GOP strategy - disrupted Dem town hall meetings

Right wing UN-American activity...

"the days of civil town halls are now “over.”" Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX), chairman of the NRCC

Right-Wing Harassment Strategy Against Dems Detailed In Memo: ‘Yell,’ ‘Stand Up And Shout Out,’ ‘Rattle Him’

This morning, Politico reported that Democratic members of Congress are increasingly being harassed by “angry, sign-carrying mobs and disruptive behavior” at local town halls. For example, in one incident, right-wing protesters surrounded Rep. Tim Bishop (D-NY) and forced police officers to have to escort him to his car for safety.

This growing phenomenon is often marked by violence and absurdity. Recently, right-wing demonstrators hung Rep. Frank Kratovil (D-MD) in effigy outside of his office. Missing from the reporting of these stories is the fact that much of these protests are coordinated by public relations firms and lobbyists who have a stake in opposing President Obama’s reforms.

The lobbyist-run groups Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks, which orchestrated the anti-Obama tea parties earlier this year, are now pursuing an aggressive strategy to create an image of mass public opposition to health care and clean energy reform. A leaked memo from Bob MacGuffie, a volunteer with the FreedomWorks website Tea Party Patriots, details how members should be infiltrating town halls and harassing Democratic members of Congress:

– Artificially Inflate Your Numbers: “Spread out in the hall and try to be in the front half. The objective is to put the Rep on the defensive with your questions and follow-up. The Rep should be made to feel that a majority, and if not, a significant portion of at least the audience, opposes the socialist agenda of Washington.”

– Be Disruptive Early And Often: “You need to rock-the-boat early in the Rep’s presentation, Watch for an opportunity to yell out and challenge the Rep’s statements early.”

– Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate: “The goal is to rattle him, get him off his prepared script and agenda. If he says something outrageous, stand up and shout out and sit right back down. Look for these opportunities before he even takes questions.”

The memo above also resembles the talking points being distributed by FreedomWorks for pushing an anti-health reform assault all summer. Patients United, a front group maintained by Americans for Prosperity, is currently busing people all over the country for more protests against Democratic members. Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX), chairman of the NRCC, has endorsed the strategy, telling the Politico the days of civil town halls are now “over.”

Meanwhile, AHIP, the trade group and lobbying juggernaut representing the health insurance industry is sending staffers to monitor town halls and other right-wing front groups are stepping up their ad campaign to smear reform efforts. The strategy for defeating reform — recently outlined by an influential lobbyist to the Hill newspaper as “delay” then “kill” — is becoming apparent. By delaying a vote until after the August recess, lobbyists are now seizing upon recess town halls as opportunities to ambush lawmakers and fool them into believing there is wide opposition to reform.


Here is a question for you, lib.

Who said this?
"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.
[ame=]YouTube - Obama Says "Argue With Neighbors, Get In Their Face"[/ame]

I even used red font so you know it's authoratative.

Don't bother trying to backpedal, we all know what a ginormous, sycophantic lib you are.
A few Points here:

1) According to the Clintons that is exactly how your buddy Obama managed to rack up big wins in the caucuses. What's good for the goose is damn well good for the gander.

2) It gets disruptive because your ass hats won't respond to much else. If it is a town hall it isn't supposed to be a Democrat or a Republican event. It is supposed to be an event at which all opinions can be aired.

3) Your side has been shouting down messages it didn't want to hear for the last 40 odd years. People with sense have now decided that you will no longer be able to stick your ever petulant fingers in your petulant ears and cry we can't hear you. You can't take the heat your sorry spend thrift ways are drawing get your sorry ass out of the kitchen.
Ok, let's rewind about, say, 6 years.

Would those cons on here who are applauding the efforts of Tea-Partiers be as supportive of people who were anti-war protestors if they were carrying on like this and a memo surfaced that showed that this deliberately disruptive behavior was being coordinated by different Liberal groups? There was plenty of shit going down back then, but I don't recall hearing of anything like this on their part.

When they have this as part of their guidelines....

– Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate: “The goal is to rattle him, get him off his prepared script and agenda. If he says something outrageous, stand up and shout out and sit right back down. Look for these opportunities before he even takes questions.”

....WTF is the point of even having a town hall meeting, then?

You are quoting the spin posted on a leftist website. Not the actual memo itself.

Just so ya know, it's bullshit. The memo clearly states that the opponents should come well prepared to ask pointed questions, with follow ups, and to not carry on and be disruptive.

Do the leftists on this board all jump on the rumor and spin bandwagon without actually reading the thing themselves? Seems to be.

