GOP Ties Payroll Cuts and Unemployment Benefits to Canada Pipeline - GOOD JOB GOP!!!!

The Greedy Old People's party can't take a shit or a piss without lower taxes for the rich or kissing up to Big Oil.

It's what they do.

What is your objection to these jobs? I thought you guys were in favor of building infrastructure. We need energy or this economy cant grow. We need jobs which this pipeline creates. The environmental impact is minimal. What's the issue???
House GOP Claims Support For Payroll Tax Cut Compromise | Fox News

First, I want to say it's a god damn shame that the GOP has to FORCE the Democrats to create this pipeline that will create tens of thousand high paying direct American jobs and thousand other support jobs! Not to mention it will increase oil production and lower oil prices. Dimocrats "claim" they want to create jobs, this is an SIMPLE way to create tens of thousands of high paying jobs. Liberalism is a mental disease. AND THIS TRUE STIMULUS PROGRAM AND JOB CREATING PROJECT WON'T COST THE TAX PAYOR $1 , it is completely funded by private sector money!

Second, the GOP is compromising by extending the payroll holiday (which I am grateful for) without being able to pay for it (which is a bad move in long-term) and extending unemployment benefits even longer (another LT bad move), yet the Dimocrats still claim the GOP is not compromising, since the GOP ties it an ENORMOUS job creating machine.

If the Dimocrats in the Senate reject this, they are truly socialist that prefer to doom the economy and if Obama vetos this, then I don't want to hear ANYONE get angry when we JUSTIFIABLY call him a Marxist!

Interesting how the House GOP hasn't shown much interest about jobs since they took the majority a year ago but now that oil is involved, they're all fired up.

Funny how that works..

It's funny how you Democrats are desperate to ignore the countless bills Republicans have passed that are stalled in the Senate.
Interesting how the House GOP hasn't shown much interest about jobs since they took the majority a year ago but now that oil is involved, they're all fired up.

Funny how that works..

It's funny how you Democrats are desperate to ignore the countless bills Republicans have passed that are stalled in the Senate.

The supposed bipartisan jobs bills you're referring to primarily involve eliminating government regulations. No GOP surprise there and as far as I'm concerned, they can stay stalled. The Keystone is one of the few if not the only projects sponsored by the GOP which directly puts jobs in people's hands. And of course, no surprise, they would have to be jobs related to oil.
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House GOP Claims Support For Payroll Tax Cut Compromise | Fox News

First, I want to say it's a god damn shame that the GOP has to FORCE the Democrats to create this pipeline that will create tens of thousand high paying direct American jobs and thousand other support jobs! Not to mention it will increase oil production and lower oil prices. Dimocrats "claim" they want to create jobs, this is an SIMPLE way to create tens of thousands of high paying jobs. Liberalism is a mental disease. AND THIS TRUE STIMULUS PROGRAM AND JOB CREATING PROJECT WON'T COST THE TAX PAYOR $1 , it is completely funded by private sector money!

Second, the GOP is compromising by extending the payroll holiday (which I am grateful for) without being able to pay for it (which is a bad move in long-term) and extending unemployment benefits even longer (another LT bad move), yet the Dimocrats still claim the GOP is not compromising, since the GOP ties it an ENORMOUS job creating machine.

If the Dimocrats in the Senate reject this, they are truly socialist that prefer to doom the economy and if Obama vetos this, then I don't want to hear ANYONE get angry when we JUSTIFIABLY call him a Marxist!

Interesting how the House GOP hasn't shown much interest about jobs since they took the majority a year ago but now that oil is involved, they're all fired up.

It's not the federal governments job to create jobs...

This pipeline is NOT a stimulus job or federally funded job - it's a private sector job.

I'm 100% in favor of this pipeline - I'm NOT in favor of government redistributing taxpayer cash to the states so they can bailout pensions and hire unions to fix roads that don't need to be fixed.

Unlike the stimulus this will be no bailout....
House GOP Claims Support For Payroll Tax Cut Compromise | Fox News

First, I want to say it's a god damn shame that the GOP has to FORCE the Democrats to create this pipeline that will create tens of thousand high paying direct American jobs and thousand other support jobs! Not to mention it will increase oil production and lower oil prices. Dimocrats "claim" they want to create jobs, this is an SIMPLE way to create tens of thousands of high paying jobs. Liberalism is a mental disease. AND THIS TRUE STIMULUS PROGRAM AND JOB CREATING PROJECT WON'T COST THE TAX PAYOR $1 , it is completely funded by private sector money!

Second, the GOP is compromising by extending the payroll holiday (which I am grateful for) without being able to pay for it (which is a bad move in long-term) and extending unemployment benefits even longer (another LT bad move), yet the Dimocrats still claim the GOP is not compromising, since the GOP ties it an ENORMOUS job creating machine.

