The Democrats should have done the right thing the FIRST damn time and extended the Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system to all. An excellent, already-functioning blend of public funding and dynamic private competition.

Now we're going to end up with some kind of Frankenstein's fucking monster.

Thanks, "leaders".
You're right, but even that would have pissed off a lot of people, who like me don't have to pay out much out of pocket for routine preventative exams and very rarely actually meet my deductible. I'd have to pay for medicare supplemenets, or face a real danger that me or mine would get something serious.

I'm not sure there was a good answer. In some ways, I think the dems original Obamacare that forced ALL states to expand Medicaid or lose all Medicaid dollars, was the right way to go, but the fine for not having HC should have been low, with more of the funding stream coming from the top 1%. They had 60 and they could have passed it.
Well, Medicare Advantage plans are closer to the PPO/HMO model, with some co-pays and deductibles, but have VERY low monthly premiums, from $0 to around $75. Medicare Supplements have higher premiums but cover pretty much EVERYTHING. And I'd be all for premium support where needed.

Right now we have seven (7) different delivery/payment systems: Group, individual, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Worker's Comp and indigent care. That's fucking MADNESS. And worse, they don't communicate directly with each other. The inefficiencies are as bad as you'd imagine.

I think the answers are out there, but everyone is too busy screaming at each other.

You do realize that Medicare funding comes from payroll tax line item that would explode if everyone had to get covered suddenly?

It is right now 15% of total federal budget, or about 500 billion a year, extending it will at very least double that to 1 Trillion a year.

Democrats will actually go along with that, but for Republicans this will be a total nonstarter and actually a lot closer to single payer than ACA ever will be.
Heath care costs are not linear. Over 80% of the average person's lifetime health care costs are incurred after age 65. Also, these plans are personal and portable, meaning American businesses would be able to take a massive cost & administrative cost monkey off their backs. We might need to drop Medicare co-insurance from 80% to 70% or 75%, we'd have to look at tort reform and reducing defensive medicine, but I'd sure rather start from that point and tweak from there than deal with this mess.

But you're right, the Republicans right now couldn't vote for this if they want to be re-elected, and certainly fundraising and being re-elected are a politician's top priority. But this would be far better than the seven-headed beast of a "system" that we have now.
The Democrats should have done the right thing the FIRST damn time and extended the Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system to all. An excellent, already-functioning blend of public funding and dynamic private competition.

Now we're going to end up with some kind of Frankenstein's fucking monster.

Thanks, "leaders".
You're right, but even that would have pissed off a lot of people, who like me don't have to pay out much out of pocket for routine preventative exams and very rarely actually meet my deductible. I'd have to pay for medicare supplemenets, or face a real danger that me or mine would get something serious.

I'm not sure there was a good answer. In some ways, I think the dems original Obamacare that forced ALL states to expand Medicaid or lose all Medicaid dollars, was the right way to go, but the fine for not having HC should have been low, with more of the funding stream coming from the top 1%. They had 60 and they could have passed it.
Well, Medicare Advantage plans are closer to the PPO/HMO model, with some co-pays and deductibles, but have VERY low monthly premiums, from $0 to around $75. Medicare Supplements have higher premiums but cover pretty much EVERYTHING. And I'd be all for premium support where needed.

Right now we have seven (7) different delivery/payment systems: Group, individual, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Worker's Comp and indigent care. That's fucking MADNESS. And worse, they don't communicate directly with each other. The inefficiencies are as bad as you'd imagine.

I think the answers are out there, but everyone is too busy screaming at each other.

You do realize that Medicare funding comes from payroll tax line item that would explode if everyone had to get covered suddenly?

It is right now 15% of total federal budget, or about 500 billion a year, extending it will at very least double that to 1 Trillion a year.

Democrats will actually go along with that, but for Republicans this will be a total nonstarter and actually a lot closer to single payer than ACA ever will be.
Heath care costs are not linear. Over 80% of the average person's lifetime health care costs are incurred after age 65. Also, these plans are personal and portable, meaning American businesses would be able to take a massive cost & administrative cost monkey off their backs. We might need to drop Medicare co-insurance from 80% to 70% or 75%, we'd have to look at tort reform and reducing defensive medicine, but I'd sure rather start from that point and tweak from there than deal with this mess.