Alright, I actually sat down and read the memo all the way through instead of just glancing at it, like I did the first time. As a result, I take back my initial criticisms, although not so much because I'm OK with this, but more because I realize it's hypocritical.

Nevertheless, as I said earlier, forewarned can also mean forearmed in some cases.
Those to the right of current administration go Alinsky and the wingnuts go off. Pretty amusing. What happened to protests being the ultimate patriotism?
I hated seeing those Code Pink gals interrupting congressional meetings with outbursts.... :(

I didn't say they should be banned, but it was very disruptive and did nothing to serve a purpose other than being disruptive.... :(
Those to the right of current administration go Alinsky and the wingnuts go off. Pretty amusing. What happened to protests being the ultimate patriotism?
That is a revoling indicator, the postion of the players, left or right, determines what is 'patriotism' and what isn't.
Since you've made it ok to stereotype and all.

That's like saying ACORN members all around drinking 40 oz bottles of Colt 45, smoking blunts talking about they're tired of whitey keeping them down. YEAAAA !! I HEARD A BUNCH OF THESE CRACKA ASS CRACKA'S GONNA SHOW UP TODAY AND VOTE AGAINST THE BROTHA, LET'S ALL GRAB A 40 AND A 9, WE GONNA BUS SOME CAPS AND SHOW THESE MUTHAFUCKA'S WHAT TIME IT IS !!

Most of the people that voted for Obama can't give you a LOGICAL reason why and were not interested in finding a good reason why, " hope" and "change" were good enough for them. Now that he's been royally screwing up and about to make another disastrous move, people are listening and that's the worst thing that can happen for the left......

I can give you any reason you want, and have, as have many others. You must not get out much especially visiting this board.

He's gonna get us out of Iraq, he's gonna close gitmo, he's gonna fix the economy and the healthcare system blah, blah, blah. I'm sure you can give me the lame liberal talking points all day long. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz .......

And you just want everyone to be quiet and just go along with his radical agenda.....:eusa_whistle:

So sorry things are a tad more complicated than just waving a magic wand so that everything is perfect for you in six months.

i thought it was voter registration fraud NOT VOTER FRAUD?

THERE were NO cases of voter fraud....where someone VOTED that should not have...

voter registration fraud is not the same as voter fraud, and as far as what has been reported, even by the blogs, voter fraud was NOT the result of these employees that committed voter registration registering mickey mouse or the same person hundreds of times, just so they could get paid for the job of registering people?

AM I wrong on this....?

Registration fraud can lead to past-post ballot box stuffing, by way of registrants who didn't vote.

How? By stuffing a copy of their registrations into the box instead of a ballot? Tax registrars in every state in the union scrutinize the REGISTRATIONS before a person is allowed to vote. If they don't do it, why is that some third party's fault?
Ok, let's rewind about, say, 6 years.

Would those cons on here who are applauding the efforts of Tea-Partiers be as supportive of people who were anti-war protestors if they were carrying on like this and a memo surfaced that showed that this deliberately disruptive behavior was being coordinated by different Liberal groups? There was plenty of shit going down back then, but I don't recall hearing of anything like this on their part.

When they have this as part of their guidelines....

– Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate: “The goal is to rattle him, get him off his prepared script and agenda. If he says something outrageous, stand up and shout out and sit right back down. Look for these opportunities before he even takes questions.”

....WTF is the point of even having a town hall meeting, then?

you can dish it out but cant take it, poor boy let me weep for you...*sniff sniff*...sorry thats all i could muster
a zu befehl, fraulein.

Excuse me? Hitler's crowds were all Nazis sympathizers, by the way, hardly protesters. Try not checking your brains at the door every time you enter this gate. Once again, there is a HUGE difference between exercising the right to free speech and storming the stage, asshole.

the only one bringing up hitler is you, liebchen.

i'm sorry that you're such a stooge of the govt that you think some sort of kowtowing is required when dealing with elected officials, aka "public servants". it comes with the territory and fortunately, most of them seem to realize it.

auf weidersehn, kleiner kuchen.

Why do you think I'm German, asshole? And please stop your horseshit by suggesting your subtle HITLER-ESQUE comparison was unintended. You're not fooling anyone, idiot. I'm a fiery red-head of Irish descent, by the way.
a zu befehl, fraulein.

Excuse me? Hitler's crowds were all Nazis sympathizers, by the way, hardly protesters. Try not checking your brains at the door every time you enter this gate. Once again, there is a HUGE difference between exercising the right to free speech and storming the stage, asshole.

the only one bringing up hitler is you, liebchen.

i'm sorry that you're such a stooge of the govt that you think some sort of kowtowing is required when dealing with elected officials, aka "public servants". it comes with the territory and fortunately, most of them seem to realize it.

auf weidersehn, kleiner kuchen.

