GOP Ties Payroll Cuts and Unemployment Benefits to Canada Pipeline - GOOD JOB GOP!!!!

The Dims will get nothing but shit sandwiches until they get the boot.

Sucks, don't it?

A year into the new Republican Congress and they have accomplished jack shit. They can't formulate a single bill that has a prayer of passing

They are more interested in sucking up to the TeaTards than passing legislation

passing legislation requires a vote you dope. the senate has been sent bills. and your OPINION of the bill, means JACK SHIT, thats how it works.

you guys cannot even pass a budget AND, with total control of the whole magilla..hows that feel?

and hey norton, last I checked neither party starts out to placate the other. the house gop passed a budget, harry has never let it come up for a vote, why is that?

so now the excuse is, its not a good bill, fine send it to committee, allow amendments, work on it then have a vote? what? thats not good anymore?

the dems have not passed a budget in over 2 years....2 years, never before has that happened btw, period. but hey, its the gop's fault.

Bills have to be crafted with an eye towards what is capable of passing. Running out bill after bill with "Repeal Obamacare" or "ban abortion" as a rider is not crafting legislation with a chance of passing

The budget is a joke. If the Dems had a chance of getting Republicans to agree to anything, we would have had a budget three years ago

Republicans have stonewalled Congress and have no intention of allowing anything through unless they get their agenda
Republicans can't pass a bill without a poison pill in it

What a bunch of tools

The Dims will get nothing but shit sandwiches until they get the boot.

Sucks, don't it?

A year into the new Republican Congress and they have accomplished jack shit. They can't formulate a single bill that has a prayer of passing

They are more interested in sucking up to the TeaTards than passing legislation
The system of limited government was set up by the Founders to prevent government from doing things.
The US is the most over regulated 'over lawed' nation on the planet.
Seems the Founder's wishes are being ignored.
In any event, the Dems and Obama are busted. Obama has spent the last year runing around the country, telling anyone who will listen that he wants to put American back to work( His words). Here is the perfect opportunity to create real long term private sector employment, increase revenue to the federal government and create more energy independence. But no. Obama is pissed of because HIS jobs bill was scuttled by BOTH parties. Now, HE is going to show us that you don't screw with the Messiah.
If democrats fail to pass the bill and/or Obama vetoes the bill, he and the dems will take a serious ass kicking next November....
We NEED this pipeline the jobs and the legislation contained in the bill.
Interesting that the same leglislation package cuts EPA funding 3% or so.
And raises military spending 1%.

Look deeper and see past the media directed focus points.
You will understand lots more.
The EPA is out of control. It is the most powerful taxing agency in the federal government.
The EPA used to do good works. Now it is a self serving above the law agency that is accountable to no one.
The EPA has more power to make law than the Congress. That is ridiculous.
In fact, ALL federal departments and regulatory agencies need to be stepped on.
Time to rein in out of control bureaucracy.
Yeah.......but lets not forget the studies that state it will create a huge carbon footprint.

Oh guys believe climate change is a myth.

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years?

New Jersey had eight inches of snow in October .....:eusa_whistle:
West Milford in northern Passaic County snow total was 19.5 inches. Parts of Bergen, Passaic, Morris and Suusex in NJ, Litchfield in CT and several MA counties received over one foot of snow.
It was the earliest snowfall over 3" in Central Park(NYC) before October 31st EVER.
Global warming, my ass.
West Milford in northern Passaic County snow total was 19.5 inches. Parts of Bergen, Passaic, Morris and Suusex in NJ, Litchfield in CT and several MA counties received over one foot of snow.
It was the earliest snowfall over 3" in Central Park(NYC) before October 31st EVER.
Global warming, my ass.

It's called "climate change" now. See, the authors of the lie realized when the tempature wasn't going up, that they had some problems. So they changed the name of it and now it doesnt matter if the tempature goes up or down, they have evidence for "climate change".

Now, some people might think, "isn't the mere fact that they had to change what they called it because people weren't buying it demonstrate that it's false?" In response, I just have to say: yes.
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Hmm a good thread to study.

What happened to the automatic accross the board cuts to kick in with the failure of the stupor comittee?

This is a private sector job... Which is probably another reason why dems oppose it...

Yep a private sector weilding the power of eminent domain to take private property for the pipeline.
Umm. Don't stop there. Tell the WHOLE story.
Landowners MUST by law be compensated for their land at fair market value.
Cut the crap. You're anti oil. Admit it.
Oh BTW I love how you people will scream like little girls about "big oil" , yet you all drive cars or use mass transit powered by fossil fuel....
If you talk the the talk. You must walk the walk. If not, you have zero credibility.
The bill is dead in the water

GOP knows it but plays the game anyway. What a useless Congress

Why would this bill be dead in the water? It gives the Democrats the payroll tax cuts extension AND extends unemployment benefits like they gives the Republicans jobs like they wanted. So why wouldn't this be voted for? Other than Obama wants to use not getting payroll tax cuts passed as an issue against the Republicans?