If the Dimocrats in the Senate reject this, they are truly socialist that prefer to doom the economy and if Obama vetos this, then I don't want to hear ANYONE get angry when we JUSTIFIABLY call him a Marxist!

Interesting how the House GOP hasn't shown much interest about jobs since they took the majority a year ago but now that oil is involved, they're all fired up.

It's not the federal governments job to create jobs...

This pipeline is NOT a stimulus job or federally funded job - it's a private sector job.

I'm 100% in favor of this pipeline - I'm NOT in favor of government redistributing taxpayer cash to the states so they can bailout pensions and hire unions to fix roads that don't need to be fixed.

Unlike the stimulus this will be no bailout....

All sounds good to me. I just wish the pipeline didn't run through the aquifier and I just thought it typical that a GOP sponsored project had to involve oil. So which private sector company gets to build the pipeline?
Interesting how the House GOP hasn't shown much interest about jobs since they took the majority a year ago but now that oil is involved, they're all fired up.

It's not the federal governments job to create jobs...

This pipeline is NOT a stimulus job or federally funded job - it's a private sector job.

I'm 100% in favor of this pipeline - I'm NOT in favor of government redistributing taxpayer cash to the states so they can bailout pensions and hire unions to fix roads that don't need to be fixed.

Unlike the stimulus this will be no bailout....

All sounds good to me. I just wish the pipeline didn't run through the aquifier and I just thought it typical that a GOP sponsored project had to involve oil. So which private sector company gets to build the pipeline?

I don't understand how the "aquifer" plays ANY role in this.

You may as well get bent over the way your electric and plumbing are laid out in your home..

I don't know who will build the pipeline - I'm sure MANY different companies will.

Why did you even bother to ask that question anyways???
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1# Sure, we should build around the aquifier.
2# What's wrong with oil? It is a important part of our economy, so big oil isn't our enemy. It creates a large percentage of the jobs in this country.
This entire project is a win-win across the board.

I'd rather buy oil from Canada than Saudi Arabia....
It's not the federal governments job to create jobs...

This pipeline is NOT a stimulus job or federally funded job - it's a private sector job.

I'm 100% in favor of this pipeline - I'm NOT in favor of government redistributing taxpayer cash to the states so they can bailout pensions and hire unions to fix roads that don't need to be fixed.

Unlike the stimulus this will be no bailout....

All sounds good to me. I just wish the pipeline didn't run through the aquifier and I just thought it typical that a GOP sponsored project had to involve oil. So which private sector company gets to build the pipeline?

I don't understand how the "aquifer" plays ANY role in this.

You may as well get bent over the way your electric and plumbing are laid out in your home..

I don't know who will build the pipeline - I'm sure MANY different companies will.

Why did you even bother to ask that question anyways???

The aquifier is the reason why the project decision got postponed until 2013. I'd say it plays a huge role in this.

I was wondering if it was Haliburton or Exxon or some other huge corporation with deep government ties who would be heading up the project.
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All sounds good to me. I just wish the pipeline didn't run through the aquifier and I just thought it typical that a GOP sponsored project had to involve oil. So which private sector company gets to build the pipeline?

I don't understand how the "aquifer" plays ANY role in this.

You may as well get bent over the way your electric and plumbing are laid out in your home..

I don't know who will build the pipeline - I'm sure MANY different companies will.

Why did you even bother to ask that question anyways???

The aquifier is the reason why the project got postponed until 2013. I'd say it plays a huge role in this.

I was wondering if it was Haliburton or Exxon or some other huge corporation with deep government ties who would be heading up the project.

You do realize this pipe is only like 4 feet in diameter..

Why the fuck would Haliburton get the contract or even Exxon???

No one would get the "job" - many different contractors would take the gig on.... This isn't a government job.
IMO this isn't even the business of the federal government..

Theoretically the states should have all the say in this.... I don't know why a representative from Maine believes they have the say over whether or not a pipe can go through Wisconsin.
I've come to the conclusion that it's all about KILLING fossil fuels and replacing them with renewable energy like solar or wind. What these people don't get is the fact that it will take decades or centuries to do so. I will flat out admit that I"M not against renewable energy, but feel it doesn't have a chance in hell to replace coal and oil.

Oil and coal is what makes the world go around. Big oil shouldn't be hated as they're only working to provide us with the resource we want.
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I've come to the conclusion that it's all about KILLING fossil fuels and replacing them with renewable energy like solar or wind. What these people don't get is the fact that it will take decades or centuries to do so. I will flat out admit that I"M not against renewable energy, but feel it doesn't have a chance in hell to replace coal and oil.

Oil and coal is what makes the world go around. Big oil shouldn't be hated as they're only working to provide us with the resource we want.