But you're right, the Republicans right now couldn't vote for this if they want to be re-elected, and certainly fundraising and being re-elected are a politician's top priority. But this would be far better than the seven-headed beast of a "system" that we have now.

That sure is a graph.
The Democrats should have done the right thing the FIRST damn time and extended the Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system to all. An excellent, already-functioning blend of public funding and dynamic private competition.

Now we're going to end up with some kind of Frankenstein's fucking monster.

Thanks, "leaders".
You're right, but even that would have pissed off a lot of people, who like me don't have to pay out much out of pocket for routine preventative exams and very rarely actually meet my deductible. I'd have to pay for medicare supplemenets, or face a real danger that me or mine would get something serious.

I'm not sure there was a good answer. In some ways, I think the dems original Obamacare that forced ALL states to expand Medicaid or lose all Medicaid dollars, was the right way to go, but the fine for not having HC should have been low, with more of the funding stream coming from the top 1%. They had 60 and they could have passed it.
Well, Medicare Advantage plans are closer to the PPO/HMO model, with some co-pays and deductibles, but have VERY low monthly premiums, from $0 to around $75. Medicare Supplements have higher premiums but cover pretty much EVERYTHING. And I'd be all for premium support where needed.

Right now we have seven (7) different delivery/payment systems: Group, individual, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Worker's Comp and indigent care. That's fucking MADNESS. And worse, they don't communicate directly with each other. The inefficiencies are as bad as you'd imagine.

I think the answers are out there, but everyone is too busy screaming at each other.

You do realize that Medicare funding comes from payroll tax line item that would explode if everyone had to get covered suddenly?

It is right now 15% of total federal budget, or about 500 billion a year, extending it will at very least double that to 1 Trillion a year.

Democrats will actually go along with that, but for Republicans this will be a total nonstarter and actually a lot closer to single payer than ACA ever will be.
"Medicare for all" is just another way of saying "single payer healthcare".

So of course our tax bill would explode. Just like it does in every country that has single payer healthcare.

We were sold down that river by the GOP a long, long time ago. The rube herd just hasn't caught on yet.
No, it's not Single Payer. Educate yourself on Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplement plans.

Free market competition and innovation would remain.
my guess is the people who elect their Congressmen/women will tell them what they want and how they want it if they want to be reelected again, and the results will show up in 2018 despite what Trump and his little bots want.
Some states did a good job setting up Healthcare exchanges. Kentucky loves their system as do many blue states

Republicans love states rights, why not let them decide on their healthcare?
I don't have a problem with that - the problem I have is that it should be a choice of the individual, millions of people want nothing to do with health care. And certainly want nothing to do with paying for other people's health care at times.
The GOP has had seven years to write a bill.

Where the fuck is it?
The answer is that the GOP is incapable of writing a comprehensive healthcare bill other than cut taxes and call it healthcare

Any bill will be a death sentence for the Republican proposing it

All of Congress is incapable, and shouldn't try. It's not the job of government to provide us with health care.
I thoroughly agree the government should not be providing us healthcare.

However, to get to that point would require a great deal of legislation from Congress.

Repealing ObamaCare would only take us back to 2009. It would not remove government from healthcare. And it sure as shit would not stop healthcare costs from continuing to rise faster than GDP and inflation.

So where the fuck is the GOP bill?
Could this be a fair reasonable compromise? Or are we all done with compromises? Is that over now?
repealing healthcare is already meeting opposition ..

GOP senators: Give states the option of keeping ObamaCare

when (and if ) it comes time to vote on repealing the ACA it will only take a few more like-minded Republicans to cross the aisle and vote with the dems to stop Trump dead in his tracks.
It has been weakened so much by the GOP propaganda, that its very weak now.
It like Right to Work, you do not need to join the union, unions loose money and dies.

Expect slave labor soon, why the wealthy like Trump do not pay taxes, so they need the middle class to.