Directly from the playbook for disrupting town hall meetings. It calls for LISTENING, asshole.

The Battle Plan

Ironically, it is YOU who chose to use the word "kowtow" with respect to these meetings, whereas I referred to it as public reaction to Hitler.
So constituents are exercising their freedoms, and unsurprisingly Democrats have a problem with this.

Anything else?

No, it's oh so "constitutionally correct" to act like a bunch of raging bulls and banshees. These new and extremely arrogant "conservatives" are only proving that the total demise of America is just over the horizon. Intelligence, which comes from analysis of information, is sadly lacking when grown adults just make fools of themselves.

got news for ya Mags...there are some extremely arrogant "liberals" out there of them is the speaker of the house.....

I never said there weren't. This is a whole new thing, however, where throngs of people just think they can somehow help their causes by creating unruly mobs. Yes, it's happened before--the 1968 Chicago riots are the best example. Is this what you want to see repeated by YOUR party?
So constituents are exercising their freedoms, and unsurprisingly Democrats have a problem with this.

Anything else?

No, it's oh so "constitutionally correct" to act like a bunch of raging bulls and banshees. These new and extremely arrogant "conservatives" are only proving that the total demise of America is just over the horizon. Intelligence, which comes from analysis of information, is sadly lacking when grown adults just make fools of themselves.

got news for ya Mags...there are some extremely arrogant "liberals" out there of them is the speaker of the house.....

I never said there weren't. This is a whole new thing, however, where throngs of people just think they can somehow help their causes by creating unruly mobs. Yes, it's happened before--the 1968 Chicago riots are the best example. Is this what you want to see repeated by YOUR party members (or those who purport to be)?
What comes around goes around bitch. I have no illusions that the republican brand name will ever recover from the treason and debauchery perpetrated by you neo cons.

I hope it is political war and you dumb fucks start something you can't stop.

Uh, this guy doesn't strike me as a neo-con.

if you disagree with with the Hugster....your a it or not.....the way it seems to be on this board....but Huggy said once he just lashes he lashed out...

And if anyone disagrees with your "side," we're all "liberals" or "lefties." So what's the difference? They're just stupid labels.
I never said there weren't. This is a whole new thing, however, where throngs of people just think they can somehow help their causes by creating unruly mobs. Yes, it's happened before--the 1968 Chicago riots are the best example. Is this what you want to see repeated by YOUR party?

to preseve the constitution, and the nation? expect more than that.
Clinton was a moderate, Obama is as far left as you can be without being a communist. There is your difference.

Obama spends like he is on speed, passed an 800 billion dollar no-stimulus stimulus bill before he gave anyone time to read it. Then signed a 480 billion dollar Omnibus bill with 9,000 earmarks. Remember his promice of transperency and the "I will not sign anything with earmarks," statements he made. I do. The bailouts of our financial sector and GM. Now a 1 TRILLION dollar healthcare takeover and you wonder why people are upset. Just wait until Cap and Trade goes before the senate, another huge tax on American business that will cause the loss of a few million more jobs.

I am telling you that these are not just conservative republicans, they are democrats and independents as well.

And..... as I stated in a much earlier post, if I were one of those congressmen who voted for that stimulus bill, be it republican or democrat, I would be hiring extra security for my trip home. The people are pissed and they aren't gonna take it any more.

Most thinking people realize the stimulus bill was needed. You can argue all you want about its contents, but you will still lose the argument over the necessity. The 09 omnibus bill needed to be signed off on before we could move on with anything else (otherwise, the slow pace of congress would have them STILL debating THAT, with only two months go to). Obama's health care reform has become unpopular because it continues to be ill-defined and therefore confusing. It remains just an idea, not a plan, yet. Cap and trade probably will NOT become part of the new energy package and yet to listen to the screeching from the right, it's already a done deal.

All that said, if Obama were just short of being a Communist, he would have told Congress to fuck off, institute federal takeover of all the banks, the auto industry, and nationalized every other industry. He would have just signed an executive order for universal health care. As it is now, financial institutions are back on track OPERATING IN A CAPITALISTIC MANNER, private investors are less nervous with the stock market up 44% since March, home construction starts are up, and the list of improvements to the economic outlook are endless. I simply don't know why you people thought this would be something that could be on the fast track in a mere six months with NO government boost, especially since the decline began way more than a year ago.

All people like you do is project your worst-case scenarios based solely on your right-wing opinion pages, and refuse to look at the FACTS.

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