What these people don't get is that alternative energy isn't even viable.
Yeah.......but lets not forget the studies that state it will create a huge carbon footprint.

Oh guys believe climate change is a myth.

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years?

That's the problem. The democrats always want to make the claim that drilling for more oil, whether off the gulf coast or from Canada, will not effect gas prices on the short term. Yet they have been using this arguement since the oil crisis under President Carter. Instead we are to be dependent upon the middle east for oil and become vulnerable to every hostile action or uprising that takes place there. We then look to keep our military spread overseas to protect our interests, while the left wants the United States to reduce our role with the military. They want to cater to both sides of the argument without making much in the way of "common sense".

Instead liberals believe we should be looking for alternate energy cars, vehicles that Obama has pushed for through government subsidies to get Americans to buy. However, the production of the Chevy Volt has wasted more taxpayer dollars than has claimed in terms of sales. The market simply is not ready to look at such an expense during such a bad economic recession. The Chevy Volt is yet another attempt that has gone nowhere, along with the failures of GREEN corporations this administration has already given Billions of dollars to, yet all of which mysteriously goes belly up as if Obama never knew they were in financial trouble. It's time the Democrats got their act together, admit where they failed by making poor taxpayer decisions based on "ideology" over common sense, and get Americans back to work through the Keystone Pipeline. This is an opportunity that will create actual long term productive jobs, not the short term government stimulus gimmics, that have STILL left unemployment higher than when Obama took office. Let's not become dependent upon such a volatile region like the middle east, let the Democrats prove they are serious about job creation.
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Yeah.......but lets not forget the studies that state it will create a huge carbon footprint.

Oh guys believe climate change is a myth.

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years?

That's the problem. The democrats always want to make the claim that drilling for more oil, whether off the gulf coast or from Canada, will not effect gas prices on the short term. Yet they have been using this arguement since the oil crisis under President Carter. Instead we are to be dependent upon the middle east for oil and become vulnerable to every hostile action or uprising that takes place there. We then look to keep our military spread overseas to protect our interests, while the left wants the United States to reduce our role with the military. They want to cater to both sides of the argument without making much in the way of "common sense".

Instead liberals believe we should be looking for alternate energy cars, vehicles that Obama has pushed for through government subsidies to get Americans to buy. However, the production of the Chevy Volt has wasted more taxpayer dollars than has claimed in terms of sales. The market simply is not ready to look at such an expense during such a bad economic recession. The Chevy Volt is yet another attempt that has gone nowhere, along with the failures of GREEN corporations this administration is already has given Billions of dollars to, yet all of which mysteriously goes belly up as if Obama never knew they were in financial trouble. It's time the Democrats got their act together, admit where they failed by making poor taxpayer decisions based on "ideology" over common sense, and get Americans back to work through the keystone Pipeline. This is an opportunity that will create actual long term productive jobs, not the short term government stimulus gimmics, that have STILL left unemployment higher than when Obama took office. Let's not become dependent upon such a volatile region like the middle east, let the Democrats prove they are serious about job creation.

by making poor taxpayer decisions based on "ideology" over common sense

well there ya have it,in a nut shell.
Yeah.......but lets not forget the studies that state it will create a huge carbon footprint.

Oh guys believe climate change is a myth.

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years?

Are you aware that there was snow in July in the bread basket of America back in the late 1700's?

Are you aware that before this year, the hottest summer on record was decades ago?

I find those that are still fighting for this "global warming" turned to "global cooling" turned to "climate change" as silly "chikcen littles"

I'm still waiting for this administration to push the Amish folks, traveling around in there little black buggies, to undergo an "emissions test" of their own in order to help save the environment.

This will never end until this government controls everything and every decision people must make. They can't simply let the American people think for themselves, government has to do it for them. Welcome to the expensive world of Big Government according to the left. "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness", the irony behind such an foundational statement for a young government.
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Interesting how the House GOP hasn't shown much interest about jobs since they took the majority a year ago but now that oil is involved, they're all fired up.

It's not the federal governments job to create jobs...

This pipeline is NOT a stimulus job or federally funded job - it's a private sector job.

I'm 100% in favor of this pipeline - I'm NOT in favor of government redistributing taxpayer cash to the states so they can bailout pensions and hire unions to fix roads that don't need to be fixed.

Unlike the stimulus this will be no bailout....

All sounds good to me. I just wish the pipeline didn't run through the aquifer and I just thought it typical that a GOP sponsored project had to involve oil. So which private sector company gets to build the pipeline?

You do realize there are already a shitload of OLD pipelines running through the Ogallala Aquifer, right? And there's cities, farms, and industrial activity that all take place on it as well, right?
And this new, state of the art pipeline is the ecological disaster waiting to happen, even though it will have capacity to replace some old existing lines? Bullshit, it's politics plain and simple.

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