And the middle class who can do factory jobs will just be happy having food, clothes and a roof over their head, while the rich laugh all the way to the hedge funds. Keep the poor happy and paying taxes, we are their food.

Viruses need a host and the working poor are it.
The GOP make state exchanges drop out? Some states are down to one. The GOP made the rates go up and the coverage go down? How did they do that?
well one thing's for sure, if you shut down healthcare than prices will have to drop like fking crazy or everyone is out of work in the medical field. Prices are fking far too high to survive insurance costs. The problem today is no one knows what the prices are for doing medical procedures so people can't shop around. It's time to kill the hiddens of medial practices and start allowing people to shop for the cheapest service.
Last edited:
The GOP has had seven years to write a bill.

Where the fuck is it?
The answer is that the GOP is incapable of writing a comprehensive healthcare bill other than cut taxes and call it healthcare

Any bill will be a death sentence for the Republican proposing it

All of Congress is incapable, and shouldn't try. It's not the job of government to provide us with health care.
I thoroughly agree that the government should not be providing us healthcare.

However, to get to that point would require a great deal of legislation from Congress.

So where the fuck is the GOP bill?

It's nowhere. They are no different than the Democrats.
The Democrats should have done the right thing the FIRST damn time and extended the Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system to all. An excellent, already-functioning blend of public funding and dynamic private competition.

Now we're going to end up with some kind of Frankenstein's fucking monster.

Thanks, "leaders".
You're right, but even that would have pissed off a lot of people, who like me don't have to pay out much out of pocket for routine preventative exams and very rarely actually meet my deductible. I'd have to pay for medicare supplemenets, or face a real danger that me or mine would get something serious.

I'm not sure there was a good answer. In some ways, I think the dems original Obamacare that forced ALL states to expand Medicaid or lose all Medicaid dollars, was the right way to go, but the fine for not having HC should have been low, with more of the funding stream coming from the top 1%. They had 60 and they could have passed it.
Well, Medicare Advantage plans are closer to the PPO/HMO model, with some co-pays and deductibles, but have VERY low monthly premiums, from $0 to around $75. Medicare Supplements have higher premiums but cover pretty much EVERYTHING. And I'd be all for premium support where needed.

Right now we have seven (7) different delivery/payment systems: Group, individual, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Worker's Comp and indigent care. That's fucking MADNESS. And worse, they don't communicate directly with each other. The inefficiencies are as bad as you'd imagine.

I think the answers are out there, but everyone is too busy screaming at each other.

You do realize that Medicare funding comes from payroll tax line item that would explode if everyone had to get covered suddenly?

It is right now 15% of total federal budget, or about 500 billion a year, extending it will at very least double that to 1 Trillion a year.

Democrats will actually go along with that, but for Republicans this will be a total nonstarter and actually a lot closer to single payer than ACA ever will be.
"Medicare for all" is just another way of saying "single payer healthcare".

So of course our tax bill would explode. Just like it does in every country that has single payer healthcare.

We were sold down that river by the GOP a long, long time ago. The rube herd just hasn't caught on yet.
No, it's not Single Payer. Educate yourself on Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplement plans.

Where does the money for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement come from?

The government. That's where.

"Medicaid for all" is single payer.
he froze it on day one, and relieved the burden of the mandate. done, that's about as repeal as one gets. It dies on its own without someone making up some new material. Yes he has a plan and he will put that plan to congress after congress gets off their ass and confirms the cabinet. What a bunch of DC punks not confirming appointments to make a fking grand stand. This is the kind of shit the people are fking tired of. Get your demoturd buddies heads out of their jealous ases and let's get to work. STALL isn't an option.
Trump cannot repeal the mandate. If he tries, I expect all you pseudocons to demand his immediate impeachment, just like you did Obama when he extended the employer mandate.

As for the cabinet appointments, Trump and his nominees didn't get their shit together in time. It's on them, not Congress.

It's is hilarious you are whining about how long it is taking to confirm them when the GOP had SEVEN YEARS to write an ObamaCare replacement bill.