What's amusing to me, Winger is that you progressives on this board accused Republicans of being the Party of No when they did everything they could to stop ObamaCare...something that was quite plainly NOT wanted by a majority of the American people but then you turn around and accuse the Republicans of being the Party of No when they try to pass something that an overwhelming majority of Americans SUPPORT. It seems to me that the Republicans have become the Party of the People and the Democrats have become the Party of We Know Best.
House GOP Claims Support For Payroll Tax Cut Compromise | Fox News

First, I want to say it's a god damn shame that the GOP has to FORCE the Democrats to create this pipeline that will create tens of thousand high paying direct American jobs and thousand other support jobs! Not to mention it will increase oil production and lower oil prices. Dimocrats "claim" they want to create jobs, this is an SIMPLE way to create tens of thousands of high paying jobs. Liberalism is a mental disease. AND THIS TRUE STIMULUS PROGRAM AND JOB CREATING PROJECT WON'T COST THE TAX PAYOR $1 , it is completely funded by private sector money!

Second, the GOP is compromising by extending the payroll holiday (which I am grateful for) without being able to pay for it (which is a bad move in long-term) and extending unemployment benefits even longer (another LT bad move), yet the Dimocrats still claim the GOP is not compromising, since the GOP ties it an ENORMOUS job creating machine.

If the Dimocrats in the Senate reject this, they are truly socialist that prefer to doom the economy and if Obama vetos this, then I don't want to hear ANYONE get angry when we JUSTIFIABLY call him a Marxist!
We NEED this pipeline. Even Obama agrees. Obmaa has stated many times he wants to put "America back to work" This pipeline and the ongoing use of it will create thousands of good to high paying mostly UNION jobs or at least union scale paying jobs. So why is Obama threatening to veto it? Because he is such an egomaniac. He is pissed off because HIS bill got the collective boot. Even from members of the democrat party. Obama is kowtowing to the environmental lobby which carries great weight in elections.
There is NO Earthly reason to hold up or ban this pipeline or the Bill.
It's politics. Politics of the Left. Politics of ego. Obama's enormous ego and his belief he is superior.

The unions want this pipeline, so he's between a barrack and a hard place. satisfy the eco nutz and risk the ire of the unions??? tsk tsk.
The important difference is that private sector union work will be used. Which is fine.
Hmm a good thread to study.

What happened to the automatic accross the board cuts to kick in with the failure of the stupor comittee?

This is a private sector job... Which is probably another reason why dems oppose it...

Yep a private sector weilding the power of eminent domain to take private property for the pipeline.

and you know for a fact that private property will be taken for the pipeline... how? Exactly?

You have a detailed map of the proposed route, perhaps? Complete with a list of the private properties involved? Share and enjoy!
Republicans can't pass a bill without a poison pill in it

What a bunch of tools

The Dims will get nothing but shit sandwiches until they get the boot.

Sucks, don't it?

A year into the new Republican Congress and they have accomplished jack shit. They can't formulate a single bill that has a prayer of passing

They are more interested in sucking up to the TeaTards than passing legislation

WARNING...WARNING... Democratic talking point... WARNING... WARNING


It is NOT a Republican Congress, dick-spittle, and you know it. The GOP controls only 1/2 of Congress. The 'real' Party of NO... the Democrats, control the Senate AND the White House.
Democrats, seriously what's wrong with drilling for our own oil here in the United states?
Democrats, seriously what's wrong with drilling for our own oil here in the United states?

The pipeline doesn't drill here in the United States. But that's still an excellent question. It's sure safer to drill here than in some third world nation.
The Greedy Old People's party can't take a shit or a piss without lower taxes for the rich or kissing up to Big Oil.

It's what they do.
So cutting Taxes does create jobs after all? Now the Democrats are confusing me. I don't know where they're coming from anymore. A few months ago they were ranting everyday about how cutting Taxes doesn't create jobs. Now they're saying it does? And if it is all about the jobs,why not support this pipeline which will create thousands? I just don't understand their positions anymore.
Cutting taxes for wage earners creates jobs, cutting taxes for Capital Gains Tycoons doesn't. Dems want to cut taxes for wage earners and the GOP want to cut taxes for Capital Gains Tycoons.
Get It???
House GOP Claims Support For Payroll Tax Cut Compromise | Fox News

First, I want to say it's a god damn shame that the GOP has to FORCE the Democrats to create this pipeline that will create tens of thousand high paying direct American jobs and thousand other support jobs! Not to mention it will increase oil production and lower oil prices. Dimocrats "claim" they want to create jobs, this is an SIMPLE way to create tens of thousands of high paying jobs. Liberalism is a mental disease. AND THIS TRUE STIMULUS PROGRAM AND JOB CREATING PROJECT WON'T COST THE TAX PAYOR $1 , it is completely funded by private sector money!