Where the fuck is it?
dude the bills were written and held out of a vote by Harry Reid. FIVE FKING YEARS. The dems had the floor for the first two and fked it up. It's fking funny you think the congress had enough repubs to pass that legislation in 2011. Funny shit. Just like they can't today. It's no fking difference. The leverage is with the POTUS now on my team. It's time to get these lazy asholes in congress doing the People's work.

No, the paperwork was in and the fking democrats stated they were going to go slow, it's on record.
Nope. No comprehensive reform bills have been offered up.

Sixty repeals of ObamaCare.

They've owned Congress for two years.

No more excuses.

Where the fuck is it?

"WASHINGTON — In his first executive order, President Trump on Friday directed government agencies to scale back as many aspects of the Affordable Care Act as possible, moving within hours of being sworn in to fulfill his pledge to eviscerate Barack Obama’s signature health care law.

The one-page order, which Mr. Trump signed in a hastily arranged Oval Office ceremony shortly before departing for the inaugural balls, gave no specifics about which aspects of the law it was targeting. But its broad language gave federal agencies wide latitude to change, delay or waive provisions of the law that they deemed overly costly for insurers, drug makers, doctors, patients or states, suggesting that it could have wide-ranging impact, and essentially allowing the dismantling of the law to begin even before Congress moves to repeal it."
Here is the actual text of the EO: Text of President Trump's ObamaCare executive order

He does not repeal the mandate. He does, however, give discretionary power to HHS of enforcement of the mandate.

So I will wait here while you all demand his immediate impeachment. You wouldn't want to be caught being hypocrites.
dude, the mandate is over. It will die on the vine. Exactly what he stated repeal obummercare. It's in action as we type.
The Democrats should have done the right thing the FIRST damn time and extended the Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system to all. An excellent, already-functioning blend of public funding and dynamic private competition.

Now we're going to end up with some kind of Frankenstein's fucking monster.

Thanks, "leaders".
You're right, but even that would have pissed off a lot of people, who like me don't have to pay out much out of pocket for routine preventative exams and very rarely actually meet my deductible. I'd have to pay for medicare supplemenets, or face a real danger that me or mine would get something serious.

I'm not sure there was a good answer. In some ways, I think the dems original Obamacare that forced ALL states to expand Medicaid or lose all Medicaid dollars, was the right way to go, but the fine for not having HC should have been low, with more of the funding stream coming from the top 1%. They had 60 and they could have passed it.
Well, Medicare Advantage plans are closer to the PPO/HMO model, with some co-pays and deductibles, but have VERY low monthly premiums, from $0 to around $75. Medicare Supplements have higher premiums but cover pretty much EVERYTHING. And I'd be all for premium support where needed.

Right now we have seven (7) different delivery/payment systems: Group, individual, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Worker's Comp and indigent care. That's fucking MADNESS. And worse, they don't communicate directly with each other. The inefficiencies are as bad as you'd imagine.

I think the answers are out there, but everyone is too busy screaming at each other.

You do realize that Medicare funding comes from payroll tax line item that would explode if everyone had to get covered suddenly?

It is right now 15% of total federal budget, or about 500 billion a year, extending it will at very least double that to 1 Trillion a year.

Democrats will actually go along with that, but for Republicans this will be a total nonstarter and actually a lot closer to single payer than ACA ever will be.
Heath care costs are not linear. Over 80% of the average person's lifetime health care costs are incurred after age 65. Also, these plans are personal and portable, meaning American businesses would be able to take a massive cost & administrative cost monkey off their backs. We might need to drop Medicare co-insurance from 80% to 70% or 75%, we'd have to look at tort reform and reducing defensive medicine, but I'd sure rather start from that point and tweak from there than deal with this mess.

But you're right, the Republicans right now couldn't vote for this if they want to be re-elected, and certainly fundraising and being re-elected are a politician's top priority. But this would be far better than the seven-headed beast of a "system" that we have now.

65+ that Medicare currently covers make up only 13% of population, so while yes, they use more health care per-capita, the numbers are still that it will cost 2-3 times the current Medicare budget to cover everyone.

Republicans have always been against single payer that is Medicare for all you, and liberals usually advocate. It's is not just what they will get voted out for, it is what they are ideologically against.

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