Second, the GOP is compromising by extending the payroll holiday (which I am grateful for) without being able to pay for it (which is a bad move in long-term) and extending unemployment benefits even longer (another LT bad move), yet the Dimocrats still claim the GOP is not compromising, since the GOP ties it an ENORMOUS job creating machine.

If the Dimocrats in the Senate reject this, they are truly socialist that prefer to doom the economy and if Obama vetos this, then I don't want to hear ANYONE get angry when we JUSTIFIABLY call him a Marxist!

Socialist doesn't mean what you think it means, apparently.
Yeah.......but lets not forget the studies that state it will create a huge carbon footprint.

Oh guys believe climate change is a myth.

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years?

New Jersey had eight inches of snow in October .....:eusa_whistle:
West Milford in northern Passaic County snow total was 19.5 inches. Parts of Bergen, Passaic, Morris and Suusex in NJ, Litchfield in CT and several MA counties received over one foot of snow.
It was the earliest snowfall over 3" in Central Park(NYC) before October 31st EVER.
Global warming, my ass.
Snow is a precipitation event! It does not take record cold to produce snow. There was no record cold in any of those places.
Global cooling, my ass.
House GOP Claims Support For Payroll Tax Cut Compromise | Fox News

First, I want to say it's a god damn shame that the GOP has to FORCE the Democrats to create this pipeline that will create tens of thousand high paying direct American jobs and thousand other support jobs! Not to mention it will increase oil production and lower oil prices. Dimocrats "claim" they want to create jobs, this is an SIMPLE way to create tens of thousands of high paying jobs. Liberalism is a mental disease. AND THIS TRUE STIMULUS PROGRAM AND JOB CREATING PROJECT WON'T COST THE TAX PAYOR $1 , it is completely funded by private sector money!

Second, the GOP is compromising by extending the payroll holiday (which I am grateful for) without being able to pay for it (which is a bad move in long-term) and extending unemployment benefits even longer (another LT bad move), yet the Dimocrats still claim the GOP is not compromising, since the GOP ties it an ENORMOUS job creating machine.

If the Dimocrats in the Senate reject this, they are truly socialist that prefer to doom the economy and if Obama vetos this, then I don't want to hear ANYONE get angry when we JUSTIFIABLY call him a Marxist!

Interesting how the House GOP hasn't shown much interest about jobs since they took the majority a year ago but now that oil is involved, they're all fired up.
House GOP Claims Support For Payroll Tax Cut Compromise | Fox News

First, I want to say it's a god damn shame that the GOP has to FORCE the Democrats to create this pipeline that will create tens of thousand high paying direct American jobs and thousand other support jobs! Not to mention it will increase oil production and lower oil prices. Dimocrats "claim" they want to create jobs, this is an SIMPLE way to create tens of thousands of high paying jobs. Liberalism is a mental disease. AND THIS TRUE STIMULUS PROGRAM AND JOB CREATING PROJECT WON'T COST THE TAX PAYOR $1 , it is completely funded by private sector money!

Second, the GOP is compromising by extending the payroll holiday (which I am grateful for) without being able to pay for it (which is a bad move in long-term) and extending unemployment benefits even longer (another LT bad move), yet the Dimocrats still claim the GOP is not compromising, since the GOP ties it an ENORMOUS job creating machine.

If the Dimocrats in the Senate reject this, they are truly socialist that prefer to doom the economy and if Obama vetos this, then I don't want to hear ANYONE get angry when we JUSTIFIABLY call him a Marxist!

I'm sure the GOP is only thinking about American jobs and I applaud them but they need to stop tying unemployment to these bills. They are the reason Americans are still out of work.

They are the minority in the senate so let them continue filibustering until next November or they can start doing the job we sent them there to do.
House GOP Claims Support For Payroll Tax Cut Compromise | Fox News

First, I want to say it's a god damn shame that the GOP has to FORCE the Democrats to create this pipeline that will create tens of thousand high paying direct American jobs and thousand other support jobs! Not to mention it will increase oil production and lower oil prices. Dimocrats "claim" they want to create jobs, this is an SIMPLE way to create tens of thousands of high paying jobs. Liberalism is a mental disease. AND THIS TRUE STIMULUS PROGRAM AND JOB CREATING PROJECT WON'T COST THE TAX PAYOR $1 , it is completely funded by private sector money!

Second, the GOP is compromising by extending the payroll holiday (which I am grateful for) without being able to pay for it (which is a bad move in long-term) and extending unemployment benefits even longer (another LT bad move), yet the Dimocrats still claim the GOP is not compromising, since the GOP ties it an ENORMOUS job creating machine.

If the Dimocrats in the Senate reject this, they are truly socialist that prefer to doom the economy and if Obama vetos this, then I don't want to hear ANYONE get angry when we JUSTIFIABLY call him a Marxist!

Interesting how the House GOP hasn't shown much interest about jobs since they took the majority a year ago but now that oil is involved, they're all fired up.

Funny how that works..

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